[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 13

by Watkins, Charles

  “Well—I didn’t like Lindsay, but it’s pretty simple—we’ve now lost two people we could have used, but it’s okay; once a person is bitten by one of those undead bastards there isn’t anything you can do for them really except put a bullet in their brain.” I stated in a grim tone as I used my left hand to shield my eyes from the sun.

  “How the hell did all this shit happen anyway?” Melvin asked turning towards me.

  “Well…from what we know—there were two men in Oklahoma City mainly responsible for everything that is happening now, they created a toxin that they injected into cadavers in the morgue of the hospital there—and somehow it spread to the outside and before anyone really knew what was happening, it was too late.” I answered as I took out the documents I had picked up from the Wilkes-Barre Hospital.

  “A chemical?”

  “How could that make a dead man come to life—I work with chemicals in Calhoun, GA—I’ve never heard of anything that could remotely do that!” Cedric stated with a skeptical look on his face.

  “From what we know—the chemical they used is something they call T.H.C.A.I.A Toxin—it’s a mixture of several different kinds of unknown chemicals that are powerful enough to do this.” I explained showing him the documents we had found as proof.

  “It’d have to be chemicals I’ve never heard of before to do some shit like this—course I ain’t no bio-chemist either.” Cedric stated scratching his head with a confused look.

  “I guess—I don’t really know too much about it, but the info we found in the Wilkes-Barre hospital told in detail about this toxin—they even had a corpse on an examination table with all kinds of needles and tubes in it.” I answered as I put the documents back into my pack.

  “Let’s get out of here—there could be zombies anywhere.” Kira stated nervously looking around.

  “Yes, we’re leaving…but we really should start looking for another means of transportation…the wrecker isn’t going to fit us all.” I stated as I turned and started walking toward the wrecker with Angie and Jennifer by my side.

  “I heard on the radio a while back just before everything went to hell that a military transport helicopter crashed over near the Tennessee State line.” Cedric stated as he used his large right index finger to point off to the north.

  “Hmm…it’s probably a mess then…whatever we do, we should get moving; it’s one thing I’ve learned from all this and that’s never stick around in one spot for too long—usually all that does is draw a pack of zombies.” I stated as I reloaded my weapons.

  “Do you have a gun Melvin?” Angie asked turning to face her older brother.

  “Yeah—I have this .45 here, plus my sword.” He answered as he showed his weapons to her.

  “We better get you some better equipment; it gets more and more dangerous by the second.” I stated as I led the way down to the wrecker.

  We all managed to fit on the back of the wrecker leaving, but it was apparent—we wouldn’t be able to use it for too much longer; that’s when we found another semi—this one was damaged pretty badly in certain places and part of the trailer had been burnt up, however—there was still a part intact where some of us could stay inside of. The cab itself was in fairly good condition and Cedric agreed to drive it while the rest of us rode on the trailer, I was helping Angie and Jennifer climb up onto the trailer when I noticed a body sprawled out over the hood of a wrecked sports car—it looked like it’s torso had been ripped out and the entire hood was covered with blood and gore.

  As I gazed at it I thought it was dead, but then the damn thing raised up and to my shock and disgust—its whole chest cavity and intestinal area spilled out onto the pavement, I held my stomach as I bent over near the semi retching. The others noticed the advancing gooey zombie and got their weapons ready as I climbed up onto the trailer with Angie and Jennifer after getting through, there was sudden automatic gunfire from somewhere off to the right—the bullets tore into the zombie’s side and neck area, then a couple hit its head and killed it and that’s when two strangers appeared and came up to us—there was one man and one woman; the woman was well endowed and had shoulder length medium brown hair.

  “Who are you guys?” The woman asked looking each member of our group over suspiciously.

  We introduced ourselves and told them what we had been trying to do.

  “We’re on the way back to Oklahoma City to see if we can’t find out the remaining clues as to what happened with this zombie outbreak.” Noah stated in a cocky voice.

  “Very well—we’ll join you…my name’s Cole Weathers and this is Patty Williamson.” The man said as he slapped the woman’s ass.

  “Cut it out!” The woman named Patty shouted smacking at the man named Cole.

  “Relax girl—I’m just messin’ with you.” He answered back as he shielded himself from her barrage of blows.

  Cole—who appeared to have been the one who killed the zombie, had an Uzi semi-automatic weapon he kept on a strap by his waist; Patty had a .357 magnum and a .12 gauge pump shotgun.

  “We were just getting ready to leave using this semi here.” I stated motioning to our truck that was now started and ready to depart.

  “I was with the Chattanooga Police Department before all this happened…the day those things started showing up in the city it was like some kind of twisted nightmare—the station was flooded with calls of these creatures attacking and eating citizens…I personally thought it was just a whacked-out group of cannibals or a cult or something, but when I got to some of the scenes I realized that these creatures were not of this world—they were dead as shit, yet they walked around and attacked people as like nothing I had ever seen before.” Cole explained in a distant tone of voice.

  “I was working at the café at the time when all this started…I remember some of those things busting through the front window glass and attacking the customers who were sitting near the door…me and my best friend Claudia fled to the kitchen, but one of them got her and I was left all alone…I fled out of that café and through the streets…I hid for a while until I met up with Cole here…by that time, I had decided to leave this godforsaken place.” Patty stated in a way that suggested she was probably still having flashbacks of the entire ordeal.

  “We’ve all had similar encounters with those dead-heads since this all started, believe me—we’re safer in a group.” I said with a hint of both malice and humor in my tone.

  Some of us told the two new people what had happened to us as Cedric continued driving, by nightfall—we were on the interstate going west and it had started to rain. Most of us were huddled together under what was left of the semi’s trailer trying to stay dry. Angie held Remy and Mace close and covered them and Jennifer with her jacket as I held the both of them and my daughters close while Noah and Christina were watching the road as it passed; we could all see lightning bolts streak across the dark sky and the thunder that shook the earth as well as our nerves. The rest of the night we spent going through the western part of Tennessee until we were finally past Memphis and we stopped along the side of the interstate around 2 AM and everyone including Angie, Jennifer and I were wondering what was up.

  “I’m stopping because I’m getting tired.” Cedric stated as he got out of the driver’s side door.

  “I hope there aren’t any zombies or anything else around here—some of us better stay awake on guard duty.” Noah stated with a worried expression.

  So Noah, Subotai, Melvin and Donnie stayed up on guard duty while everyone else slept; the next morning came fast but the weather wasn’t any different from it had been in the night, it was still raining and everything and just about everyone was soaked through.

  “We can’t deal with this much longer—we’re going to have to find a better means of transportation!” I shouted as I helped Angie take care of Remy and Mace.

  “Hey—does anyone know anything ab
out trains?” Melvin asked walking over to a pair of tracks nearby.

  There a little ways down was a train that had stopped, it looked like it had plowed into a wrecked car on the tracks ahead but there wasn’t very much damage to the front. There was however—lots of blood smeared on the sides of the cars and engine; bodies of the dead were everywhere.

  “Dude…if we use that train, it’s going to need some serious cleaning up inside.” Noah stated as he stood looking over the outside of the train with his shotgun in hand.

  “Let’s check it out, someone needs to walk down the road straight ahead a ways and see what that is ahead…it looks like the road might have been washed away.” I answered as I stepped up before the doors to the train with Angie behind me.

  I waited as Angie, Jennifer, Noah and Subotai cautiously followed me forward to check the train—our weapons ready the entire time; Noah forced the side doors open and once they were open, we were greeted by a terrible stench. There were bodies sprawled out almost in every corner—people who had died or turned and been killed, the smell was terrible.

  “Looks like most of them are in this last passenger car—there doesn’t seem to be too many in the cars closest to the engine or the engine itself.” Noah reported coming back talking through his gas mask.

  “I suppose we could just unhook this car altogether—there isn’t any way we could ever get rid of that stench.” I stated as I climbed back down to stand with Angie and Jennifer.

  Noah and Subotai uncoupled the last car from the others and then they got the diesel engine going and took it down the tracks a little ways from the last car, then they stopped and waited as we poured gasoline inside and all over the last car, then set it afire. Then everyone else climbed into the train as the last car burned up and Noah—who was driving the engine started down the tracks away from the area; Kira jumped on from getting back from looking at the road ahead.

  “The road’s out—it looks like it was washed away by a flood or something.” She reported as she came directly to me to make her report of what she had found.

  “Thanks for checking it out—we’re going to use this train, according to the map inside the control room at the front these tracks should take us into Oklahoma City.” I stated as I took out a map and looked it over for a few minutes.

  Everyone settled into the front passenger car and got some rest as we continued down the line towards Oklahoma City, the bodies that had been in the train had been tossed out and now it was relatively clean. Angie, Jennifer and I snuggled up together in one of the berths with our daughters and got some sleep, as did many of the others.

  “These kinds of trains don’t usually haul passenger cars with sleeping quarters nowadays—this must have been a tourist attraction.” My dad stated as he and my mom looked over the train.

  Everyone was suddenly alerted by car honking and shouting from outside, Noah popped his head out the side door to the passenger car and seen that it was a battered up old brown station wagon with two women and what looked like two small children in the back seat.

  “That’s Sally and Yvonne!”

  “But what are they doing way out here!” Cedric shouted as the train came to a stop and he got off.

  It appeared that they had been on the run looking for Cedric, Melvin and Angie while trying to avoid the zombies and after introductions and telling them a little of what had happened as well as what we had found out about what was going on, they decided to travel with us and we left the area. As everyone settled in and found places to rest—I found a bedroom in one of the passenger cars and I put our weapons and gear inside of it as Angie brought in Remy and Mace followed by Jennifer—once our daughters were sleeping the three of us discarded our clothes and embraced in a passionate cluster and our lips met in heated kisses that led to Jennifer pushing me down onto the bed as she climbed up onto me letting every inch of my swollen cock go inside of her; Angie kissed us and cuddled with us as Jennifer continued to grind on my cock hard and deep kissing me passionately the whole time letting her tongue roam my mouth. It wasn’t long before I came inside of her and she raised up and laid down on my right side making out with me as Angie sucked on me—seconds later she took her turn on me and after another half an hour I came inside of her as well and the three of us settled down together falling asleep. Early the next morning, Angie, Jennifer and I awoke to hear Noah’s voice over the intercom; he was saying that we had just arrived in Oklahoma City.

  “Great—this damned place again.” Christina said rising to attend to Jude.

  Once the train was stopped, we all got our weapons and ammo ready and got off—it was only a short ways to the familiar Oklahoma City Hospital where we had been not long before.

  “God—seems like we were here just yesterday.” Angie stated as she clung to me in a way that told me she was frightened.

  We finally got into the lobby of the hospital after stumbling through the remains of the bodies that covered the street outside, the inside of the lobby was as it had been when we had come the last time only this time the bodies of the doctors and nurses as well as others were just about completely decomposed, and there were some serious structural damage in places. We found the elevator we had used last time and all piled into it, I started to press the button for the floor we had went to before, but when the elevator started to climb, it began to fall—slowly at first, and then a little faster until it crashed at the bottom of the shaft.

  I helped Angie and Jennifer to their feet and checked on everyone else, luckily nobody was seriously hurt—Noah and a few of the others joined me and we managed to force the doors open and we found ourselves standing in the very room where we had first encountered the mutated worm.

  “How did we get down here so fast?” Christina asked as she looked around the room with a vague look.

  “I don’t know…I guess the shafts are connected or something. At least we won’t have to go through the rooms above.” I stated slapping a new clip into my M16.

  “The power must be on its way to going off—the lights aren’t working too well down here.” My dad stated as he took out his flashlight and flicked it on.

  “Let’s see…here’s the switch for emergency lights, shall I turn them on?” Noah asked turning to look my way for approval.

  “Go ahead—we need to be able to see down here.” I answered as I nodded his way.

  “I guess it’s a good thing that Doug and Roxanna aren’t here this time to see this place…this is where Leanna, Harrison and Kaylee died.” I stated walking forward.

  There wasn’t a single thing anywhere around the area—neither living or undead, the place seemed to be a tomb.

  “Chaz…there’s something going on down here…” Noah suddenly said drawing our attention to bloody footprints on the white tile floor, which were now dry.

  The footprints led us into the next room where the worm had killed Leanna and Harrison, then we stopped and were horrified to see two zombies eating a body that looked like Kaylee’; I aimed my M16 at them as the others got their weapons ready. The zombies rose to their feet and Angie cried out as their faces came into view—the first one was Leanna—she had somehow changed into a zombie and was now hobbling our way, the second one was a larger overweight male—this one was clearly John Harrison. Their skin was hanging off their bodies in tatters almost like torn clothing, blood poured from their open mouths and it looked like they had been eaten themselves.

  “What the fuck is this shit!”

  “I thought that they had been killed when that worm ate them!” Noah shouted opening fire with his shotgun.

  He hit Harrison in the chest and then in the head, Harrison’s body ruptured and fell to the floor where it oozed a large puddle of gore, I aimed the grenade launcher at Leanna and fired—her body was consumed by flames as the shell exploded inside of her chest cavity sending her flying back against the far wall where she too made a
puddle of gore.

  “This is just terrible…first they had to be eaten by that worm…now this!” Angie said aloud as she brushed the blood and bone fragments off of her clothing.

  “Well—at least they might be at rest now, I know for a fact that nobody would want to be walking around like that without a soul.” I answered as I gazed down at the bloody remains.

  “Who were they?” Yvonne asked as she turned to face Angie and I.

  “Just my ex-girlfriend and her boyfriend—the corpse that they were munching on over there was that of her sister.” I answered in a tone that might have sounded cold and callus to the others.

  We moved on through the next room which was still filled with cardboard boxes, there wasn’t anything in there except the corpse of the zombie we had killed before and we made it into the biohazard room where the bodies had been before; now there were only pieces of bodies here and there and most of the room had been destroyed by the explosion from before. Bricks and cement blocks from the walls were broken and laying out on the floor, part of the ceiling had come down and something was shooting sparks from a corner over near where I had found the body of the Bio-Trooper—not wanting to waste time, we moved on into the next room and found the waste processing area.

  The steel walkway was still intact, but several of the railings had given away and if you weren’t careful—you’d probably fall. There wasn’t anything in that room and the smell was terrible, so we carefully made our way around the obstructions and moved on into the next area which was the area where all the bodies had been before; most of them were still there, but to our horror the room was filled with the same zombies that had broken through the other door and they had now noticed us and many of them were screaming that awful noise and starting to run toward us.

  “Eat this you undead bastards!” I shouted opening fire with my M16.

  The others opened fire as well and the zombies’ heads and upper bodies were being torn to pieces by our gunfire; after the smoke cleared we all looked over the bodies of the zombies—most of them had been torn to pieces by our powerful weapons and they were all dead.


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