The First Book of Demons

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The First Book of Demons Page 47

by Raquel Dove

The morning light filtered into the high window of Alexandra's new apartment and roused her from her sleep. It was a beautiful apartment, almost as big as Lady Carolina's, but there weren’t any furnishings in it aside from the large bed that she was lying in. Carolina told her there would be plenty of time for them to pick out new furniture for her together. Alexandra stepped out onto her private balcony and inhaled the crisp morning breeze as she surveyed the gardens below. It was a tropical paradise here and she had to keep reminding herself that this was real life and not a dream.

  Alex had never felt so conflicted in all her life. She wanted Balthazar more than she had ever wanted anything. Her bones ached to be near him and when he looked at her with passion in his eyes, everything else disappeared. But she couldn't imagine her actually having a life here in this world. She missed her friends, her home, her entire world that she had spent eighteen years building. If she gave into her desires for Balthazar, she didn't know what that would mean for her. She didn't even know what she meant to him. Was she just a passing fancy? It was obvious that Lord Sultans around here took multiple wives, and she didn't want any part of that. No, it was just better all the way around if she helped Balthazar and then went home. It would be hard to forget about him, and she was certain she would never find another man that made her feel the way he did, but it was what was best.

  Lost in her thoughts, Alex didn’t hear someone entering her apartment. A cold hand on her shoulder pulled her from her thoughts and made her turn around with a start. Hasan's cold gray eyes stared back at her.

  He held his hand out and presented her with a rolled piece of parchment. This time she recognized it as a summons from Balthazar. Her stomach did flips, knowing that she would see him again.

  Alex nodded her understanding at Hasan, who turned and began to lead her out of the harem. Alex couldn’t help but feel sorry for the castrated demon. Sure, he had gone against Balthazar, but that really didn’t deserve such a cruel punishment in Alexandra’s opinion. She tried to block out the fact that Balthazar could be very cruel. She wanted to forget the darkness that she had felt inside him the last time she was with him. Instead, she wanted to focus on the goodness, the lightness that she had felt. That was the part of him that was dominant, she knew it was, and that was the part that she was falling in love with.

  “I’m sorry,” Alex blurted out. She was as surprised as Hasan by those words. He stopped and turned to look at her with confusion in his eyes.

  “I mean…,” Alex shrugged. “I’m sorry about what happened to you.”

  Hasan’s gaze was piercing. Alex couldn't tell what he was thinking or feeling. She had meant it to be compassionate, but it didn't come out that way and judging by the way he glared at her, he wasn't taking it that way. He turned away from her and began to once more lead her through the maze of the harem quarters. When they reached the gate they found a fat little demon waiting for them.

  “Ah,” Jahan said, his voice sounding strangely familiar, “Lady Alexandra. The Lord Sultan wishes to see you. If you would please follow me, I will take you to him.”

  The feeling of familiarity gnawed at Alex. Something wasn’t quite right about this demon. She tried to reach out and feel his aura, like she had felt Balthazar's, but she couldn't. She didn't know if he just didn't have one, or if she just couldn't feel it.

  Jahan led her through the garden at a fast pace that seemed unusual for his size. After a rather long trek through the garden, they turned a corner on the path and a field came in to view. Thousands of butterflies fluttered around colorful blooms of wildflowers. The sight stopped Alex in her tracks. She wanted to run out into the field and plop down on her back with her arms spread out wide.

  “It’s so beautiful,” Alex said with a gasp, turning to look at Jahan. There was a strange twinkle in his eyes and they suddenly changed color, turning a sickening shade of yellow. The same yellow as Raza, and as Baal. Alexandra took a step back as fear gripped her.


  Baal moved quickly, his true form emerging from the mass that was previously Jahan, and grabbed her roughly from behind. He pinned her to his chest with a strong arm as he bent to whisper in her ear.

  “Magic,” he hissed as he clamped a hand over her mouth, preventing her from calling out for help. “You're not the only one that can use it.”


  “Where is she?” Balthazar asked as he stormed through Alexandra's apartments. He had planned on sharing breakfast with her before taking her for a stroll through the gardens. Things had been a bit rough on her the past couple days and he wanted to enjoy a relaxing day with her. The growl rumbling in his chest echoed around the soft pink marble of Alexandra’s apartment as he tightened his grip on the throat of the nearest eunuch he could find.

  “My lord,” the servant choked out, “She was sent for this morning. It was an official summons. Lord Jahan escorted her from the gate.”

  “Bring him to me,” Balthazar said, tossing the demon half way across the foyer of Alexandra’s apartment. He certainly didn't send a summons for her, but someone had. When he found that person, he would take a special pleasure in punishing him.

  In the meantime, he had to find her. There were only so many places she could be. He pinpointed her scent and followed it out into the gardens. Maybe the eunuch was mistaken and she had just gone for a stroll. He hoped that was the case. It didn't take long for the eunuch he had commanded to find Jahan and bring him to Balthazar.

  “You were seen escorting the human girl this morning,” Balthazar said. The chill in his voice sent a terrified tingle down the fat demons spine.

  “No, my lord,” Jahan said, shaking his round head. “I've not had the opportunity to meet the human yet.”

  “Do not lie to me,” Balthazar said, taking a menacing step closer. He was about to lose it. If something happened to Alexandra, he wouldn't be able to keep himself together. He felt the irritating scratch of his beast and he let a little bit of the dark aura out to float around Jahan.

  “It's the truth,” Jahan said, his body starting to shake as he felt the aura of Balthazar's beast surrounding him, “I've been with the Sultana the entire morning. She requested the commission of several new garments for the human girl. You can check with her. She will verify my whereabouts.”

  Balthazar would indeed question his mother to make sure that Jahan wasn't lying. Based on the way he was trembling with fear, Balthazar was inclined to believe him. But that meant there could only be one explanation, and the thought almost made him feel weak.

  “Bring me the Lord Enchanter immediately,” Balthazar said. Jahan hurried off to fetch Arastoo and Balthazar continued following Alexandra's scent through the garden. It was a little hard to pick up outside with so many other smells floating around, but he managed to trace it to one of the far corners of the garden. That was where her scent disappeared completely.

  “The scent of magic lingers in the air,” Arastoo said, appearing beside Balthazar in the garden. “Extremely powerful magic, the likes of which I’ve never before encountered.”

  A heavy weight settled on his chest. Was it possible that Alexandra had used her powers to go home? He certainly wouldn't blame her after he'd attacked her in his beast state. He didn't want to believe that's what happened, but there wasn't much else that could explain the powerful magic.

  “Can you determine the source?” Balthazar asked.

  “No,” Arastoo said, shaking his head. “However, I might be able to give you a way to track it.”

  “You think someone took her?” Balthazar asked. He felt a growl bubbling in his throat. There were a few possibilities of who could have taken her, and none of them were very promising for her safe return.

  “This magic,” he said, his nose sniffing at the air. “It's duplication magic. Someone was pretending to be someone else. They probably lured her here so they would have an easy escape through the back of the palace.”

  Arastoo dug in his pocket and pulled out a
small black stone with a leather cord tied around it. He held it into the air and swung it in a tight circle around himself while he chanted words that Balthazar couldn't make out.

  “This will allow you to follow the scent of the magic,” Arastoo said, holding out the trinket for Balthazar to take. “It will only last for a few hours before it turns useless. It's the best I can do.”

  Balthazar tied the ends of the cord behind his neck and the putrid scent of the powerful magic that had been used to kidnap Alexandra began to hit him in waves. He had only one thing he needed to do before he could go after her.


  Balthazar found Tavi in the training courtyard of the palace barracks. He was practicing his fighting technique with another demon. When Tavi noticed the distress in Balthazar's aura he motioned for the other demon to leave.

  “Alexandra is gone,” Balthazar said once they were alone. The pain in his voice was evident.

  “Gone?” Tavi asked, as he grabbed a towel and wiped the sweat off his face.

  “Kidnapped,” Balthazar said, a growl echoing his words. “I have to go after her.”

  “Kidnapped by who?” Tavi said, standing up straighter. “I'm coming with you.”

  “I don't know who,” Balthazar said, “but I need you to stay here.”

  “That's not a good idea,” Tavi said, shaking his head “If you don't know who—“

  “I need you here, brother,” Balthazar said. “Prepare for a fight. It's going to come whether I'm here or not.”

  Tavi knew what Balthazar was saying. There was a good possibility that he wouldn't return from this. They were already on the brink of war, and if Balthazar disappeared then Lord Krishna wouldn't hesitate to swoop in and destroy them.

  “I will,” Tavi said, nodding his understanding.

  Balthazar laid a heavy hand on Tavi’s shoulder. This could well be the last time they saw each other, and they both let the moment sink heavily into their conscience.



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