[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles Page 89

by Watkins, Charles

  “He’s right—this isn’t enough to last but a few weeks…we’ll deal with whatever we have to deal with.” I answered as I picked up the box of goods we had found.

  “We should probably go back and get the vehicles and load this stuff up…” Jennifer stated as she glanced down at the food goods with a concerned look.

  I knew that she was right, we needed to load this stuff up and be ready to bail in case things went south—I stepped forward and announced that I would return to where we had stayed the night and return with our marauder; Clancy and Kari announced that they would come along to get their vehicle and then Ivy stated that she would help me and that she knew my women would feel better if I didn’t go alone.

  “Thank you, take care of him and bring him back safely.” Rachel stated as she kissed me before my other women done the same.

  “I will, I promise.” Ivy answered glancing back at me smiling.

  We left the store as Billy, Darrell and Thomas stood guard as my women hunkered down out of sight of the windows and waited—the trip back to the lodge where we had spent the night took us about fifteen minutes and when we got there Clancy and Kari went about getting their vehicle ready to move as I climbed into the driver’s seat of our marauder; Ivy climbed into the passenger seat beside of me.

  “This thing is huge—we should be able to put quite a bit of stuff in the back.” She stated smiling as she glanced toward the back.

  “Yeah, this is probably gonna be a snatch and grab type of operation—let’s get back to the others.” I answered starting the engine.

  I led the way up the road away from the lodge as Clancy and Kari followed and it took us only a few minutes to get back to the grocery store where my women and the others were waiting and once we parked near the entrance, they all came out carrying the food goods that we had found inside and they loaded everything into the backs of both vehicles; once everything that we had found had been loaded up, my women climbed into the marauder with Ivy and I and the others got into their vehicle as Ivy directed us in the direction of the other places she knew of that might still have food and other supplies. The first place we came to was a shipping warehouse that looked like it had distributed food goods all over the North American continent back in the day—there were hordes of dead-heads and other mutations here and there but it looked like we might be able to use the old semi-trailers as well as our vehicles as a barricade, at least long enough to get inside to see if there was anything left; I led the way around the area avoiding wrecked and burned out vehicles and I pulled our marauder up to the side as Darrel done the same.

  “Might be a good idea if someone gets up on one of those trailers and serves as a lookout.” Billy stated as he grabbed his assault rifle checking the clip.

  “Good idea—we don’t need to be here longer than we have to be, especially if things go the hell and one of those larger bioweapons appear.” I answered nodding at him as he climbed up to the top of Darrell’s vehicle and then jumped up to the edge of the nearby trailer pulling himself up.

  “There’s a lot of what looks like the regular strain dead-heads…not too many other mutations mixed in…just hurry it up.” Billy called down as he started shooting at ones that were getting too close to our position.

  Knowing that time wasn’t a luxury that we had, I led the others inside of the nearby warehouse to find that it was dark and vast—part of the roof in spots was gone allowing sunlight to shine in which helped us see a little bit; the first thing that looked like valuable supplies we came to was a large stack of canned goods that were sitting on a wooden pallet, there were at least 250 or more of them and I knew that we weren’t going to be getting them out without some sort of assistance.

  “I’ve got this.” Clancy stated as he ran over to a nearby forklift and started the engine.

  “Even with that, we’re gonna need some kind of trailer to haul all of that—it’s not going to fit in our vehicles.” Roxanne stated as she stood next to Rachel holding her assault rifle tightly.

  “She’s right—that’s just too much and too heavy…it’d really help if we could find a semi rig around here that still runs…it’s the only way we’re going to get all this back to Echo Bay.” Darrell stated scratching his face in thought.

  “Go see if you can’t find something but don’t wander too far…” I answered with a sigh after several seconds of thinking it through.

  He nodded and headed back outside with Kari and Thomas—I could still hear Billy shooting and I knew that he would be running out of ammo soon, Sheila seen the look on my face and nodded heading toward the door with her weapons ready.

  “Be careful baby.” I called after her.

  Minutes passed and we started to wonder what was keeping Darrell from getting back and that was when we heard the roar of a large vehicle as it pulled into the rear lot where we had left our vehicles—I ran outside to see that Darrell had found a semi rig and was backing it up to the front of a nearby flatbed trailer that was just beyond the others; I grabbed the larger steel shutters and pulled them open with the help of my women and Clancy drove his forklift out hauling the first bunch of canned goods over to the trailer loading them on, this continued for the next twenty minutes until the entire trailer was packed full. Darrell and Clancy proceeded to wrap thick support straps across the cargo to make sure that nothing fell off and then we helped attach the trailer to the rig—the whole time during this process we had been able to keep the undead masses at bay and luckily there was a chain linked fence on the other side of the trailer that Billy and Sheila stood on that had kept them at bay.

  “Come on down—this is more than enough to last—let’s get the hell out of this place and head back to the lodge!” I called up to them as I ran to the side of our marauder.

  “I’ll drive the rig—we might have to find somewhere to refuel the tank on this thing before we head back toward home.” Darrell stated as he climbed up into the semi rig shutting the door.

  Billy and Sheila climbed down and got back into our marauder as did my other women and Ivy and then once the others were ready, we left that area heading back to the lodge where we had stayed earlier—once we got there we gathered up the few things that we had left there and returned to our vehicles; we got back on the road shortly after heading back the way we had come only to discover that the roadway we had used to get to Whitehorse was flooded over by the waters of the nearby river that had swelled the previous night.

  “Motherfucker…how the hell are we going to get past this shit…” I stated in an aggravated tone as I stared ahead at the rushing floodwaters.

  “Seems like we’ve had more than our fair share of dealing with flooded rivers and creeks on this trip…” Jennifer stated in deep thought.

  “We’re going to have to find someplace to hole up until those floodwaters recede…we don’t have a choice.” I stated after several more minutes of debate.

  “There’s a hotel about two blocks southwest from here—I’ve only been there once but it might be safe enough for us to hole up in until we can leave.” Ivy stated with a spark of hope in her eyes.

  “Let’s go then…” I answered as I turned following her directions until we had arrived outside of the hotel she had spoken of.

  When we got there, we saw that the place was fairly nice—even though parts of it had sustained damage from the chaos that had overtaken the world around it, I pulled our marauder into the rear lot and parked it as close to the rear entrance as I could as the others done the same; Darrell pulled the rig with the trailer in as well and got it turned around to where it was facing the exit out of the place.

  “We checked the condition of the canned goods we found—most of it is expired but should still be good…we’ve got whole kernel corn, baked beans, collard and turnip greens, pasta rings, spaghetti and meat balls among others.” Clancy stated as we all met in the parking lot near the rear entrance.
  “Let’s secure this place for however long we’re going to be here and then we’ll bring some of it inside—I have a feeling that we’re going to be here for a while.” I answered as I stared off into the direction of northeast.

  Over the next hour we worked to scout the hotel and make sure that there weren’t any threats inside that we couldn’t handle—the place had three floors with over sixty rooms, there had been a few dead-heads were and there that we had quietly killed with bladed weapons but it seemed to be mostly clear; I chose room number 218 on the second floor and led the way inside with my women and Ivy behind me, I stopped to glance into the bathroom and Ivy walked past me only to run right into a large male dead-head that had stumbled out of nowhere. It was coming at her and she was trying to raise her gun to kill it when I suddenly ran forward swinging my sword in a downward motion—my sword cut through its skull and split its head in two like a melon causing it to fall to the floor motionless, I checked on Ivy and she was okay, just shaken up.

  “You saved my life…” She cried as she threw her arms around me.

  Within seconds she was kissing me again and this didn’t seem to surprise my women who just smiled nudging me and each other—after a few moments I turned back to the others and then looked down at the dead-head that was leaking a large pool of blood all over the area.

  “Let’s choose another room—let this one be.” I stated grabbing what little we had brought in with us.

  We moved next door to 219 and found that it was free and clear of any dead-heads—we settled our things in and then headed back down to where we had left our vehicles grabbing what we thought would be enough of the canned goods for the next few days and we headed back inside barricading the rear entrance making sure that it was secure; the rest of the day waned and night was soon upon us—the others of the group had chosen rooms close to ours on the same floor and I was in our room with my women and Ivy and we were huddled on the bed talking as we watched out the curtains of the window at the moon in the night sky.

  “I wonder how the others are doing back at Echo Bay…seems like we’ve been gone a long time.” Jennifer stated in deep thought.

  “I hope that they are okay and that nothing else has happened in our absence.” I answered as I got up and started taking my gear and clothing off.

  “Where are you going, babe?” Sheila asked as I started to head away from the bed.

  “Thought I might see if the shower works.” I answered glancing back at her.

  “My brother stated a little while ago that he and Clancy found the boiler room in the basement and got them working as well as the generator—so there should be running hot water.” Sheila answered smiling.

  “Good to hear—feels like forever since I’ve had a hot shower.” I answered smiling.

  “Care if I join you?” Ivy asked with a sly smile as she got up from the bed.

  “Go ahead—get acquainted you two.” Jennifer answered smiling as she and my other women continued to relax on the bed.

  I led the way into the bathroom and finished removing my clothes until I was nude—Ivy done the same and once she was nude as well she wrapped her arms around me kissing me; her slender tongue roamed my mouth and I could feel my dick getting hard, I had been fantasizing about her since the previous night when we had been alone on the third floor of the lodge and I climbed into the shower-tub combination and turned on the water as she climbed in with me. I soon after found myself going in and out of her in fast thrusts as she let out little cries of pleasure, I placed her right foot on my shoulder as Ivy stabilized herself against the wall of the shower—her breasts were pressed against my chest as I fucked her; we soon after ended up on the bathroom floor with my over her as she wrapped her arms around my back.

  “I love you, Chaz.” Ivy stated as she kissed me deeply.

  “I love you too—I have since the first time I saw you.” I answered kissing her and sucking on her lower lip.

  That was when I felt the orgasm building and I cried out as I came inside of her—she kissed me again giggling and we got up getting back into the shower turning the water back on and we finished up washing each other and got out soon after because the hot water was almost gone—we dried each other off with the hotel towels that were hanging nearby and then got dressed before heading back out to the bedroom where my other women were; most of them had fallen asleep so the two of us settled down in bed with them and soon after feel asleep.

  Over the next several days we tried to keep an eye on the floodwaters of the river to know when they went down so we could leave—one day seemed to meld into another and before we knew it, we had been there for a whole week; that was when Clancy and Kari returned from scouting the bridge and roadway back returned and reported that the waters had went down enough for us to leave.

  “Let’s go—we’ve been stuck here now for a lot longer than I was hoping we would be and we need to get back with this food and these supplies so we know that the others are okay.” I stated as I led the way to our marauder with my women close behind me as well as the others.

  We had no more gotten inside when the CB on the dashboard suddenly came to life with a voice that I recognized—it was Richard and he sounded frantic; I picked up the microphone and spoke into it trying to get his attention.

  “Chaz—is that really you out there?” Richard’s voice asked on the other end through static.

  “Yes—I led a small group of the others on a scouting trip to find more food and supplies…we’re currently in Whitehorse…where are you and what’s going on?” I asked as my eyes began to comb the streets and roads around us.

  “Heading south on the 2—we just passed some place called Carmacks—we got separated from Hugo and the others when several of these big-ass bioweapons appeared out of nowhere and started chasing us…” Richard stated on the other end.

  “We’ve heard of them from Beau and from a new member of our group named Ivy—we were just getting ready to head back to Echo Bay, but what can we do to help?” I asked glancing at my women around me.

  “We’ve got to find Hugo and the others—I don’t know where Beau landed that A-10 Warthog he was piloting several weeks back but Hugo and the others were on their way to rendezvous with him and then those fucking things appeared and all hell broke loose.” Richard answered on his end.

  “Can you make it to where we are?”

  “We’re near a hotel on the southern side of Whitehorse—we’re not far north of Macrae Robinson.” I stated as there was a lot of chatter from the others in the other vehicles behind us over the same channel.

  “I’ll try…Morgana got cut up really bad and she’s lost some blood—damned piece of metal came flying at us after we were forced to ram a wrecked vehicle out of the way…it flew straight at the passenger side window, bounced off the front of the camper and hit her in the right shoulder…” Richard answered in a worried tone.

  “I hope she’s okay—we’ll wait here and then if you’re able to get here, we’ll double back and go look for Hugo and the others.” I answered after glancing at my women and at Billy who all nodded in agreement.

  There wasn’t much chatter for awhile after that and about an hour and a half had passed when a horde of dead-heads and other mutations started moving through the area around us—I was hoping that we would remain out of their view but several of the regular strain zombies seen us and started screaming the horrible way that they all did and started sprinting toward us; they were joined by jumper zombies and what looked like a large number of the Faces creatures.

  “Heads up—here they come!” I shouted as I rolled my window down enough to where I could aim my assault rifle out at the incoming horde.

  I opened fire hitting dozens of them in the heads and upper neck areas—dozens fell but there were so many of them and even with the others shooting too, things didn’t look good for us; that was when Jennifer cal
led my attention to headlights of an oncoming vehicle and as I glanced toward it I could tell that it was the modified RV that Richard and Morgana had left in and I breathed a sigh of relief as I rolled my window back up. They plowed into the rear flank of the dead-heads and it looked like a large number of them had been run down, which had created a path through the horde—I started the engine of our marauder and surged forward following after them as Clancy followed me in their armored vehicle bringing Darrell in the semi up last; after hitting and running countless numbers of them down we were headed north following Richard and Morgana in their vehicle and that was when Darrell’s voice came on over the CB.

  “I’m gonna have to refuel here soon…I hope that there is a place to do so somewhere up here…”

  “Yeah—we passed by a station near Carmacks that looked clear if you think you can make it that far.” Richard answered on his end.

  “I’ll try…this thing has about a half of a tank of fuel right now.” Darrell answered after a few seconds had passed.

  “I see that you guys found a bunch of canned food…” Morgana stated in a painful tone on their end.

  “Yeah—we got lucky there, now we just have to find Hugo and the others and get the hell back to Echo Bay.” I answered in deep thought.

  “Are you okay?” Jennifer asked as she leaned toward the microphone I still held.

  “Yeah…I’ve stopped the bleeding and as soon as we’re able to stop I’ll have someone stitch the wound.” Morgana answered seconds later.

  “Good—hang in there…” I answered placing the microphone of the CB back onto the dashboard.

  I continued to follow Richard and Morgana wondering where we were and it was at that point when the ground underneath our vehicle started to shake and then right before our eyes a massive abomination smashed through a nearby overpass and flung a huge piece of broken concrete toward us—I swerved as it hit the road to our left breaking apart; I looked around at my women and then at Billy in the rear view mirror and he seemed to have an idea on what I was thinking. He grabbed the RPG that I had stashed in the back before we had left home and he opened the back carefully climbing out and aiming the weapon at the incoming bioweapon that looked exactly like how Ivy had described it—it was getting ready to ran at us and impale our vehicles with the long spiked part of its right limb when the rocket propelled grenade round flew out of Billy’s weapon and hit the creature in the upper chest and head area; it fell backward landing on the ruins of a house crushing it, Billy climbed back inside shutting the rear door as we continued.


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