Clever Witch

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Clever Witch Page 12

by Nikki Dean

  "Oh." Mallory blushed. "Okay. I've had that thing for years, but I never actually noticed that. It must have been full of dirt or something."

  "Where'd you get it?" Damon asked, taking it from Matt. "Seems like a weird thing to hang on to."

  She grimaced and dropped Everett's sleeve to hook her arm through Nico's elbow. "It's a long story, but I found it in an alley one night. Behind a club."

  Everett came back and resumed his seat by Damon. "Tell us everything."

  She wrinkled her nose at him. "You're really pushy, you know that?"

  His lips thinned as he pressed them together in annoyance. Mal had the weirdest impulse to poke her finger between them just to see if he would bite. No more shots for me.

  "It was about three years ago. I was out with my big brother, Paul, celebrating the end of his first semester at the Academy of Civil Development. He went out back to smoke in the alley and I went to check on him when I heard people screaming. It turned out there had been a stabbing."

  "That sucks," Alec muttered.

  "Yeah, especially since Paul was the guy who got stabbed. I found him covered with blood on the ground, and someone, or something, grabbed my purse while I was taking care of him. I found all of my stuff later, so I don't think it was on purpose, but I also discovered that thing along the way. Or rather, a raccoon did and gave it to me."

  "In an alley?" Everett repeated in disbelief. "You found it in an alley? And you really expect us to believe that?"

  "Why wouldn't you when it's the truth? Check with your magic if you don't believe me," she challenged, stretching her hand out toward him. "I'll show you."

  He recoiled again, this time from her. "That's not how it works."

  "Then I guess you'll just have to trust me, won't you?" she shot back.

  "Why was your brother stabbed?" Damon asked. "Did they catch whoever did it?"

  Mallory shook her head. "No. Paul swears it wasn't random, but since he never told anyone who attacked him or why, the police dropped it. He hates coming into the city now and moved back out to Winn."

  Damon and Alec exchanged a look. "So he could have had the sigil, and that's why he was attacked?"

  She scoffed. "Why stab someone over that little thing? It's just a rock with some runes carved into the side of it. I wouldn't even know how to activate it, and I guarantee you Paul wouldn't have either. He's not a witch. There wouldn't be any point to him having it."

  They exchanged the look again, some wordless thing going on between them. Only this time Everett, Matt and Nico were in on it too.

  "Stop it," she demanded. "I know you're thinking at each other about me." It sounded so ridiculous that she had to laugh. "Seriously though, talk."

  "How do you know your brother isn't a witch?" Matt asked. "Does he know that you're one?"

  "What if he stole it to sell it?" Damon asked at the same time. "Is he capable of that?"

  "Guys, guys," Mallory said, holding her hands up in front of her to silence them. Rather, she held Matt and Nico's hands up, since they were both still holding hers.

  Everett rolled his eyes.

  "Paul would never have stolen anything. And no, he's not a witch. My mom told me that only the females in our family are witches, and Paul isn't one. Plus he would have told me. He was my best friend, and my magic wasn't exactly easy to hide growing up. I'm sure he knew."

  She didn't even have to guess at the meaning behind their looks this time. "Look, you want me to prove it? I'll call him."

  They didn't have the chance to say no before she pulled out her phone and dialed him up on a video call. He answered on the second ring.

  "Hey, Mal, what's up?" he asked, squinting at the screen.

  "Were you asleep?" she demanded. "You look awful."

  "You didn't call me to see if I was asleep," Paul grumbled. "I have a cold. What do you want?"

  Janae could fix that. "I was talking to some friends here at school and have a question for you. Are you a witch?"

  They all groaned around her. Paul's jaw gaped open and he had to snap it shut, rubbing his forehead. "You're an idiot," was his only answer.

  "No, for real. Apparently it's genetic, so odds are good that you're a witch too, since I am. I also wanted to ask you about this." She grabbed the sigil and held it up in front of the phone. He squinted again.

  "What the hell is that? The camera won't focus, it's too close. Wait, you're a witch?" The surprise in his voice was obvious.

  She rolled her eyes. "It's fine, Paul. Everyone knows now. Mom and Dad told you I'm at the Academy of Dark Arts now, right?"

  "You are?"

  Mallory sighed. "Worst brother ever. I know they told you. Anyway, thanks! I love you even though you suck!"

  "Wait, Mal, why are you at the Academy of Dark - "

  She hit the end button, cutting him off. The censure from the guys was nearly overwhelming.

  "Just wait," was all she said.

  The phone rang again, lighting up with Paul's face as he called her back.

  Mallory answered the call and let her face say everything she needed, with her eyebrows up and her lips pursed.

  He knew that look. It was time to cut the shit.

  "Okay, yes, they told me. I'm sorry. I've been acting surprised about your magic for so long that it's a habit now. No, I'm not a witch, too. At least, not that I know of," he said with a sigh. He flopped backwards and she saw that he was on a couch, not in bed. He was still probably napping, though.

  "Were you tested when you enrolled at your academy?" Mal demanded. "And it came back negative?"

  "Well..." he trailed off, looking away.

  She knew his looks, too.

  "You weren't tested. Why not, Paul? Everyone gets tested."

  "I was, but it was negative. But I'm not sure I didn't have something to do with that."

  Everett elbowed Damon, who swatted him away. Mallory ignored them.

  "What did you do, Paul? And why didn't you tell me so I could do it, too?" she demanded.

  He ran a hand over his face. "I don't know. I was convinced that I was just deluding myself, and the test was negative, so clearly it would have picked up any magic I used to fool it, right? It's a catch twenty-two."

  "Paul." The warning in her voice rang through loud and clear.

  "Sometimes I trick sensors, okay? Like they just don't pick me up."

  "You trick sensors? Like how I used to have to make the automatic doors open for you at the diner?" she asked in confusion.

  "Yeah. But more. I don't trigger doors, motion-sensing cameras, lights or even alarm systems. It's like I'm a ghost to all electronics, which is part of the reason I'm stuck out here in Winn. The city is just too much of a pain in the ass to deal with when technology runs everything, but I don't register."

  "Alarms?" Matt whispered. "How does he know he doesn't trigger alarms, unless he's tried it? Or stolen something?"

  "And you never thought to mention this?" Mallory demanded. "That's clearly magic, Paul. You're obviously a witch. I can't believe you hid this from me."

  "So? You never admitted that you're one, either," he shot back. "You've known for years, but did you ever tell me? No. So don't try to guilt trip me over it, either. And like I said, I could never prove it, because the scanners never picked anything up."

  "So you just never mentioned it. Smart. Why'd you get stabbed that night at the club?"

  He sighed. She could see the background moving as he got up and walked around what looked like a small apartment. He must not be at home. He lived in a house with some roommates, last time I checked.

  "They thought I stole something. A buddy of mine at school was dealing with some illegal shit and something went missing. A box of some kind. Magic, I think. His camera never registered who took it, so he assumed it was me. He apologized later when he found out what happened that night, but it was too late. Clearly. He swears he didn't know when he told his buyers that he thought I did it."

  "Wait, so he had buyers
for the magic box? Or for whatever was inside it? And they ordered your attack?" Her head swam a little. "I've been drinking, so explain it to me again. And then tell me why I found this, a little box thing, in the alley the night you were attacked."

  She held it up again in front of the camera, but Matt reached over and covered it.

  "Don't," he hissed.

  "Who's there with you?" Paul demanded. "Fuck, Mal, you're having this conversation on speaker and there are people around? What the fuck is wrong with you? Hiding magic is a felony, remember?"

  She sighed. "It's just one of my boyfriends."

  "One of your what?" Paul stared at her through the screen, his judgment clear even from a few hundred miles away. "How many boyfriends do you have? And how much have you been drinking?"

  "None of your business." She looked around the room. "Plus, I'm not really sure. Two, I think. I mean, I know it's at least two."

  Alec grinned while Damon shook his head and Everett glared.

  "Two and a half," Alec said as he reached over to ruffle her hair.

  “Boyfriends, or drinks?” Paul frowned again. "Do you need me to come to Helston?" he asked.

  Alec nodded, as did Matt. Nico shrugged and squeezed her knee, letting her know it was up to her.

  "Let's go to him," Everett replied quietly. "We need to know more about this friend of his, and see if he recognizes the sigil. But don't tell him. It should be a surprise."

  They all stared at him, speechless for a second.

  "Hold on, Paul," Mal said as she tapped the mute button and put the phone face-down on her shoulder. "Am I drunker than I thought, or did Everett just volunteer for a road trip?"

  "No, that was definitely the best idea he's ever had," Alec confirmed. "We're all going to go meet your brother."

  "In the middle of the semester?" she hissed. "You guys are teaching assistants, you can't just disappear!"

  "I'm not," Matt replied cheerfully. "And I'm supposed to be dead or something, so you know. Lots of free time on my hands right now."

  "I'm not either," Everett said. "Not that I want to be trapped in a car with you two for long, but if it needs to be done, it needs to be done. We need to see what he knows."

  "Why can't we just ask him over the phone, again?" Mallory demanded. "It's almost three hours to Winn. Not exactly a day trip."

  "We could do it next weekend, though," Nico said. "If we left on Friday and came back on Sunday. She's had the sigil for this long, so a little longer won't hurt anything."

  Everett tensed and his eyes narrowed. Mallory was struck by the way his long-sleeve tee-shirt hung from his shoulders, only accentuated by the waving tentacles of shadow that seemed to be oozing from him.

  "Why are you getting so mad?" Mallory asked. "I can see it."

  He focused on her and the shadows snapped back into him.

  "Every so often that shit reminds me of tentacle porn," she heard herself say. "Dammit, mouth."

  Alec leapt off the couch with a scream of laughter and poured more vodka into their cups. "We are definitely doing more shots if we're going to start talking about tentacle porn," he declared.

  Mallory tried to protest, but somehow the drink ended up in her hand and she toasted with the rest of them as they laughed. All but Everett, of course, who managed to continue his role as epic killjoy and drink while looking pissed.

  "Mallory? Mal, are you still there?" Paul called from the phone on her shoulder.

  "Oh, shit," she giggled as she held it back up so she could see him. She took him off mute. "I'm here. Sorry. It was shot time."

  He grinned.

  There's the brother I remember, Mal thought. "I miss you, Paul. We should hang out."

  Everett dropped his forehead into his palm.

  "Okay. I'll try to come to Helston sometime soon. Maybe over Christmas break," he agreed. "You can introduce me to your ten boyfriends, you whore."

  She giggled again as the guys around her tensed. "You're just jealous because I'm getting laid ten times as much as you."

  "Whatever, I have fifty girlfriends," he retorted. "I get laid all the time."

  "Pfft, in Winn? There aren't even fifty girls there unless you count everyone over the actual age of fifty. In which case, good for you. Old pussy is still pussy."

  His eyes bugged out as he snorted with denial. "God, the last thing I need to hear is my little sister talking about pussy. Especially grandma pussy. I love you no matter how many boyfriends you have, but I'll kick their asses if they're not good enough for you. I hope they hear that."

  Alec reached over to grab the phone from her fingers, no doubt to tell Paul to bring it on. Mallory pushed him away and hurriedly said, "Love you, too, Paul."

  She hung up before Alec could say anything, then dropped the phone in her lap. Only to be greeted by one bemused face, four stony ones and a shit-ton of shadow tentacles.

  Chapter 16

  "What?" she asked.

  "He talk to you like that a lot?" Damon answered.

  "He was just kidding, you assholes. He's my best friend. Best friends call each other names. He doesn't mean it, and he'd kill anyone who called me a whore for real."

  Their expressions didn't change.

  "If he was a girl, would you be reacting the same way?"

  Damon paused.

  "Exactly. You wouldn't care at all. You're just being ridiculous because you think that your dicks are all that matter. I can talk to my dumbass brother however I want to."

  "But he doesn't get to talk to you like that," Matt said under his breath.

  She elbowed him in the side.

  "Look, I don't care what her brother calls her," Everett interrupted, "and neither should you. It's none of our business, and what we should be asking about is the sigil."

  "Why's this so important to you?" Mallory asked. She looked down at it in her lap. "It doesn't seem very special. What's the rune do, again?"

  "Doesn't matter. It's valuable," Everett replied. "And powerful, so don't be fucking around with it."

  "You said it's a container?" she murmured, ignoring him. The longer she looked at it, the more detail she noticed. Tiny lines were carved into the outer edges, forming miniscule triangles in the stone. She reached out to it with her web again.

  It still didn't register, so she pushed a little of her magic into it, like she had with Dice. It soaked up the magic like a sponge, absorbing it so quickly that she nearly missed the little flicker of light that danced across its surface.

  Mallory took her other hand back from Nico and scooted her butt down on the couch, pulling her feet up so that her knees hid Damon’s and Everett's view. Matt tried to get her attention and she told him to get her another drink, then ignored him.

  He put a bottle of water down beside her. "Whatcha doing?" he asked.

  "Nothing. Just looking at it. It's kind of pretty," she said. "Hey, Ev, how do you get things out of it?"


  Mallory didn't look up, engrossed in the tiny carvings. "How do we make sure it's empty, if it's supposed to be a magic container? Like, I don't want to leave anything in there if it’s trapped. That seems mean."

  "Mallory, anything that gets put into a sigil like that should stay there," Everett said with a roll of his eyes. "Stop playing with it."

  She tucked it deeper into her lap and hissed at Matt when he would have taken it away.

  "Ok, drunken Bunny, it's time to put the shiny rock down," Alec said. He reached over to pry her fingers open.

  Mallory scanned him with her magic and forced her magic to act like his, granting her enough strength to resist him. He tilted his head at her and she stuck her tongue out.

  "Wait, it's shiny?" Everett sounded alarmed. "Why's it shiny, Mallory?"

  She shrugged. Then shoved more magic into it, trying to fill the little box inside. Something moved in the depths of her mind, stretching as she fed it.

  "There's something in there," she murmured. "I can feel it. It's hungry."

p; Their alarm hit her hard enough to make her look up. Nico somehow reached through her fingers to grab the sigil box, but she watched the course of his magic and took it back.

  "Why are you guys being so weird?" she demanded. "If something is inside this thing, it's been there for years. It'd be wrong to keep it in there. It's a prisoner."

  "Mallory, you're not thinking straight about this," Everett said, his voice hushed and urgent. "If something is trapped in there, it's a magic creature. Look at the box. It's too small to be anything that you could see, right? So it must be something invisible, and those usually exist on a different plane."

  "Like a demon. Which is why someone wanted to buy the box, to have their very own amaroq?" she guessed.

  "I doubt it's anything like that, but yeah, could be," Nico said. "And that's dangerous. So don't you think we should find out more about it before you let it out?"

  It's listening, she realized. Whatever it is woke up when I fed it my magic, so now it's listening to us. Memorizing us. "It can hear us," she whispered.

  It focused on her, grasping the tentative strands of web that connected them. It burrowed into her mind, searching for details before she cut it off, allowing the web to fold in on itself around the sigil. The last thing she heard was a greedy slurp as it devoured the magic in the strands.

  "What do you mean it can hear us?" Damon demanded. "It's sentient?"

  "Mallory, you have to let it go, right now!" Everett ordered as he reached for her. He was too late. She used Nico's magic to move, propelling herself off the couch and into the other room before he could touch her. The sigil remained on the couch.

  "This isn't happening," she told herself. "This is not happening. There's not a demon inside the rock that I've had in my closet for the last three years. That's stupid, and impossible, and ridiculous. And there's no way it just looked inside me and saw everything about my life. Everything about the guys."

  But it did. She knew it did.

  "Bunny, are you okay?" Nico called through the door. "You want me to come in?"

  She kept pacing, too keyed up to stop.

  He opened the door really slowly and made a little huh noise. The rest of the guys were behind him.


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