by Ava D. Dohn
(Author’s Note: I recently received a letter from NikaoEimi, who served as a liaison officer aboard the Cyrene during the Day of Tears battle. He was pleased to inform me, after reading a transcript of this section of the book, that he believed he was the major mentioned by Darla in her account. I quote a few of his words to me regarding the aforementioned T-4.
“My fighter I had named ‘ChrimsonKnight’, was a relic assigned to me during the Three Hundred Years’ War, I obtaining it for my personal use after the war ended. For most of the Great War, I served aboard various navy ships as a staff officer, coordinating activities between the sub fleets, Special Forces, and the main carrier fleet. I left the T-4 at my home base on Stargaton, feeling no need for it aboard the new carrier, Cyrene… that is until I was told about Operation Willow. I immediately requested base to have the ChrimsonKnight transported to me as soon as may be. The manifest I received after the demise of the T-4 says that it was being shipped aboard the troop transport, Shallie.”
“You may possibly find more information on that ship in the Archives De Loriet, at Tilgath, on Pilneser, the Navy’s Archival Museum for the Great War.”
“From Adaya’s (Darla’s) description of events, I believe the Shallie was the troopship she sailed on and the fighter she took rescue in was my old T-4, the ChrimsonKnight. If it is, I am proud to think that my old battle tub helped to rewrite our history by saving such a renowned hero and leader.”)