American Rust

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American Rust Page 15

by Philipp Meyer

  “He heard us the other night,” she told him.

  “What did he hear?”


  Poe didn't say anything and she looked out over the water. She'd been to this place many times. She remembered it being nicer, it was one of the standard make- out spots for kids in school. With her first boyfriend, Bobby Oates, she had come out here skinny- dipping, she'd been floating on her back looking up at the sky and then she'd looked around and he was gone, she'd turned around frantically looking but he had disappeared. Everyone knew there were undertows and she dove under looking but it was hopeless, it was too dark, she'd begun shouting for him, not caring if anyone heard her, she had been crying and was swimming back to the bank to get help when he popped up. He'd been holding his breath. Later that night she had slept with him, he was eighteen and she was sixteen, her first time. Yes, she thought, but then I broke up with him. At least I had some dignity about it.

  “Are you there,” Poe was saying.


  “Me and him are in some trouble. I got questioned today and tomorrow they're going to arrest me.”

  She looked at him—it didn't make sense.

  “We're in some trouble,” he repeated. “Me and Isaac.”

  “What happened,” she said. Her own voice sounded to her as if it were coming from someone else.

  “That guy they found near the old traincar plant. It was in the paper, they found a dead bum.”

  She could feel something tighten in her stomach, she closed her eyes and a numbness came over her.

  “It wasn't me.”

  “Where's my brother,” she said.

  “I don't know. I know he's not a suspect.”

  “He's involved, though.”

  “Yeah,” Poe said. “You could say that.”

  She wanted to press him but she was afraid. Then she was thinking of the four home health care services in the Buell directory, she could call one and be back in Darien tomorrow afternoon, she felt herself closing off to everything here, to Poe, to her father, she imagined sitting in Simon's backyard, looking at the fireflies over the pond, Simon's parents somewhere in the background, entertaining guests. A place where nothing weighed her down. “I think I should take you home now,” she told Poe.

  “I didn't do it.”

  “This isn't something I can get involved in.”

  “Lee, I swear I didn't even touch that guy.”

  “Let's go,” she said. “I'm sorry.”

  “It was Isaac.”

  She looked at him for a long time.

  “It was Isaac,” he repeated.

  “You're lying,” she said, though there was something about Poe's face. She believed him. It was quiet for a long time. Her scalp was tingling and she began to feel very cold, she was shivering, it might have been from the temperature, she didn't know, it felt like all the blood had run out of her.

  Poe leaned forward onto his elbows and didn't look at her, he began to talk as if he were only telling himself what happened, or speaking to the river, he didn't leave any of the details out and after a time she leaned into him, half because she wanted comfort, half because she was so cold. It seemed she should be crying but she wasn't—the sensation of surprise had already passed.

  He was telling her how he'd nearly frozen to death sitting in his yard because he couldn't face his mother after what had happened. Lee was still listening but the doors were opening in her mind, she was thinking they will both need lawyers but they are not on the same side anymore. You will have to pick a side it is simple. It is Isaac against Poe, it is Isaac and your father against Poe. Prisoner's Dilemma, Econ 102. If everyone cooperates, keeps their mouth shut, it turns out okay—Nash Equilibrium. Or was Nash Equilibrium when both sides didn't cooperate? That was the point of the exercise—people rarely cooperated. Poe was still talking but she could no longer pay attention. The checkbook was there in her purse, hers and Simon's names at the top, she had brought it home because she knew she would need it for the nurse, to fix things in the house, she could write a check just like that and get Poe a good lawyer, give him a chance to get out of this.

  Except Poe having a good lawyer was not going to help Isaac. If anything it would be the opposite. He was still talking, telling her about his meeting with the police chief but it didn't matter, the things Poe thought mattered did not matter anymore. He would not be able to afford a lawyer, he lived in a trailer. If she got him a lawyer and Simon ever happened to look at the returned checks, that was unlikely but still, if Simon or Simon's father ever discovered she'd written a check for some ex-boyfriend's lawyer, her lover who was accused of killing someone, it would be over. As simple as that. Poe had stopped talking. He was sitting in his own world, looking out over the river. She couldn't believe how dark it was here.

  “I'm not going to rat him out,” he said, misinterpreting her silence. “I hope you know that. I'd never do that to him or to you.”

  “Don't worry about me.” She rubbed his shoulder.

  “I think he went to Berkeley, that's what he always used to talk about.”

  “Berkeley, California?”

  “Yeah,” he said. “The college there.”

  She shook her head—none of it made any sense. She tried to figure the probability that Poe was simply lying to her. She didn't think so but everything was different now, she probably shouldn't trust half of what he said.

  “Is there anyone else who would know?”

  “There was one of the old- timers at the library he used to talk to, but that's about it.”

  “So what happened the other night was he figured out the one person he really needed to trust has been fucking his sister and lying to him about it.”


  “I guess I'm just confused about why we went out drinking when you guys had just nearly gotten arrested. If you wanted to call me, you could have just done it.”

  “How could I fucking call you? I didn't even know you were in town.”

  “We shouldn't have done that,” she said. “That was so stupid I can't even believe it. We're supposed to be the ones protecting him.”

  He looked at her, incredulous. “You don't know anything about him.”

  “He's my brother.”

  “You've been gone a long time, Lee.”

  “Well, now I'm back.” She stood up. “I'm going to take you home now.”

  Poe didn't move. “About two months ago he went for a dive in the river. You probably didn't know that because he would never tell you and because when I called to talk to you about it, you never called me back. But basically I had to jump in after him and pull him out. It was about twenty degrees and I don't know how either of us even made it.”

  She didn't say anything. She vaguely remembered getting a message from Poe, of course she hadn't called him back, she'd had no idea what it was about.

  “It isn't some mystery, Lee. You just pretend everything will turn out fine until you're ready to deal with it.”

  “Please stop.”

  “What happened with that man is on me,” he said. “I know that. But I'm not the only reason.”

  He looked at her for a long time and then he stood up.

  “A couple years dicking me around and then you get married and don't tell me. Tomorrow I'm going to get locked up for your brother.”

  “I don't think you really understand everything.”

  “I understand you pretty well. You're not any different from anyone else.”

  She was quiet. Her mind seemed to have shut down.

  “Your brother was right,” he said. “About you, I mean. I don't know how I ever thought otherwise.”

  He began walking toward the road. She watched him go and then she got up and ran after him.

  “Do you have a lawyer?” she said, catching up.

  “Harris said he knows a good public defender.”

  “Stop. Please stop walking a second. Please?”

  He did.

t's go back to the car,” she said. She took his hand and he looked at her but he didn't pull away. When they got in the car she turned it on and turned on the heater but left the lights off. She went to kiss him and he stopped her, he looked hurt, but then he kissed her back. Her mind was working on ten different levels, it was statistics, expected value: you had three people and one choice protected one of them and the other choice protected two of them, another part of her felt Poe's hand between her legs, it was obvious the choice she would make. She pushed against him harder and felt herself go blank, then something else happened and she seemed to surface and was thinking again. Poe would need a lawyer, it felt like there was a flood of words building, she would need to hold them back, you did not get the public defender in these cases, you got Johnnie Cochran. The public defender would fall asleep at your trial, the public defender was just so the state could claim you'd had a fair chance, after they'd put you away for life.

  “What's wrong,” Poe said.


  “Do you want to just lay here?”

  “No.” She put his hand back.

  — — —

  Afterward she laid her head in his lap, smelled herself on him, and tucked her legs up. He traced his hand along her legs to her hips and back down again. The hot air from the heater was on her face. She had a brief feeling of lightness, of weightlessness, like the instant you're above the diving board when gravity hasn't caught you. She thought: I will do anything to keep feeling like this.

  Poe was asleep, the warm air blowing on them, the faint light from the dashboard, she ran her hands across his legs, her fingers through the hair between them, then she touched the car window, the cold glass, outside it was very cold. She knew her decision. It was not like Romeo and Juliet. The floating feeling was gone and there was only the sensation of falling, she had to sit up, put her head against the window for the coldness, she couldn't get a clear thought into her head. She had to call Simon. Simon was her anchor. Poe stirred and she rubbed his arm automatically, she felt sick again, she had to get out of the car, she dressed quickly, things were inside out, she took her purse and got out of the car and shut the door quietly.

  Her phone had service. She looked back at the car, at Poe sleeping inside, then back at her phone, then pressed Simon's number. There was the famous line: Granted, I am an inmate at a mental institution. It was ringing and then Simon answered. She walked a good distance away from the car, under the trees, she could hear the river.

  “My love,” he said, “are you on your way home?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Did you find your brother?”

  “Sort of,” she said, “but then I lost him again.”

  “Well I hope you find him soon,” he said. “I'm miserable without you.”

  “I have to stay. I'm interviewing the nurses tomorrow.”

  “Fine fine fine. You know I should have offered to come with you. I'm sorry I was being a baby. I should be there with you.”

  She felt herself choke up, she could hear people talking in the background, she didn't know, she was on the verge of telling him everything.

  “Listen,” he said, “the boys and girls are all over, up from the city, can I call you later tonight or tomorrow?”


  “Everyone says hi. Say hi, everyone.”

  She could hear all their voices chime in the background, the voices of her friends, nonsensical and distant.

  “Our friend Mr. Bolton brought a case of Veuve Clicquot.”

  “Simon, listen for a second. I may need some money. My brother might need a lawyer.”

  “Is it serious?”

  “I don't know.” A pause. “It's not really clear yet.”

  “Lee,” he said. “I'm really sorry. I'm really sorry, I should have come out there with you.”

  “It's alright, I'm glad you answered. I'm going a little crazy out here.”

  “I'll fly in tomorrow.”

  She had to swallow again. “No,” she said. “I think it'll be fine. I'm just being neurotic.”

  “I can be there tomorrow. What the hell, I'll get Bolton to drive me there now, we'll be there by three A.M.”

  “No, it's okay,” she said. “I just needed to hear your voice. I think I already feel a lot better.”

  “Call me later. Or call tomorrow morning, whatever you want. Do you have the checkbook?”

  “Yes,” she said.

  “Use it. If it's bad trouble I'll ask my father to look someone up.”

  “Don't ask your father.”

  “You don't have to worry about him.”

  “I know. I'd just rather you not ask him.”

  “Alright,” he said. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too,” she said.

  After they hung up she stood there in the cold, it was very dark and the air was very clear, there were bright cold spots of light in the sky above her. She began walking back to the car. She would have to keep this inside her forever, there would not be any person she could ever talk to. Well, she thought, at least you know you'll make a good lawyer.

  6. Isaac

  When he woke up it was morning and he was lying in tall grass behind the warehouse. He could hear several motorboats on the river. Why won't that eye open? He touched it. Dirt and dried blood. Stay here till I'm better, he thought. Root and hibernate. Come out when the weather's better. The locals friendly. He looked around him. It's fine now, he thought. Get up.

  It was a warm windy day and above him the sky was dry and deep blue and the clouds were blowing south, a V of geese flying against them. Original itinerants. As for the kid he's not worried. Thinks back to his days in Vietnam—Special Forces—this is nothing. Back from the dead like Easter. Feel of a spear in his busted ribs, bone bruises, a nice day of walking ahead of him.

  With the pain in his side and legs it took him half a minute to get to his feet. The ground was wet, his sleeping bag covered in mud; his clothes were filthy. He made his way back, the tall grass moving in the wind, flattening and standing up again, the warehouse was not nearly as remote as it had seemed in the dark—maybe two hundred yards from the main road. The dirt lot strewn with trash and beer cans, an occasional condom. Mark of communion. Wishing to repay his blood debt to Swede Otto, the kid visits the hideout of local delinquents, submits his holy vessel for redemption. Milk of his human kindness draws them in like blood, gets baptized in his own there's the church of it. He looked up at the brick warehouse with its scarred facade, the high arched windows. Only see—still his hands are filthy—the debt still owed.

  In the dirt lot he came on his own pile of scat from the previous night, stopped to kick dirt over it, thought possibly the kid should not compare himself to Jesus. Then he thought: least of my worries. If there's Hell it's so thick I'll be standing on shoulders—hypocrites at the bottom, plenty of churchgoers. Special compartment for popes.

  He limped across the field toward Route 906. There was a good deal of traffic and he could see it wouldn't be a pleasant walk—the road was barely wide enough to hold the cars. He was moving very slowly. Pretty sure you broke a rib—hurts to inhale. Arms, legs, and back all bruised. He touched his face and could tell it was encrusted with a mixture of dirt and blood, his lips and cheeks and eyes swollen. It seemed like a miracle he hadn't lost any teeth. You aren't cut out for this, he thought. But as soon as he thought that he got a picture in his mind of the Swede standing there looking at something, his bulky army coat and his tan cargo pants nearly black from soot. Believe what you want but the evidence shows something different. The empirical data supports a different hypothesis. The kid seems to be quite capable—making mistakes but learning quickly. A certain amount of hard- wiring in evidence. Rusty, is all.

  Route 906 sat along the edge of the floodplain that ran to Monessen. The side of the valley rose behind it, just woods, but along the riverflat there were old buildings, warehouses, factories. The traffic was heavy, all subcompact American cars and old pic
kups. There was barely enough pavement for the cars and not much space even in the weeds—the air shook even as the smaller cars passed. A half dozen people were walking at various intervals in the same direction as him—toward Monessen, which had once been one of the most prosperous towns in the Valley but was now one of the poorest. The remnants of a U.S. Steel coking operation still limping along, employing a few hundred people. Otherwise, plenty of Section Eight.

  Half an hour later he reached Monessen, the main part of town looked like Buell, a riverflat blending into a steep hillside, neighborhoods terraced along the heights, stone churches, wooden churches, three Eastern Orthodox churches with gilded domes. Trees everywhere. From a distance it looked peaceful. Up close it looked abandoned—most of the buildings in complete disrepair, vandalism and neglect. He passed through the downtown, there were a few cars parked, but mostly it was empty buildings, old signs on old storefronts, ancient For Lease signs in most of the windows. The only hints of life came from the coke plant by the river, long corrugated buildings, a tall ventstack burning off wastegas, occasional billows of steam from the coke quenching. A scooploader big enough to pick up a semitrailer was taking coal from a barge and dumping it onto a conveyor toward the main plant. The train tracks were jammed with open railcars full of dusty black coke but other than Isaac, there was not another actual person in sight.

  In the middle of town, he found an open restaurant. The waitress sat alone at a table by the front window, staring at something outside in the distance and smiling until she saw him come in. The sunlight was on her and she didn't want to get up. He guessed she was about fifty, her hair was dyed blond.

  “Hon,” she said. “I can't have you looking like that.”

  “I'll get cleaned up,” he told her. “I got jumped.” He looked around the diner, restaurant, whatever it was, there was only one other patron.


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