The Hardest Hit

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The Hardest Hit Page 20

by Teague, AS

  We moved into the living room and settled onto the couch. Mel tried to sit at the opposite end, but I grabbed her arm, dragged her across the sofa, and tucked her into my side. “If I can’t spend the rest of the night kissing you, I’m at least going to have you next to me,” I whispered in her ear.

  She sat next to me, tense for just a moment before relaxing into my side. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and ran my fingertips along her arm before pressing my lips to the top of her head and asking softly, “You’re my girlfriend, right?”

  She glanced around the room, and once she was satisfied that the boys were engrossed in getting the movie started and not paying us any attention, she cut her eyes at me. “What? Are we in elementary school now? You gonna start passing me notes?”

  I chuckled. “Look around you. This is who I spend my time with. It only makes sense that I’m starting to sound like them.”

  She did look around, and then her warm whiskey eyes came back to mine. “You could definitely be in worse company.”

  She snuggled down further into me, and I squeezed her shoulder and settled back, Landon announcing that the movie was about to start and then sprawling across the other end of the couch. Owen and Hunter took up their positions on the floor at my feet, and together, the five of us spent the rest of the evening watching Bruce Willis save the entire city of Los Angeles.

  It was easily one of the best nights of my life.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  He filled me in places that I didn’t know were empty. There was never a moment when he was inside of me that I didn’t feel whole, that I didn’t feel like he was touching more than just my body with his calloused hands.

  His mouth was at my throat, one hand threaded through my hair, the other rubbing circles around my clit. “Aiden…” I moaned as my body began to quake.

  He sank his teeth into the tender flesh, and I gasped as he soothed the spot with his tongue. “Say my name again.”

  I rocked my hips, my rhythm keeping pace with his as my orgasm bore down on me. “God, Aiden.”

  His pace quickened, his breathing ragged. “Tell me what you want, Mel.”

  What did I want?

  Everything he had to give me.

  “This,” I hissed as his thumb continued to push me closer to the edge. “You.”

  I was dangerously close to falling over the edge and I breathed, “I’m there, Aiden.”

  That was all it took for him to plant himself deep within me, his ragged breathing hitching as my name tumbled from his lips like a prayer.

  My own orgasm crashed over me, a tidal wave of pleasure mixed with so much emotion that I was close to crying. It had been like this every time we’d been together, the sheer rightness of it all, as though we’d been intimate for our entire lives and not just the last few weeks.

  His body stilled on top of mine, and I panted as my hands ran over the smooth planes of his back, my nails softly grazing his skin. I rained kisses over his shoulder, my mouth desperate for every inch of his skin. No matter how many times we were in this bed together, I could never get enough of him.

  “Come on, baby, we gotta get up,” Aiden murmured, his face still buried in my neck.

  I groaned. The last thing I wanted to do was get out of the warm bed that smelled like him and get dressed for Aiden’s annual Christmas party. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to attend, quite the opposite, actually. I was looking forward to all of our friends being in one place for the first time in months. It was the theme of the party that I was dreading.

  Thanksgiving had passed in a blur of too much deep-fried turkey and not enough time spent together. Griff’s team hadn’t been playing this year, so he and Brooke and Allie came to Aiden’s, and we spent the holiday together. It would have been perfect, except Shay had refused to let the boys come when she’d realized that Aiden and I were together. I’d offered to bow out of dinner, but Aiden had refused, insisting that it didn’t matter if I was physically there or not; once Shay dug her heels in about something, there was no changing her mind.

  I’d not only gotten used to being around the boys and their antics, but found myself craving the time I was able to spend with all four of the Shaw guys. Aiden was slowly getting back to his old self and we’d enjoyed the holiday even though we missed the boys at the dinner table.

  “I don’t know why we have to dress up,” I whined as I ran my tongue along the thick cord of his neck and nipped his earlobe. “I can think of other things for us to do tonight instead.”

  He rolled his hips into mine, his cock thickening. His teeth grazed my collarbone, and I shivered, the thrill of his mouth on me shooting straight to my core. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Who, me?” I purred, sliding my hand down his ribs. His strong hand gripped my wrist, and I whimpered.

  “You know why we have to have the party.” He pulled my hand back above the covers and kissed my fingertips. “But you get an A for effort on trying to get out of it. And if you’re a good girl, maybe we can finish this tonight.”

  He pressed a quick kiss to my temple and then rolled out of bed, and I sighed.

  There was no use in trying to avoid the inevitable, so I scooted up in the bed and pulled the comforter along with me to cover my naked torso. “The boys will be here tonight, which means that I won’t be staying the night.”

  For the last three weeks, I’d been spending every day with Aiden and his boys, spending the nights at his house when they were with their mother and staying in my rental when they were with him. I’d finally conceded to them that I was, in fact, Aiden’s girlfriend, and much to my relief, their reactions varied between Hunter’s excitement to Landon’s not giving a shit. None of the boys were upset though, and if they didn’t like my presence, they never let on to it.

  As a matter of fact, they often begged me to stay on the evenings when I insisted on letting Aiden have time with just them, and over time, my resolve was beginning to weaken. But I remained steadfast that I wouldn’t be the kind of woman who just moved in with a boyfriend the moment things got hot and heavy between us.

  The boys already had to deal with Shay’s revolving door of men. I didn’t want to add to that.

  “They wouldn’t mind it if you were here when they woke up, Mel. Hell, they amble down the stairs when you’re cooking those famous pancakes, and they’ll be begging you to be here every morning. They may even ask to just live with you instead.”

  I smiled but shook my head firmly. “Not happening. Although, I will come back bright and early tomorrow to make those pancakes for them if they want.”

  Aiden poked his lower lip out as he pulled a pair of sweatpants on over his hips. I watched as the muscles of his arms flexed and tried my damndest to not let the sexy V of his hips turn me on. It was apparent that there was no time for playing.

  Aiden had been working hard with his physical therapy on his knee while maintaining an exercise regimen that kept the rest of him in shape. He’d finally accepted that his career on the field was over but had refused to let that turn into an excuse to let himself go.

  I couldn’t say that I minded.

  “What are you staring at?” He smirked before flexing a bicep.

  I rolled my eyes. “Gettin’ a little soft in the middle, aren’t you?”

  His abs popped and he said, “There is nothing soft about me. Except when it comes to you.” He bent at the waist and pressed his lips to my forehead. “But not today. You gotta get up and help me get ready for the party.”

  I slid out of bed and snagged the T-shirt that was on the floor, pulling it on over my head. “I need coffee, and then I’ll do whatever you want. But I swear to God, Aiden, if you force me to put on that costume, I will never sleep with you again.”

  He waggled his brows as he pulled me close, palming the flesh of my bare ass. “You know good and well that you can’t resist my charm.”

  I pressed to my toes and brushed my lips across his. “Try me.”

>   * * *

  “Quinn!” I shouted, throwing my arms wide to wrap around his broad shoulders.

  He squeezed me tight, lifting me off my feet, and then set me back down and said, “God, Mel, you look…”

  I narrowed my eyes and hissed, “Don’t say it.”

  He shook his head. “I won’t. Just wondering how Santa would feel seeing you hugging another man right now?”

  I pursed my lips together as he threw his head back and roared in laughter.

  “Yuk it up, buddy, but don’t think that sweater you’re wearing is doing you any favors right now. You’re T-Rex wearing a Santa hat is only one step behind this Mrs. Claus costume.”

  “Hey, it’s not my party. I don’t make the rules; I just follow them.” He held his hands up in surrender and then bent at the waist. “Hey, I think I see the big man himself over there.”

  Aiden had been holding his annual Christmas party for years, and each year, he dressed as Santa Claus for the kids who attended. Allie and his boys, along with the guys from his team’s kids all loved it, and honestly, I was thrilled that he was insistent on carrying on the tradition this year after everything that had happened.

  But that was before he’d informed me that I’d be donning a Mrs. Claus costume, and not the sexy kind. I’d resisted up until the very last minute, but in the end, the pleading look he gave me, coupled with the quick orgasm in the shower, had convinced me to wear the damn thing even though it went against everything my fashion sense believed in.

  Aiden had gone out and found the most authentic-looking costume that he could, insisting that I had to play the part. That meant that I was soft around the middle and decked out in a white curly wig. The scratchy material was certain to give me hives later, but the pure excitement that he’d had while talking about the party and what it meant was something that I couldn’t deny him. So, once again, I’d been a team player and put the stupid costume on, but not without making sure that he knew I was not pleased.

  I glanced across the room to where Aiden was sitting in a large red chair, something he’d had brought in especially for the party, Allie in his lap.

  I waltzed over to them and wrapped my arm around Brooke before resting my head on her shoulder. “God, I’ve missed ya’ll so much.”

  She looped her arm around my exaggerated waist and pulled me as close to her as she could with the thick stuffing on the costume. “I’m glad you’re here with Aiden, but damn, I can’t stand you being so far away,” she lamented.

  It had been over two months since Aiden’s injury, and I’d only been back home once, and it was only long enough to get more of my clothes and take care of some random loose ends that couldn’t be handled from Green Bay.

  “The season’s almost over,” I said. “Any chance you can convince Griff to come here?”

  Brooke’s eyes lit. “You know I can.”

  We grinned at each other until Allie jumped from Aiden’s knee and threw her arms around my waist. “Auntie Mel! Santa said that I was definitely getting what I wanted for Christmas this year!”

  Brooke’s brow popped, and she dropped to a squat in front of her daughter. “Oh, he did, huh? And what did you ask for?”

  “A prairie dog! Actually, two, because they live in groups.” Allie beamed, her cheeks pink with excitement. “Can you believe it, Mommy? I’m gonna get two real prairie dogs! I gotta tell Daddy.”

  She skipped away as Brooke slowly pushed to her feet and shot Aiden a look that could have killed Medusa. “You’re so dead.”

  Aiden threw his head back and roared with laughter, and even though it was at my best friend’s expense, I couldn’t help but relish in the sound of it. Brooke continued to glare at him as she said, “I have to go do damage control. Tell Aiden he better watch his back though.”

  I laughed and promised to do just that before a towering man in an elf costume caught my attention. “Hampton?” I exclaimed.

  Hampton Reed was ambling over to where Aiden was sitting, red and white striped socks halfway up his legs, green tights covering his thighs and a green tunic for a shirt. He was wearing a green elf hat and completed his costume with pointed ears.

  He stopped his trek to Aiden, and his eyes widened. “Mel? Is that you?”

  I wasn’t sure whether to hug him or run and hide, but in the end, his large arms engulfed me in a bear hug and I had no choice but to admit that it was me under the red velvet material. “What are you doing here?”

  “I invited him,” Aiden piped up, still seated on his royal throne. I had a suspicion that he would be seated there for the duration of the party and I’d be waiting on him hand and foot. Just like a good Mrs. Claus.

  Hampton turned and stuck a hand out, Aiden gripping it before they embraced in a manly hug. At least, as manly as a giant elf and Kris Kringle could be.

  “Sorry to break up this bromance, but why did you invite your doctor?” I asked, surprised.

  Hampton threw his arms out. “What, not happy to see me?”

  I pushed his bicep. “Of course, I am! I just didn’t realize you two were such good friends.”

  Aiden shrugged. “It was twofold. A party and a checkup.”

  Hampton feigned hurt. “Aw, come on, man. I thought we were bros.”

  Quinn ambled up behind me at the same time that a redhead, whose curls rivaled mine, sidled up next to Hampton.

  “Quinn!” Aiden shouted over the holiday music that was playing through the speakers of his surround sound. Someone must have turned the volume up, because the chatter of party guests had grown and we were all nearly yelling at this point. “You remember Dr. Reed, the man who saved my leg.”

  Quinn stuck a hand out, and Hampton told him, “Good to see you again. Aiden’s overexaggerating a little bit, but please, call me Hampton. I’m only Dr. Reed at the hospital.” He wrapped an arm around the redhead’s shoulders and pulled her tall frame into his side.

  Quinn’s gaze followed the movement, and the moment his eyes landed on Hampton’s companion, they widened.

  “This is Georgia,” Hampton said. “Georgie, Santa here is Aiden Shaw. Mrs. Claus is Mel. You know Mel though. And this is Quinn Miller.”

  Quinn’s eyes never left Georgia’s as he put his hand out and stumbled over his words. “Hi, yeah, nice to meet you. Are you Hampton’s… wife?”

  Georgia took his hand in hers, her eyes twinkling as she let out a dainty laugh. “Oh, God, no. Hammy’s my brother.”

  I pressed a fist to my mouth to stifle the giggle. I was almost sad for a moment that I no longer worked with him, because nothing would have brought me greater pleasure on Monday morning than to sidle up to the great orthopedic surgeon and call him Hammy in front of all the nurses.

  Hampton must have seen my movement because he dropped his arm and gave his sister a shove. “Thanks a lot, Georgia.”

  She shrugged. “Welcome, Hammy.” She turned her attention back to where Quinn was still staring at her awestruck. “Quinn Miller. I know that name.” She tipped her head and tapped a finger to her lips as she thought, her hair cascading over her shoulders. Finally, her eyes lit and she snapped her fingers. “You play for the Steelers, right? Went to Oklahoma?”

  Quinn’s jaw fell open, and he glanced over to where Aiden sat with a knowing grin. “I’m dead, aren’t I? I’ve died and gone to heaven, and this is an angel waiting to greet me.”

  Georgia giggled again, the sound like what I would imagine Tinker Bell would sound like, and then shook her head. “Nope, you’re not in heaven. But I am an angel.” She gave Quinn an appreciative once-over and then finished, “A thirsty one at that.”

  Hampton rolled his eyes and leaned into Quinn. “If I were you, I’d pretend this never happened and walk away now.”

  Quinn looked back and forth between the two Reed siblings, his mouth opening and closing as he searched for the right words to say. Finally, he said, “Hey, man, I didn’t mean to upset you. If you don’t want me talking to your sister––”

mpton cut him off mid-sentence. “What? Hell no, you haven’t offended me. I said that for your benefit. Georgia’s a pretty face and all, but trust me, I grew up with her… She’s crazy as hell. An angel? No way. Look at this hair; it’s the mark of the devil.” Hampton fingered the end of Georgia’s deep red curls, and she swatted at his hand.

  I watched Aiden, an amused expression on his face as his gaze ping-ponged back and forth between the Reeds and Quinn.

  Once again, for what seemed like the thousandth time that night, a sense of relief washed through me, followed by a contentment that I hadn’t felt in a while.

  For so long, Aiden’s handsome face had been marred by a deep crease between his brow, his lips tipped down into a permanent frown. Even when he was happy and laughing with his kids, there was a sadness in his aqua blue eyes that made my heart ache.

  But tonight, that crease was smooth and those full lips were curved upward. For the first time since his injury, the old Aiden, the man who had always been a smooth talker, the guy who had spent years relentlessly pursuing me, never taking no for an answer and simply accepting that our time would come, was starting to peek through.

  I looked down at the ridiculous velvet costume that I had on and then back at his synthetic white beard and decided that if this party, this little bit of normalcy in what had become a chaotic life, had anything to do with it, I would wear this scratchy costume anytime he asked me to put it on.

  Quinn grinned. “Well, crazy as hell just happens to be my kryptonite. And turns out I’m thirsty too.” He stuck his elbow out, and Georgia wasted no time looping her arm through his before the two of them scurried off to the kitchen.

  “God, he doesn’t know what he’s getting into.” Hampton shook his head. “But that’s his funeral, not mine.”

  I laughed again, and he excused himself to go talk to some of the other members of the team, and I took the opportunity to drop onto Aiden’s lap, careful to not jostle his knee. “So, Santa, I’ve been a good girl this year. Am I going to get everything I want for Christmas?”


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