Honor's Splendour

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Honor's Splendour Page 31

by Julie Garwood

  Duncan walked over to Madelyne and lifted her up into his arms. "You look exhausted, wife. 'Tis time for bed."

  "I'd better wait until Adela comes back. She might need me," Madelyne protested when Duncan started up the steps.

  "I need you now, Madelyne. Gerald will take care of Adela."

  She nodded. "Madelyne, I have to leave you tomorrow. It will be for a short time only," he added before she could interrupt.

  "Where are you going?" she asked. "Do you have important matters to attend to?" she asked then, trying her best to sound interested and not disappointed. She couldn't expect him to spend every minute with her. Duncan was an important man, after ail.

  "I do have a matter that calls for attention," Duncan answered, deliberately keeping his explanation to a minimum. Madelyne had been through enough torment today. Duncan didn't want to add another worry, and he knew if he told her about the king's petition tonight, she wouldn't get any rest

  Maude was just coming down the steps when Duncan turned the corner. She said she'd see to the baroness's bath right away, but Duncan shook his head. He told Maude he'd take care of the task.

  Maude made a curtsy. "Maude, your son has done a courageous thing today."

  The woman beamed. She'd already heard all about her son's brave act. The lad had made his parents proud. Why, he saved the baroness's life.

  "I'll have to think of a suitable reward for such bravery," Duncan said.

  Maude looked too overwhelmed to speak. She made another curtsy, then stammered out her gratitude. "I do thank you, milord. My Willie took a fancy to the baroness. He's a bit of a nuisance, running after her all the time, but she don't seem to mind it and always has a kind word for my boy."

  "He's an intelligent lad," Duncan said in praise.

  His flattery, an unusual event to be sure, added to the fact that he was actually speaking to her, made Maude feel giddy. She thanked her lord again, picked up her skirts, and went flying down the steps. Gerty would be wanting to hear this tale to be sure. Maude was bent on being the first to tell

  Madelyne brushed her hand against her husband's cheek. "You're a good man, Duncan," she whispered to him. " 'Tis yet another reason I love you so much."

  Duncan shrugged, forcing Madelyne to grab hold of his shoulders to keep her balance. "I do only my duty," he commented. Madelyne smiled. She thought her husband was as awkward with praise as Maude appeared to be.

  "I've been denied my bath," she said, teasing him. "Perhaps I'll swim in your lake. What say you to that?" she added.

  "I say it's a good plan, wife. I will swim with you."

  "I was only teasing you," Madelyne rushed out. "I don't want to swim in your lake."

  She shivered. "When I was little, I jumped into the pond. It wasn't deep, and I did know how to swim, you understand. But my toes squished in the mud and my gown weighed ten stone, at least, before I could drag myself out. Why, I needed another bath then and there. Mud was even caked in my hair."

  Duncan laughed. "First of all, my lake has a rock bottom in most places," he said. "And you aren't supposed to swim with your clothes on, Madelyne. I'm surprised you didn't drown."

  She didn't look too convinced of the merits of his lake. "The water is clear. You can almost see to the bottom," Duncan told her.

  They reached their bedroom. Madelyne was undressed and waiting for Duncan in their bed before her husband had removed his tunic.

  "You don't want to swim with me?" he asked her with a grin.

  "No," Madelyne said. "There are soldiers outside. Good Lord, Gerald and Adela are outside too. It wouldn't be decent to parade in front of them without my clothes on. Whatever could you be thinking of, Duncan, to suggest such—"

  "Madelyne, no one goes to the lake at night. Besides, the moon isn't bright enough to—"

  She interrupted him with a startled gasp. "Duncan, what are you doing?"

  It was obvious even to her, Duncan was standing next to the bed, holding her cloak up. "Wrap yourself in this. I'll carry you to the lake," he suggested.

  Madelyne nibbled on her lip in indecision. She really did want to swim. It was hot and sticky tonight. Yet the thought of being seen by anyone was a worry to be considered.

  Duncan patiently waited for Madelyne to make her choice. He thought she looked terribly appealing right now. Only a thin blanket covered her, and the tips of her breasts were nicely revealed.

  "You said I looked exhausted," Madelyne stalled. "Perhaps…"

  "I lied."

  "'Tis a sin to lie to me," Madelyne commented. She pulled the blanket up, holding it like a shield against him. "My soap is in your chest," she told him.

  Madelyne thought to send him on an errand so she could wrap the cloak around her in privacy. She still wasn't used to parading around him naked.

  Duncan grinned. He walked over to the chest to get the soap. Madelyne tried to grab her cloak before he turned, but she wasn't quick enough.

  Her husband returned to the side of the bed. Her cloak was draped over his arm. The packet of soap was in one hand and a small circular mirror in the other.

  He handed the mirror to Madelyne. "You've a black eye to match the one you gave Edmond," he remarked.

  "I never gave Edmond a black eye," Madelyne protested. "You're teasing me."

  She turned the mirror over and looked at her face.

  Madelyne screamed.

  Duncan laughed.

  "I do look like a Cyclops," she shouted. She dropped the mirror and began to pull her hair forward over the injured side of her face. "How can you stand to kiss me?" she asked. "I've a black circle around my eye and…"

  She sounded like she was wailing. Duncan's smile faded when he leaned forward. With the palm of his hand he forced her chin up to make her look at him. His expression was most serious now. "Because I love you, Madelyne. You're everything I've ever wanted, and much, much more. Do you think a bruise or two could sway my heart? Do you believe my love could be so shallow?"

  Madelyne shook her head. She slowly edged the blanket away and then stood up next to her husband.

  She wasn't shy with him anymore. Duncan loved her. That was all that mattered.

  "I would like to go to your lake now, Duncan. But we better hurry, before I begin to beg you to make love to me."

  Duncan cupped her chin with his hands and kissed her. "Oh, I am going to love you, Madelyne."

  She was warmed by the promise and the dark look in his eyes. She heard herself sigh, felt a warm knot in her stomach begin to spread inside of her.

  Duncan wrapped the cloak around her, lifted her into his arms, and carried her out of their room.

  They didn't encounter anyone on their route to the lake. Duncan was right, too, for the moon wasn't bright tonight

  Duncan took her to the far side of the lake. Madelyne tested the water with her toes, declared it was too cold.

  He told her to suffer through it She stood next to Duncan, her cloak held around her in a firm grip while she watched him casually strip out of his clothes.

  Duncan made a clean dive into the water. Madelyne sat down on the bank, then edged into the water. She would have taken her cloak with her had Duncan allowed it. Her husband surfaced next to her, jerked the cloak out of her hands, and tossed it onto the grass.

  The water took a few minutes to get used to. It was such an erotic feeling to swim without a stitch of clothing. Madelyne felt quite wanton, told Duncan so, admitting shyly that it was a pleasant sensation.

  Madelyne hurried through her bath. She washed her hair and rinsed it by dunking herself under the water. When she surfaced a third time, Duncan was standing in front of her.

  He was only going to talk to her, but Madelyne was smiling up at him with such a bewitching look in her eyes. The water lapped against her breasts. The nipples were hard, beckoning him. His hands covered them.

  She leaned into him, tilted her head back for his kiss. It was a temptation he didn't want to resist. Duncan took her mouth hungrily. His tong
ue thrust into her mouth. Wet. Wild. So predictably undisciplined.

  Duncan would have allowed only the one kiss, then carried her back to their chambers to make love to her, but Madelyne's stomach rubbed against him then and her hands boldly moved into the water to capture his arousal.

  Duncan wrapped his arms around her, roughly pulling her up against him. The kiss deepened, became consuming.

  She was as rough as he was. Her hands moved to his shoulders, stroking him wild. Duncan lifted her higher, until her breasts were rubbing against his chest. Her legs moved restlessly against him. Her sweet whimper of longing drove him wild.

  He whispered instructions to her, his voice gruff with need. When Madelyne wrapped her legs around his thighs, he entered her slowly, cautiously, thoroughly.

  She pushed against him, demanded with her fingernails. "Duncan," she begged.

  He kissed her temple. "I'm trying to be gentle with you, Madelyne," he whispered, sounding hoarse.

  "Later, Duncan," Madelyne moaned. "Be gentle later."

  Duncan gave in to his need. He was forceful, giving her as much pleasure as she gave him. When he felt Madelyne arch against him in fulfillment, he covered her mouth to catch her moans. His seed filled her and he clung to her as the tremor of bliss exploded.

  Madelyne sagged against him, weak with satisfaction. Her breath warmed his neck. Duncan smiled with arrogant pleasure. "You are a wild woman, Madelyne."

  She laughed, delighted with his compliment, until she remembered where they were. "Good Lord, Duncan. Do you think anyone saw us?"

  She sounded so appalled. She buried her face into the crook of his neck. Duncan chuckled. "Love, no one saw us," he whispered.

  "You're certain?"

  "Of course, the light isn't sufficient."

  "Thank God for that," Madelyne answered.

  She was thoroughly relieved, until Duncan spoke again. "You did make enough noise to wake the dead though. You're a moaner, my love. The hotter you get, the louder your moans."

  "Oh, God." Madelyne tried to sink under the water. Duncan wouldn't let her. He laughed a husky deep sensual sound, and then continued to tease. "I'm not complaining, sweetheart. As long as your fire is for me, I'll let you moan all you want."

  Just when she was about to tell him how sinfully arrogant he sounded, Duncan deliberately fell backward. She had time only to hold her breath.

  He kissed her again, under the water. She pinched him when she needed new air.

  Madelyne didn't know how to play in the water. When Duncan splashed her, she took immediate offense. He had to tell her to splash him back. She thought it a silly game to try to drown each other, but she was laughing by the time she finished her comment, and trying to overturn him by nudging him with her foot.

  She was the one who lost her footing. When Duncan pulled her up, she was sputtering, coughing, and trying to lecture him at the same time.

  They stayed in the lake for almost an hour. Duncan taught her how to swim properly, though he'd begun his instructions by insulting her. "You look like you're about to drown when you swim."

  She wasn't too offended, even kissed him to let him know her feelings weren't injured.

  When Duncan finally carried her back to their bedroom, Madelyne was exhausted.

  Duncan, however, was in the mood to talk. He was in bed, his hands folded behind his head, watching his wife brush her hair. Both were naked, and neither was shy about it.

  "Madelyne, I've been invited to speak to my king," Duncan commented. He kept his voice controlled, trying to give Madelyne the impression he was bored with the request. "That is where I'm going tomorrow."

  "Invited?" The brush was discarded when Madelyne turned to frown at Duncan.

  "A summons then," Duncan admitted. "I would have told you sooner, but I didn't want you to worry."

  "I'm in the middle of this, aren't I? Duncan, I won't be ignored or pushed aside. I've a right to know what is happening."

  "I've neither ignored you nor pushed you aside," Duncan answered. "I was only trying to protect you."

  "Will it be dangerous?" He wasn't given time to answer her. "Of course it will be dangerous. When do we leave?"

  "We don't leave. You're staying here. It will be safer for you."

  She looked ready to argue. Duncan shook his head and said, "If I have to worry about you, my concentration will be compromised. My mind is made up, Madelyne. You're staying here."

  "And will you come back to me?"

  He was surprised by her question. "Of course."


  "I don't know how long this will take, Madelyne."

  "Weeks, months, years?"

  He saw the fear in her eyes, remembered the time she'd been ignored by her family. Duncan pulled Madelyne on top of him. He kissed her. "I'll always come back to you, Madelyne. You're my wife, for God's sake."

  "Your wife," Madelyne whispered. "Whenever I become frightened, or begin to fret about the future, I remember that I'm bound to you." Duncan smiled. She didn't look frightened any longer. "If you get yourself killed, I'll find your grave and spit on it," she threatened.

  "Then I'll take every care."

  "You promise me?"

  "I promise you."

  Madelyne tenderly cupped the sides of her husband's face. "You take my heart with you, my loving captor."

  "Nay, Madelyne. I am your captive in body and soul."

  And then he fulfilled his vow by making love to her again.

  Duncan was dressed before the full light of dawn reached the sky. He called for Anthony and then waited for him in the hall.

  When his vassal entered the room, Duncan was just breaking the seal on the neglected missive from the monastery.

  Anthony sat down across from Duncan at the table, waiting for him to finish reading. Gerty intruded with a tray filled with bread and cheese.

  The vassal had eaten a fair portion of his meal before Duncan finished his letter. The news obviously didn't please his lord. Duncan threw the parchment across the table and then slammed his fist down on the tabletop.

  "The news displeases you?" Anthony asked.

  "It is as I suspected. There is no Father Laurance."

  "But the man you killed…"

  "Sent from Louddon," Duncan said. "I already knew that much, yet I still believed he was a priest."

  "Well, at least you didn't kill a man of the cloth then." Anthony made the observation with a shrug. "He wasn't able to report back to Louddon either, Duncan. He hasn't left this fortress since his arrival. I'd have known of it"

  "If I'd been paying attention, I'd have noticed his odd behavior sooner. My lack of attention nearly cost my wife her life."

  "She doesn't blame you," Anthony commented. "It didn't get as ugly as it could have either, Duncan. He could have been hearing all our confessions." Anthony shuddered over that obscene thought.

  "I didn't get married either," Duncan said, slamming his fist on the table again.

  The parchment bounced and settled against the bottom of the jar of wildflowers.

  "Good God, I hadn't thought of that."

  "Madelyne hasn't either," Duncan answered. "She will though. She'll have a fit. If there was time, I'd find a priest and wed her before I leave."

  "It would take weeks…"

  Duncan nodded. "Have you told Madelyne where you're going?" Anthony asked.

  "Aye, but I'm not going to tell her about our impostor. When I return, I'll bring a priest with me. I'll tell her we aren't married a minute or two before I marry her again. Hell, what a mess."

  Anthony smiled. His lord was right. Madelyne would have a fit.

  Duncan forced himself to put aside the matter of Laurance's deception. He went over his plans with his vassal, trying to cover every eventuality.

  "You've been trained by the best. I have complete faith in your ability," Duncan said when he'd finished his instructions.

  It was an attempt to lighten his mood, a self-serving remark as well, since it was Dun
can who trained Anthony. The vassal grinned.

  "You're leaving enough soldiers to conquer England," Anthony remarked.

  "Have you seen Gerald yet?"

  Anthony shook his head. "The men are gathering in front of the stables," he remarked. "He could be there, waiting."

  Duncan stood and walked with his vassal to the stables. The baron addressed his soldiers, cautioning them all that they could well be riding into a trap. He turned to the men who would remain behind and spoke to them. "Louddon could well be waiting for me to leave to attack the fortress."

  When he finished addressing his men, Duncan returned to the hall. Madelyne was just coming down the steps. She smiled at her husband. Duncan took her into his arms and kissed her.

  "Remember your promise to take every care," Madelyne whispered when he released her.

  "I promise," Duncan answered. He put his arm around her shoulders and walked outside. They had to pass the church on their way to the stables. Duncan paused to stare at the damage from the fire. "I'll have to rebuild the vestibule," he said.

  The mention of the church reminded Madelyne of the letter. "Duncan, do you have time to show me the letter from Father Laurance's monastery? I am most curious, I confess."

  "I've already read it."

  "You can read! I'd suspected as much, but you've never boasted of your skill. Why, just when I think I know you quite well, you say or do something to surprise me."

  "So I'm not as predictable as you imagined?" he asked, smiling.

  She nodded. "In certain matters you're always predictable. Oh, I wish you weren't leaving. I wanted you to teach me defense. If I could protect myself as well as Ansel does, you'd probably let me come with you."

  "I would not," Duncan answered. "I promise, though, to begin your instructions as soon as I return." He made the comment to placate Madelyne. There were a few tricks every woman should know about, he decided. Perhaps it wasn't such a ridiculous request after all. Madelyne wasn't very strong but her determination impressed him.

  Duncan noticed that Baron Gerald still hadn't arrived Since he had a few more minutes with his wife, he turned to her and said, "I'll give you your first lesson now. Since you use your right hand, you must carry your dagger on the left side of your body." He removed her dagger and placed it in a loop of her belt on the tilt of her left hip.


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