The Fidelity World: Revenge (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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The Fidelity World: Revenge (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 1

by Solease M Barner

  Text copyright ©2018 by the Author.

  This work was made possible by a special license through the Kindle Worlds publishing program and has not necessarily been reviewed by Romig Works, LLC. All characters, scenes, events, plots and related elements appearing in the original The Fidelity World remain the exclusive copyrighted and/or trademarked property of Romig Works, LLC, or their affiliates or licensors.

  For more information on Kindle Worlds:

  The Fidelity World

  A world based off of The Infidelity Series


  Aleatha Romig


  BOOK 2






  Please note that this book is the second part of Devious in The Fidelity World, it also ends on a cliffhanger!


  Revenge has never tasted so sweet…or been so beautiful!

  Jaxson Montgomery is with a disappointment of his own doing. He never thought that he would fall for Silvia. He Only wanted a way to make her brother suffer, but now…things have greatly changed. Life started to get better, but when she finds out a truth, he’s been hiding she walks away without a second glance. Now, he has decided to make things right between the, but is it too late? Jax is the fixer, but can he fix his own problem? Will he be able to get Silvia back or is it too late?

  Silvia Demetri can’t believe she let her guard down. Jax was the perfect guy: sweet, kind, attentive and most of all, not affiliated with her family. It was all a lie. Jax was not who he portrayed himself to be, and now she’s left with a broken heart. The only thing she can do is move on and never speak to Jax again. Will Silvia be able to forgive Jaxson, or was the lie too deep?



  It’s like a broken record playing in my head. The idea that I planned all this time to make him pay, only to be hurting myself now. Sitting here drinking in the dark on my birthday is a fucking sin. I should be celebrating, dancing, letting women fawn over me. Instead, I’m replaying Silvia’s look of confusion, anger, and disappointment. It’s like a knife piercing between my ribs, over and over again.

  My cell starts ringing for the hundredth time today. I’ve been in my penthouse all day. Even when Lori cooked my favorite things, I could only eat a little. Blair, my grandmother, even a few of my clients called to wish me a happy birthday.

  The only thing that will make me happy is to have Silvia back in my arms. Now, I don’t have her, and my plan has to change. Before I’m judged, Nox must still pay, but I can’t use Silvia to seek my revenge. He doesn’t get off that easy; my sister is still gone, and he never even knew how much he hurt her or changed my life.

  I stand, leaving the cell ringing, and walk over to the window, looking out at the sky, wishing I could turn back time. Maybe I can make Silvia understand how I feel about her. The idea of never talking with her, hearing her sassy mouth or making love to her is painful. The bar catches my eye, and I decide to have another drink. As I’m pouring more bourbon, I hear a knock at my door. I set my glass down and quickly open my door, hoping it’s Silvia, but to my surprise it’s Blair.

  “Jaxson, you’re not sitting in this place for your birthday. I’ve been calling you, wanting to see you, and you’re not answering.”

  I look at her, wondering why I didn’t look out the damn peephole.

  “You know, when someone doesn’t answer their cell, that doesn’t mean come to their place, Blair.”

  I go back to my drink and take a long sip. Blair marches over and narrows her eyes at me.

  “Jax, it’s your birthday, and I’m not sure why you’re home. I’ve been trying to reach you for the last couple of days, I thought you were caught up with your new lady, but I guess you dumped her.” She seems a little too happy for my liking.

  “You guessed wrong.”

  She looks at me, waiting for more of an explanation, but I don’t owe her one. I know being an ass to one of your good friends is stupid, but it looks like I made a stupid decision when I fell for Silvia, so what’s one more stupid thing on my list?

  “Jax, please, I can help you. I hate to see you upset like this. I will do anything, and I do mean anything, to help you feel better.”

  I sit back in my chair holding my glass, trying to ignore the fact that Blair has just offered herself to me. She doesn’t say it so plainly, but I know her very well, and I’m one hundred percent sure I could fuck her right now. I’m not, though. Blair’s a friend, and that would only make me feel worse.

  “Blair, please go away. I’ll call you tomorrow,” I plead, hoping she’ll respect my choice and leave.

  She walks over and squats down in front of me, placing her hands on my knees. I ignore her and take another belt of my drink. I don’t want to hurt my friend’s feelings, but she’s not catching the hint.

  “Jax, let me help you forget her, nothing has to change between us.”

  “Who said I want to forget her? Look, don’t embarrass yourself. Turn and walk out the door, before I turn into a real asshole.”

  The look I give her is cold. Leading Blair on in any way would be a disaster; I want us to remain friends.

  “Ok, I get it. Don’t be angry at me, Jax. Your friendship is important to me. I only wanted to make you feel good for your birthday.”

  I remain silent, not because I’m angry at Blair, but I want to be left alone. She stands up, straightens her dress and turns to walk towards the door. I get up to see her out as she approaches the door. I open it, praying for her to leave quietly. So this won’t be so awkward the next time we speak.

  “Have a nice night, Blair.”

  “Thanks, Jax, and happy birthday.”

  She walks away, and I close the door. It’s not a happy birthday. This birthday is up in the top five of being a complete fuck-up.

  Shit! I’m 38 years old, and I have no family except my grandmother, and no special lady either. I’m feeling bad, too; my body is starting to catch up with all the non-eating I’ve been doing, today and for the last week. I decide that maybe I should eat some of Lori’s cooking. She went to a lot of trouble to make all my favorites, and the least I can do is show appreciation. I’ve made it through this week because of her and Randall, my driver. They have both been exceptional this week with my attitude, no talking and barely working.

  I’m going to have to pull myself together. I’ve tried to reach out to her, but the number has been changed. She won’t even allow me to get to her penthouse. Logan has been keeping me informed about her at work. He’s not been privy to private conversations she’s having with her best friend, but he does say she doesn’t look happy at all.

  At least I know she hasn’t moved on with her life but is missing me as much as I’m missing her. I’m sure if I wanted to speak with her I could, but how would the conversation go? I’m not ready to talk about Sam with her, or anyone, besides, if I do tell her about Sam, she’ll go back and say something to her brother, and he’s bound to be full of excuses about how nothing was his fault.

  Sitting at the kitchen counter eating cold macaroni and cheese and meatballs, I call Logan. He must have some news for me.

  “Hey, boss, happy birthday.”

  “Thanks, Logan. Listen, I need to know – is it possible to give me her number without blowing your cover?”

  “Even though I have the number because it was that easy to get, I’m not supposed to have it. The only people that have it are family, and Roslyn
and some other close friends.”

  “Shit, Logan, why are you not fucking Roslyn yet? That is one of your jobs for this assignment. I could have had her number by now.”

  “Sir, I’m the shy one on this assignment, but I will try harder.”

  “Thank you, Logan. I need to speak with her, make her understand.”

  “Yes sir, and there’s no doubt in my mind that you will get Silvia to speak with you.”

  “You know, Logan, give me the number anyway, I’ll think of something that doesn’t blow your cover.”

  Logan reads out the number to me, and we disconnect the call. It may sound bad that I’m keeping Logan on his task. Silvia is no longer part of the plan, but my plan to get to her brother is not over. How can I let it go? It would be like letting down Sam. I’m not that forgiving. Some may say I should wait for karma, but why, when I can help that along?

  There’s no need to stay up. I pick up my plate of food, tuck the bottle of bourbon under my arm and go to bed. This birthday is over, and I want to sleep the day away.


  The next morning as I’m stretching out in my big bed, I regret all that bourbon I drank. I close my eyes trying to push the headache away, but my cell rings. With no remorse, I hit ’decline’, sending it to voicemail. It’s not Silvia, and everything else can wait.

  After a long, hot shower, I dress in a suit and follow the smell of breakfast to the kitchen. I’m sure Lori is worried about me, but I’m going to do my best to assure her I’m okay. Even though it’s a lie, worrying Lori is not going to change anything.

  As soon as I walk to the table in the breakfast nook, she starts placing food in front of me. I guess she figures a big breakfast is what I need because there is bacon, eggs, hash browns, toast, fruit, yogurt, and coffee.

  “Good morning, Lori, thank you for the amazing breakfast. I don’t have time to eat it all, but I’ll take some with me for lunch.”

  She smiles at me and takes a seat at the table.

  I’m a little thrown by this. Lori has never sat down at the table with me before, and by the look, she’s giving me, she’s not about to eat.

  “Mr. Montgomery, excuse me for this, but I must tell you something I think you need to hear.”

  Something she thinks I need to hear? This could be interesting.

  “Okay, Lori, please speak freely,” I respond.

  “In life, there are only a few times we fall in love, and for some, it can be twice, but most of the time it’s only once. If you allow something that may seem important to stop you from enjoying one of the greatest gifts in life then you will not be happy. That’s all I have to say, and I hope you enjoy your breakfast. I’ll pack up whatever you don’t eat for lunch for you.”

  Lori stands and walks back into the kitchen, taking out containers to pack my lunch. I’m a little stunned, but her words have fallen on me like a ton of bricks.

  “Lori, what if something in the past that you loved is the reason for the problem with experiencing love in the present?”

  She turns and gives me the sweetest smile ever.

  “Jaxson, if we lived in the past, the future would be obsolete.”

  She turns and continues with her job. While I eat, I think about what she said, and how I can use this advice to get back with Silvia.

  When it’s time to leave I say goodbye to Lori, and she hands me a big lunch container. I take it and make my way to Randal, who’s waiting for me.

  “Good morning, Randal. I would like to make a stop at Silvia’s place.”

  Randal nods and waits for me to enter the car. I lean back into the seat, still dealing with a slight headache, but much better than when I first opened my eyes this morning.

  As we’re driving along, I realize that by now Silvia will be in the office. Quickly I make a call to Nora, and tell her to order flowers for Silvia and have them delivered as soon as possible.

  When I arrive at the office, Randal finds a great spot in front of the building. I know she hates me right now, but she needs to know my feelings for her are pure. The only thing I have going for me, I believe, is that she doesn’t know her brother dated my sister.

  Randal opens the door for me.

  “Mr. Montgomery, will you be okay? I can call some backup for you.”

  “No, thank you, Randal, this fight I must take care of myself.”

  I button my coat and walk into the building, ready to do battle with anyone who stops me from at least speaking with her. Checking up on her is what I should do after all this is just a bump in the road of our relationship, but I’m not giving her up. She’s had more than a week of avoiding me. I’m going to take Lori’s advice and get my woman back.

  As I walk in the door, it dawns on me. For the first time in my life, I’m chasing a woman, and it’s because I feel something for her, and it has nothing to do with sex. Although sex between us was so good, so extremely good.



  I thought someone finally loved me just for me, but I’m wrong. The day I met Jaxson Montgomery was the worst day of my life. As I sit in my office, trying to focus on my charity, all I can think about is how wonderful he was to me. Knowing it was all a lie is breaking my heart into a thousand pieces. Roslyn is offering to go rip his balls off, but mainly I want my heart to stop aching.

  I take a sip of my coffee, which Roslyn now picks up from the café, and try to look at the list of donors from last year’s event who are not attending. We’ll see if they would like to match their last year’s gifts.

  That’s when I hear a commotion out in the hall of my office. There shouldn’t be any noise; it’s only Roslyn, Franky her assistant, and myself at the moment.

  I get up from my desk and walk towards the sound, but I’m stopped in my tracks. That voice – it’s Jaxson. Why would he be here? I made it clear that it was over, didn’t I? I should be able to go out there and tell him to leave and never come back, but the butterflies in my stomach keep me planted where I stand.

  Then I remember, I’m stronger than this. Being a member of the Demetri family has taught me many things, but one of the things I always remember is never let fear overtake you.

  Pulling my strength from deep down inside, I walk toward the argument and find Roslyn in Jaxson’s face. Franky is trying to pull her back. He looks so frightened, and now I’m even more glad I came to stop this disruption.

  “Silvia.” Jaxson says my name and stops even looking at Roslyn. His eyes are on me, and my body goes weak for a few seconds before I recover.

  “Jaxson, you’re not welcome here, so please leave before I have you thrown out.”

  Roslyn looks at me and then back at Jaxson.

  “You heard her,” she yells. “She doesn’t want you here, so leave right now, you scum.”

  He doesn’t even flinch; he just keeps his eyes on me. I want to look away, to scream and curse at him, but I can’t; his blue eyes are too captivating. Even though I’ve asked him to leave, he makes no move to do so.

  I can deal with this. Letting him say his piece might give me the closure I need to move on.

  “Roslyn,” I say to her. “Let him through.”

  “No, Silvy,” she snaps. “I’m not afraid of him. No one hurts my friend and gets away with it.” Jaxson’s eyes focus on Roslyn, and she leans back slightly, then regains her composure.

  “Roslyn, please, it’s truly okay. Jaxson, follow me to my office so we can get this over.”

  Franky moves Roslyn out of the way, and Jaxson walks past them, following me to my office. Inside, I close the door and move quickly to my desk.

  “Say what you came to say and then leave,” I say, emotionless.

  “Silvy, I miss you, and I know that doesn’t explain about my job or how I know of your brother, but it does tell you, regardless of all that, I miss you, and I want you.”

  Even though I miss him too, how could he think not telling me he knew who my family was is beside the point? Like his missing me can erase th
e feeling of betrayal and hurt? It doesn’t, and I’m not going for the I miss you claim.

  I narrow my eyes at the snake standing before me. “Jaxson, you’re a piece of work. You think coming into my office with your custom suit and that gorgeous smile is going to make me forget you’re a liar, and more than likely have some secretive shit going on that I know nothing about? See, if you’re in the world of my family, Jaxson, you have an agenda.”

  He comes around to where I’m sitting and gets down on one knee.

  “Silvy, then you know that if I had told you who I truly was, you wouldn’t have given me the time of day, wouldn’t have found out I’m more than what I’m known for, please, baby, listen, we are not over.”

  “Yes, we are, Jaxson. There is no ‘we’ any more. You made sure of that with your lies.”

  “Tell me this. Would you have given me your number in the coffee shop, if you had known who I was?”

  “It doesn’t matter, you took the choice away from me, can’t you see, you ruined everything, and I believed you truly loved me.”

  “Oh baby, I do love you. Don’t doubt that. What happened our first time making love shouldn’t have happened. I’m sorry, but I’m not giving up that easily, because I do love you, and I will make it right. I’m going to fix it.” He rubs my knees softly, looking up at me.

  My mind goes to how good it feels to have him so close, and his hand on something as simple as my knee. Then I remember the pain and hurt I felt the night we made love, and it’s like all that hurt rises up in me. I can’t control the tears that run down my cheeks. He doesn’t say anything, but wipes them away. I allow myself to receive the small comfort, then reality sets back in on me.

  I push his hands away and move my chair farther away from him.


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