[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 86

by Watkins, Charles

  It was at that moment when Jennifer and Sheila started kissing me and Jennifer moved my chair to where I was facing her as she got down on her knees and unzipped my pants—within seconds my cock was rock hard and she was sucking it while Sheila got down and done the same; Chelsea didn’t seem surprised as she got up and came over to me taking my face and rubbing her breasts against it through her top that she still wore. My other women joined us and we were soon after on our bed and I had been completely stripped of my clothes and gear and Chelsea was in my lap straddling my cock and she bounced up and down on me—Jennifer was behind her kissing her and Sheila as well as Rachel and Chloe stripped her top off to where I could once again see her breasts and my movements got faster as my orgasm was building; Chelsea leaned forward and kissed me probing my mouth with her tongue and it was at that moment when I felt myself let go. I had filled her with my seed and Jennifer pulled me out of her and started sucking me again making me once again hard—she then climbed into my lap letting me go all of the way inside of her before she stated fucking me slow and deep; this continued for what seemed like hours—each one of my women took their turns making love to me and then sometime late in the night, Chelsea climbed out of my lap letting my penis flop out of her as a string of semen trailed out of her. I kissed her deeply as she settled onto my chest and I wrapped my arms around Jennifer, Sheila, Chloe, Rachel, Roxanne, Shae and Angel as they all clustered around us—I was kind of surprised that I had gained another woman so soon after we had brought Angel into the fold and I wondered silently to myself if I would be able to protect the people that I cared about; these thoughts lingered in my mind up until the point where I finally fell asleep. I awoke later the next morning to a cold, clammy chill that was coming in the cracks around the room from outside of the fortress—the fire in the fireplace looked like it was burning, but burning poorly; I got up and greeted my women and Chelsea who was still with us and she kissed me with passion refreshing my memory of only hours before when we had made love.

  “I’ve decided to stay with you guys if that’s okay—this is the only place where I feel safe, where I feel like I matter.” She stated as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

  “That’s fine with me as long as it is with you girls.” I answered as I glanced at Jennifer, Sheila and the others who were all nearby preparing food.

  “It’s fine with us.” Jennifer answered as she glanced at the others around her.

  That was when the radio that I had placed against the far wall came to life with a bunch of static and garble—it lasted for a few seconds before what sounded like a voice could be heard, and then it just died out.

  “That sounded like a voice just now—not sure why it didn’t come through, I’m going to go up to the roof and check the communications equipment to make sure that the weather we’ve been having hasn’t fucked something up.” I stated as I grabbed my coat and headed for the door to our room.

  “Okay baby, be careful.” Sheila called after me.

  I left our room and headed up the stairs not far down the hallway until I reached the metal door at the top—opening it I was immediately greeted by gales of harsh wind and rain that hit me like needles; I fought back against the wind and closed the door behind me heading over to where the radio antennae and communication satellite were and I looked over the equipment not sure what it was that I was looking for.

  “Damn it…I don’t know anything about this shit…” I stated to myself as I stared at the wires and blinking lights on one of the large, bulky receivers.

  “I guess I shouldn’t mess with it—maybe one of the others can figure out what’s wrong with it…hell for all I know the equipment might be perfectly fine, could have just been someone who was out of receiving range.” I stated as I turned and headed back toward the door.

  I headed down to one of the lounges on one of the lower levels and I met up with most of the others—Noah and Christina were cleaning their weapons and Billy and Kayla were spending time with Madison; I noticed that my kids were there too and they came over to greet me as I entered the room.

  “How’re things?” I asked as Darc Aiden and Scarlet hugged me.

  “Okay…it’s kind of boring here though, not being able to go outside because of the weather.” Darc Aiden answered with a tone that suggested he was suffering from the effects of what the old timers called cabin fever.

  Mace, Remy and Ember joined them and they gave me reports on how things were going on watch duty—Avalon, Courtney, Lorraine Arianna and Xavier soon after joined them and I spent time with my kids knowing that it had been a little bit since we had had the time to just talk.

  “I picked up a garbled radio signal from the radio up in my room—it sounded like a voice but I couldn’t make it out and it faded out almost as quickly as it had come through.” I stated as Noah and Billy came over to greet me.

  “Could have been Hugo and the others…hopefully everything is okay out there…” Noah stated in a worried tone.

  “Yeah, I hope so—I’ll keep an eye on the radio and if anything else happens I’ll let everyone know.” I stated as I got to my feet and bid everyone farewell before heading back upstairs.

  I had just about gotten back to the door to mine and my women’s room when what sounded like an explosion somewhere below shook the structure—then I heard what sounded like a mortar shell whistling through the air, this was followed by another explosion that hit the surface of the lake just to the north of where we were.

  “Fuck—we’re under attack by someone!” I shouted as I pushed the door open and grabbed my weapons and gear as my women were doing the same.

  “What’s going on?” Jennifer shouted in a panic-stricken tone.

  “I don’t know—we’re being hit by what sounds like artillery shells…we need to get to the lower levels and assess the situation.” I answered in as calm of a voice as I could.

  They all followed me down to the courtyard where we met up with the rest of the group as well as the few other survivors that we still had and Marco and Yuri came out from the inside of the battlements with urgent expressions on their faces.

  “It’s what looks like a marauder force—can’t tell exactly how many of them there are, but they have artillery pulled up to the edge of the woods on the southern shoreline and they’re firing this way…” Yuri stated with an urgent expression.

  “A few of the shells are hitting the walls and such—they’re not doing much damage but if they continue, we may be forced to evacuate!” Marco added.

  “Fucking assholes still following the will of their dead boss—even after all this time!” Regan stated with a look of disgust.

  “We’ve got to do something—those guns aren’t just going to damage this place and drive us out, they’re also going to draw in a horde of those things that we might not be able to repel…” Noah stated with a look of worry as he ran to the nearby stairs that led the wall.

  “Noah—look out!” I shouted as an artillery round hit the wall just a few feet from where he was running to.

  The blast sent him flying off to the side and we all ran to him to find that he was mostly okay—a few cuts and burns from the heat of the explosion.

  “That’s fucking it—I’ve had it with those motherfuckers!” I shouted in rage as I ran to our marauder and threw my weapons inside starting the engine.

  My women looked to be trying to keep our kids safe as I sped to the gate and waited as Yuri and Marco opened it—I then sped out across the bridge toward the marauder forces still firing at our fortress and as I got closer I could hear the bullets hitting and ricocheting off the armored front and sides; I sped up running right into the first wave of them hitting and running them down—I could hear the ones I was running over screaming and then feel the crunch of their bodies as I ran them over and a little smile of satisfaction came to my face. I was soon after forced to retreat to an area behind a large gr
anite boulder on the shoreline of the lake where I parked my marauder getting out with my weapons in hand—several marauder foot soldiers came running around the boulder shooting at me, their bullets hitting the hood and windshield; luckily the glass of the windshield was bulletproof. I quickly kicked the door to the passenger side open and opened fire on them pumping somewhere between ten to fifteen rounds with my AR-15 into their upper torso and neck areas killing them—I could tell that they were wearing body armor but I knew that my bullets had connected because I could see the blood spraying out around their exposed necks. That was when something came screaming out of the dark, rainy skies above that circled around the northern end of Great Bear Lake and then came down with its guns blazing—the hail of bullets tore into the enemy artillery destroying it and seconds later it launched a cluster of rockets down into the scattering ranks of the marauders that hit the area causing towering clouds of fire to rise and I could briefly hear the screams of the dying before the roar of the explosions drowned everything else out; that was when a radio transmission came on over the CB that I still had inside of our marauder and I quickly grabbed it as a familiar voice could be heard.

  “Hope I’m not too late—you looked like you could use some help down there.”

  “Beau—I’ll be damned—where did you come from?” I asked in a relieved tone.

  “We made it to Alaska and found an Airforce base near Anchorage—Hugo and the others are on route back as well…I hope that they don’t have any trouble getting back; we’ve ran into heavy resistance from the dead-heads and other mutations…fucking bioweapons that stood tall as a small office building…not to mention these marauder assholes.” Beau answered on his end as he circled overhead again.

  “It’s coming to a head seems like…do you have somewhere to land that thing?” I asked after a few seconds of letting what he had said sink into my mind.

  “Not ‘round here—I’m gonna head back toward the others and see how they’re doing…with any luck I can land this bird and rendezvous with them.” Beau answered over the other end.

  “Good luck and thanks—hope that you guys can make it back here safely.” I stated as I nodded toward him as he flew past where I still stood.

  “Thanks, we’ll try—you guys be careful…not sure I got all of them or not.” He answered before the sound of his engines slowly faded away to the west.

  I got back into my marauder and started the engine heading back across the bridge back to our fortress—when I got back the gates were sealed and my women and kids ran to me with relieved looks on their faces.

  “What happened out there?”

  “We saw an aircraft destroy the enemy artillery lines and those explosions lit up the entire southern sky…” Noah stated as he was being patched up by Christina for the few minor injuries he had sustained.

  “That was Beau—he said that they found an Airforce base near Anchorage and that the others were on their way back as well…he left to head back to them to see if he couldn’t land and rejoin them.” I answered in deep thought.

  “He saved this place then—I don’t know how long we would have lasted, even with you going out there and fighting them…you were all alone after all.” Jennifer stated kissing the side of my face and wrapping her arms around me as Sheila and the others done the same.

  “Something he told me has me really worried though…” I stated after several long seconds.

  “What’s that?” Regan asked curiously.

  “He said that they had encountered bioweapons that stood as tall as a small office building…” I answered as my gaze went to her.


  “How could that be possible…” Darrell asked as he and the others of his group approached.

  “I don’t know—that’s what he said…if that’s true then I don’t know how in the hell we’re supposed to defend this place…something that massive could walk across the lake like it was nothing more than a puddle…” I answered as I started pacing back and forth.

  “Hopefully whatever heat Hugo and the others are bringing back will be enough to keep this place safe—all we can do is hope and pray that we can get a little help.” Noah stated folding his arms.

  “Look around you…I’m sorry to be one that say it, but God—God has left this world.” Yuri stated as he turned and headed back toward the front watch tower.

  I shook my head and rubbed my temple knowing that I had been having the same thoughts—we had lost so much over the years, I had lost so much…my wife, my parents, friends—we were living day to day on a hope that was slowly but surely dwindling and dying out; I found myself thinking back on my mom and when she had died, at least she was done with this world and nothing else could hurt her. At that point I realized that I had been weeping, tears were streaming down my face and I was forced to wipe them away—I didn’t want the others seeing what I felt was a moment of weakness.

  “Let’s just do the best that we can and try to hold out until they get back…”

  “How are our food stocks?” I asked turning to Billy and Kayla.

  “They are getting low—we’re not only having to use them, but the few others that we have here…we really haven’t had the chance to go out on any runs lately with everything that’s been going on.” Billy answered grimly as he opened the nearby door to the storage part of the structure where we had been keeping most of the supplies and food.

  We were down to only a few boxes that were only about half full—I knew at that point that we couldn’t wait around any longer, I was going to have to go out into the savage lands and try to find some food and other supplies or else there wouldn’t be any point in trying to make it through the coming winter because we wouldn’t.

  “I’m going out to search for supplies—I’ll take a few people with me, but most need to stay here and make sure that this place is defended.” I stated as I turned to face the entire group.

  “We’re going with you—you can’t go alone and we’d be worried sick about you if we stayed behind.” Jennifer stated as she and my other women including Chelsea stepped up before me.

  “I want to go, but someone needs to be here for the kids…” Chloe stated in deep thought.

  “I’ll stay too.” Shae stated as she hugged me briefly before kissing me.

  “We’ll go with you—I can’t in good conscience let my sister go out there without going too.” Billy stated as he stepped forward.

  Kayla nodded and announced that she would stay and make sure that nothing happened to Madison.

  “I’ll go—I can take anyone else who wants to come in our armored SWAT vehicle.” Darrell stated stepping forward.

  “I’ll accompany you all—I’d feel better going out and actually doing something rather than just sitting around.” Thomas stated stepping forward as well.

  Minutes later, Clancy and Kari decided that they would come with us as well and I stopped anyone else from going as I knew that was already a good number of the group that wouldn’t be here in case anything were to happen.

  “Watch your asses out there—not sure which direction to tell you to head to, but be careful…if what Beau told you is true then there could be just about anything lurking out there.” Noah stated patting my shoulder.

  “We’ll be as careful as we can be and we’ll find what we can—keep this place and everyone in it safe.” I answered turning to him.

  “You go it.” Noah answered smiling.

  I said my goodbyes to Chloe and Shae and then waited as the few others done the same with the people they cared about and then I got into our marauder and started the engine as my women who were going with me done the same—Billy ended up riding in the very back with us while the others loaded their weapons and gear into Darrell’s SWAT vehicle; once we were ready I led the way through the open gate and across the bridge toward the shoreline glancing back at our outpost as I went sile
ntly hoping that this wouldn’t be the last time I seen it.

  “Where are we headed?” Billy asked casually as he was looking over a map that he had with him.

  “There’s really nothing at all in the direction of East…Nunavut is a no man’s land…I guess we’re heading toward Yukon Territory as well—maybe Whitehorse or the surrounding areas.” I answered as I looked over the map that Sheila was holding.

  “That’s going to be a populated area—dead-heads and other mutations are going to be thick that way…” Billy stated in deep thought.

  “We really don’t have a choice—we have to find supplies and soon, there just aren’t enough large enough settlements around these parts to find anything more than maybe a month’s supply, if even that.” I answered glancing at him in the rear-view mirror.

  “I agree—let’s go, we stand a better chance of finding what we need in areas where there were more people before.” Jennifer stated smiling from her seat behind Sheila.

  “Where are we going?” Darrell asked over the CB.

  “The Whitehorse area in Yukon Territory.” I answered speaking into the CB microphone.

  “Well—let’s get going, the sooner we find food and supplies the sooner we can get back here to the people we care about.” Billy stated in a nervous tone.

  Without any further discussion, I led the way along the dirt road that we had used to go scout Fort Franklin a few months back but I turned off onto another old dirt road heading south a few miles before we crossed the Johnny Hoe River—I was pretty much just following the road wherever it was going to lead us at that point and soon nightfall had enveloped the entire landscape around us; I knew that before long we’d have to stop to rest and eat, it had been awhile since we had last traveled this kind of distance and I knew that it was going to be difficult. Around midnight, I had made it to a settlement called Wrigley—I stopped on the outskirts not knowing what could possibly reside there and we all got out of the Marauder as Darrell and the few others with him parked behind us; I found some dry brush and started a fire as it was fairly cold.


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