Ignited: A Vampire Urban Fantasy Series (Daywalkers Series Book 6)

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Ignited: A Vampire Urban Fantasy Series (Daywalkers Series Book 6) Page 1

by Maya Daniels

  Copyright © 2020 by Maya Daniels. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references, real places, real events, or real persons names and/or persona are used fictitiously. Everything in this story comes from the author’s imagination and any similarities, whatsoever, with events both past and present, or persons living or dead, are purely coincidental.

  Cover design by Jessica Allain, Enchanted Whispers

  Edited by Cassandra Fear

  If you are unable to order paperback copy of this book from your local bookseller, you may contact the author at [email protected] or visit the website



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  From the Author

  Also by Maya Daniels


  Daywalkers Series

  Maya Daniels

  Chapter One

  When things go from bad to worse, expecting a horrible scenario in which the Fates will take advantage and kick you while you’re down is kind of a given. Being brought to your knees too many times to count is never enough, be it as a human or a supernatural. In this it seems we have too much in common with our very mortal cohabitants in this world. It’s been a constant occurrence in my life, so why fool myself otherwise? With that in mind, I stick to my proven method of distracting myself. In this case, it’s not turning into a couch potato and stuffing my face with chocolate and food until I wind up in a coma.

  To some, the chirping of birds, gurgling springs, or even soft whispers of the wind through the trees may be sounds that will relax them and bring a smile to their face. To others, like myself, the pained groan when Zoltan’s body hits the floor after I sweep his feet under him is something that makes my heart sing.

  A grin stretches my lips so high my cheeks hurt from it.

  “Better.” Huffing arrogantly like he didn’t just eat the dust off the floor, he jumps on his feet.

  “Better?” Slamming both fists on my hips, I glare at him. “You mean, ‘that was awesome Franky. I absolutely did not see it coming.’”

  “Calm down. You need to stop being cocky.” Typical Zoltan, he is oblivious to the hole he is digging for himself. Who in their right mind will tell a female to calm down when there is steam coming out of her ears? A male, that’s who. “Of course I saw it coming, I was just hoping that you would follow through and make sure I didn’t get up. At the moment I could attack you right back, and then you’ve wasted all your energy for just one solid hit.”

  “You want me to kill you?”

  “I need you to stop holding back, Francesca.”

  “It doesn’t work that way, you jerk. You are helping me gain more control. Me making you bleed or hurting you doesn’t show control at all. It just means I go all nuts again.”

  “I am immortal, so if it takes me bleeding to ensure I won’t be worried about you when the time comes, I’m willing to have my blood spilled. Stop holding back.” The words are punctuated with a stubborn tilt of his chin.

  From the very beginning, Zoltan has been adamant about making sure I’m trained properly to face whatever Roberti throws at us—or anyone else for that matter. That damn bond turned him into an unbearable creature breathing down my neck and constantly pushing me harder. The difference with then and now is simple: he has stopped flirting, and he’s no longer his arrogant self. Even the perpetual smirk is missing from his lips. Clinging to whatever tunnel vision that has him stuck in his head, he is hell bent on me training daily until I can barely twitch a finger. By the time we are through, I want to crawl back to my room. Eyeing him through slanted lids, my stomach somersaults when the realization hits me like a brick. It’s right there in the hard set of his jaw, the clenching of his fists, and the stiff set of his shoulders. How have I never noticed it before?

  He is afraid.

  For me …

  “Where is this coming from, Zoltan?” With my heart drumming against my ribcage, I take a step closer and reach for his face. The sharp lines of his firmly pressed lips and clenched jaw soften as he nuzzles his face in my palm. “This past week, I can’t remember the last time you’ve pissed me off with your smirking. From the time I wake up until I pass out on the pillow from exhaustion, you are like a machine with just one setting. Tiring me to death is your mission in life.”

  Zoltan’s lips part in a sigh and his stiff shoulders slump slightly, while his gaze searches my face. I wait him out, not daring to twitch a muscle while my heart is trying to punch a hole in my throat. It’s unnerving seeing him afraid. He was calm and unperturbed when hunters had poisoned blades under his throat. I realize I’m counting on him always being like that, being my rock when everything around me is falling apart. When he starts lowering his mouth closer to mine, my face tilts up on its own, like a flower searching for the sun. I can feel his breath tickling my lips and it sends a frenzy of butterflies through my stomach.

  “I can try to train with her if it’ll be easier.”

  Jerking away from Zoltan, my head snaps to Soren. Leaning a shoulder on the wall with one ankle crossed over the other, he has been watching us like some creep for who knows how long. His silky pants shimmer like liquid silver down his legs where his bare feet poke under them. And would it kill him to put on a damn shirt? Platinum hair frames his perfect face with lips curled slightly at the edges, making him look like he knows something we don’t. His golden eyes twinkle full of mischief while reflecting the flames flickering around the room.

  The Dragon Blood is as sneaky as a freaking cat, catching us all unaware. You never know when he is going to pop up out of nowhere. I stifle my frustration so I don’t hurt his feelings, but Zoltan doesn’t suffer from being nice like that. The Daywalker turns his overwhelming glare at the object of his anger, his emotions descending over the three of us like a dark cloud. The training room is large enough to fit an army of us in it at the same time, yet all the oxygen gets sucked out like we are being vacuum sealed.

  “I thought I should offer.” Lifting both hands palms up, Soren looks as innocent as a child, though his voice echoing through the almost-empty space and bouncing off the walls all seductive-like and full of humor suggests otherwise.

  “That’s nice of you.” Elbowing Zoltan until I hear him grunt, I smile tightly at Soren.

  “He will continue taking advantage of your kindness, Francesca. How is it you can’t see that?” Stepping slightly in front of me, Zoltan doesn’t look away from the ancient Fae. For a moment, it’s almost as if he is staring at the enemy.

  “He can hear you.” Hissing at his back, I poke him for emphasis. “It’s time to take a break anyway.” Speaking much louder, I sidestep the territorial vampire and head for Soren, wincing when all my muscles protest at the movement.

  I can
feel Zoltan’s heat at my back.

  “How are things going with the others?” When I’m a foot away from the Dragon Blood, a shiver crawls up my spine when Zoltan’s shadow falls over Soren and sharpens his high cheekbones. “Are they acclimating to their powers yet? When can we see them?” The intent, unreadable look in his eyes makes me blabber like a fool.

  “Meh, they are being childish.” Flicking his wrist as if he’s chasing flies, his lips twist with displeasure. “They keep fighting fate. No one wins against it, it just makes everyone miserable. What is the saying?” Tilting his head left and right, he snaps his fingers with a broad smile. “If you can’t beat them, join them. That is all they need to do.”

  Unable to help myself, I smile right back at him. “Look at you picking up all the modern sayings. Soon enough you’ll start saying dude.” A giggle escapes me at the humor dancing in the ancient Fae’s eyes.

  “Did I do well?” The simple question is so full of eagerness that the smile slips from my lips.


  “Isn’t that what you want, Francesca?” My confusion must be clear because a line forms between his perfect brows puckering them up. “For me to fit in the modern times, your time. Is that not what you want?”

  The short hairs on the back of my neck stand on end when a feral growl comes from deep in Zoltan’s chest.

  “No.” Flinching when I snap at him, I blow out a breath, my hands clenching at my sides. “It’s not what I want, Soren. It’s what you want. That’s what you should do.”

  “Is it?” New interest sparkles in his gaze. He is totally ignoring Zoltan’s presence and all his focus is centered on me. “I believe you want me to fit in with the rest of them. You are uneasy when I’m being myself.”

  “I’m uneasy when you are being creepy as fuck, like right now for example.” A nervous laugh is pushed through my lips and I subtly slide to my right, blocking Zoltan from snatching the Fae by the throat. “And stop provoking Zoltan. It’s annoying.”

  “I do no such thing, I assure you.” The cheeky smile says he is doing exactly that and enjoying the crap out if it, too. “The mighty Zoltan is just unsure how to deal with his own emotions, as well as how to keep a female like you by his side. I’m not the only one that needs to come to terms with modern times, it seems.”

  A fist zooms past my head, ruffling the short hairs that have escaped my braid. I jump back a step when Zoltan’s hand punches a hole through the wall an inch from Soren’s face. The Fae doesn’t bat an eye at the aggressive display, but I’m fighting a panic attack while I try to swallow my heart from my throat so it pushes back to my chest. It’s beating wildly at the roof of my mouth and my eyes are about to pop out of their sockets. The vampire’s body is vibrating and growing in front of me, his shoulders bunching and his muscles jumping. Zoltan’s powers are blasting out as if I have placed my face in front of a fire, and my eyes tear up from the stinging of my skin, though it takes my brain a long moment to come online.

  “Knock it off, both of you.” Stepping between them like a referee, I slap a hand on each of their chests to separate them. “We have enough shit to deal with already. The last thing we need is to be biting each other’s heads off.”

  A deep rumble followed by a predatory cry comes from the open doorway, freezing the blood in my veins comes. Tenebris bares his sharp teeth at both males, his tail lashing behind him in agitation. With his ears pinned to the back of his head, he glowers at them while his whiskers tremble on his curled upper lip. With paws as wide as my head, he pads closer until he reaches me and presses the left one on top of my foot. The action is loud and clear, a dare for them to continue messing with me and they’ll both end up with his jaw clamped around their neck.

  My hand grabs hold of the fur on his neck on instinct, my fingers sinking into the smooth, silky strands. As always, Tenebris rubs his cheek on my thigh, acknowledging the weird connection we formed what feels like a lifetime ago. From the first time I saw him, he hasn’t left my side if he can help it.

  “You are right, young dragon.” Inclining his head regally, Soren straightens and pushes off the wall. “I apologize for causing you distress. It’s all just good fun for me. I see now that I was mistaken.”

  Narrowing my eyes at his face, I say nothing. If I’ve learned anything about Soren, it’s that he is always up to no good. Causing trouble like a toddler set loose in a toy store, the ancient Fae loves playing games with all of us. It’s not like I’m special, either, because he does the same to all of my friends, too.

  “I mean it, Soren.” Stabbing my forefinger to the center of his chest, I emphasize each word with a new poke. “Stop. Making. Trouble.”

  “As you wish.” The fond smile on his face makes me feel like an ass. I push the feeling away because I know it’s just one of his ways to get what he wants.

  Damn manipulative Fae.

  “And what’s wrong with you?” I turn to Tenebris when he starts nudging me with his whole body, guiding me forcefully toward the door.

  An angry hiss is the answer to my glare.

  “Let’s see what made him come get you.” Taking hold of my hand, Zoltan doesn’t wait for and answer, nor does he hesitate for Dragon Blood we are leaving behind. I have to walk faster to keep up with his pace.

  “Would it be too much to ask for one day without a drama in this place?” Huffing, I look over my shoulder to see Soren following behind us at a slower pace. “Well, come on. No need to stay away from us, just don’t be an ass.”

  “I shall try, dràgon òg.” Closing the space between us, Soren’s musical lilt when he speaks the ancient language spreads warmth through my chest.

  He looks too willing to do what he is being told.

  It doesn’t sit well with me, but I let Zoltan guide me through the hallways anyways as we follow Tenebris to whatever needs our attention. There is an insistent feeling at the back of my mind that a shitstorm is coming, but I can’t really put my finger on it. Once again, I glance at Soren over my shoulder.

  If I learned one thing for sure, it’s that when a Fae is willing to play by your rules, you better start reading the fine print real fast.

  Chapter Two

  “Will you stop staring?” Zoltan murmurs from behind me, looming over my shoulders while I lean on the wall stretching my neck like a giraffe to get a better look.

  “You can’t be serious. Did you see him?” Whisper-yelling, I don’t even turn to give him THE look. “What in all the worlds happened to him?”

  Fenrir and Leo are leaning close to each other face to face, whispering low enough that if not for staring at their lips and seeing them move, I may think they’re about to kiss. It looks hot as fuck, but that’s not what I’m supposed to be paying attention to. It’s not why I’m glued to the wall impersonating Soren the creep.

  No, It’s Fenrir.

  The illusion that makes the Fae who he is, or as I know him mostly, is gone. No more androgynous face, or platinum blonde hair. Even the vibe coming off him is no longer soft, calm, and collected. Instead, sharp features with cheekbones that will cut through stone are framed by a curtain of midnight black hair reaching down to his waist, shining like oil under the flickering flames and the streaming moonlight coming through the windows.

  Deep red runes form thin lines pulsing softly across his jaw, forehead, and neck, disappearing under the collar of his black t-shirt. He doesn’t look like the male I know. Not like the one I called friend in any case. And it’s not so much his changed appearance that freaks the hell out of me, and obviously Tenebris too since he brought us here to show me this. It’s the energy coming from Fenrir and the way he holds himself.

  He looks primal.

  Scary even.

  “You think Roberti got to him and messed him up?” Glancing at Zoltan is a bad idea.

  My self-appointed babysitter is giving me a cocked-eyebrow look, calling me insane without opening his mouth. Not wanting to talk in case I’m overheard, I wave my hand in the dir
ection of the two males who are conversing silently but just a little too enthusiastically, fast enough to make my wrist pop like a firecracker in the silent hallway.

  My heart stops.

  So did everyone else’s, including the two I am spying on.

  “Oh hey.” Acting like I’m coincidently coming from around the corner, I grin at Fenrir and Leo, pretending I just noticed them. “You have to help me and keep Zoltan away from me. He is trying to kill me with his training. Did you hear that pop? That was from my joints and all thanks to the jerk.” For some stupid reason I keep spewing words. Probably because I’m a moron and completely unable to close my mouth to stop the disaster I can clearly see coming. “How are you doing, pup? Hanging in there, huh? Oh, hey Fenrir, long time no see.” To my horror, I giggle too, which makes both of them squint at me.

  “You should stop. Honestly, it would actually be painful to watch you continue.” Leo grins at my stupidity, and I cringe seeing the laughter he is suppressing.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Giving it a last-ditch effort, I even try to look confused.

  Even Zoltan chuckles at that.

  I glare at him since he has decided to stand far enough away that I can’t elbow him.

  The vampire is learning my tricks.

  “I believe he is referring to your spying skills, dràgon òg,” Soren ever-the-helpful chirps from behind me, and I grind my teeth at his words.

  At this, Fenrir’s lips twitch at the corners, although the haunted look in his white-on-black eyes takes my breath away. My ribs tighten painfully and prevent me from taking a full breath. I haven’t seen the Fae since Leo, Daren, and Astara took over the Order of the Academy. What I’m looking at now is an entirely different person, and there’s no trace of my friend and confidante.


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