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The Hardest Hit

Page 14

by Teague, AS

  He pulled my hand and gestured for me to sit on the edge of the bed. “It wouldn’t be too hard to take the boys from her. She’d fight it, but eventually I’d win. But then what kind of parent would that make me? They love their mother. And despite being manipulative and pawning them off on me as much as she can, she loves them too. So, I’ve sucked it up. Maybe I should stand up to her more, but the few times I’ve done that, she’s kept them from me.”

  He frowned, and my heart twisted. I couldn’t imagine how it felt to want to see your children and know the only reason you couldn’t was because their mother was using them as pawns.

  “Anyway, you weren’t out of line, Mel. She was. She had no right to insinuate the things she did. She was just trying to get under my skin. She was doing a damn good job of it too.”

  “You don’t worry about them?” I asked.

  “I worry that I’ll have to pay thousands in therapy when they’re adults,” he joked. “But I don’t worry about their safety when they are with her. She’s flaky and she loves nothing more than to use them against me, but when she’s with them, she takes care of them. She never puts them in danger. If she ever had, I wouldn’t hesitate to take them.”

  I dropped in to the chair beside his bed and told him honestly, “I had no idea.”

  “That’s because I didn’t want you to have any idea.”

  I frowned. “And that’s always been our problem.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “For years, you never let me inside. You made up ridiculous excuses or just outright ghosted me. It didn’t take long for me to realize that you weren’t blowing me off, but it always stung when you’d lie about the real reason.” I lifted a shoulder, trying to play off the sudden vulnerability I was feeling. “Did you think I wouldn’t understand?”

  “I was just trying to keep my mess to myself.”

  My heart ached, the thought that he tried to shoulder this responsibility on his own and was too worried about how it would affect me to let me inside squeezing at my chest. “Right, I get that. But why? Why did you think you had to keep it to yourself?”

  He pushed a hand through his hair. “I don’t know. I guess I just didn’t think that you’d be interested in a man with baby mama drama. Not to mention, you told me that first night we were together that you never wanted kids. How fucking sexy would I be if I told you that I had to take care of my kid who was puking because his mother had more important things to do?”

  “A hell of a lot sexier than me thinking you were just a playboy who liked to string me along. Because, you know, that’s what I thought for a long time. Then that morphed into disappointment that you didn’t want to confide in me.” I swallowed hard. “Just because I don’t want children of my own doesn’t mean I can’t handle a man that has kids already. It doesn’t mean that I can’t care about you or your children. But, you never gave me the chance to tell you that.”

  “You’ve never let me in either, Mel. You don’t think I’ve tried for the last however many years? Don’t you remember, right after we met, I spent a month chasing you, and you spent a month barely responding to my messages? But I always tried. I kept my end of the bargain, making sure to never end a conversation without a question. Not that you bothered to answer them half the time.”

  “Those questions always kept us connected!” I shouted and then clamped my jaw shut when I remembered his kids were in the house.

  “Right. They kept us connected. Because our timing was always bad. It was bad because I had personal shit going on and you did too.”

  Damn, I didn’t want him to have a point. But he did. I pressed my lips together and crossed my arms over my chest. “Fine. We both had shit going on.”

  Aiden grinned. “Did you just say that I was right?”

  “Uh, no, I didn’t.”

  He swung his uninjured leg out of the bed and then carefully slid his hurt leg out beside it until he was on the edge.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, my eyes nearly bugging out of my head. “You can’t get up by yourself.”

  “I’m not. You’re going to help me up. I have a therapy session and then my boys to see.”

  “Maybe I should just go home, let you spend time with your kids.”

  “Oh, no. You’re not going anywhere. You really think I’m letting Shay come between us again?”

  I arched a brow. “So, we’re ‘us’ now?”

  “Haven’t we always been ‘us’?”

  “Not even close.”

  “We should change that, then. First step is you meeting my kids.”

  “Shouldn’t we, I don’t know, go on a date or something first? I mean, I know you’re a good kisser, among other things, but what if you belch in the middle of a meal? Or chew with your mouth open? For all I know, you don’t know how to cut a steak properly, or better yet, order a steak properly. After I’ve determined that you’re not a Neanderthal when you eat, then maybe we can talk about me meeting the kids.”

  I’d never formally met them before. I’d seen them at parties, knew who was who, had always asked about them. But there had never been a chance to really spend time with them.

  I loved Allie, and spending time with her was easy. She was a girl after my own heart, and I’d held her just moments after she’d entered the world.

  But meeting Aiden’s kids was different, and I was nervous. What if they didn’t like me? What if they thought I was too loud or bossy or crazy? They wouldn’t be wrong, but I knew that I couldn’t be anyone other than myself.

  “So, what? You gonna crawl out my window to avoid them? Are we in high school and forced to sneak around?” Aiden’s brow arched, and I frowned.

  “I haven’t been in high school in a long time, and I sure as hell am not going to sneak around. We can go out there and you can introduce me, but just don’t give them any wrong ideas.”

  “And what wrong idea would that be? That you’re helping me get better? That you’ve been in my life longer than they have? That no matter what life’s thrown at me, you’ve always been there, even when you weren’t?”

  “Well, when you put it like that… Just make sure you introduce me as your friend.”

  “Of course. That’s all you are, right? I mean, unless you want to be more?” His lips twitched.

  “Are we really having this conversation right now?”

  “You started it.”

  “I did not.”

  “Mm-hmm. You did.”

  “Oh my God. I’m not arguing with you about this.”

  “Good. Help me to the living room then, and I’ll introduce you to my boys.”

  “As your physical therapist and friend,” I reminded him.

  He put up two fingers in a scout’s honor and said, “As my torturer and arch nemesis. For now. If that’s what you want.”

  I handed him a crutch and our fingers grazed. The electricity between us, whenever we touched, even something as simple as a brush of the fingers, never failed to speed up my pulse. It had always been this way, the whole damn reason I was here now. Because, no matter what my head said, my heart, and more importantly, the chemistry between us, said otherwise. “I don’t know what I want, other than to help you get better. Isn’t that enough for now?”

  “It’s never been enough when it came to you. Not once. But I think I’ve proven my patience up until this point. I can wait a little while longer while you finally come to terms with the fact that you and I are meant to be together.”

  God, he was so damn stubborn. And God, if I didn’t blush at his words. He was a smooth talker and a charmer, even injured and battered and bruised. But his words weren’t empty. They’d never been said as a means to get what he wanted. He meant what he said, and I knew it.

  Maybe we were meant to be together, but if that were the case, why the hell had it taken so long to get to this point? I made a mental note to research karma and see if I could find a reason that there were always obstacles in our way. But for now, I had some kids to me
et, and then I needed to get home and figure out how I truly felt about what was happening between us.

  “So, let me get this straight. We’ve always been an ‘us’ and we’re meant to be together?”

  “Pretty much. When the stars align, there’s no getting away from the pull of destiny.”

  “Holy shit, Aiden. You’ve been watching soap operas again, haven’t you?”

  “Nah. Just the Hallmark Channel. You know, those movies are always so inspirational.”

  I laughed. If word ever got out that the star quarterback in the NFL watched The Hallmark Channel and waxed poetic to a woman like he just did, he would never live it down. “Say it again. I need to record it. I’m thinking I’m going to use this as blackmail. You don’t work hard enough in my sessions, I’m going to broadcast it to the world that you’re nothing but a big ole sap.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “I would. Don’t try me. Now, come on. Let’s go see the boys, and then I’m going home so you can catch up with your kids.”

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Mel wasn’t kidding when she said she wanted a quick introduction to the boys and then would be on her way so we could catch up. As much as I wanted her to stay, I was thrilled to finally have my kids home again and be able to spend time with them. It had been a long two weeks, and I missed them more than I ever had before.

  Our weekend flew by, a blur of fast food and football, video games and farting contests. I’d tried to curb the flatulence, but those boys were gassy and loved every loud and smelly one they let rip.

  Griff was an amazing father to Allie, like he was meant to have a daughter. I loved spending time with my “niece”, but I didn’t think I’d ever be cut out to raise a girl. I enjoyed the brotherly beatdowns and out-of-hand pranks they played on each other, and me, way too much to ever give it up for tutus and tea parties. Not that Allie had very many tea parties. That little girl was as feisty as they came, which meant that she was able to hold her own with my rough and rowdy boys.

  But after I’d had Sandy take the boys back to Shay, the house had quieted down, the silence threatening to swallow me whole. I’d forgotten how much I loved listening to the arguments of those three until I’d had it again and then it disappeared.

  “Brutus!” I yelled for my dog. Slowly, he trotted into my makeshift bedroom and flopped on the floor by my bed, snoring almost the moment his head hit the floor. “Some companion you are,” I muttered before snagging my phone from the bedside table and typing out a quick text to Griff.

  Me: Yo. I gotta plan the most epic date Mel’s ever had. Any suggestions?

  I had a few ideas, but I knew that Griff had an inside connection with Brooke and she would be able to help me out.

  Griff: Brooke says you’re on your own.

  I stared at the phone.

  Me: What the hell? Why?

  My phone chimed with an incoming message, this time from Brooke.

  Brooke: You wanna win Mel over? You’re gonna have to do it yourself.

  I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Brooke was the sweetest, most selfless person I knew, and here she was basically throwing me to the wolves.

  Me: I’m injured and you’re just going to abandon me in my moment of need? What kind of monster are you?

  Brooke: The kind that thinks that you’ve wasted too much time. It’s now or never. And if it’s going to be now, then it has to be all you.

  Brooke: But I will give you a little piece of advice.

  I sat up straighter. I would gladly take whatever it was she was about to offer. I watched the text bubble for a second before she responded with what was, in fact, not anything helpful.

  Brooke: If you think you’re going to throw a bunch of money at an extravagant night, you may as well just throw it out the window. It’s not going to impress her.

  I already knew that Mel wasn’t impressed by material things. She was more than capable of buying herself the things she wanted, treating herself to fancy meals, and days at the spa. Nearly frantic, I switched back to the thread with my best friend and gave it one last ditch effort.

  Me: Griff, I will do anything you want. Just tell Brooke to help me out. More than telling me what I already know.

  I watched as the text bubble appeared and then disappeared before popping back up on the screen.

  Griff: I’d like to help you, man, really. But I also really like sleeping in my own bed. Try Quinn.

  I huffed. What the hell did Quinn know about romance? Or Mel?

  Me: You’re an asshole, and your wife is… heartless.

  Griff’s only response was a crying laughing emoji, and I dropped my phone on the bed. It looked like I was really going to have to figure out how to do this on my own.

  Not that I hadn’t planned a date before. But this date had to be perfect. I had to show Mel what I already knew and had always known. That we had something that no one else had, not even Brooke and Griff. And the only way to do that was to make sure that I planned a night she would never forget.

  * * *

  “Wow, you really pulled out all the stops,” Mel teased as she slid into the back seat of the limousine I’d rented for the evening.

  My brows drew together and I gestured around. “What, this? Oh no, this is strictly for me. You’re just getting the benefits of my current disability.”

  She settled back against the black leather and rolled her eyes. “I could have driven.”

  I shook my head. “Not a chance. This is our first date. You think I’m gonna have you pick me up like we’re in high school and I only have my learner’s permit?”

  She laughed. “When I was in high school, you were still wearing diapers.”

  “That is so not true… They were pull-ups,” I shot back at her, and she grinned.

  “You sayin’ I’m old?”

  I feigned shock. “I would never say that.” She twisted in the seat and grabbed the champagne flute that I held out to her. “Shall we toast?”

  Her brow arched. “Am I out on a date with the King of England?”

  A chuff of laughter escaped my lips. “Just trying to do it right.”

  She leaned in close, and I caught a whiff of her body wash. “You’re not nervous, are you, Aiden?”

  I was inexplicably nervous. I’d spent more than enough time with Mel; this wasn’t a blind date or even the first time we’d been alone together. But tonight had to be perfect. It had to make up for all the times that I’d missed out on, that I’d let slip through my fingers. I’d taken a week to plan everything and shamelessly was pretty proud of what I’d come up with. But now that she was in the back seat with me, I couldn’t keep my good knee from bouncing, the nerves trying to find an outlet.

  Brooke was right. Mel wouldn’t be impressed with a lavish date, so I’d even had second thoughts about the limo, but in the end, I’d decided that I didn’t want to have her driving us around. It was the most extravagant part of our evening.

  I took her free hand and brought it to my mouth, brushing my lips over her knuckles, and worked to keep the grin off my face when she shivered at the contact. “Any man who had the pleasure of spending the evening with you would be nervous.”

  My eyes roamed her body, and I appreciated the care that she’d taken to get ready for our night. I’d told her that it wasn’t fancy, so not to don a dress and heels, but with Mel, that didn’t mean that she threw on any old outfit.

  No, she was dressed in a pair of black jeans that were literally made for her long legs and perfect ass. The black and white striped sweater hung off one shoulder, revealing her collarbone. I’d licked and kissed that shoulder before, and my lips tingled with the memory. She had a jacket draped over her lap and was wearing a pair of flats that were both stylish and casual at the same time. Mel was the only woman I knew who could pull off any look she tried.

  “I see that some of the old Aiden has returned.” She smirked then dropped her voice. “I like it.”

I tipped the champagne flute toward her. “There’s our toast, then. To the old Aiden. And to you liking him.”

  She clinked her glass with mine. “I can drink to that.” She took a small sip and made a face. “This is not Dom Perignon.”

  I grinned. “A little birdy told me you weren’t impressed with money and the finer things in life. I hit the store on the way here and grabbed a bottle of their cheapest bubbly.”

  She laughed, and the sound was exactly the way it sounded in my dreams at night. “Well, the little birdy was right. However, I really hope you aren’t taking me to McDonald’s for dinner. I may not be impressed with your wealth, but I am hoping for something a little bit fancier than a McRib.”

  I may not have planned dinner at a five-star restaurant, but I had planned a night that was centered around Mel’s likes. “No McRibs tonight. But before dinner, we’re going to Heritage Hill State Park.”

  She tipped her head. “Picnic?”

  I grinned. “Nope. A guided tour of seventeenth century restored buildings. It’s a forty-eight-acre park with guides who are dressed in period clothes. There are demonstrations by blacksmiths and a fur trader cabin.”

  Her eyes lit. “Really?”

  I nodded, prouder than I had been when I’d been drafted. “Yep. I managed to get the best tour guide for us, and he’s ready to tell us the history of the area. Figured your inner nerd would appreciate that.”

  She took another sip of her ten-dollar champagne and grinned. “I am impressed. I can’t believe you remember that I’m a history nerd.”

  I winked. “I have a good memory when it comes to you.”

  She settled back into the seat, and I took a chance and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side. There was no resistance and her body fit perfectly next to mine. The park wasn’t far from her rental house, so we sipped our champagne and rode in a comfortable silence the rest of the way.


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