Scourge of Souls: The Realms Book Four: (An Epic LitRPG Series)

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Scourge of Souls: The Realms Book Four: (An Epic LitRPG Series) Page 41

by C. M. Carney

  “I’ve calculated Sean’s level of ingenuity and intelligence and cross-referenced it with his expected physical prowess. The figure I named is an estimate, but I believe it is accurate, within a 20 second window.”

  “You did all that math in your head?”

  “I am a computational engine,” the archon said simply.

  “Do they have casinos in the Realms, cuz you and I could make bank Rain Man style.”

  Gryph chuckled and turned his gaze inward. It was time to spend Perk Points. His vision went wide, and a cascade of options appeared. There were so many places for him to spend his points, but he’d known before he even went to the marketplace, where he would start. He opened Leadership. Quicker than a street card hustler, Gryph flicked three points into all three slots of the Apprentice tier branch.

  Leadership Perk Tree


  Adventure Party


  Experience Bonus


  Adventure Party

  Boon 1



  Adventure Group

  Boon 2



  Adventure Troop

  Boon 3



  Adventure Company

  Boon 4



  Adventure Guild

  Boon 5


  He could now form an Adventure Group, which allowed him to add a sixth member. Sean was not an option because he was out of range. So, he toggled over and added Bishop. The archon looked at him in surprise and then nodded his thanks.

  It was time to choose a second Boon. Boons were automatic bonuses granted to all members of an Adventure Group upon that party’s formation. He could create Boons using magical spells, and some abilities and perks. He had to be smart though, because once chosen, it was permanent.

  Gryph scrolled through the options for his new Boon. He had a wide variety of spells that could help, including Demon Scales, Stone Skin, Blade Ward and Mind Shield. All would increase his group’s toughness, but they were already plenty tough, and he realized that choosing one of them was thinking too small.

  He scanned his perks and considered choosing the Analyze perk Skill Reduction. He had shared that on a limited basis using the spell Auriel’s Perk Share and would again. But he knew there was another perk that would pay much greater long-term benefits. His Lore skill was his most powerful, and one of the rarest in all the Realms, but it was the perk Skill Progression that had been the real game changer. The perk allowed his subconscious mind to tap into the undercurrents of knowledge that flowed through all reality to increase the speed that all his skills leveled by 50%.

  Congratulations you have created BOON 2 - Skill Progression.

  Whenever you form an Adventure Group the subconscious mind of all Group members will tap into the Sea of Knowledge to increase the speed of their skill progression. This increases the speed they can level any skill by 50%.

  Duration: Until canceled, Gryph loses consciousness, becomes mentally controlled or is killed.

  He was also ecstatic that the Adventure Group’s Experience Bonus perk had improved to 50%. It would make leveling easier for everyone. Soon, his little band of merry men would be a force feared across the Realms.

  Next, he dumped Perk Points into the first two tiers of the Perception tree Detect Life. He knew to save Brynn they would need stealth tactics. Being able to sense when living enemies approached could just save their lives and ensure mission success.

  Perception Perk Tree.


  Detect Life

  Detect Magic

  Enhanced Vision


  20 ft

  20 ft



  40 ft

  40 ft



  60 ft

  60 ft



  80 ft

  80 ft



  120 ft

  120 ft

  Shared Sight


  300 ft

  300 ft

  Divine Sight

  For his next batch of Perk Points, he went for the greatest bang for his buck and loaded up on his Light Armor perk tree, choosing Set Bonus, Agile Defense and two tiers of Silence. Set Bonus improved his AC while Agile Defense improved his Dodge skill and Silence improved his Stealth.

  Light Armor Perk Tree.


  Set Bonus

  Agile Defense


  Dexterity Bonus































  To compliment his new Light Armor perks, he also used one of his last two Perk Points to improve the Dodge perk Counter Attack.

  Dodge Perk Tree.


  Counter Attack



  Push Off

























  Gryph kept the last point in reserve either for an emergency or to buy re-entry into the Perk Point Marketplace. If he lived through this, he planned to spend a few hours a day grinding up skills he could then sell to the Merchant.

  Gryph was pleased with his expenditure and closed out his prompts. His mood soured when he opened his eyes to find Lex mere inches from his face, waving like a drunk college girl greeting her BFF at a keg party.

  “What is it” Gryph asked, eyebrows raised in confusion.

  “Bishop says it’s time to dial the gate.”


  Gryph nodded and stood. He walked over to the Port Gate, reinserted the Icon and punched in the rune code for the archway beneath the Crag. A moment later a singularity appeared, expanded and opened into a stable doorway. Sean stood on the other side, filthy, sweaty, tired and miserable. “I am never doing that again,” the small player said, rubbing at the back of his neck. The group stepped through, each one greeting and thanking Sean in their own way.

  Gryph was last and pulled the player into a tight embrace. “Thank you.”

  “Sure thing man. We’re a team here.” After a moment Sean struggled against Gryph’s uncomfortably long hug. “Uh, guy. You can let go now.”

  “Sorry, can’t do that,” Gryph said and spun the smaller player around and put him into a sleeper hold. Sean struggled for a moment as the others looked on in shock. A minute later, Sean went limp and Gryph eased him to the ground.

  “Why'd you do that?” Lex howled.

  “We're not taking him with us,” Ovrym said, nodding to Gryph.

  “What? Why not?”

  “We can’t let him fall into Aluran's clutches again,” Gryph said. “I'm sending him back to the Barrow. Simon will take care of him.”

  “Oh man, he’s gonna be pissed,” Lex said.

  “But he’ll be alive.” Gryph inserted another Port Icon into this si
de of the gate, lamenting the fact that he had no way of removing the magical stone from the other side before closing it. At this rate, I'll run out quickly. He dialed the Barrow and tossed Sean through with a note, closing the gate before Simon had any chance to complain. He removed the Port Icon and handed it to Lex. “In case I don’t make it.” Lex was about to say something, but Gryph held up his hand and the NPC went silent.

  Gryph turned to his Adventure Group and a tight smile of appreciation crossed his face. “None of you had to do this, and I will never forget it. I owe you a debt I can never repay, but if we succeed, if we survive, I will spend the rest of my days trying to do just that.”

  He paused, took a deep breath and then spoke. “Let’s go get Brynn.”

  The monstrous tunnels under the Crag were wide enough to hold several terrestrial trains side by side. Their smooth walls did not look mined, but rather melted and the main tunnel rose in an even, upward twining corkscrew, leading the group slowly towards the surface. Lex reached a hand out to touch the smooth wall but pulled back before making contact.

  “Does this place give anyone else the creeps?” Lex asked.

  “It is odd,” Vonn agreed. “Almost organic.”

  “Are you saying we’re in some kinda giant rock monster’s gullet?”

  “No, I said nothing even close to that. What in the Abyss is wrong with you?”

  “I’m special,” Lex said with a pout.

  “These tunnels were made by rock wyrms,” Ovrym said.

  “You’re telling me this place has giant ass worms that eat rock, and we’re just hangin’ around?”

  “These tunnels are eons old, suggesting that this may have once been a wyrmynn fortress.” The xydai, traced a hand along the wall.

  “Wyrmynn!” Gryph said, a surge of disgust flowing through him. He’d had frequent run-ins with the vile lizard men in the Barrow and was none too keen to renew their acquaintance.

  “They were not always the wretched beings we have fought. Once they ruled a great empire that covered much of the surface world. Then the warmbloods, your ancestors and mine, drove most of them underground.”

  "Most of them?" Gryph asked.

  "Some fled to the stars instead where they still ply the aether in hollowed out asteroids.”

  "Asteroids hollowed out by rock wyrms,” Lex said. "Cool."

  "I have had some dealings with them, and they are a noble people, as wise in some ways as the Nimmerians.

  “If the Nimmerian were so wise, why’d they build their Port Gate at the bottom of this damn tunnel?” Lex whined. “This is one annoying walk.”

  “Not for people with longer legs,” Vonn said.

  “Ha, ha, ha, another short joke. You’re a riot dude. Time for new material.”

  “Stick with what works, I say.”

  Lex grumbled and went quiet, except for his heavy breathing. Gryph made a note to encourage his NPC to get more exercise. Not only would it increase his stamina, but the frequency of his silences, at least in the short term. A few minutes later they reached a massive, locked door. It took Vonn just a few minutes to work his rogue like magic and unlock the circular gate.

  Beyond, they found a storage room full of crates. They advanced slowly into the large chamber, scouting past rows of shelves containing all manner of supplies, everything the fortress would need for a year or more. This was a storage room built to outlast a siege.

  “I wonder if there’s any food around here,” Lex muttered. Gryph eyed him with a shut the hell up look, when a voice none of them recognized spoke from behind them.

  “Who in the Abyss are you people?”

  The group spun to see a short, middle-aged woman holding a basket full of foodstuffs. Her eyes showed no fear, merely surprise, or perhaps curiosity. The tense standoff lasted for mere seconds before the group leapt into action.

  Gryph cast Animate Rope, tossed his rope towards her and then ran. Vonn and Ovrym were at his side. The woman seemed unfazed as the rope slithered towards her. As it wrapped its way around the woman, she gave the rope an appreciative nod.

  Something is odd about this woman. Why didn’t she flee? Why isn’t she frightened?

  She heightened the oddness when she spoke again. “Would one of you fellas mind taking my basket? I would hate for this food to end up all over the floor.” She smiled amiably at Gryph and Vonn.

  The group exchanged confused looks, but Vonn took the basket from the woman and set it down gently. The woman smiled her thanks at Gryph and then turned a curious gaze on Ovrym. “You are one of the Fallen. I hope you are not here to kidnap me in my sleep?” She said this last bit with a tone of grandmotherly jest.

  Ovrym cast a sideways glance at Gryph while Vonn searched the woman’s basket. “Be careful with that basket dude. She might be a mad bomber,” Lex said.

  “I assure you young fella, there’s nothing harmful in that basket, except to those allergic to eggs.”

  Errat walked up, drawing a sharp look of surprise from the woman. “And what in all the Realms are you?”

  “I am Errat.”

  Gryph, wishing to avoid another lengthy and confusing introduction, sent the warborn to check out the rest of the chamber. The last thing they needed was more servants to wander in, or worse, guards. Errat rushed to comply and Gryph turned back to the woman. “You are not afraid of us?” Gryph asked.

  “I am an old woman who has served many a powerful man. I can see through the false faces despots hide behind.” She gazed intently at Gryph. “And you, my child, are no despot. But you are no fool and cannot take me at my word, so I will submit to your custody.”

  “You kinda already are in our custody,” Lex said casting a confused glance towards Gryph. “But thanks for being so nice about it, I guess.”

  Ovrym eased her into a sitting position behind a stack of crates.

  “How do we know she isn’t calling for help?” Lex asked, eyeing the woman like he expected her to morph into Aluran.

  “I am not detecting any information packets coming from this woman,” the archon said.

  “That’s cuz Thought Magic doesn't operate inside the Crag, and do I look like a thought mage to you fellas?”

  “I have learned that appearances can be deceptive,” Gryph retorted.

  “Well, you’re a wise one then. I bet you had a fine upbringing.” She adjusted herself into a more comfortable position, and then looked up, her gaze intense. “I do hope you aren’t here to harm Ferrancia? She is such a lovely girl. Not like those others in the Pantheon.”

  Gryph’s eyes went wide and he gripped his spear tighter. “We don’t want to hurt anyone.” The way the woman looked at him, he might as well have said "How did you know that?"

  “Don’t get your knickers in a twist boy. Of course, you're here for the goddess, cuz there's nothing else of value here. This damn tower has been vacant for years, but still Old Milly keeps it in tip top shape. Then a few days ago, the High God brings his favorite daughter here, tasks us with keeping her safe, even threatens the guards.” She sighed and then a small smile turned her lip up. “The High God was afraid. I saw it in his eyes.” She looked up at Gryph. “That has something to do with you I suspect.”

  “Dude, this lady knows everything,” Lex said, tugging at Gryph’s arm.

  “She knew nothing, until you blabbed like an idiot,” Gryph said, ire boiling in his voice.

  “Crap,” Lex said, and turned on the woman, trying to regain some of his standing. “Milly, is it?” The woman nodded. “Now listen, Milly you will tell us about this place. Where the guards are, how they move, any cool secret passageways that will let us bypass the lot of them. And don’t lie, cuz I’m a Master of Analyze and I’ll know.”

  “Have you Analyzed her yet?” Vonn asked.

  “Dammit.” Lex cringed at his own stupidity and stared down on the woman. “She’s telling the truth. Her name is Milly, and she is level six, which isn’t too shabby for a commoner. Her skills are what you’d expect. Cooki
ng, Cleaning, Sewing, Baking, and a bunch more domestic type skills. Oooh, she is a level 13 Brewer. That’s cool.”


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