Scars and Sins (Brooklyn Brothers Book 2)

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Scars and Sins (Brooklyn Brothers Book 2) Page 12

by Melanie Munton

  “What does that mean?”

  His thumb rubbed over the dimple in my bottom lip. “It means I don’t want to see anything happen to you. And nothing’s going to.”

  My fingers circled his wrist. Not pulling him away, just keeping him there.

  “You can’t really control that, Ace.”

  He gnashed his teeth, his eyes burning with so much heat they scalded my skin.

  “Watch me.”

  His lips crashed against mine, his tongue pushing inside and driving deep before I could even take a breath. Refusing to think, I flung my arms around his neck and threw everything I had at him. God, I felt ravenous. His arms slid underneath my thighs and hoisted me up, guiding me to wrap my legs around his waist.

  My back was slammed against the wall.

  My dress was rucked up around my hips.

  His movements weren’t as controlled as they had been at the tattoo parlor. They felt wild. Unleashed. Intense. Like someone was about to come in here and snatch me away from him. I didn’t have the words to soothe his anxiety, so I went along with it and matched his desperation with my own ferocious need.

  My black satin panties and his sweats were all that prevented him from claiming the part of me I had held onto for so long. I could feel his straining hardness through his cotton and fleece barrier. I had the insane urge to just push them down, take him in my hand, and guide him inside me. Without protection, without hesitation. I was ready to feel all of him until my thighs were exhausted and sore.

  “Ravishing,” he hissed, tearing his mouth from mine. “That’s what you look like in this fucking dress.”

  He took both my hands from around his neck and pinned them against the wall on either side of my head. Using our entwined fingers and the wall for leverage, he rolled his hips against mine, pressing hard when the tip of his head met my clit.

  “Oh, my God. That, Ace. Keep doing that.”

  “Like I could fucking stop.” He adjusted his rocking hips, getting an even better angle. “Right there?”

  “Yes. Oh, please, yes.”

  On a groan, his mouth latched onto my neck and feasted. But his sweatpants were too slick to keep him right where I needed him, right at that spot. For once, I actually missed the rough material of his jeans.

  “Go back…”

  I grunted in frustration, searching for the words to tell him what I needed, but they were lost to me. This was where inexperience could impede pleasure.

  “I can’t—I need—”

  He abruptly dropped me to my feet. “What you need is my mouth on your cunt.”

  I sucked in a breath, just as a distinct throbbing began between my thighs.

  “And what I need is a taste.”

  He fell to his knees.

  Shoving my legs apart, he guided one to rest on his shoulder. Just as his fingers pushed aside my panties and my heart started palpitating, a beeping sound came from the wall of computers. The high-pitched noise filled the room, followed closely by his doorbell.

  He stilled.

  “What is that?” I asked breathlessly.

  He dropped his head, letting my dress fall back into place. “It better mean that someone is dead. Otherwise, this person’s going to be.”

  Sighing, he rose to his feet and turned to the computers. Then he sputtered a tirade of curses under his breath. “What the hell is he doing here?”


  My gaze zeroed in on the screen displaying his front stoop, but I didn’t recognize the man standing there. Even though I could only see his profile, nothing about him seemed familiar.

  Ace spun around to the door. “Do me a favor and stay in here, okay? No one needs to know you’re here.”

  I nodded, a sliver of fear spiking my heart.

  Should I be scared for him? Who is that guy?

  At my silence, he turned back and gave me a quick kiss. “Everything is fine, all right? I told you, you don’t have to worry.”

  Why was it every time he said that, I felt like I was somehow being dismissed?

  Then he was out the door and marching down the hallway.

  While I remained in his safe room, wondering what about this person made Ace tense up like he was ready for a fight.

  “Can I help you, Detective?”

  Bryce Connelly stood on my front stoop, raising an eyebrow at my curt greeting. “Someone’s pissy. Did your hand not put out tonight or something?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest. I was only half-dressed, and my hair was probably fucked to hell and back from Roxy’s fingers. It was obvious I’d been in the middle of something, and the bastard still had the nerve to give me shit?

  “Are you going to stand there hurling middle school insults at me all night?” I asked, glowering, “Or are you going to tell me why the hell you’re interrupting my night?”

  He stepped through the door when I opened it wider for him. But that was as far as I’d allow him to go. Any other time I would have taken him back to the kitchen for a beer while we talked business that would have eventually turned into friendly chatting. Bryce was a good sort and was a friend to all five of us.

  But with Roxy in the back, his ass was staying right here in my foyer. He seemed to sense my reluctance, too, and looked mildly amused. Dick.

  “I know I’m pretty to look at, Connelly, but let’s get this over with.”

  He narrowed his eyes as the wheels spun inside his head. He never could turn off the detective in him. I kept my expression carefully blank. He wasn’t learning jack shit from me, not unless I wanted him to.

  “I assume you’re aware the Gabbianos are in town?” he asked.

  “Try having my last name and not knowing that.”

  He placed his hands on his hips, putting all his weight on one foot. He was a pretty big guy. Played hockey at Syracuse during college, but had come back to the city to become a cop instead of pursuing a career in the pros. Both his last name and the bronze, reddish tint to his hair spoke of an Irish or Scottish heritage. It was longer than the last time I’d seen it, curling over his ears now. I assumed he was like me and had just gotten too lazy and careless to mess with it, rather than deliberately choosing the look as a style.

  “Then I assume you’re also aware that they’re watching all the top members of the five families very closely?”

  My pulse jumped.

  I was afraid I already knew where he was going with this.

  “I would expect nothing less,” I answered casually. “With all the disorder over the last year, they’d want to find out everything that’s been going on behind their backs. What’s your point?”

  His sky-blue eyes speared right through me.


  No wonder he had a reputation as a ruthless interrogator. His eyes did all the talking for him.

  “My point is they’re watching everyone, Ace.” He took a step toward me. “Including the members who aren’t even really involved in the organization. Like a boss’s daughter.”

  Fucking Christ. He knows.

  How the hell did he know?

  I shrugged, refusing to give away anything without confirmation. “Daughters, sons, cousins… What does that have to do with me? In case you didn’t notice, Connelly, I’m a Rossetti. Which means that no one’s watching me.”

  Of course, that wasn’t true.

  The Gabbianos could absolutely have had men watching us ever since they’d arrived in town. Just because we hadn’t seen anything didn’t mean it wasn’t happening. That’s why we’d all been on our guard for the last month.

  “Maybe, maybe not,” Connelly said. “But they are watching Roxanna D’Angelo.”

  Direct hit.

  My jaw clenched. “And?”

  He scoffed, his sneer telling me he was offended. “Cut the shit, Ace. The five of you may not always tell me everything, especially the shit I really don’t want to know, but that doesn’t mean I’m not damn good at my job. I know more than all of you think. I’m just particular about
what I do with that information. So, quit acting like I’m fucking stupid and drop the bullshit.”

  I exhaled heavily and uncrossed my arms.

  The jig was up.

  “Fine,” I conceded. “Yes, I’ve seen Roxy a few times since she’s been back. It’s not the beginning of World War III.”

  “It might as well be!” He obviously hadn’t meant to shout the words, so he took a measured breath and lowered his voice back to normal. “You know they’ve practically declared war on your family. And the Gabbianos are on the verge of war with the other five if this little visit of theirs doesn’t go well. Why on fucking earth would you choose her, of all women in this whole godforsaken city, to hook up with?”

  “First of all,” I began, gritting my teeth, “we’re not hooking up.” Yet. “Second of all, whatever I do with Roxy is none of your goddamn business, Detective.”

  “And you don’t think it’s any of Enzo’s business?” he retorted. “Or any of your brothers’ business? Because they obviously don’t have a clue what’s going on. Do they?”

  I really wasn’t positive on that. None of them had called me up after the night at O’Malley’s, demanding to know why I’d left with Roxy in such a tizzy. I was hoping that meant they’d been too focused on Gia’s surprise performance and hadn’t even noticed Roxy. Or maybe hadn’t recognized her. She looked almost nothing like the girl she’d been five years ago.

  My hands fisted at my sides as I stared down the only cop in this entire city I trusted.

  I wanted to fucking punch him.

  But I knew it wouldn’t do any good.

  If he came to me seeking answers, rather than going straight to my father to tattle-tell, that meant he was probably just looking out for me. Truth be told, he’d sort of become another big brother to me over the years.

  Like I need any more of those.

  “The issue between my family and the D’Angelos has nothing to do with me and Roxy,” I fumed. “That’s an issue between our fathers—not us. But since they can’t seem to get over their little spat, hell no, I’m not going to tell my father about this. There’s too much other shit to worry about.”

  Bryce shook his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe this. You’re supposed to be the smartest one of all of us. Ace, what you’re failing to realize is that your relationship with her is going to get tangled up right in the middle of all this shit going on. It’s going to add fuel to the fire and will only give the Gabbianos one more reason to come after your family and the D’Angelos. Do you understand how many people’s lives you’re putting in jeopardy, all because your dick is hard for some mafia piece of ass?”

  I had him pinned against the door and his windpipe underneath my forearm in less than a second.

  He had at least four inches on me and a good thirty pounds, so I knew it’d be a challenge to put him flat on his ass. My move had just taken him by surprise. When he wanted to fight back, he would.

  But with the amount of rage coursing through my veins in that moment, I wasn’t sure how evenly matched we really would have been.

  “Never talk about her like that again,” I snarled in his face. “She’s not responsible for the sins of her father or of my family. And if anyone tries to take payment for those sins from her, I’ll send them back to Italy in goddamn body bags.”

  I gave him one final shove before pushing off of him. He stumbled a bit and had to clear his throat, but it wasn’t like I’d used my full strength.

  “I’m sorry for my shitty choice of words,” he apologized, scrubbing his hand down his wan face. “But Christ, Ace. Come on, man. You’ve been like my kid brother almost my entire life. I’m trying to have your back right now, even though I could have gotten fired a thousand different times for all the information I’ve passed on to you guys over the years.”

  I ran my hand through my hair, feeling a migraine coming on. “And I appreciate it, but I know what I’m doing.” I shot him a wary look. “Wait, how did you find out about the two of us?”

  His expression turned sympathetic. “I got word that someone from the Sicilian syndicate saw her leave O’Malley’s Pub the other night with a man. They didn’t get a good look at the guy, but everyone knows that’s your guys’ bar. And because I know you, it wasn’t too difficult to put the pieces together.”

  “So, they’re actually having her followed?”

  That fucking incensed me.

  “I don’t think all the time. With all the members they’re keeping tabs on, they don’t have enough numbers to keep a watch on everyone 24/7. I’d still be cautious, though, if I were her. Or you.”

  I got the impression he didn’t know about next week’s summit between the Gabbianos and all the families. Otherwise, he would have already mentioned it. And even though it made me feel like an asshole, I wasn’t about to share that piece of information. We had every intention of surveilling it, which would be a hell of a lot harder to do if we had the fucking cops sniffing around and breathing down our necks.

  He’d said it himself, he didn’t want to know about everything we did.

  He’d find out about it eventually. But the longer it took him to catch on, the better for us.

  “Despite what you might think,” I said, “I’m not taking this situation lightly. I know exactly what’s at stake.” Possibly Roxy’s life. “And I’ll do absolutely whatever I have to do to protect that.”

  He assessed me with those detective’s eyes again. “You’re willing to throw yourself on that fire for her? Because that’s exactly what might happen.”

  “If it means keeping her safe, then yes.”

  His blue eyes were now shooting daggers at me. “I don’t like it.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “They might have already figured out it was you she left O’Malley’s with,” he warned. “It’s not like I have a direct communication line to mafia business. And if they don’t yet know it was you, it’s only a matter of time before they figure it out. What are you going to do when that happens and all hell really breaks loose?”

  I shrugged, even though my stomach got a little queasy at the thought. “What we always do in my family. Protect what’s mine and punish anyone who threatens it.”

  “You’re going to take on the Gabbianos?” he asked skeptically. “You sure the rest of your family would appreciate you throwing them onto the flames with you?”

  “If it comes to that, yes,” I hissed. “We always have each other’s backs, especially when it involves something this important. Besides, the Espositos were the ones who started all of this. They came after us.”

  “You think the Gabbianos give a shit about that at this point?” he snapped. “You guys stepped back into their world whether you want to admit it or not. As far as they’re concerned, that means the Rossettis are playing by mafia rules now. And I don’t have to tell you those rules are constantly broken. Every one of you is fair game.”

  “So be it,” I countered. “We’re aware of the risks when we play their game.”

  “There are more players this time, Ace. A lot more pieces on the gameboard. And something like this usually only has one winner.”

  “Good thing I’m competitive, then. I don’t start a game I think I’ll lose.”

  “No one ever intends to lose. But the odds are it’ll happen to you eventually.”

  Several beats of tense silence passed as those words hung heavy in the air between us.

  “And what about that other thing I asked you to look into?” I asked, shifting the topic.

  He shook his head. “No new information yet, but I’m working on it. I’ll let you know as soon as I have something.”

  We stared at each other for another moment.

  Nothing more needed to be said.

  Sensing he wasn’t going to be asked to stay for a drink, he turned for the door. And God knew I was eager to get this harbinger of bad news out of my house so I could get back to Roxy.

  He paused over the threshold, his exp
ression grim. “It’s going to be a whole lot worse if your family finds out about the two of you from anyone other than you.”

  “Well, that anyone better not be you, or you and I are going to have a problem.”

  The fact that I’d just threatened a cop didn’t faze me. Didn’t seem to faze him either. He always knew where he stood with all of us.

  “They won’t hear about it from me.” He sounded almost disappointed in me. “But if this does get out and shit goes sideways, call me. Anytime, day or night. I can’t properly do my job and put those bastard Gabbianos where they belong if you five go all vigilante on me. They can’t be booked if nothing is legal.”

  I met his steely eyes. “Maybe not. But they can be killed.”

  I slammed the door in his face.

  Falling against the heavy wood, I pinched the bridge of my nose. These recent migraines I’d been getting were a bitch.

  When I opened my eyes again, Roxy stood at the other end of the hall, stiff as a board.

  The stark fear on her face told me she’d heard everything.

  I cautiously started moving down the hall toward Roxy. “Hey, sorry about that.”

  “Was all that true?” she whispered, her voice quavering.

  I slowed my movements. “How much did you hear?”

  Her lower lip trembled. “Everything.”

  My eyes slid shut. Fuck.

  After prying them back open, I tried to offer her a reassuring smile. “He likes to exaggerate. He’s a cop, so he sees every situation as a potential crime-in-the-making. It’s going to be fine.”

  “Is all of what you both said true?” she repeated in a firmer voice.

  I steeled myself for an eruption. “Yes.”

  Her hand flew to her mouth, her eyes watering. “Oh, my God. What are we doing? We’re putting everyone in danger. You’re entire family…” She choked on the last word.

  I strode over and drew her into my arms. “I swear, nothing is going to happen to them or to you.”

  “Yeah, you swear it because you’ll risk your own life if you have to,” she cried. “No one is sacrificing themselves for me, Ace. Especially you!”


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