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The First Book of Demons

Page 38

by Raquel Dove

Alexandra’s eyes mirrored the multitude of candle flames that lit the festival as she gazed around in awe. The throne room of the palace was decorated with long swaths of opaque white silk draped across the ceiling and falling to the floor in pools of fabric. Plush silk cushions in a myriad of bold colors littered the floor and were gathered around low tables into seating arrangements. Candles hung everywhere, seemingly suspended in mid air by invisible strings. The dais that the throne was set on was covered with gold leaf that shimmered in the light of the candelabras spread throughout the floor of the room. A temporary dais ran along one side of the room with tables for the honored members of the royal family. That was where Alex was sitting with Carolina beside her. She had a perfect view of the throne, and where Balthazar was going to be sitting. She glanced over at Carolina who was right beside her. There wasn’t quite the same view where she was sitting, and Alex had to wonder if the Lady was trying to put her in front of Balthazar.

  Adira sat on the other side of Alex and there were two more seats at the Sultana’s table, occupied by the daughters of the Lord Enchanter. Nila, the younger sister, sat across from Alex, scanning the numerous guests of the festival. It looked as if she was searching for someone in particular. Her older sister Azira’s lavender eyes were focused on Alex.

  “Lady Carolina,” Azira said, raising her glass to her, “It’s such an honor to sit at your table.”

  “I’m aware of that Azira,” Carolina said without looking at the demoness. Alex could hear the contempt in her voice. “It would be more of an honor if I chose for you to sit here.”

  Azira’s back straightened at the insult.

  “I don’t really care if you did or not,” she said, lifting her narrow nose as she dropped her glass. “The only choice that matters is Lord Balthazar’s.”

  “I don’t believe Lord Balthazar chose for you to sit there either,” Adira chimed in, shooting Azira a nasty glare.

  “Soon, he will,” Azira said, narrowing her eyes. She flicked her polished finger between her and her sister. ”He must mate with one of us.”

  “How unfortunate for him,” Alexandra mumbled under her breath. Not that she cared at all about the self-absorbed demon prince’s love life. She wasn’t about to admit how uncomfortable she was with the thought of Balthazar with Azira, or anyone else for that matter. The demoness was beautiful, in a way that Alex could never hope to match. She was probably everything he wanted in a female and it made Alex feel so unequal. She fidgeted with her top, wishing that it covered more of her body.

  “How dare you,” Azira hissed as she barred her fangs in a threatening gesture. “Lord Balthazar will choose me. He must. I am—“

  “Azira,” Carolina cut in, “Did you just threaten someone under my protection?”

  Azira sank back into her cushion and didn’t say anything else. She just glared at Alex with a look that could kill.

  The doors behind the throne opened and the festival guests fell silent as Balthazar entered the room. The floor length white robe that he wore was embroidered with gold thread in a geometric pattern. The gilded threads caught the light in the festival hall and gave off an ethereal glow that surrounded Balthazar. Alexandra found it hard to tear her eyes away from him. His torso was left bare and the sharp lines of his chiseled stomach peaked through the open robe. Alex couldn’t help but gasp at the handsome sight. The reaction didn’t go unnoticed by Azira.

  A crackling thump broke through the silence of the hall as the Lord Enchanter tapped the end of his staff against the marble floor. The festival guests rose as the doors at the other end of the hall creaked open. Salaman waddled in carrying a teardrop shaped glass bottle. The thick amber liquid inside sparkled as it sloshed with the old demon’s every step. As he neared the golden dais where Balthazar stood waiting, the entire room fell to their knees. Salaman climbed the few stairs to come face to face with the young prince.

  “Kneel, boy,” Salaman said, his voice low enough for only Balthazar to hear.

  Balthazar bent a knee, bowing his head as Salaman removed the glass stopper from the bottle of anointing oil. The festival hall stood frozen in time for a slender moment as a drop fell from the bottle onto the young prince’s raven locks. The wrinkled lips of the old demon moved in a silent incantation.

  “I give you my blessing,” Salaman said, replacing the glass stopper, “Lord Sultan Balthazar.”

  Balthazar straightened, standing to face the old demon. Salaman turned without another word, leaving the festival and its guests to celebrate. Once the doors closed behind him the hall erupted in cheers and raised goblets to Lord Sultan Balthazar. They settled back into their cushions as food trailed out in an explosion of culinary delights. Servants piled all the tables high with a variety of dishes as Balthazar settled on his throne and surveyed his subjects. His eyes inevitably fell on Alexandra.

  She was absolutely stunning and he found the level of delight he felt at seeing her in the formal gown of his people a little unnerving. Her curves were slighter than the demonesses of his kingdom but the outfit was more becoming on her than anyone he had ever seen. Green was most decidedly his favorite color and he liked it even more seeing it on Alexandra. He had to force himself to look away from her before his staring became too obvious.

  Alexandra’s mouth watered in anticipation as mounds of food were placed on the table before her. She had to concentrate on not looking over at Balthazar, so instead she moved her focus onto the food. She pilled her plate high with the smoked meats and steamed greens that had quickly become her favorite things to eat.

  Balthazar’s eyes wandered over the crowd before once again finding Alex. He watched as she eagerly filled her plate. The girl was severely lacking in etiquette, but she somehow managed to steal his attention away from everything else that was going on at the festival. He could pinpoint her scent from amongst the sea of guests, and couldn’t help but take a moment of pleasure to indulge in the smell. Her scent held innocence and purity that was so incredibly enticing. He found himself wanting to touch her, to walk the short distance to her and hold her close to him. He wanted to taste her in every way that a man could taste a woman. He clenched his jaw and made himself look away again. Thinking such things wasn’t going to help him any. She had just begun to access her powers and it would be quite some time before she could use them to help him control his beast. In the meantime he had to worry about holding his kingdom together on his own. That just didn’t leave room for her in his life. Not in the way he wanted her to be in his life.

  Alex was nearly finished with her first serving when she noticed the empty plate in front of Carolina. In the short time that she had spent with the Lady, she had learned how much she liked to indulge in a meal like this.

  “You aren’t eating,” Alex said between bites, motioning to the empty plate.

  “Not yet,” she replied with a spark in her crystal blue eyes. She rose from her cushion and faded into the crowd of guests before Alex could ask her anything else.

  “Where’s she going?” Alex asked Adira as she tried to watch Carolina retreating into the crowd.

  “We’re in for a real treat tonight,” Adira said, using a napkin to wipe at her lips. “The Sultana is going to dance for us.”


  A spotlight hit the stage that was set in the center of the room. Carolina materialized from thin air as a stringed instrument strummed softly. She moved her arms, undulating to the music and charming the crowd with a few simple yet precise movements. She whirled and danced around the room her hips dipping and swaying to the rhythm of the music. It was a mesmerizing performance that held the crowd captive.

  While everyone was entranced by his mother’s dancing, Balthazar took the opportunity to watch Alexandra again. Her lips were parted ever so slightly and the tip of her tongue darted out to moisten them. Her wide green eyes shimmered as they followed the dance. She was so incredibly beautiful it almost hurt him to watch her, knowing that he couldn’t have her. Not like he wanted
to have her.

  His attention was snapped away from Alexandra when he realized Azira was watching him. She tilted her head curiously at him. It was a challenge. She was silently questioning him. Balthazar knew what she expected, but he had never favored her. She was beautiful, and her father was a powerful demon on the council, but she was a spoiled brat and Balthazar had never been able to stomach her for too long. She was too entitled for his liking. Still, he knew what was expected of him. Tonight wasn’t just the night that he was officially anointed as Lord Sultan. He was also supposed to choose a Sultana, and traditionally that had always been the Lord Enchanter’s daughter. It was a way of making the royal bloodline stronger, bonding it with the little magic that was in the Lord Enchanter’s blood.

  He looked away from the table and focused on his mother as she finished her dance. With a final beat of the drum, Carolina ended her dance and was immediately rewarded with applause. Balthazar stood from his throne and a hush fell over the room.

  “Mother,” he said, his voice loud enough to carry over the entire crowd, “you’ve truly honored me with your performance, and I have a gift for you.”

  Balthazar motioned to a servant that was standing in the back of the room. He rushed out of the room and returned only a moment later. A chained and beaten demon was dragged in behind him and thrown before Lady Carolina. Alex recognized him instantly. It was Hasan.

  “Your newest eunuch, mother,” Balthazar said. “I’m afraid he can’t speak. His traitorous tongue has been removed. Though I’m sure you can find some use for him.”

  The breath stuck in Alexandra’s throat at the subtle brutality of the scene. There was a barbaric amusement gleaming in Balthazar’s eyes as he presented his mutilated brother as a gift. Alex couldn’t help but feel sorry for Hasan.

  “Lord Sultan Balthazar,” Carolina said with a proud smile on her face, “I’m honored by such a generous gift.”

  Carolina had hated Hasan since the very day he was born. She despised his mother, Sultan Sami’s second wife. She was a contemptible woman who had birthed a useless son and died shortly afterward. In the royal hierarchy, princes always outranked wives, even the Sultana. But now Hasan was hers to command. The removal of both his tongue and pathetic manhood was just an added bonus.


  Tavi picked his way across the festival hall, balancing a goblet of sugared wine in each hand.

  “Lady Carolina,” he said, stepping up the dais to her table, “you’re dance was captivating as always.”

  Carolina inclined her head at the compliment, watching him curiously as he held a goblet out to Alex. She tried to refuse but Tavi shook his head at her.

  “It’s not an option, girl” Tavi said with a smirk on his lips, “You owe me a toast.”

  “I do?” Alex asked, her eyes narrowing. She looked at Carolina who was less than pleased that Tavi had come over and was offering her wine.

  “You do,” Tavi said. He forced his way between Alex and Nila and made himself comfortable on the floor. He placed the goblet on the table right in front of Alex. “It was an honor to fight with you, and a toast is customary amongst those who savor victory together. So, you can’t say no.”

  Alex never drank. She didn’t care for the bitter taste, but it would seem she was backed into a corner, and Carolina wasn’t stepping in to help her. She reluctantly picked up the goblet and raised her glass in a toast to Tavi. She took a tentative sip and was surprised when the sugared wine poured easily down her throat without even a hint of bitterness. It was sweet and subtle and she thought there must be hardly any alcohol in it at all.

  “Wow, this is really good,” Alex said. She took a bigger sip and this time savored the taste of the wine. Tavi had an I-told-you-so look on his face and Alex rolled her eyes.

  “Tavi,” Azira called across the table, getting his attention as an idea formed in her mind. She had seen the way Balthazar looked at Alex and she didn’t like it one bit. She would show him how unsuited the silly human was for him. The girl could never compare to Azira, and she could certainly never be the Sultana.

  “Yes, Lady Azira,” Tavi said, looking lazily in her direction. It was apparent that he’d had quite a lot of sugared wine already.

  “An enemy as powerful as Raza deserves much more than a single toast, does he not?”

  “That’s absolutely right,” Tavi said, throwing his hand in the air. A smile spread across his face as he beckoned a servant over to the table. “We’re going to need a lot more wine.”



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