Stolen: A SciFi Alien Warlord Romance

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Stolen: A SciFi Alien Warlord Romance Page 20

by Alison Aimes

  He drew Aurora closer to him and drank in the feel and scent of her, feeling more protective than ever. The universe was hard, but she had him now to shelter her from the worst of it.

  “Thank you for the information.” He held out the notes and his card to Latasha. “If you think of anything more, please contact me.”

  Latasha snatched the stack and hurried to the door. “I will.” Her hand hovered over the door pad. She paused for a moment as if wavering about something, but then her expression hardened once more. “You should use the back door. No sense in bothering with the nosy biddies in the parlor.”

  “Thank you, but our man awaits us at the front.”

  “Suit yourself.” Without a backward glance, she slipped out, leaving him alone with a female who suddenly looked even more nervous than Latasha.

  “Well, that was interesting. Guess we should be off, too.” Aurora pushed off his chest as if to rise.

  “Oh no, breeding mate.” He clamped down on her hips and held her in place. He had a lot to mull over about the case, but some things took precedence—and his female’s recent actions were priority number one. “We’re not finished. Martian mates take objection to being disobeyed and you promised to remain in the floater.”

  “Yes, but I never promised to remain there indefinitely.” Her voice was low and husky. More proof that, despite her nerves, his show of dominance definitely affected her. “And we’re not actually mated.”

  Not yet.

  He gripped her tighter but said nothing.

  The tension in the room rose.

  At his continued silence, her emerald gaze sparked with challenge. “Okay. Yes, you’re right. I’m sorry if I disappointed you by coming, but I got worried.” She swallowed hard. “The idea of you in danger and me just sitting out there doing nothing was not something I could accept. Even at risk of your anger.”

  Her ferocity touched him.

  He stroked his palm along the curve of her spine, relishing the way she instinctively arched into his touch. “A true Martian warrior. That pleases me.” He could tell by the way her eyes widened that he’d surprised her. She’d expected to have to defend herself. Been prepared for anger.

  But he wasn’t a fool, and he had no intention of breaking her spirit.

  He wanted her to understand that while a breeder contract with an alpha dominant Warlord would have its challenges, it wouldn’t mean losing her sense of self. He liked her wild streak. He liked her courage. Her liked her fierceness.

  “I like that you think for yourself.”

  “Really?” She didn’t sound convinced.

  “I’m not happy you risked yourself to come inside, but I understand the sentiment. I’d do anything to keep you safe as well.” He slid his hands beneath her bottom and lifted her, repositioning her so that she faced him head-on, her legs spread wide to straddle him, her thin frothy dress riding halfway up her thighs, an insignificant barrier. His cocksto finally pressed firmly against heaven after far too long.

  He pressed his forehead to hers. “It pleases me to learn my kitten is willing to use her claws not just on me or rats, but anyone who might be a danger to me.”

  He’d meant to tease and make her smile, incite her lust, but her expression turned serious, her voice shaky as she cupped his jaw between her hands. “I will. No matter what. You are a good male. The strongest and most honorable I have ever met. It may not always seem like I am, but I will protect you, DaKar. I promise you.”

  Her vehemence sparked his own. He was Warlord. The one who always protected. No one had ever made a vow to protect him in return.

  They might not yet be mated, but this female was definitely his.

  Then, as if to prove him right, she pushed off his chest and slid between his legs, folding to her knees between his spread thighs. Her golden hair tumbled in all directions, her eyes glazed with lust and tenderness as she looked up at him. “I’m glad you like it when I think for myself.”

  Her small hands landed on his knees. Wedged them farther apart. “Because I’ve been thinking a lot about this.” She slid closer, nuzzling his cock.

  He growled, every part of him coming to full attention. “Aurora—”

  “Let me, DaKar, please.”

  Hells. He only had so much control. He wanted it too bleeking bad to stop her again. The memory of the Madam calling Aurora his mate, the thought that soon they’d be able to do this and more all the time, brought him to the edge. He was tired of being leashed.

  A flick of his wrist and his dick was out. He stroked its length as his other hand wrapped in her hair.

  She smiled.

  He couldn’t.

  “Have you sucked cocksto before?”

  She shook her head, her half-lidded eyes locked on his moving hand and the thick pulsing vein that ran the length of his shaft. Martian cockstos were bigger than most—with ringed ridges from top to bottom.

  His lengthened at her answer. “Open your mouth.”

  She obeyed instantly, her pink lips stretching wide, her greedy tongue calling him home.

  He used his hold on her hair to guide her forward until the wet heat of her closed around his tip.

  He shuddered. She moaned. His hand contracted in her hair as he fought to stay in control.

  “Yes, just like that.” He praised her even as he dragged her head slowly her back and forth, fucking her mouth, never giving her too much. Allowing her to take a little more of him each time. It would take training for her to take him down her throat, but he was in no rush. The feel of his mate’s mouth around him, the wonder and thrill of her rising lust and pleasure reaching him through their strengthening soul ties was already more than he could ever have imagined.

  He had thought he knew sex. He’d thought he understood what was possible between a female and a male.

  He’d had no clue.

  “Hells.” He let out a shout, his hips jerking as she surprised him, her hands cupping his heavy balls and working him.

  He cursed, worried he’d gone too deep.

  She only hummed and took more control, hollowing her cheeks and sucking harder. Full of fire. Just like always.

  Her pleasure blazed higher, right alongside his own.

  Until she was bobbing her head all on her own and he was just doing his best not to ram himself down her throat as the pressure inside him built and his balls drew tight. He exploded.

  His body going supernova as he gave her every bit of his cum and she sucked him dry.

  She swallowed every drop and then smiled up at him.

  “Aurora...” He didn’t have the words.

  “I would give you that and more always, if I could.”

  “You will.”

  Her eyes were still locked with his when she shook off his hold and stood. He kept his stare pinned on her as she moved away, that damn echo of sadness retuning to eat at the edges of her delight, tainting her pleasure—and therefore his—and stealing his patience. Still, he waited while she gave him her back and used the small washroom at the far end of the room to refresh herself.

  But the instant she finished, he spoke. “Come here.”

  Eyes widening before she caught herself, she sauntered back his way until she stood in front of him once more, defiance and nerves, desire and fear, stroking like fingers along the golden soul ties between them, just as she’d stroked his cocksto.

  Leaning forward, he gripped her elbows and lifted her easily back into his lap. “Aurora, you will tell me now what is bothering you. No more waiting.”

  She sucked down a sharp breath.

  A tap on the door sounded. Without warning, it sprung open.


  The courtesan Latasha stuck her head through the doorway.

  Taken by surprise, Aurora jerked in DaKar’s arms, her body still trembling with need, the taste of him a fever in her blood. She’d loved having him in her mouth. All that leashed power under her tongue. Now, she wasn’t sure how she’d ever live without it.

“Good.” The female’s smile never reached her eyes. “I hoped you two wouldn’t be too far along. One of Betta’s clients is just leaving. Not sure he’s the one you’re after. Still, I saw him slipping out the back. Thought you would want to know.”

  A potential lead. Aurora leapt up, stumbling off DaKar’s lap.

  “Use the back door,” offered Latasha. “It leads right to the alley.”

  DaKar was already on his way. “I’ll check this out.” He shot her a stern look. “You stay here.” He slammed the door shut behind him.

  The man was entirely too protective.

  She eyed Latasha. There was something about the female she didn’t like. And it wasn’t because she’d been trying to get DaKar into her fake flaming bed. That was her job. There was just something else off about her. Especially the nervous way she kept looking at the exit DaKar had gone through—until with a small curse she bolted in the other direction, hurrying out the main door.

  That couldn’t be good.

  Suddenly, Aurora was faced with three choices: give chase, do nothing, or follow her instinct that DaKar was in trouble. But then it was really no choice at all. When it came to a certain extraordinary male, she was discovering she’d do whatever she could to protect him.

  She hurried toward the back door.

  Goddess, he was fast.

  He’d already disappeared beyond the stairs and into the alley depths by the time she yanked open the heavy exit door and scrambled out. Or at least, she thought he had.

  The darkness appeared absolute.

  She blinked. Opened her eyes wide. Strained to make out what she could.

  There. In the middle of the alley.

  Even in the dim light of the shrouded moon, DaKar was recognizable by the graceful, almost panther-like way he moved. He was sprinting toward another figure and gaining with every footfall.

  “Wait,” she heard him shout. “I need to speak with you.”

  “Not bleeking likely,” came the reply, a raspy, cold voice that sent chills prickling through her.

  Still, the voice was not one she recognized. Nor was the man from the élithe. His accent marked him as a Forbidden Zoner.

  He wasn’t the killer. Why then was he running?

  She scurried down the steps, her vision improving with every second that passed.

  She’d almost reached the point where she’d first spotted DaKar when she heard the man shout, “He’s the one. Get him.”

  A slew of shadowy figures detached from the wall, forming a line between DaKar and the man he’d been chasing.

  And she knew. She’d been right. This was an ambush. Latasha and this male had led DaKar out here on purpose.

  “DaKar. Look out. There are men behind you.” She raced toward him, fumbling to draw the letter opener she’d stolen from her stepfather’s study from around the strap at her thigh. Usually, she was slipping jewels into the pocket, not yanking something out of it.

  She wrestled it free with a triumphant “Yes!”

  “Aurora.” DaKar’s voice was a roar. “Stay where you are.”

  She skittered to a stop. Her blood froze. Up close she could see better—and what she saw wasn’t good. At least ten ghostly figures surrounded DaKar. Her warning had come too late.

  A hand tugged at her arm.

  She whirled round, her hand up, ready to strike.

  Tom. DaKar’s driver. She hadn’t even heard him approach.

  “Come.” He pulled at her. “I need to get you to the floater.”

  “No.” She shook off his hand. “I’ve got a weapon. I can help. Go to the pleasure house. Seek assistance.”

  “No one will come.” He reached for her again. “He’d want you safe.”

  “I am not leaving him. You go.”

  “No. He…” But it was too late. Tom’s words trailed off as two men separated from the circle and crept toward them.

  “Well, isn’t this lucky.” A yellow-toothed leer split the face of one. “We not only get a heathen murderer, but his driver and high-flying girlie as well. You look as if you will be fun to play with for a while.”

  “Back up slowly,” whispered Tom.

  Envelope opener raised high, she took a step back and then another. The floater driver matched her steps, his fists close to his chest, ready. He had to be at least seventy planetary rotations, but he looked like he had a few surprises up his sleeves.

  “I wouldn’t get your hopes up if I were you.” A menacing voice from behind.

  She froze. They were surrounded. She gripped her weapon tighter.

  A roar of primal fury split the air. Raw, elemental—it rumbled down her spine.

  The two pursuers in front of her flew through the air. They crashed into the alley wall with the force of a cannon ball and crumpled to the stones.

  A hand grabbed her upper arm. She froze in mid-stab once she realized who it was.

  “I thought I told you to stay inside.” DaKar’s voice pulsed with aggression. His horns were out and pointed straight up while his fangs flashed with every growled word, and raging darkness blasted from his side of the golden soul ties. All she could hope was that it wasn’t directed at her, but their attackers.

  “Latasha started behaving suspiciously. I wanted to warn you.” She leaned into him, her world suddenly right. They were together. Somehow, he’d barreled through the line of men, dispatched her attackers, and come to stand with her. She should have known a Warlord would do no less.

  Before she could speak again, he shoved her behind him, placing himself between her and the rest of their pursuers. “Tom, you alright?”

  “Just fine,” came the voice at her side.

  “Fan out,” yelled the same man who’d led them to ambush. “This half-breed thief and murderer needs to die.”

  Her hands gripped the back of DaKar’s jacket.

  “It’s all right.” He whispered, his voice calmer than a moment ago. “Now that we’re together we’re going to be fine.”

  “Wrong,” said a rough voice, cutting off their whispered conversation. “We don’t get paid by the fancy gent unless you’re dead, so dead you will be.”

  “You don’t even want to contemplate how furious I am.” DaKar did not raise his voice, but his words carried down the alley with suppressed power. “If you leave now, I won’t punish you for threatening my female.”

  Laughter bounced off the alley walls. Her throat tightened.

  She cast a quick glance over her shoulder. Could they run back to the pleasure house? Would Tom even make it? Her heart pounded in her ears. The distance was substantial. But they had to try.

  She swiveled forward, intent on tugging DaKar into retreating, when the muscles in his back bunched and flexed. Bone cracked. His chest expanded in size. His horns snapped straight. His skin glowed. He surged forward.

  She was left clutching air.

  Tom stood guard over her. She raised her letter opener and did the same for him.

  One, two, then three muffled grunts. Three dim figures slid to the ground.

  DaKar barely paused. Low, animalistic growls vibrated through the air. Fangs flashed. He attacked again, his movements graceful and precise. Predatory. A fourth and then a fifth shadow fell. Their descents all eerily silent, as if the force of the blows that felled them was too quick and powerful to allow even time to scream. Blood splattered on the alley walls and cobblestones.

  She stood stock-still, her eyes absorbing everything. Awe whispered through her.

  A panicked call for retreat went through the remaining attackers. Seconds later, like a pack of rats, they faded into the shadows. They didn’t even delay long enough to claim their fallen comrades.

  DaKar didn’t waste time, either. In one large stride he reached her, grabbed her wrist, nodded at Tom, and dragged her down the alley to where the floater was parked.

  His breathing was ragged, his shirt torn and dirty.

  Her eyes raked over every part of him. “Are you hurt?”

  He didn�
��t answer.

  Tom caught up, clutching the floater door as he caught his breath. “Forgive me, sir. I couldn’t grab her in time. Then, I thought it best to wait by the entrance. I didn’t expect—”

  DaKar cut him off. “I don’t blame you.” He turned to her. “Get in.”

  She remained by the door, the letter opener clutched in her fist.

  Her terror and shock were slipping away, as was her docility.

  Maybe she should be afraid. She’d learned from her stepfather how easily some males used their fists and DaKar was definitely worked up, his horns jutting straight up, the veins in his neck thick and raised while his body and fangs were twice their usual size—and he’d already been huge to begin with.

  But she’d meant what she’d told him in the pleasure house. She didn’t believe he’d ever hurt her.

  Despite all the rumors of his savagery and violence, and the brutality she’d witnessed tonight, all he’d ever done was protect her.

  “Are you hurt?” she repeated.

  His eyes narrowed. “No. Get in.”

  Bristling, she did as he bid. It was not the time to take a stand.

  He jumped in behind her and sat on the opposite side. “Tom, take us directly to the lady’s home.” He slammed the door shut.

  Silence filled the floater, making the purring sound of the engine all the louder.

  She shifted uncomfortably. “DaKar, I—”



  “Don’t. Talk. Right. Now.” Each word was a hiss. “I don’t want to do or say something I’ll regret.”

  His temper sparked her own. “Why are you growling at me? I am not the enemy.”

  His eyes darkened to deep amber. “I told you to wait outside the pleasure house. Then I told you to wait in it. You disobeyed both commands.”

  “I wanted to help.” Hurt thickened her voice. “Plus, you told me you like when I think for myself. You told me it was a good trait for a Martian warrior. And you definitely didn’t seem to be complaining when I had your cock in my mouth.”


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