Scars and Sins (Brooklyn Brothers Book 2)

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Scars and Sins (Brooklyn Brothers Book 2) Page 16

by Melanie Munton

“It won’t hurt for long,” he soothed, placing sweet kisses over my jaw. “I promise, I’ll make it go away.”

  And he did.

  It only took a few thrusts before the pain transformed into pleasure. The glide of his cock against my channel became more of a massage than a chafe. Before long, I was meeting his rocking hips with my own, demanding that he never stop, and climbing back up that memorable precipice.

  “Rox, baby,” he breathed. “I have to… I can’t hold on.”

  I was already clenching around him. “Yes. Oh, yes.”

  “Ah, Christ. That’s fucking amazing.”

  His pounding thrusts became so forceful I thought he was going to launch us through the wall. He swelled bigger inside me just before he released with a loud bellow. The veins in his arms and neck bulged as he rode out his climax. I thought mine had lasted forever, yet his didn’t seem to have a finish line.

  He looked mindless to his rapture.

  And I loved that I got to see it.

  Loved that I caused it.

  My God, and what had he done to me? Already, my limbs were weak from exertion, my insides trembling from the aftereffects of my adrenaline rush.

  And my heart was floating among the clouds.

  He left for only a moment to dispose of the condom and clean between my legs. It hadn’t occurred to me that I might have bled on his pure white sheets, but he seemed entirely unconcerned with stains in that moment. Looking wholly satiated, he laid back down next to me and wrapped me in his arms, my back to his chest.

  I sighed in satisfaction. And happiness.

  As far as I was concerned, spooning with Ace was one step short of Heaven.

  “You were a virgin before, Rox,” he murmured in my ear in Italian, sounding near asleep. “Now, you’re mine.”

  That was when I could finally admit it to myself.

  I had been unconsciously saving that all these years…for him.

  I woke up with a hangover the next morning.

  But I hadn’t had a single drop of alcohol the night before. The blistering headache and heavy limbs were not the result of over-imbibing on booze but on Roxy herself.

  I’d gotten drunk off of her.

  I’d woken her up once in the middle of the night to slide between her legs. I had a new addiction and only she could feed it. Between our heady indulgences and the engagement announcement at the plant and subsequent shootout, I was feeling pretty trashed.

  Unwilling to wake her from her peaceful sleep, I leaned over and kissed her bare shoulder before forcing myself out of bed. I was jonesing hard for some caffeine. After slipping on the nearest pair of sweatpants, I groggily headed downstairs and started a strong pot of coffee.

  My first sip was blissfully lubricating my scratchy throat—maybe I should have toned down the groaning last night—when there was a knock on my front door. After yesterday’s events and my revealing reaction to Roxy’s pseudo-engagement, I knew my visitor had to be someone from my family.

  I just didn’t expect it to be Gia.

  She had a pout stamped on her face that reminded me of the little girl who used to drive us all crazy with her sporadic tantrums.

  “You’re up awful early,” I commented as she charged into my foyer. “I thought you didn’t have classes today.”

  “I don’t.”

  “Want some coffee?”

  “You’ve got some nerve, Alessandro.”

  I knew she was peeved about something when she used my first name like that.

  “Yeesh, I didn’t know you were so touchy about coffee. You prefer tea?”

  She planted her hands on her hips and defiantly stared me down. “I’m talking about having the balls to lecture me about spending time with Roxy behind everyone’s backs when you’ve literally been sleeping with her the whole time. Out of all my brothers, I never thought I’d have to deal with hypocrisy from you.”

  I winced.

  I had come down on her a little hard after the O’Malley’s debacle.

  My mistake had been approaching her the day after Roxy had stormed out of my place, proclaiming we couldn’t see each other again. I guess I’d still been reeling from that episode and had taken some of my frustration out on Gia. But she needed to understand the full impact a renewed friendship with Roxy had. I was willing to accept whatever consequences befell me due to my relationship with her, but was Gia prepared for the same?

  “Who says I’m sleeping with her?”

  She rolled her eyes in annoyance. “For God’s sake, Ace, this is me you’re talking to. Do you forget how well I know you? Roxy’s upstairs right now. I might be the baby in the family, but I’m not stupid.”

  “Then you’re naïve.” I watched as indignance sparked to life in her eyes. “You have no idea what’s really going on with the families, more specifically between the D’Angelos and the Gabbianos.”

  “And I don’t particularly care,” she snapped. “I’m just trying to get my friend back.”

  I stomped off toward the kitchen with her right on my heels. “Which is probably the most dangerous thing you could be doing right now. Other than sneaking around bars at night by yourself and putting your face in front of hundreds of people’s phones.”

  “How is what I’m doing any different than what you’re doing?” she fumed. “You’ve not only crossed Dad’s mafia boundary, you’ve crossed the mafia’s mafia boundary. They forbade any family member from associating with a Rossetti. You’re putting Roxy in just as much danger as she and I have put ourselves in by hanging out together.”

  I placed my palms on the butcher’s block, my expression turning stern. I didn’t often pull the big brother card with her. We usually saw each other as equals and treated each other fairly. But I would do what I had to do here to keep someone else I loved safe.

  “It’s different with us, Gia. I know the risks of being involved with her. I’ve accepted those. But the fact of the matter is that I’d be looking after her even if we didn’t have a relationship. Whatever is going on between Vinnie and the Gabbianos, she needs protection from it. Being with her just makes that job easier.”

  Her mouth bent into a hurt frown. “I don’t get why you didn’t tell me. I mean, I understand why she didn’t. You’re her best friend’s brother. But it’s always been me and you, Ace. We tell each other things we don’t share with everyone else. And you didn’t trust me with the biggest secret of all.”

  “Just like you didn’t trust me with your biggest secret?”

  Guilt swarmed her expression.

  “Did you really think I’d try to talk you out of it?” I asked gently. “Have I not been more supportive of your music than anyone else? I’ve always encouraged you.”

  “You have,” she agreed, most of the fight having left her voice. “And I really was going to tell you about the live performing, but I needed to make sure I was good enough first. I didn’t want you to see me fail.”

  Everything inside me softened at her tone.

  Just like when she was younger and her music teacher told her she had “too husky of a voice” and that she needed to sound “more feminine,” I pulled her into my arms and assured her that she had one of the most amazing voices I’d ever heard and anyone who didn’t know it was a world-class moron.

  And I wasn’t just trying to coddle her.

  I meant every word.

  She eased out of my hug, her mouth stretching into a grateful smile. “You kind of took the wind out of my sails, you know. I wanted to stay mad a little longer.”

  I opened one of the cabinets and grabbed another mug out. “It’s not like I haven’t had years of practice. I think I’m pretty skilled at cooling off your steam at this point.”

  She gave in to her laughter as she accepted the full mug of coffee I handed her.

  We were sitting at the bar, quietly talking about her upcoming performances when Roxy stumbled in. Between her expression of utter astonishment and her helmet of hair sticking out in all directions, she looked li
ke she’d stuck her finger in a wall socket.

  She’s so damn adorable.

  And sexy.

  She was wearing my goddamn underwear.


  I did not need my little sister to see the tent I instantly pitched at the sight of Roxy in my home, wearing my clothes.

  “How long did I sleep?” Looking dazed, Roxy glanced between me and Gia. “And exactly how much have I missed?”

  Gia stood up from the counter, her spine stubbornly straight. “So, when you told me last week that we couldn’t hang out anymore because you couldn’t be seen with anyone from my family, that obviously didn’t apply to my brother. Right?”

  Roxy was clearly hurt by the accusation. “It’s not like that. I told Ace the same thing I told you, and we did stop talking. But then yesterday—” She bit back her words, cutting her eyes sharply to me.

  I subtly shook my head behind Gia’s back. The fewer people who knew about that scene at the plant, the better. Including my sister.

  “We bumped into each other,” Roxy finished. “Things just…happened.”

  Gia threw her hands up, shaking her head. “Ah, stop! I don’t need to hear about how you and my brother have been bumping into each other. It’s just now sinking in with me what this all means and the gross factor is wigging me out.”

  “So, you’re not mad?” Roxy asked hopefully.

  “Oh, I’m plenty mad.” Gia shrugged, grinning. “But I guess I’ll get over it. After all, it’s not like I haven’t been keeping my own secrets lately.”

  That pathetic muscle in my chest did some weird thumping when they hugged each other and giggled, just like they used to all over this house years ago.

  I cleared my throat. “I hate to put a damper on things, but the situation is still complicated. Until things settle down with the families, Roxy needs to have minimal contact with our side.”

  Gia raised an eyebrow at me. “Can I assume you’re excluding yourself from that rule?”

  I shot her a hard look. I wasn’t getting into that again—she needed to drop it.

  Leaving Roxy alone was not an option.

  The past week without so much as a word from her had been maddening. Constantly wondering what she was doing, who she was talking to, if anyone was bothering her, if she was in danger. And from what I saw and heard at the plant yesterday, I had very good reason to worry.

  “Can’t we just be really careful and keep everything on the down-low?” Roxy begged me. “If we promise to only hang out behind closed doors?”

  Well, shit.

  I didn’t think I could refuse her anything when she looked at me like that. When her sparkling, mischievous eyes silently promised me future rewards if I complied.

  “No more bar hopping?” I said. “At least until everything calms down.”

  “No more bars together,” Gia vowed, nudging Roxy with her shoulder. “I’ll still be performing, but I promise not to bring my groupie with me.”

  Roxy’s shoulders slumped. “Damn. I wanted to work on some new music with you.”

  “Oh, we will be.” Gia glanced smugly back at me. “Looks like we’re setting up shop here, bro.”


  “If we can’t go out for drinks and I certainly can’t bring her over to Mom and Dad’s—ditto for her father’s place—where else do we have to go if we want to see each other?”

  They both stood there, beaming at me.

  I dropped my head to the counter and groaned, realizing the enormity of what I’d just done.

  If Gia was going to be here a lot more often, I probably needed to soundproof all the rooms. Because I planned on having Roxy in every room of this house, frequently and loudly.

  My phone rang on the counter near my head as I listened to their excited chattering about new songs. I reached out and answered it without looking at the screen.

  “Whoever this is, you have to save me.”

  Cris chuckled over the line. “Looks like it’s your lucky day, then, because Dad wants us at the house now. I need filled in on whatever new shit you guys stirred up yesterday.”

  “Thank God,” I muttered. “On my way.”

  My plan had been to drag Roxy off to the shower once she’d woken up, but I wasn’t about to intrude on their fun now. Plus, what I wanted to do to her should never be rushed and I needed to leave as soon as possible.

  Before I left the kitchen, I pulled her to the side for a kiss. “I’ve got some business I need to take care of. I shouldn’t be gone more than a few hours.”

  With zero installations scheduled for the day, I’d fully intended on making the most of our time together. But I’d have to wait a little longer before I could have Roxy all to myself.

  I shifted my gaze to Gia. “Will you be gone by the time I get back?”

  “What? You don’t want to spend some quality time with your sister?”

  I just stared at her blankly.

  She eventually huffed. “Yes, fine. I’ll be gone when you get back so you two can have your disgusting little love fest.”

  I waited for Roxy’s reaction to Gia’s words, and I wasn’t disappointed. Her blush was fierce when she shyly peeked up at me. I grinned widely before bringing her lustrous mouth to mine.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I whispered against her parted lips.

  Gia gagged in the background.

  I ignored her and slanted my mouth over Roxy’s again.

  She melted into the kiss. Her naked lips were like fucking velvet, so soft and smooth. I seriously needed to get out of there before I did something even more inappropriate than pop a tent in front of my sister.

  By the time I pulled back, Roxy was breathing like she’d just run ten miles.

  “More of that later,” I promised.

  She nodded eagerly.

  I pointed at my sister. “You two stay here while I’m gone. Don’t go anywhere.”

  Gia feigned innocence. “You think we have to go somewhere just to cause trouble?”

  “No, I know you can cause trouble anywhere.” I intentionally only looked at her when I said it.

  She laughed. “In my universe, that’s a compliment.

  I shot Roxy one last heated look before I turned and headed for the stairs.

  I walked out the door fifteen minutes later to the sound of hysterical female laughter coming from my kitchen.

  How the hell did my house just become the Girls Night Inn?

  The answer was simple.

  I’d do anything to make Roxy happy.

  Absolutely. Anything.

  When I walked into my father’s den, I was greeted by a room full of grim faces.

  And something told me those frowns were all for me.

  “Is this a meeting or a wake?” I asked, walking over to sit on the end of the couch.

  “Consider it your inquisition, brother,” Luka growled.

  My eyes darted to our father, who sat stone-faced behind his monstrous desk. His entire demeanor was unreadable in that moment.

  I guess this is it.

  They were bound to connect everything eventually, especially after yesterday.

  Cris sat in one of the wingback chairs, looking wholly confused, his gaze whirling around the room. “Someone want to explain what the hell is happening?”

  “How long has it been going on?” Nico asked me harshly.

  “How long has what been going on?” Cris demanded.

  Rome jerked his thumb at me from the other end of the couch. “Our genius little brother here has apparently been hooking up with Roxy D’Angelo.” His flinty eyes found me. “Were you just going to keep that information to yourself forever?”

  Cris spun around in the chair to fully face me. “You didn’t think that was something we needed to know?”

  “Jesus,” Luka grumbled, swiping his hand across his forehead. “First Gia and now Ace.”

  All of our heads snapped around to him in warning at the same time that Dad roared, “What? Gia has a boyfriend we
don’t know about?”

  Luka’s eyes widened. For the first time ever, he actually looked a little panicked. “Uh, yeah,” he stammered. “But I don’t think it’s serious. Sounds like she’s not that into him.”

  We all let out a silent collective breath.

  Believe it or not, Dad finding out that Gia was performing in random bars and clubs across the city would have been so much worse than him thinking she was just hiding a relationship.

  “That’s not the issue here,” Nico interjected, pointing at me. “We deserve an explanation. Especially when we put our asses on the line like we did yesterday.”

  That struck a nerve with me. “Are you telling me you wouldn’t have gone in there to rescue Roxy if I hadn’t run in first? You would have actually left her in there if she weren’t involved with me?”

  “Of course, we fucking would have gone in after her,” Rome barked. “We didn’t know you two were involved when we followed you in, anyway. But the number one rule of running an operation like that?”

  “Gather every piece of intel possible before going in,” Luka answered for him. “In those situations, secrets usually cause deaths.”

  “Look, I screwed up, okay?”

  “You’re goddamn right you screwed up!” Dad shouted, shutting everyone else up.


  He didn’t get mad like that often. I’d really pissed him off.

  He shot up from his chair and walked around the desk, keeping his laser focus directed on me. “Do you think I set rules in this family just to be a ballbuster? Or because I like the sound of my own voice?”

  Luka snorted. “No, that’s Nico.”

  “Dude, shut up,” Rome muttered.

  Dad ignored them. “Those rules are there to safeguard this family, Alessandro. I have to make the tough decisions because it is my duty to do so. Your duty is to follow them. Not to disrespect me by putting your entire family in danger.”

  “But Roxy is the one in danger—”

  “And we would have stepped in to handle it!” he yelled. “As a family, like we always do. We act together and are therefore responsible for each other’s actions together. Do you know what the Gabbianos will do if they find out about you two sneaking around together?”


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