Master of Secrets

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Master of Secrets Page 8

by Sienna Snow

  I felt as if I were in a haze for the next hour. It was like Adrian hadn’t all but killed a man in front of at least thirty people. No one seemed fazed.

  Well, that wasn’t true. Some of the men seemed to avoid any contact with Adrian. As if they were worried about being on his radar.

  Even the island staff seemed unfazed. They moved about, serving the guests and making sure everyone was comfortable.

  After a small meal, I spent time sitting uncomfortably on my tender bottom in a corner with the women of the harem.

  None of us spoke, just waited to be summoned. They all seemed so calm, so seasoned. The women were of every shape and size. The only common thing was their clothes. Gowns of every shade of bright color and bodies adorned with jewels that looked real, not costume. Each was beautiful and seemed well cared for, no visible bruises or injuries. They were the pampered princesses who traded their bodies for a life of luxury. I couldn’t fault them for their decisions. I had no idea what they came from.

  But these women were here by choice. I had to find the ones who were not, the ones who were hidden away in the bowels of this island. Wherever the fuck that was.

  One of the women stared at me as if trying to figure me out. On occasion she’d glance at Adrian and then back at me while frowning.

  I wanted to ask her what her problem was but kept my mouth shut, knowing it was better I stay silent.

  “Anastasia, come here.”

  I snapped out of my thoughts and looked toward the group to my left. Adrian held my gaze and lifted a brow.

  “Anastasia.” There was a warning in his tone that had me moving toward him.

  Releasing a breath, I slid onto his lap. I tried to ease down, making sure I didn’t jar my aching ass.

  I gasped as a possessive hand went around my waist, pulling me back. I gripped his leg, knowing if he let go, I’d fall.


  I nodded. The men continued to watch us with curiosity and that sick hint of lust that had been on their faces from the first time I saw them.

  “Then don’t misbehave. You smack me, I smack back.”

  I shifted, trying to get some comfort, and immediately felt Adrian’s cock begin to grow and the muscles of his thighs bunch.

  My heartbeat accelerated.

  “Now, where were we, gentlemen?” Adrian asked.

  The men began a lively discussion about trade and buyers, that I figured out referenced arms deals. I mentally began keeping notes about the locations they mentioned.

  Thank God for my photographic memory. When I was debriefed after leaving this godforsaken island, I’d be able to give every last detail of what I’d heard and seen.

  As the conversation continued for the next fifteen minutes, there was one man in particular who seemed to want to impress Adrian. Mica was his name. He had a large bruise marring his neck that almost looked like the imprint of tip of a man’s shoe.

  Adrian leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Stay very still. Don’t come unless I give you permission.”


  “You heard me.”

  Adrian picked up his tumbler, took a sip, then set it down on a nearby side table, circling the rim of the glass. He slid the hand from around my waist to under my dress. His arm was covered by my gown, but anyone watching would know what he was doing.

  I stiffened, wanting desperately to shove his hand away, but knowing he’d have to discipline me in front of the group if I went with my instincts.

  Adrian gripped my knee and pulled my legs slightly apart, making room for him.

  Thank God the gown covered me. Well, sort of.

  Adrian grazed my slit and hummed. His cum coated his fingers from our earlier library fucking. His cock grew thick and long, sending a shiver down my spine.

  He liked the feel of his semen on me. He rubbed up and down, not touching my clit or the entrance to my pussy.

  My cheeks heated as did the rest of my body.

  Adrian continued to chat, discussing various properties and locations of warehouses. All the while, his fingers stroked up and down my sex. Arousal and need burned my insides.

  Biting my lip, I stifled a moan. My pussy quivered, and desire soaked his evil hand.

  “Shh,” he whispered so only I heard. “Not until I say.”

  A sheen of sweat dampened my body.

  He pushed a finger inside me and curved up, teasing the bundle of nerves deep inside.

  I dug my nails into his fabric-covered legs, trying to hold in the orgasm about to overtake me.

  Adrian seemed unaffected and continued teasing me, now plunging in and out, not caring that everyone around us had grown silent as they watched us.

  Adrian’s other hand moved over my breast, cupping it and then pinching the tip through my dress.

  I cried out, unable to control my body’s response.

  “Come. Let everyone know that I own this cunt.” Adrian thrust deep while his thumb rubbed my clit.

  I threw my head back against his chest, arched into his touch, and came.

  “Oh, oh, yes.”

  My pussy clamped down, contracting around Adrian’s pistoning finger. I lost myself in the sensation of the orgasm he’d denied me earlier.

  Breathing heavily, I came back to reality and opened eyes that I hadn’t realized I’d closed. Adrian withdrew from my still-quivering pussy and brought his fingers to my lips.


  I parted my lips, sucking his digits into my mouth. My own essence mixed with his cum was a spiced blend I hadn’t tasted in five years.

  “Like it?”

  Without thinking, I nodded.

  This was so fucked up. I could feel the eyes of the men on me and couldn’t care less. I was enthralled by Adrian and this connection we’d had from the beginning. Well, from the time our relationship had moved from a teenage crush to a passion that had left me scarred when it had ended.

  “Good, it’s something you’re about to get very used to.” Adrian cupped my jaw, kissing me hard before shifting his attention from me to the group around us. “This, gentlemen, is how you turn a hellcat into a dove. Force and discipline are a measure of last resort and only to convey a point.”

  Adrian stiffened as a man approached and said in a deep, slightly German-accented voice I somehow recognized, “Looks like I arrived a few minutes too late.”

  Chapter Ten


  * * *

  My heartbeat accelerated as the man I’d known as Sebastian Kohl came into view.

  Sebastian looked like he’d stepped off the pages of a mafia romance novel, with his tailored black pants and white shirt rolled up at the sleeves exposing the tattoos covering his arms. He carried himself with an edge that said he was dangerous if pushed too far. He'd definitely changed in the five years since I saw him last.

  He was a tech genius like Adrian, but he knew how to let loose and had the ability to get Adrian to step away from his computers for a night out.

  It looked like Sebastian had gotten Adrian to do a lot more than go to the clubs for a night. Or maybe it was the other way around.

  “I see you stole the prize before I could get here.” His gaze perused my body from head to toe and then moved to Adrian.

  Adrian’s hand moved back around my waist, tightened for a second, and then relaxed as I leaned back against him.

  “I don’t waste time when I want something. Whose fault is it that you’re late?”

  The hostility in Adrian’s voice told me Sebastian was the “Sebastian Weber” Ele was telling me about. The enemy who shared women with Adrian.

  “You know as well as I do the obligations family puts on our time.”

  “I take it this has to do with the shipments out of the Middle East?”

  “All you need to know is that it is settled.” Sebastian stopped when he was in front of Adrian and me. He took my hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed the skin of my inner wrist. “Hello, beautiful.”

  A ti
ngle shot into my core.

  Why the fuck did his touch give me goosebumps?

  It must be the endorphins left over from my orgasm.

  Or the fact you were always attracted to him. He was hot back in the day and more so now.

  I remained quiet and glanced at Adrian since he wanted me to defer to him when anyone spoke to me.

  He inclined his head.


  Sebastian rubbed the skin on the outside of my hand with his thumb before releasing it.

  “I call dibs on being your third.”

  My stomach fluttered. I knew part of the whole bride thing was sharing her, but being shared was something I was hoping wouldn’t happen.

  However, with the heat of Sebastian’s gaze and the way it affected me, I wasn’t so resistant to the idea.

  “We’ll see.” Adrian’s fingers flexed on my abdomen, snapping me from my crazy thoughts. I was really losing it.

  “You’ll have to get in line, Weber,” the man named Mica Chance said.

  Both Adrian and Sebastian ignored him as they seemed to share some kind of communication only the two of them understood.

  “Welcome, Herr Weber. How is life in Berlin?”

  Sebastian turned to Trevolo, offering his hand for a shake. “As well as it can be. Vater sends his regards.”

  “Next time you should bring him.”

  “You know as well as I do he doesn’t care for our form of sport.”

  “Yes, that is true. That means more for men like us. Wouldn’t you agree, Bonaparte?” There was a cold, almost calculating edge to Trevolo’s tone that made me think it was some sort of dig at Adrian.

  “As long as it isn’t with children, I’m in complete agreement.” Adrian stroked his fingers up and down my arm.

  “Yes. We know your preferences. Mr. Cruise was an oversight I won’t make again.”

  “Tell us, Bonaparte, when will you choose your third?” Sebastian spoke, drawing Trevolo’s attention to a different subject. Me.

  “Soon,” was all Adrian said, but his demeanor was hostile.

  “Understandably, Mr. Bonaparte is protective of his pet. One doesn’t pay twenty million and let anyone taste her,” another man, referred to as Silas Finn, said with a thick Irish accent.

  “Twenty million. That’s interesting.” Sebastian shook his head. “If you’d waited one day for the auction, I would have happily paid more.”

  “Then perhaps I can suggest a consolation.” Trevolo approached the area where Adrian and I sat. “Especially since Mr. Bonaparte disposed of a guest before I was able to finish my business with him.”

  “I’m intrigued.” Sebastian scanned me again and lingered on the way Adrian held me against him. “I read her report. She is definitely a unique item.”

  “Out of the question.” Adrian’s command was absolute. “I choose the man.”

  “You owe me, Bonaparte. An auction for who gets to be your third is in order. Besides, it isn’t as if you haven’t shared a woman a time or two with Weber or even some of our other guests.”

  I could almost hear Adrian grind his teeth, and the thought of an auction deciding who Adrian shared me with made my stomach hurt.

  Expecting Adrian to protect me with some type of edict or the other, I couldn’t help my surprise when he said, “I get half of whatever you take in, and it will happen in my private bungalow on the beach. It’s only fair compensation for sharing my twenty-million-dollar prize.”

  I started to fidget, feeling panic bubble up.

  Adrian’s hold tightened, almost painfully. “Quiet.”

  “Your bride disagrees with your choice.” Sebastian smirked.

  “She has no say in what I do with her.” Adrian narrowed his gaze on mine, telling me to stay still without words. “Are my terms acceptable, Trevolo?”

  “Accepted with one caveat,” Trevolo added. “You will install a camera so we may watch and verify delivery of purchase.”

  “Only for the duration of the scene. Afterward, I get my privacy.” Adrian waited for Trevolo to respond.

  After a long pause, Trevolo said, “Done.”

  “Please don’t do this,” I said.

  “Ana, quiet.” Adrian stared at Sebastian. “Begin the auction, Trevolo.”

  “Follow me, gentlemen. I will inform Mr. Bonaparte of the winner once we are finished.”

  All the men who’d watched as Adrian fucked me stood, moving into a room Trevolo entered. The last to go in was Sebastian. He had a lazy pace about him that made it seem as if the results were just a formality.

  The door clicked shut behind him and I turned a death glare in Adrian’s direction and slapped him. I wanted to do so much more.

  I’d signed up for this, but the reality of it was overwhelming. I’d been with one man in my life and it was Adrian.

  The room grew quiet, with all the eyes of the remaining guests and the women scattered around the room moving to us.

  “I warned you, Ana.” Anger flashed over his face. “You will learn that I hit back.”


  * * *

  I rose, throwing Ana over my shoulder, smacking her ass hard enough to make her yelp and sting my palm, and stalked down the hallway to the bridal suite.

  Why the fuck did she slap me?

  I’d goddamn told her I’d have to behave differently here.

  She pounded on my back, saying swear words in three languages I could recognize—Italian, Hindi, and English.

  The second I entered the room I dropped her to the floor and slammed the door closed.

  Ana shifted as if she was about to dart for the balcony, making me growl. “Don’t even think about scrambling away. I will catch you, and the punishment will be vicious and hard.”

  I ran a frustrated hand through my hair.

  “I won’t do it. I won’t let you turn me into a whore.”

  Was this part of the role or was this how she felt? The whole situation was so fucked up.

  The last thing I wanted to do was share her with any man, much less some piece of shit who won an auction. If Sebastian won, even the thought of my best friend with Ana annoyed me.

  We’d shared plenty of women before, but all of them knew the game and none of them were Anaya Anthony, my woman. My fucking everything.

  I paced, knowing I’d had no choice, knowing refusing would have made Julian Bonaparte look weak, would have destroyed the reputation of the asshole I had spent years to become.

  “You don’t get a say in what I do with you. And let’s get something straight. You are a whore. Mine.”

  As angry tears clouded her vision, Ana bit out, “Why would you do this?”

  “Because I can. Now come here and kneel.”

  As much as this was for show, I needed to feel her, to have a part of her before another man got what belonged to me.

  I knew it was sick as fuck to want a blowjob to ease my tension, but it was the only thing I could think of to calm my ass down.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “Ana, move.” My words came out hard. Hard enough to get her to move until she was kneeling in front of me.

  I opened my pants with only enough room to pull out my cock. Fisting the base, I pumped up and down a few times.

  Her gaze went to the bead of precum at the tip of the angry head of my dick. She gave a scandalized whimper, but the way her eyes clouded with desire and she licked her lips said the opposite.

  I nudged her, letting my precum coat her lips.


  A crease formed between her brows as she glared at me with her amber gaze.

  Why did her defiance arouse me?

  I cupped the back of her neck, applying enough pressure to get her to comply.

  Pushing into her mouth, I released a groan. “Work my cock. Don’t disappoint me.”

  God, there was truly nothing like the way this woman made me feel.

  She fisted the base of my cock and pumped up and down with the movement of he
r delicious tongue.

  “Yes.” The hoarseness in my voice was unable to hide my arousal. This woman knew how to work my dick. “Take it all.”

  She gagged a few times and the sick-fuck side of me loved to hear the sound. I owned this mouth, hell, I owned every part of her—her cunt, her tits, her ass. God, I’d loved pushing into her precious puckered rosebud last night. The woman was made for me.

  She bobbed up and down, sucking me off like it was her favorite thing to do.

  She may be the one on her knees, but she knew as well as I did that she was the one with all the power.

  “Ease up. I’m not ready to come.” I clenched my teeth, trying desperately to hold off my orgasm.

  My words spurred her to go in harder, flicking her wicked tongue in the way I liked.

  “Look at me.”

  When she complied, I said, “I own you, Ana. I do what I want with your body. I will share you and you will comply.”

  She couldn’t answer and I wasn’t looking for one. She held my stare as her eyes watered with each thrust of my hips.

  What I wanted to ask her was if she really thought I wanted to share her, to let another man know the heaven that was her body.

  “Touch yourself. Play with that pussy.”

  The fingers of one of her hands pumped my cock as the other worked her clit.

  I smelled her need mixing with mine. It was a heady mix. I wasn’t sure how I’d lived without it for all these past years.

  My balls drew up and my grip in her hair grew harder. “You’re mine, Ana. You were born to be mine. I won’t let any other man take you from me.”

  She moaned, stroking the vein on the underside of my cock as I hit the back of her throat.

  “Take every drop.”

  I exploded, spurts of cum shooting in the rhythm of my hips. Ana swallowed and swallowed. Tears streamed down her cheeks, but she never looked away from me.

  She was a fucking goddess.

  And I hoped to holy hell I didn’t kill the man who’d get to experience her.

  I pulled free of her mouth, dropping to my knees and pushing her back. Lifting her skirt, I attacked her pussy, sucking, licking, circling.


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