Raiya- Early Game

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Raiya- Early Game Page 23

by Russell Wilbinski

  Hagar lifted the glittering geode into the air, slowly turning it as the multitude of facets reflected the lamp light onto the walls and ceiling like a disco ball. “You are about to start a settlement and could easily use this to create your first cornerstone building.”

  Skree nodded, rubbing his chin as he considered Hagar’s explanation. “Honestly my friend, I can‘t worry about that now. We need money for a ship, a crew and the materials to build that settlement with. A cornerstone building will just have to wait until a later time. Hagar nodded and pushed the slip the rest of the way across the table. Skree snatched it up like it was the last double chocolate fudge chunk cookie in the world and opened the paper. This time, the values were entirely in gold.

  Large Scintillating Fire Opal x 8 - 2,000 gold pieces

  Small Scintillating Fire Opal x 3 - 300 gold pieces

  Medium Opalescent Geode x 2 - 2,000 gold pieces

  Large Diamonds x 5 - 50 gold pieces

  Total Sale - 4,350 gold pieces

  He nearly vomited when he read the details of the sale. Skree handed the paper to Priestess who also gasped, dropping the paper like it was a snake about to bite her. “That’s a lot ofhooch!” Skree said, slamming his fist onto the counter excitedly.

  “I am glad we have come to an arrangement.” Hagar said, securing the gemstones in a lock box covered in intricate runes that glowed in a fascinating pattern. The merchant turned to face Priestess with a warm smile on his face. “I wanted to thank you for spending the afternoon with me. The information you provided has allowed me to make many corrections to the historical texts written by my father. He will be most pleased to have this information from a direct source.” He reached under the counter and withdrew a box.

  Her brows furrowed. “It was my pleasure Hagar, you need not gift me anything. It was wonderful to share my story with someone, especially if it helps correct some outdated legends surrounding my people.”

  “I am afraid it is too late to refuse. I made this for you with my own hands and it is only for you.” He said, opening the box to reveal a glittering circlet made of gold and silver bands, intertwined in a complex pattern that reminded Skree of a rattlesnake’s skin. The bands joined around a polished and shaped stone Skree recognized as a Fire Opal, now covered in hundreds or thousands of facets, set into a stylized dragon's mouth where the fangs held the stone in place.

  You have found Circlet of Inner Fire, Rarity: Precious, Quality: Masterwork, Durability: 1200/1200. Description: The Grandmaster Jeweler Hagar Rathimon crafted this circlet. While equipped, all fire spells cost fifty percent less mana to cast. +15 to wisdom. Can only be worn by a Kobold Fire Priestess or ordained queen of the kobold people.

  Priestess and Skree gawked slack jawed at the work of art resting on the velvet pedestal. Priestess took a step back as if afraid to touch it. “Hagar, I cannot, will not, accept a gift such as this.”

  Hagar smiled warmly, ignoring her protests and lifting the circlet and extending it to her. “Would you trulyrefuse a gift from a friend, freely given?”

  She closed her eyes, taking a moment to consider his generous gift. “I will accept, on one condition.”

  “Anything.” Hagar said, still holding the beautiful creation before him.

  She stepped forward, allowing him to place the circlet on her head. It fit perfectly, resting like a crown upon a queen's head. Her eyes lifted, and she met his gaze. “I want you to help spread the word that kobolds have returned to Raiya, and to do everything in your power to change people's perception of kobolds.”

  “As you wish.” Hagar said, beaming with pride at the sight of his creation resting on her head. “A crown fit for a queen, don’t you think Lord Skree?”

  Skree stared at his friend, at the fine piece of jewelry that resembled a crown. “I do. It is the perfect adornment to your beautiful features my dear friend.”

  Her eyes welled with tears. “I thank you for your gift Hagar, though I am no queen.”

  Hagar grinned. “Oh, you may not think so, but I have no doubts that in the years to come, the stories of the first Queen-Priestess will fill the land with stories like the days of old.”

  Skree nodded. “I think Hagar is right, as the leader of your people, you might be the queen. If not now, then surely after you lead them from the brink of oblivion to the heights of greatness. Besides, Queen Priestess has a great ring to it.” he said with a wink.

  Priestess touched the circlet gingerly, feeling the metal already warming against her scales. Tears streaked her face, glittering against her fiery red scales. “I will do everything I can to honor your gift.”

  Chapter 30

  “I will kill him. I’m gonna kill him.” Fenna snarled, crushing the note from Butt-face in a white-knuckled fist. “How dare he.”

  Hawkins squeezed her shoulder, gesturing for her to calm down. “Now is not the time. The auction is about to start and Skree has everything he needs to win the ship from Butt-face and then we can plan for revenge.”

  She whirled on him, wagging a finger in his face. “Oh, you know revenge is on the menu. No one attacks my friends, not in my city.”

  “Your father’s city.” Hawkins said plainly as if he had said this a dozen times before.

  “Whatever.” she growled. “You already stopped by the Harbormaster’s office?”

  Skree nodded, holding up the bidding paddle. “All good. They explained how it works and I am ready to get this done.” On one side, the paddle was a solid green, and he was to display that side if he wanted to match the bid announced by the auctioneer, while the other side was red, and he should hold up that side if he wished to announce a bid higher than the one on offer.

  “Good, then let’s go make an appearance. I want to watch that weasel squirm when we show up.” Fenna said, marching down the street toward the bidder’s platform. One by one they marched up the stairs and took their spot on the raised platform, overlooking the Golden Rose and the gathered crowds. Skree searched the platform for Butt-face, but he and his lackeys had not arrived yet.

  Skree scanned the crowds, amazed at how many people were in attendance. “Hawkins, why are there so many people here?”

  “An auction draws crowds for many reasons. The ship builders want to see who will need their services after a purchase. Most ships auctioned off direly need repairs or modification and the auction is the perfect place to introduce yourself.” Hawkins eyes roamed the crowd, and he pointed at a group of people dressed similarly.

  “There is the former crew of the Rose, you recognize the uniforms and miss Elaina?” he said. Skree followed the line of his finger and he spotted the well-dressed first mate standing at the front of the group. Her bright blonde hair shimmered in the sun, pulled up into a tight bun. Even from this distance, he could see just how shapely her body was in her tight uniform style pants and half-coat, her golden buttons glittering like tiny mirrors.

  “It is rare that a ship from Theseldora would be up for auction in Theseldora. There are unspoken rules about taking a prize from your fellow Theseldorians. If every captain just attacked their fellows, then Theseldora would have died long ago. Elaina and her crew are hoping for someone to buy the ship that they could work with. That's nearly a hundred sailors without a crew and a crew is like family. You never want to break them up if you don‘t have to.”

  Skree nodded in understanding. “It must be terrible for the crew to lose their home and their job in one fell swoop.”

  “It is, but they are alive and their ship remains in one piece. That is why Elaina mutinied. She wanted to save her family and her home.”

  “Jury and Pete said Elaina shouldn’t have trouble finding a captain to work for, perhaps I should offer her a position?” Skree asked.

  “Perhaps,” Hawkins said, stroking his beard, “but there will be plenty of people seeking to join a crew, especially a fresh crew without the politics and dynamics of an established one. After you win the auction, you will need to hire your own crew and
bringing the old crew aboard could create more problems than they are worth.”

  “Solid points.” Skree said, wondering how he would feel working for a new captain who stole your ship. Like getting a new owner at your company often led to drama, bringing a defeated crew back aboard their ship could be a recipe for disaster.

  Heavy footsteps from behind drew their attention. They turned to see Butt-face and his lackeys striding onto the bidder’s platform. The enormous man saw Skree, the kobold and the positively furious Fenna staring daggers at him. A flash of surprise crossed his features and vanished instantly. “If it isn’t the freaky lizard bitch, and her friends.” Butt-face said, staring at Fenna with a vicious smirk.

  Fenna’s hand slid to the hilt of her sword. “You got balls showing your Butt-face around here after the shit you pulled.” she snapped.

  Butt-face grabbed his junk and grinned. “Big ass balls. How bout you come give ‘em a kiss?”

  “How about I remove them and you can kiss them yourself?” She said, sliding her sword from its sheath with a deadly smile. Before it slid free, Hawkins grabbed her wrist and slammed the blade back into its sheath.

  “Not now.” Hawkins muttered, eyes imploring her to not take the bait. She let go of the hilt and turned her back on the group of thugs.

  “Good girl.” Butt-face said, moving to his designated area of the platform. She slammed her fist on the railing and it cracked from the force of her blow.

  “I will kill him.” She muttered.

  Another bell rang out, and the crowd settled into silence as the auctioneer stepped up to the podium beside the Golden Rose. Once the murmurs had ceased, he addressed the crowd.

  “Good morning people of Theseldora. Today we auction this beautiful ship to the highest bidder. Because of the unique nature of this auction and the circumstances that lead to it, Captain Lis banned Delavega from bidding.” He scanned the crowd, searching for the former captain.

  “Looks like he has yet to return from his maiden voyage with his new ship.” The auctioneer joked and the crowd burst into laughter. He signaled for silence once again. “Bidding open to all other residents of Theseldora, though only two have registered their claim on the ship.”

  Priestess tugged on Fenna‘s shirt and whispered, “Why didn’t you ban Butt-face from bidding?”

  “Sadly, it is against Theseldora‘s rules. The only person you may ban from an auction is the former owner of the ship, and only if there is an agreement with the Harbormaster himself. We must allow all other participants to bid.” She explained.

  “As agreed upon by the Captain of the Typhoon and the Harbormaster‘s office, the bidding will begin at 350 gold pieces.” The crowd burst into murmurs at the mention of the price. “Do I have a bid for 350?”

  Both Butt-face and Skree held up their paddles, but the thug was slightly faster.

  “A bid of 350 to bidder one. Do I have a bid for 375?” The auctioneer asked, and this time Skree raised his paddle, allowed to raise the bid. So it went for the next few minutes, the auctioneer calling out figures and each of the men raising their paddles. Each refusing to give until the price had ballooned to a ridiculous level.

  “A bid of 750 gold pieces to number two.” the auctioneer said, a strange exuberance creeping into his voice. Skree looked over at Butt-face who was fuming and furiously whispering with his crew members.

  “Going once, going twice…” The auctioneer raised his gavel, but Butt-face raised his paddle into the air, displaying the red side, showing he wished to name his price. The hulking man glanced at Skree, face red with anger, a throbbing vein on his forehead pulsing with each beat of his heart.

  “900 hundred.” Butt-face said, to the gasps of the crowd.

  Fenna rocked back on her heels, glaring at the giant man. “Where did you get that kind of money?

  “From your mother. For services rendered.” He said, and Fenna took a step toward him before Hawkins once again reigned her in. She slapped his hand away and returned to the railing, and Skree could almost feel her anger washing over the top of the platform. She would kill him for sure, Skree only hoped he would get the chance to help.

  Hawkins stepped up beside Skree, whispering to him. “Despite my desire to beat out that vile man and collect a very, very large payday, I must warn you Skree, 900 hundred gold is more than the ship is worth by quite a lot.”

  Skree looked at his teacher. “Thank you for your honesty Hawkins. I appreciate it more than you know.” He grinned and held up the red side of his paddle and the crowd gasped. Fortunately for them, he and Priestess had just collected a massive payday that would barely feel a 900 gold expenditure.

  “1,000 gold pieces.” Skree said, lowering his paddle. Butt-face threw his paddle to the ground, shattering it. The brute stormed from the platform, leaving Skree and his companions alone as the auctioneer called out the final tally.

  “Going once, going twice…” he banged the gavel and shouted, “Sold to Captain Skree for 1,000 gold pieces. You may complete your purchase with the harbormaster at your leisure.” The crowd erupted into cheers at the completion of the auction. At the far end of the docks, Skree saw the crew of the Typhoon dancing and celebrating at their incredible windfall.

  Skree had considered that buying the Rose would mean that each member of the Typhoon’s crew would receive a larger payday than they probably ever had and it was an easy way for him to say thanks for all they had done for him. Not to mention, embarrassing Butt-face in front of all of Theseldora was worth every cent. Fenna slapped him on the back once again back to her cheery self.

  “Look at her Skree.” she said, waving a hand at the Golden Rose. “She’s all yours.”

  Skree admired their new ship with pride. He grinned at Fenna and said, “Shouldn’t it be Captain Skree now?”

  Chapter 31

  Pushing through the crowds was difficult as dozens of would be shipwrights along with potential crew crowded the walkway to congratulate the new Captain and offer their services. To his surprise, people were handing him small slips of paper that appeared to be business cards with a twist. Skree had taken the first one glanced at it wondering what it was, and to his shock it displayed an almost holographic image listing the different skill ratings for each of the professions they held.

  Name: Josiah Milner

  Profession: Apprentice Shipbuilder


  Ram Construction: Rank 3

  Mast Construction: Rank 1

  Hull Construction: Rank 2

  Armoring: Rank 1

  Rigging: Rank 1

  “If you want the strongest Ram in all of Raiya, call upon Josiah.”

  They were like the medallion that Hawkins had given him, but easier to carry and doubtless easier to share in passing than handing over your Profession medallion to any passing stranger. He realized he had never asked Hawkins about getting a replacement if he lost it. By the time they made it into the office of the Harbormaster, he had a dozen or more of the magical business cards.

  Skree and Priestess sat across from the Harbormaster as he flipped through a stack of papers, mumbling to himself. With practiced ease, he sorted the documents into different piles. He cleared his throat and looked at the strange pair sitting across from him.

  “Congratulations on your purchase. These,” He said, placing his hand on one stack of papers. “Are the official documents of ownership. It‘s a bunch of legal nonsense that says you own the ship and that no one can lay claim to your vessel. Not me, not Captain Delavega, or the city of Theseldora.” He slid the pile across the desk, jabbing a finger at the bottom of the document. “Sign there to take ownership of your vessel.”

  There were several lines for multiple owners, and Skree signed his name to the top line, smiling when it glowed brightly and then pushed the document to Priestess.

  “You want me to sign?” she asked, glancing at the document.

  Skree raised an eyebrow,” Without you we wouldn’t have a ship and never forget, w
e are partners, equal shares of everything. The island, the ship, all of it.”

  Her jaw trembled, and she beamed with pride, taking the quill from his hand and scribbling in the kobold alphabet signed her name through teary eyes. She set the quill on the desktop and pushed the stack of papers back to the Harbormaster. With little fuss, the officious man grabbed the stack, checked the signatures and with a stamp the size of a brick, punched the Harbormasters seal onto the paper.

  With a grunt, he slid the second stack of papers across the desk. “These documents handle the naming of your ship, crew registration forms, and the binding contractual rate of shares for the crew. You can decide most of this later but to register the sale with the Harbormasters guild, I will need you to provide a name. You are free to keep the name Golden Rose, but I find it’s best to start fresh, really make it your own.” he said, his quill hovering above the paper. Skree didn‘t need to think about it, he knew exactly what he would name the ship.

  “Sawbones.” he said, blurting the word without explanation. Skree had been thinking about it all night and thought it was a fitting tribute to his friend. Besides, the name Sawbones sounded dangerous enough for any pirate ship. He could hear it now, the cries of fat merchant ships calling out from the crow's nest - The Sawbones of the port bow! Yes, Sawbones would be the perfect name.

  The harbormaster nodded, scribbling the name onto the document. Again he stamped the document with his enormous seal and filed the paper away. Skree nearly jumped when a prompt appeared.

  Congratulations Captain Skree, you are now the owner of a Galleon, weighing 400 tons, purchased at Auction for the price of 1,000 gold coins. Your ship has no loans or liens outstanding and no monthly upkeep costs. Ship Details


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