[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 36

by Watkins, Charles

  “I don’t see your names written on him…are you guys married?” Jessica asked defiantly as she strolled forward with that same lustful look as her eyes roamed up and down my body.

  “We may not be married-married as the term went back in the old world but we’ve been together for a long time.” Jennifer answered angrily as she glared at Jessica.

  “That’s what I thought.” Jessica answered with a laugh.

  “What the hell is so funny?” Sheila asked in growing anger.

  “Okay—this is the way that I see it, neither of you are his wife meaning that he’s technically single—which means that it’s fair game and if I want to have him I can.” Jessica answered folding her arms.

  “Oh yeah?” Jennifer asked as she clenched her fists.

  “Yeah—let’s let Chaz answer for himself; go on Chaz—tell your girls here about how much you wanna fuck me—tell them about what you would do to me if you had found me alone in here.” Jessica answered as she stepped up before me and placed her hands on my chest.

  “You’re attractive and all that—obviously—but you haven’t taken the time to get to know me or respect the fact that I have two beautiful women at my side that I love; women that are the mothers of my children—you make me very uncomfortable with your constant advances and disregard for the fact that I am taken.” I answered sternly as I gently but firmly pushed her away.

  “That’s right—so why don’t you just leave him alone?!” Jennifer answered angrily as she stepped up almost in Jessica’s face.

  That was when the CB radio that I was carrying sounded with Noah’s voice and I breathed a sigh of relief as I knew that we now had a good excuse to get away from this issue.

  “Chaz—you there?” Noah’s voice asked over the CB.

  “Yeah, I’m here—what’s up?” I asked as I turned away from Jessica and headed for the breezeway followed by Jennifer and Sheila.

  “We found…something…in one of the upstairs bedrooms—it looks like some sort of briefcase.” Noah answered after a few seconds had passed.

  “Briefcase…do you know what is inside of it?” I asked as I opened the breezeway door and headed for the arboretum.

  “No—it’s locked tight, we tried to pick the lock but couldn’t.” Noah answered with what sounded like an aggravated tone.

  “Which bedroom are you in?” I asked as I led the way into the foyer where the others were starting to all gather.

  “We’re in what looks like the master bedroom—go to the top of the landing in the foyer and head down the hall until you come to the corner with the large plant; the bedroom door is opposite from that and we’ve left the door open.” Noah answered on the other end.

  I motioned for the others to follow and we all climbed the stairs until we were on the second floor, then I led the way in the direction that Noah had indicated and we soon entered the bedroom where he and Christina as well as Jude were—as we entered the room Hugo and the others joined us from having returned from scouting the rest of the upper levels and everyone gathered around Noah and the mysterious briefcase that he had found.

  “What is this thing—where did you find it?” Beau asked as he looked over the case with interest.

  “It was just lying on the bed when we found it—as far as what it is or what’s inside of it—we don’t know; we haven’t been able to pick the lock.” Noah answered folding his arms.

  “This seems very suspicious…it’s almost as if there’s something of great circumstances hidden inside.” I stated as I picked up the briefcase and felt of its weight.

  It was moderately heavy but not to the point where it would suggest that the case held weapons.

  “There’s only one way to find out.” I stated as I swiftly swung the briefcase at the bedpost of the king sized bed before us.

  The impact of the briefcase striking the hard object caused it to pop open and several clusters of what looked like papers and other small objects fell out onto the bed before us, as I stepped forward and looked through the objects I saw that one of them was a file folder that looked suspicious—there was also a CB radio communicator and surprisingly a laptop computer; I handed the laptop to Noah and took the file folder into my hands opening it—inside were a bunch of documents that looked like researcher notes, technical schematics and as I looked over them I noticed that it was talking about something abbreviated as M.I.M.T.W.B.C.A and as I searched through the documents closely I noticed that all of them were dated recently—only two and a half months before to be exact.

  “What the hell is this…?” I asked as I shuffled through the documents.

  “Damn…I can’t get into this computer’s security—any idea on what the password is?” Noah asked glancing around at the others with frustration.

  “This is just a wild guess but try this.” I answered as I handed him a piece of paper that had fallen out of the file folder.

  “Prince of high places, king and queen of the weeping gardens?” Noah read aloud from the piece of paper with a skeptical look.

  It was at that moment when the laptop computer beeped and the security password screen vanished revealing another one that was obviously the main one.

  “Mitochondria Infectious Mutagenic Toxin White Blood Cell Accelerator…what in the hell does that mean?” Christina asked with a worried expression.

  “Damn it…” I said out loud as I closed the file folder angrily.

  “What?” Richard asked glancing at me.

  “Nicolas Bowman’s name is all over these documents—he was here and these schematics for whatever the hell this M.I.M.T.W.B.C.A is, is obviously something that he created!” I answered with an angry tone.

  “The name of it suggests that it’s some sort of new viral strain that he developed to go as a base with the T.H.C.A.I.A Toxin…let me see those files and I’ll see if I can’t make any sense out of it.” Amy stated as she stepped forward.

  I handed her the file folder and Noah sat the laptop computer down on a nearby table as she sat down in a chair and started studying them, we all gathered around and waited as she skimmed through the documents and the information; after what seemed like half an hour had passed she looked up at me with a grim expression.

  “Chaz—guys—this is detailed information about a new viral strain that Bowman has created; essentially it is used to create more stable biological super-weapons…if this information is solid then the procedure that was used to create the Entity and the Entity EX earlier before would have been a joke compared to something created by this new strain.” Amy stated.

  “Great…just lovely—now we not only have those dead-heads and other mutations outside to deal with but now we have whatever the hell Bowman has cooked up new.” I answered in an aggravated tone as I began pacing around the room.

  “According to this it’s not just that but we may also have the answers we were seeking regarding the identity of those marauders that have attacked us along the way here—according to this file, they are comprised of elite covert operations specialists from several different sources; some of them are even Spetsnaz—Russian Special Forces, and even the Yakuza…it says that the ranks are made up of escaped convicts that have been on the loose now for over a decade and others are mercenaries who flock to the highest bidder—they are definitely dangerous…we all saw that when we managed to destroy that long range bomber.” Hugo stated as he shuffled through some of the other documents.

  “Project Genocide…” Amy suddenly said out loud in an alarmed tone.

  “What?” Many of the others asked as they turned toward her.

  I walked over to look at the screen of the laptop and I let out a sigh of disbelief when I saw what it was that she was looking at—there before us on the screen was a detailed file about a large creature that was obviously Bowman’s latest pet science project; that was when the room around us started to shake and objects o
n the walls and shelves began to fall off and shatter—something was happening and there was a horrible sound of something that was getting closer and closer to where we were, I grabbed the documents and the laptop stuffing them back inside of the briefcase before I turned and hustled the others out of the bedroom and down the hallway toward the stairs. That was when something hit the top of the mansion above us and all we could hear was the sounds of wood and stone breaking apart—I managed to get everyone down to the front door of the foyer and that was when it happened; the entire second level of the mansion was obliterated and there staring down at us was a behemoth of a creature that rose at least 150 feet into the air if not more—it was the most grotesque thing that I had ever seen as it sported one large head in the center of its massive torso and several smaller ones around it. It was also covered with the same putrid green sacs here and there on its body as the Pollinator bio-weapon creature had been before, huge plates covered with massive spikes covered its back and limbs and as I locked eyes with the thing it roared a horrific sound that sent out a shockwave that hit various objects around it and caused them to shatter.

  “Great—how the fuck are we going to kill this damned thing?” Noah shouted as we all tried to take cover as the creature once again hit the remains of the upper levels of the mansion with one of its limbs causing more wood and stone fragments to rain down on us.

  “We’re going to have to hit it with everything we’ve got—fall back to the vehicles!” I shouted as I made a mad dash for the front door.

  The others quickly followed and we had no more gotten out into the front yard when one of the creatures’ massive feet came through the remains of the mansion behind us and came down on Bruce, Tina, Harold, Rain and Jessica crushing them—Wade turned around and opened fire with his weapon on the creature but then one of the mutated jumper zombies tackled him to the ground and ripped out his throat with its teeth; I opened fire on the jumper zombie quickly killing it as the rest of the group ran for it as the huge creature above us roared down at us menacingly. Hugo and the others jumped down over the low dip and raced through the alleyway until they reached the other side where the vehicles were—they dove into the back of the transport truck pulling out RPG’s and other large weapons and aimed them at the creature which could be seen coming toward us from the other side of the buildings in front of us.

  “Eat this—you overgrown freak!” Beau shouted as he fired his RPG.

  The rocket soared up and hit the massive creature in the chest near its main head—the explosion caused blackish, putrid blood to pour down out of the wound which splattered on the ground making a large puddle.

  “Holy shit—look up there!” Billy shouted pointing to the top of a nearby building.

  I glanced up where he was pointing as did many of the others and we could see a military helicopter sitting on the top of the nearby building.

  “Holy shit—that’s a Cobra Gunship…if someone can get up there and fire that thing up it’ll help us destroy this damned thing!” Hugo shouted with a hopeful expression.

  “I’ll go—I’ll need one other person to come with me though as it requires two pilots.” Billy stated in an excited tone.

  “I’ll go with you—I can’t leave you to be alone.” Kayla stated as she came up to his side.

  “Go—but watch your asses inside of that building!” I instructed as I dashed into the RV followed by Jennifer and Sheila with our kids along with my parents, Melody, Ella, Simone, Richard and Morgana.

  “Richard—get up top on the machine gun!” I shouted as I strapped myself into the driver’s seat.

  “You got it.” He answered as he dashed outside and used the ladder on the side of the RV to climb up to the top where he strapped himself into the machine gun torrent seat.

  He started firing away on the approaching creature and empty shell casings rained down all around the RV as Noah, Christina and the others in the transport truck pulled out away from the area following us as I drove down the street away from the building where Billy and Kayla were going as well as the huge creature that had taken chase after us—Kira followed in the SUV after us as well as I watched in the side mirror as the thing crushed the armored car that Bruce and the others had been traveling in with one of its massive feet; Lori Jo had been the only one that had survived out of that group and she was now in the SUV with Kira. I glanced back as I heard additional gunfire from above us and I saw that the Cobra Gunship that we had seen on the top of the building was now flying overhead and Billy was circling around as he passed over us a second time firing missiles at the creature that caused massive explosions that not only hit the creature but also parked and wrecked vehicles and gas lines on and underneath the streets—the creature screamed in anger and rage as it once again took chase after us; Billy and Kayla swooped down past the creature making it swipe its massive spiked right limb at them—luckily they got out of the way just in time to barely miss being hit.

  “Guys—this information on the laptop we found says that there is an armed nuke inside of that thing!” Amy’s voice shouted over the CB radio.

  “Fuck me sideways—Bowman doesn’t intend to let us escape this time!” Noah shouted over the CB.

  “That’s why that thing is called Genocide obviously…Billy, Kayla—be careful how much you damage its upper torso; it’s got an armed nuclear weapon inside of it!” I shouted over the CB as I glanced up through the windshield as Billy flew past us overhead.

  “What—fuck…how the hell are we going to stop this thing then?” He shouted over the radio of the Cobra Gunship as Kayla patched them into the CB channel we were using.

  “Disable its legs—immobilize it to where we have a chance to get the hell away from it!” I answered as I sped up.

  “Oh shit—baby look out!” Jennifer shouted as a mass of mutated zombies and regular dead-heads suddenly appeared ahead of us.

  Luckily Richard up above us seen them in time and redirected his fire on them cutting hundreds of them down as I sped up and plowed straight through the rest of them; huge pieces of ruined buildings flew past us and hit other ones destroying them and it was no secret that the creature was throwing debris at us—Billy came down out of the sky again with his guns blazing and he launched six missiles at the creatures’ lower body that hit its legs exploding. This caused the creature to topple over and land on its chest where it looked badly injured—it however used its limbs to push itself up into a crawling position and it started after us again.

  “Hit the fucker again!” Hugo shouted over the CB.

  Billy fired again launching the last of his missiles down hitting the creatures’ right limb causing a massive explosion that completely blew it off as well as severely damaged its torso and left limb making it to where it couldn’t hardly move—that was when it started to roar in a way that it sounded almost like a horrible laughing and I knew that we had to get the hell away from this city as fast as we could.

  “Guys—it’s on a ten minute countdown and the clock has already started to tick; we’ve got to move and move now or this will be the end of everything!” Amy shouted over the CB.

  I put my foot to the pedal and we sped away from the area until we eventually passed through the city of Los Angeles and came out the other side connecting with interstate 15—I didn’t think much about anything else except getting us away from the condemned city behind us and it wasn’t long before we heard Amy’s voice sound again on the CB radio.

  “Fifteen seconds…hopefully this is far enough.”

  I looked at the road signs and seen that we had made it all the way to a small town called Barstow and I noticed a sign as I stopped and led the way out of the RV that said 36 miles to Los Angeles—Billy and Kayla landed the Cobra Gunship nearby and they climbed out as we all got into a circle watching the city from the distance; it was then that we all covered our eyes and looked away as the brilliant flash of the nuclear explosion
lit up the sky—seconds later a huge nuclear cloud had consumed the entire city and we turned away getting back into our vehicles. It had been a holocaust of destruction and not only had we managed to survive along the road, but we had also survived nuclear explosions twice now—explosions that had destroyed everything in their paths; I started the engine of the RV as Billy and Kayla climbed back into the SUV with Kira and Lori Jo leaving the Cobra Gunship behind.

  “Well…we didn’t find that permanent base of operations like we had been hoping we would—what are we going to do now?” Beau asked over the CB as the others started following us in their vehicles as I led the way ahead along the interstate.

  “Bowman set us up to think that we would find refuge here along the west coast—we’re never going to be safe or find a safe place as long as that maniac lives; we’re going to have to examine the information that we found and figure out where he is hiding and end this—once and for all.” I answered as I stared ahead at the roadway.

  “I agree…up until now we’ve been doing everything we can to stay on the move and survive—to stay away from the hordes of undead; it’s time that we go after Bowman and make him answer for what he has done.” Noah answered on his end.

  “Okay…let’s keep going and let’s put an end to this—we’ve lost so many people along the way and we can’t allow their deaths to be in vain.” Hugo stated after a few seconds of silence had passed.

  I continued driving northeast along interstate 15 as the evening settled in—the bright evening sun setting behind us over the ruins of the city and the Pacific Ocean beyond.

  [Chapter Eight: Revelations]

  Many long months had passed since we had faced off against the ultimate evil in Los Angeles as the creature known as Genocide had been—its death had brought on a holocaust of destruction in the form of a nuclear blast that destroyed everything that the city had once been; it was now well into the Winter of 2012 and the exact date was January 16—it was my mom’s birthday and she and my dad lightly celebrated behind us in the main area of the RV as I continued driving. We were just outside of Idaho Falls, Idaho and the snowdrifts were getting deeper and deeper as we headed northeast and I knew that the issue of whether or not our vehicles would make it much farther was on everyone’s mind—we had made a lot of distance since the destruction of Los Angeles as we had pretty much not stopped except once or twice to refuel. Night was quickly approaching as the days were short and as we traversed further north the road conditions got more and more extreme.


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