[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 11

by Watkins, Charles

  “Yeah?” I asked raising my right eyebrow.

  “I was just thinking about my past—our past, I have loved you since we first met Chaz but I can’t figure out what makes you stay with me…I don’t know…it just seems that I’m really not worthy of your love.” Angie stated turning away again.

  “We all have times when we feel insufficient; inadequate in certain issues of life—but we keep going—we don’t give up.” I stated as I continued to stroke her hair.

  “What makes you love me, Chaz?” Angie asked turning back to face me.

  “Because you’re my life—you’re the reason I go on; I wouldn’t even have a reason to live if I didn’t have you.” I answered as I looked deep into her eyes.

  “I love you Chaz…with all my heart.” Angie stated looking up deeply into my eyes.

  We kissed again and headed back for the doors to the store.

  “Are you two okay?” Jennifer asked with concern as she seen us come into the store.

  “Yes.” I answered as Angie and I wrapped our arms around each other.

  “What’s up?” Noah asked as he got up from where he had been sitting.

  “I was just depressed over how bad my life was in the past…and it just got to me, but I’m fine now.” Angie answered as she clung to my left arm.

  “I’m glad that you guys are okay…there’s something that I have been wondering about…” Jennifer answered staring down at the floor.

  “What is it Jennifer?” I asked noticing the serious and somewhat worried expression on her face.

  “Well…here goes…I’m in love with you—I have been for a while now and I feel the same way about Angie; I have kept my mouth shut though because I know you guys are married and I didn’t want to lose you as my friends.” Jennifer answered looking up into my eyes as a tear formed in hers.

  I glanced at Angie and we both exchanged surprised looks before turning back to Jennifer.

  “Believe it or not but I’ve felt the same way about you for a while now.” I stated in deep thought.

  “As have I—you’re a really beautiful girl Jennifer.” Angie added with a smile and slight chuckle.

  “This seems like a private conversation that you guys wanna have so I’m just gonna…you know?” Noah stated with an embarrassed look as he pointed off to the side with his right index finger before walking away.

  “So you both feel the same way about me?” Jennifer asked in a relieved tone seconds later.

  “Yes, we do—how would you like to be our girlfriend?” Angie asked curiously.

  “I’d love it if you’ll both have me.” Jennifer answered with a happy smile as she stepped closer to us.

  “Yes, I’ll take care of you both.” I stated with a big grin as I brought Jennifer’s lips to mine for our first kiss—which lasted over a minute.

  Angie then kissed her as well and then kissed me again.

  “Well, it’s not going to be easy getting to Maine…we’ve lost several people.” Jennifer stated in a grim tone as she wrapped her left arm around my waist.

  “Well…we’ll do our best; we have to keep going until we get to Maine.” I stated as everyone gathered around us.

  The others gathered enough supplies and then we all got back on the road and after a few days of non-stop driving, we managed to make it to Baltimore Maryland, or what was left of it; we didn’t waste too much time there as the zombies were thick and wide spread—we gathered some ammo at a store near the center of the city and then we decided to get the hell out of there.

  “The nation’s capital is just south west…I wonder if anyone is left alive.” Doug stated scratching his head.

  “I doubt it and we don’t have the time to go check, I’d imagine that Washington D.C is probably the worst place in the country…” I stated with a distant look as we all rushed to get back into our truck.

  We continued on into Pennsylvania and managed to make it to the far northern city of Wilkes-Barre before running low on gas and Doug had to start looking for a gas station; we stopped at a station and Doug and Noah checked to see if there was any fuel, my mom was watching and taking care of Remy and Mace while Angie, Jennifer and I checked around the area—that’s when I found an old newspaper dated about a week before the entire zombie infestation had begun.


  “I found something!” I called as I placed my right index finger on the article I had found.

  Angie, Jennifer and Noah came over and we read it aloud to everyone else.

  October 8, 2000

  “It has not yet been confirmed of how many of these bodies have been discovered to have been contaminated, so far investigators and police officials have determined that at least ten morgue workers and lab workers have disappeared and there has been no clue as to their whereabouts; the contaminated bodies suggest that a high amount of a certain type of pesticide as well as a chemical that induces various stages of decay were present before these individuals disappeared. This however, has caused the bodies to decay at alarming speed and the morgue areas where they were found have been quarantined.”

  October 12, 2000

  “Once again, police officials are baffled; several more of these decaying bodies were discovered in the First Memorial Hospital in Oklahoma City and traces of the same type of pesticides were once again found near the bodies. The President spoke with the joint chiefs today about the growing concern of the public over this matter.”

  October 19, 2000

  “Today police found a fax message in the Oklahoma City hospital morgue telling in detail of how some unknown faction was developing the found chemicals and injecting them into the corpses of the dead. Not so much as a fingerprint has been found as to point out possible suspects in the recent events.”

  October 20, 2000

  “Recent reports in several major cities around the country have told of strange creatures roaming about that resemble the dead; there has been no information regarding this rumor found to state that it is actually true. Those who have reported seeing these creatures have been questioned by police and government officials but no evidence has been found to link any of this together.”

  October 21, 2000

  “More reports of these creatures have been swarming in today; dozens of people claim to have witnessed these corpses to have committed horrific acts of inhuman behavior such as cannibalism. Panic is spreading and many of the smaller country towns are yet to even know about this situation. Several branches of the military have been put on alert and police urge people to be very careful.”

  October 22, 2000

  “Terror and mayhem have followed the recent outbreaks of these corpses, now called “zombies” in many of the large cities all over this country, and senseless acts of cannibalism have increased and citizens are left to fend for themselves…”

  The article ended there and everyone looked at each other.

  “We need to find out where the hell these things came from and who’s responsible.” Noah stated with a dark look.

  “Well, we need to find a safe place to stay in this city and then we can start looking in the hospital.” I stated as I stuck the newspaper into my pack.

  “Whatever happens, we need to be very cautious.” My dad said in a concerned tone.

  [Chapter Three:

  Code Red-Thistle Project]

  It was now March 2, 2008, and it had been a while since we had discovered the connection between the hospitals in both Oklahoma City and now Wilkes-Barre—nearly three years of hiding and searching for clues in a damned city of cannibalistic corpses had passed. The zombies seemed to be centered around this city, our original plan had been to go to Maine where the reports stated that the zombies had not reached yet but after we had found an old newspaper clip saying that a mysterious line of events had taken place in both hospitals right before the zombie outbreak occurred
, we had decided to stay and investigate and hopefully shed some light on this whole entire atrocity.

  We were staying in an abandoned two-story house on the outskirts of town, the zombies had proven to have gotten stronger and we were convinced that soon one of us would have to give—either them or us.

  “I wonder where we should start looking…” Noah stated in deep thought as he stood watching out one of the front windows.

  “The hospital here…although it seems the one in Oklahoma City held more clues…” I answered as I thumbed through the newspaper clippings we had previously found.

  “We should be going soon, this place isn’t all that safe—just this morning a pack of zombies almost broke through the back yard fence; Doug and I had a hell of a time trying to kill them off.” James stated as he and Alex came into the front room from the rear kitchen area.

  “We’ll be leaving as soon as we find out what we need to know from the hospital here—after that, we’ll be heading back to Oklahoma City.” I answered only looking up at them for a moment.

  “Damn it!”

  “I was hoping that we’d never have to go there again.” Christina stated with a sigh.

  “Well, I don’t particularly look forward to it either, but we still have to find out who’s responsible for all this shit.” I answered in a voice that probably told the others I was getting tired of their constant complaining.

  “That newspaper said that there possibly were several of individuals responsible and there may be something there that will clear this whole mess up.” Noah stated as he turned to face me.

  I nodded as I got up and walked into the upstairs den where Angie and Jennifer were watching out the window. I walked over and stood beside of them wrapping my arms around them both; Angie looked up and smiled, then kissed me softly and Jennifer done the same—I could still taste my cum on Jennifer’s lips from about ten minutes before when the three of us had been making love and she had been sucking my cock.

  “We’re leaving soon…I just hope that we can make it through this.” I stated wrapping my arms around her waist.

  “Me too.” Jennifer said as she turned to glance at Angie and me.

  There was the sound of gunfire from downstairs and we all raced down there to see what was happening, Noah and Subotai were trying to keep a pack of zombies which were piled up against the front door from breaking in; Noah stuck the barrel of his shotgun through the broken glass of the door window and fired blowing off several of their heads splattering the walls with gore.

  “Get back!” I shouted slapping a clip into my M16.

  They moved away and the zombies pushed the door open and started rushing in, I aimed my gun at their heads and opened fire mowing their brains to pieces, Noah joined in by decapitating some of their heads, my empty shells covered the floor after all of the undead had been killed off. “Damn it!”

  “This place is growing more and more unstable—everyone get your asses to the truck!” I shouted as I grabbed my gear near the door and led the way out onto the front porch.

  Everyone ran out the open front door and through the yard to the parked semi we had used for the past few months—Doug got behind the wheel while everyone else got onto the back trailer bed where we had welded steel support posts to as well as thick metal bars that were covered with razor wire; the tail end of the trailer was guarded by a gate made of the same stuff. As we went down the street we noticed a couple of teenage girls running down a street with a mass of zombies not far behind them—I told Doug to stop the truck and I jumped off and waved trying to get their attention.


  “Kira—hurry up, you’re falling behind!” The girl in the front yelled to the redheaded one behind her.


  “Look!” The girl named Kira shouted pointing ahead.

  I watched as they started running towards me and when they got to us they hastily looked back at the advancing hordes of undead; I helped them onto the truck bed and then opened fire on the zombies as they got closer to us, Angie and Jennifer aided me with suppressing gunfire. Doug stepped on it and we finally lost them.

  “Who are you people?” Kira asked as she glanced from each one of our faces to another.

  We introduced ourselves and told them what we had been trying to do and all that had happened since the zombie outbreak first started.

  “Well it’s nice to meet you guys, my name is Kira Foster and this is my friend Meghan Jones.” Kira stated motioning to the other girl who had short dark hair.

  “Are you two from around here?” Noah asked as he sat on a metal ammo crate and reloaded his shotgun.

  “I’m from Annapolis, Maryland; Meghan here’s from St. Luis, Missouri.” Kira answered looking over at him.

  “That’s quite a long ways away—are you two drifters?” James asked in a curious tone.

  “I fled from my high school when the zombies came…I’ve been on the run ever since, I was going to go see if my uncle and aunt in Chicago were alive but when I got there they were dead and the zombies were everywhere so I’ve just kind of stuck to the highway; every time I ran into those things I ran like hell—I guess you’d say I’m still alive by pure luck.” Kira answered with sort of a glazed look in her eyes.

  “I was with my boyfriend in St. Luis when the zombies started attacking people…Eric ran off and left me to fend for myself, I was almost killed but I managed to steal a car and make it halfway across the bridge over the Mississippi River when I couldn’t go anymore—that’s when I found Eric’s body…half eaten lying under a wrecked pickup truck…I ran for it and kept running; I met up with Kira in Louisville, Kentucky. From there we both traveled on foot and we managed to make it here.” Meghan stated as he wiped the sweat from her brow before taking a drink from a canteen of water she had with her.

  “That’s amazing, what with all those zombies—not to mention those other mutations running ape shit out there.” Noah stated in a surprised tone.

  “We should be at the hospital soon.” Doug stated opening the rear cab window.

  We all prepared by loading our weapons and swallowing our fear and once we arrived we saw that the area around the entrance to the hospital resembled that of the Oklahoma City hospital, wrecked cars blocked many of the side streets and bodies covered the ground so much that you could hardly walk without stepping into something from a decaying corpse; I took the lead with Angie and Jennifer behind me, then Noah and all the others. The door glass was busted and what looked like it had once been a nurse lay face down in the glass a pool of blood and maggots crawling out of her rotting eyes and mouth. Christina suddenly grabbed her mouth and bent over in a corner retching, Noah helped her up and we continued inside.

  “This place is just about as bad as the Oklahoma City hospital.” I stated as I glanced at the gore for only a second or two.

  There was a half open elevator nearby that had some kind of a flickering light, I investigated it only to find a desecration of humanity; there before my eyes were probably fifteen rotting bodies of both women, children and elderly—their blood appeared to had been spread everywhere and most of it was dry, but the stench was awful.

  “Don’t look at it—keep moving.” I stated as I turned to face my comrades.

  Noah and Subotai pulled the elevator door shut and we moved on, ahead there was some sort of flashing light that could be seen through the windows in the double doors at the end of the hall and as we got closer I noticed a body sprawled out in the hallway and it appeared to had been dead a long time—the flesh on his face was mostly gone and his skull could be seen; his empty eye sockets staring up at nothing and his mouth wide open as if he had been screaming when he died.

  “What’s that in his hand?” Angie asked pointing to a clipboard clenched in his fingers.

  I grabbed it and pried it free, upon examination we seen that it was a detailed floor
plan of the hospital as well as a schedule list of duties each employee was supposed to do.

  “This looks like it may come in handy.” I stated as I took the papers off the clipboard and tossed it to the floor with a loud clatter.

  “Baby, look!” Jennifer shouted clinging to me as she pointed to the corpses’ feet.

  There rising from out of the shadows was a horrible looking zombie, apparently it had been snacking on the decaying remains and it was now rising to its feet and coming toward us; I stuffed the papers into my pocket and opened fire shooting it several times in the head and neck area, but it kept coming.

  “There’s an elevator down the hall near where we came in!” Noah called as he and the others had already started to flee back the way we had come in.

  “Run!” I shouted as I fired a few more rounds into the still advancing zombie’s upper neck and head area before turning and running after them.

  We all ran back to the elevator and all the others loaded into it as Noah and I shot at the steadily advancing zombie, it’s left arm dropped off spewing foul black blood, but it kept coming; I shot it twice in the head blowing off a good sized area of its skull in the front and it fell to the floor and started to make a pool of blood, then it got right back up again and was almost on us.

  “Holy shit!”

  “I don’t believe that!” I shouted in disbelief as I stood there in a dumbfounded way.

  Angie, Jennifer and Noah grabbed me and pulled me inside as the doors closed, the zombie could be heard on the other side pounding on the doors.

  “I’ll be damned…what is that thing out there?” I said a chill running down my spine.

  Jude, Remy and Mace were now almost two and a half years old but too small to know what was really going on, Christina held onto Jude and Angie held onto our daughters Remy and Mace; I pressed the button for the morgue and we waited as the elevator took us down into the depths of the city. We arrived in a small open hallway like area where there were two benches near the wall and a soda machine next to the door.


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