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Scourge of Souls: The Realms Book Four: (An Epic LitRPG Series)

Page 26

by C. M. Carney

  Realizing he’d receive no help, Lex turned back to the warborn. “Eh, noses, more trouble than they’re worth my friend.” Errat grinned back, but nobody could say if the look was one of satisfaction or irritation.

  “Thank you for that information friend Lex,” Errat said with a grin which he held several seconds longer than was necessary.

  “Okay then,” Lex said loudly. “Let’s activate this gate and begin our journey into terror and death.”

  Gryph shook his head and walked up to the arch. He focused on his internal map and found the nearest Port Gate to Harlan’s Watch. It was located in a place called the Morphic Dungeon. The only information provided by the map suggested that it was another Nimmerian research facility, this one housed in an existing dungeon.

  Gryph tapped the sequence provided by the map into the runes and a moment later another place existed beyond the arch. Where the one near Erram had been dark and deserted, this one was lit by flickering flames of deep red, black and orange. As one the members of the Adventure Party readied weapons.

  “Looks like somebody is home,” Vonn said.

  “This place was supposed to be our starter dungeon. It should be a cakewalk,” Lex said and then shivered. “You go first.” Gryph shook his head and took a step forward but Lex’s arm flashed up, blocking his path. “I must protect Gryph,” Lex muttered in a low and very irritated tone and then jumped through the arch.

  The others followed and Gryph gave one last glance at Simon. “Try not to break my dungeon.” The undead teen grinned and gave Gryph a thumbs up. Gryph shook his head, wondering if he’d live to regret leaving Simon in charge. Or will I live at all? Then he stepped through the Port Gate which closed behind him with a silent whoosh.


  The four partially eaten bodies scattered across the ground of the long rectangular chamber was the first sign that something was amiss. The second came a few moments later when a rhythmic thumping noise rose from the passageway at the far end of the room. Every passing second brought the sound closer.

  Gryph's Adventure Party arrayed themselves in a semicircle, all facing towards the sound of whatever horror was about to explode from the tunnel. Images of the monsters Gryph had faced since entering the Realms flashed through his mind as he expanded his buckler and rested his spear into its groove. He stared intently as the rasping sound of something large scraping against the walls of the tunnel flowed over him.

  Stay in formation, Gryph sent via the party’s Telepathic Link and inhaled deeply, forcing calm into his frayed nerves. The thumping grew louder and closer and then a massive, furry form squeezed its way out of the tunnel. The beast swung its head back and forth, smashing the solid rock of the entrance with the curved ram’s horns that spiraled upwards from its temples. Stone shrapnel fanned into the room in a wide arc. The creature stepped into the room, sat back on its haunches and twitched its nose at the party.

  “It’s a big ass bunny,” Lex sputtered in shock. “With effing horns. Who? What? Why?”

  The big ass bunny was the size of an African bull elephant and looked ten times as mean. It made Gryph think of the jackalope head hung on the wall of his favorite restaurant as a kid. He’d spent hours regaling Brynn with tales about the life cycle and temperament of the antelope horned hare. Brynn had begged their parents for one for her birthday only to be heartbroken when the Colonel revealed, in his typical heartless monotone, the jackalope was not a real animal.

  This is the Realms settling that karmic debt, Gryph thought. Ten-fold.

  The massive rabbit stared at them through beady eyes the color of midnight and snarled, exposing two pairs of massive, razor sharp incisors.

  “I think we should run away!” Lex yelled, the last bit in a desperate, high-pitched, British yelp.

  “Shut up and share your Analyze window,” Gryph ordered.

  “Right. Sorry,” Lex said, hefting his war hammer. A moment later a prompt popped into the corner of Gryph’s vision.










  This rabbit was mutated by the chaotic energy seething through the Morphic Dungeon into a huge aberration. It is always hungry for man flesh and carrots, and its horns can inflict incredible bashing damage. While the creature’s body had grown, its brain has not increased at the same rate, causing the creature to react purely out of rage and hunger. It's tough hide and thick layer of subdermal fat make it resistant to weapons that pierce, smash or slash.




  Thick Hide, Rage, Bashing.

  Poison, Cold, Spells that induce Sleep.

  Resistances: Piercing damage, blunt damage, slashing damage.

  Simple Minded, Rage.

  Gryph barely had time to absorb the information and process the absurdity of the beast’s existence when it lowered itself onto all fours, wriggled its cotton tail and roared. The sound that punished their ears sounded like the roar of a lion who had a rabbit lodged firmly in its throat. It was powerful yet still kinda cute. At least until the creature hopped towards them in a loping charge.

  Then things got worse, for the monstrous rabbit was just the cork in the bottle. As the huge creature moved from the entrance, several dozen smaller bunnies, listed as large transmorphic chaos rabbits, poured into the room like exploding champagne.

  “Shit, we have a breeder,” Lex yelled as the chittering of dozens of pissed off bunnies filled the room.

  The shimmering field of Errat’s Aether Shield expanded around them. Gryph sent a mental nod to Errat for the quick thinking. We need to slow the big one down, Gryph sent. All ranged attackers go for the eyes.

  Gryph began to cast Sticky Mud, an Earth Magic spell that created a puddle of thick, cloying mud capable of slowing and trapping enemies. It was like quicksand on steroids, but it had a five-second casting time. Way too long if we can’t slow this beast down, Gryph thought to himself.

  But his people excelled at what they did and soon a barrage of missiles hurtled towards the monstrous rabbit. Lex fired a volley of Order Bolts, shards of brilliant white light that always hit their target. Ovrym let arrows fly in quick succession. He did not augment their destructive power with his mana because of time and the constrained space. An explosion in this room would do as much damage to them as the horde of thumpers. Vonn’s arms were mana enhanced blurs as he tossed a dozen throwing daggers through the porous side of Errat’s shield.

  The barrage of missiles pummeled into the rabbit’s face. A few stuck into its muzzle causing limited damage, but most bounced harmlessly off the bony ridge protecting the rabbit’s brow. Only Lex’s Order Bolts found their mark and the searing missiles of white light punched into the chaos rabbit’s eyes.

  The creature roared in pain and stumbled over one of its children, crushing it into a furry sack of shattered bone and pulped organs. Its left leg crumpled under it, but it was unable to arrest its momentum and stumbled, smashing head first into the wall of the chamber.

  The impact caused the room to shake and bits of stone and dust fell from the ceiling. “Yes!” Lex yelled aloud and a quick update from his shared Analyze showed the others that the giant rabbit had given itself a stun debuff. Lex’s attack had bought them twenty-seconds of precious relief from the monster’s attack.

  They could not say the same for the herd of smaller rabbits that thundered towards them, heads lowered.

  “Incoming,” Gryph yelled, his hands moving almost unbidden in the complex motions required to cast Sticky Mud.

  Errat leaned into his casting, bracing himself for the impact. A dozen rabbits lowered their heads and punched into the shield with their horns. The impact sounded like a hundred bass drums being pounded by tone deaf barbarians. Each spot they hit, exploded with silver white energy, and Errat gru
nted, desperately pouring mana into the defenses. The thundering barrage of bunnies pushed him back several feet, but the shield held.

  Errat cannot hold this much longer.

  Just a few more seconds, Gryph sent.

  I don’t think we have it, Vonn sent, as the second volley of smaller rabbits arrived, lowering their heads before impact.

  This time the boom was louder as the impact shattered Errat’s shield. The force of the dozen furry battering rams splintered the shimmering wall of silver white and it exploded. Errat flew backwards like he’d been shot from a cannon, hit the wall and fell limply to the floor.

  Gryph felt through the link towards the fallen warborn.

  Errat is stunned for five seconds, came the warborn’s mental call.

  The rest of the party formed up between Errat and the swarm of chaos rabbit. He heard Lex grunt as one of the smaller rabbits bounced off his leg. Watch out, the fuzzy bastards are going for the knees.

  A sound strategy. Get us on the ground and then trample us, Ovrym sent.

  Gryph watched Vonn leap and spin over a pair of incoming rabbits. As he passed over them he sunk his blades down at the base of their neck. Both creatures fell to the ground, shook for a second and died. Their hide is thinnest at the nape of the neck. Stab there and you’ll sever their spinal cord.

  What if I don’t have any weapons that can stab, stab, kill, kill? Even through the link Lex’s ‘voice’ sounded whiny.

  Quit your whining and smash, smash, pound, pound, Gryph sent as the last words of his spell murmured by his lips. He raised his hands above his head and then surged down, slapping both palms against the floor.

  The mana surging down his arms felt like the slow movement of a thick smoothie through a straw and Gryph feared it would become clogged inside him. But then the mana exploded down and into the ground, flowing forward in a 20 by 20-foot square starting at his feet and expanding under the rabbit swarm.

  The sprinting rabbits slowed, many of them falling forward as the cloying mud grasped at their furry feet. For a few seconds it held them immobile. Several dozen shrieks of rage boiled from their throats, and then, slowly they advanced again.

  Their Dexterity is too high, Lex warned. They’re slowed, but still mobile.

  Take the small ones out while we can, Gryph sent. The big one will be back on its feet soon.

  Gryph watched in awe as Vonn and Ovrym danced among the trapped rabbits, killing them with quick, single strikes. Each time their feet hit the puddle of mud the surface seemed to solidify, allowing his friends free movement. It’s as if the spell somehow knew they were Gryph’s allies. This magic never gets old, Gryph thought to himself as he rushed to help Errat to his feet.

  “Thank you friend Gryph,” Errat said. “How are we doing?”

  Gryph shrugged. “Better get that axe ready.”

  Errat did as requested and rushed forward to engage the trapped rabbits. Lex’s roar filled the room, drawing Gryph’s attention. The small Ordonian was sprinting towards the big bunny, his hammer glowing with furious white light. He leapt in the air ready to bring his hammer smashing down onto the back of the downed rabbit’s head.

  It was then that Gryph saw the furious magma colored mana flow through the giant beast’s horns.

  “Lex, watch out!” Gryph yelled, but the robed NPC was already midair and had no ability to alter his trajectory, which took him right into the path of the huge rabbit.

  The cotton tailed beast surged upwards, its debuff elapsed. The ram’s horns hummed with mana as they crushed into Lex's chest. A sound like the deep twang of an electrical tower’s support wire being hit flowed through the room as the mana transferred from the bunny’s horns into Lex.

  A loud “Oof” came from Lex and he flew upwards, bounced off the roof and skidded across the floor falling limp. The furiously blinking red health bar at the bottom of Gryph’s vision told him Lex was in critical condition. And the big rabbit was hopping towards him, its motion barely slowed by the thick mud.

  Gryph looked around. Nobody would get to Lex before the beast. His mind scrambled for options. I must protect Lex, he thought and then he went calm. His left hand began to cast as his right reached down for the length of rope at his waist. He tossed and cast Animate Rope. A shimmering golden light flowed through the rope as it flew towards Lex.

  Gryph activated his Elven Boots of Deftness and leapt towards the creature. He pushed mana into his spear and triggered Penetrating Strike and Impale.

  The beast would reach Lex before Gryph, but not before his magical rope. A small grin of triumph crossed his face as the rope twined one end around Lex’s ankle and the other around the neck of one of the struggling smaller rabbits. It pulled, choking the rabbit while pulling Lex safely away from its papa’s bull rush.

  Gryph thrust the spear head down with all his considerable strength, unleashing Impale. His aim was true, and the spear’s tip plunged into the monstrous rabbit's cheek, cracked through the bone of its lower jaw and sunk through the mud and into the hard-packed floor.

  The beast’s strangled scream spat gobbets of blood in a wide arc, covering Gryph’s forearms in warm muck. Gryph tried to bring up Lex’s shared Analyze, but it would not respond. Gryph guessed it was because Lex was unconscious and renewed worry pushed into him. Someone tend to Lex. I have this beast.

  On it, Vonn sent.

  The chaos rabbit flailed at him with its massive front paw, but Gryph avoided the attack. The bunny’s rage turned to fear, and its back feet thumped quickly, despite the cloying mud that held it. With each thump Gryph's spear tore at the skin and tendons of the creature’s face.

  This crazy fucker is trying to tear itself off my spear, Gryph thought, impressed at the huge rodent’s toughness. He grinned down on the squirming creature and activated Yrriel’s Maelstrom. Lightning exploded inside the creature’s face, illuminating its skull like an x-ray. It screamed and smoke rose from its skin, bringing the pleasant smell of roasted rabbit to Gryph’s nose.

  The creature kicked and its ram’s horns began to glow red-orange. For a moment Gryph thought it was because of the heat generated by the lightning storm surging inside its body, but then realized he was seeing mana. The fuzzy monstrosity was prepping his bashing attack.

  Another few seconds, Gryph thought and watched the life leave the chaos rabbit’s eyes. Tendrils of mana exploded from the horns and zapped to a dozen of the nearest rabbits. As they were struck, they too screamed and fell shaking to the ground as if paralyzed. Blobs of magma colored energy flowed from them, down the tendrils and into the horns of the big bunny.

  The smaller ones are dropping like flies, Vonn sent.

  More like the desiccated corpse of flies. The parent rabbit is draining them of life, Ovrym said.

  “Shit!” Gryph said aloud and the massive beast’s eyes snapped open and glared hatred at him. It wrenched its head back and Gryph knew his spear’s hold would not last. Then he’d be within easy range of the creature’s massive incisors. Time to think quick.

  Gryph let go of his spear and grabbed at the beast’s horns. They were still the furious color of lava and he half expected his hands to burn, but all he felt was the thrumming power of life pouring through them. Gryph closed his eyes and started casting.

  One second into the casting the creature pulled Gryph’s spear through the torn flesh of its face. The next second, two things happened near simultaneously. One, razor-sharp teeth sunk into Gryph’s shoulder, slicing through the thin layer of protection between his breastplate and shoulder guard. Two, Gryph finished casting Shatter.


  Despite the pain surging through his nervous system, Gryph refused to let his hold slip. Waves of tectonic force rippled down his arms and a low cracking sound rose, akin to that made by ice cubes dropped into warm water. Fissures of brown energy expanded in a spider’s web like whorl across the surface of the horns and the huge rabbit shook. Its teeth bit deeper into Gryph and hummed like the blade of a reciprocating saw
. Gryph screamed, gripping with all his strength. His hands vibrated so fast they were barely visible blurs. The fissures expanded as the cracking sound grew fiercer and then, for the briefest of moments there was silence.

  The beast’s horns, its head and a good portion of its body exploded into a ragged bloody pulp. Brains, muck and gore flew in a wide fan pattern away from Gryph. The wave of bloody destruction shredded most of the other rabbits, both those already dead and those still struggling to escape the mud.

  With no handholds left to support him, Gryph fell backwards, his vision filled with a furious red warning. I’m going to die he thought, and then, before he dipped into unconsciousness, a distant part of his mind said Flare and a brilliant white light eased him to sleep.


  Gryph’s mind swam through a horror world filled with fluffy tails and chomping teeth. He looked back over his shoulder desperate to put some distance between him and the thumping mob of cotton-tailed terrors.

  Something struck him hard across the face and he fell. Did I run into a wall? he wondered and then another sharp jolt to the face brought him back to the waking world. His hand snapped up and caught Lex’s wrist before his NPC could slap him across the face again. “Stop, I’m awake.”

  “Oh thank the gods, I thought for sure that Roided Up Thumper had killed you.”

  “I don’t understand how it didn’t.” Gryph groaned as he sat up, hand going to his shoulder.


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