Chasin's Surrender (Gemini Group Book 5)

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Chasin's Surrender (Gemini Group Book 5) Page 19

by Riley Edwards

  Fire shot through him as he wrapped his arm around her tighter then hauled her up over him, until her knees were on the bed and she was straddling him. Good God, she was beautiful perched on his lap in his tee. His gaze dropped to her bare thighs, then moved higher. The cotton material was bunched at her waist, giving him a clear view of her black panties. Just panties, no shorts.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck.

  She made a hungry noise, almost as sexy as her hum, as her nails scored his skin from his navel up to his chest. She stopped to circle his nipples with her fingertips before she flattened her palms and continued her journey over his pecs, neck, and finally coming to stop when she cupped his face.

  Her gaze met his and she smiled.



  His cock throbbed, begging to be released from the confines of his shorts, but he didn’t move.

  “Evie,” he growled when she kept staring at him, not moving.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” she sighed. “It’s unnatural how perfect you are. Every part of you.”

  The only thing unnatural was how hard his cock was. Chasin couldn’t stop his hips from flexing, seeking relief, and when her hum of appreciation filled his ears and she ground down, he nearly lost his control.

  “Baby, I’m not sure what you’ve got in mind, but you got two seconds to roll off me before I take over.”

  “You put me up here,” she reminded him, but didn’t roll off.

  Indeed he had. Now he was seeing his mistake, or rather he felt it as his cock painfully pulsed to the fast beat of his heart.

  The need that clawed at him would’ve freaked him out if it was any other woman but Genevieve. The all-consuming hunger to be connected to his woman, to feel her, taste her, touch her, seared through him.

  Time’s up.

  He flipped them over and Genevieve gave a squeak of surprise. He rolled first so he could yank her panties off and do the same with his shorts. Then he rolled again, hovering over her, resting his weight on one elbow while his other hand went between her legs.

  All of this happened fast. So fast, he watched her startled expression melt to hunger when his finger dipped into her wetness.

  “Chasin,” she moaned and her hips jolted.

  His gaze dropped to where his hand was working between her legs. He watched his finger come out coated in her excitement before he roughly pushed back in. His eyes went back to hers, and when they locked, he felt his cock weep.

  Need shone so bright on her pretty face his mind went to war—slow things down, speed them up, worship, or fuck into oblivion. Genevieve solved his dilemma when she hooked her leg around his back, dug her heel in, and with a groan declared, “I might die if you’re not inside of me in two seconds.”

  His finger dislodged, his hand went to his cock, and he guided the tip to her entrance. Without hesitation, he lunged in, hard and fast.

  Fuck, finally.

  Genevieve’s heat surrounded his cock, her hum filled his ears, her arms wound around his lats, and she pulled him closer.

  Connected—hip to chest, body and soul, heart to heart. He was buried deep in her wet pussy, the feel of it so hot it was scorching—better than he remembered. Better, because this time they were real. There was nothing between them. He was free to love her, all of her. And she was free to be who she was.

  When the overwhelming urge to blow began to subside, he started to move. Driving down hard, withdrawing, only to have her pussy clamp down tighter, sucking him back in.


  “More,” she purred.

  Chasin lowered his head, shoved it into the crook of her neck, bared his teeth, and bit down. Wetness flooded. He quickly licked away the sting of his bite, gave her a few more nibbles, then lifted his head enough to ask, “How hard you want it, baby?”


  “How are you gonna earn that, Genevieve?”

  As fast as she could manage, her hands were in his hair and she was yanking his head away from her neck and her mouth was on his. Fuck yeah, she remembered exactly how to earn what she wanted. And what she wanted was rough and wild—that was his Genevieve. He let her control the kiss long enough for him to get his hand under the tee she was wearing, cup her breast, then roll her nipple until she gasped when he give it a sharp tug.

  Then he took over, demanding she give him what he wanted—her complete surrender. Their tongues tangled and glided. The taste of her filled an emptiness he never knew he had, a craving, a deep desire to own and cherish. Chasin had never had the impulse to fully dominate anyone. He knew what he liked and had no problem guiding the woman he was with there. But with Evie it was more than an impulse, it was instinct.




  Chasin pulled his mouth free and groaned when pain radiated over his scalp.

  “Knees,” he grunted, and took in her flushed face. Extreme need and excitement so clear, his cock swelled at the sight.


  Her limbs went limp and fell away, he slid out, and as she was scrambling to her knees, he caught the hem of his tee, wrenched it up over her head, and tossed it aside.

  “Cheek on the bed, Evie, ass up.”

  She settled on the mattress, head turned, legs wide, wet pussy on display.



  Chasin glided the head of his cock through her wet, circled her clit, he did all of that with his gaze locked onto hers. Watching and waiting until that hum started to vibrate from her chest and her eyes got hazy and that need he saw turned into fire.

  He wanted her to ask for it. He knew it was coming when her lips parted and she started to thrust back, rubbing her clit against the tip of his cock.

  “I need you.”

  “What do you need, Evie?”

  “Inside me.”

  He notched the head of his cock barely inside of her and waited. She was getting fed up with his game, and if he didn’t know the results would be so fucking spectacular, he’d end her misery and surge in.

  But he knew, with just enough teasing, she’d catch fire, and he was getting ready to light the fuse that would send her straight to detonation.

  Chasin’s hand went to her ass, the other holding his cock back from seeking the warmth it desired. He gave her a few hard squeezes before he lifted it up and came back down with a smack. The sound rang out in the room. Her low groan followed, almost making him forget he was supposed to be holding back and he fed her a little more of his cock.


  “You want more?”

  “Yes,” she hissed and wiggled her hips, offering her ass.

  “How many you want, baby?”

  “As many as you’ll give me.”

  Fucking hell. Perfect.

  “Eyes on me the whole time.”

  She nodded and since he was looking he didn’t miss her relax. Since the first time they’d been together, she’d trusted him with her body. Chasin felt that realization settle deep in his chest.

  The now-constant throbbing in his cock reminded him to get with the program and give Genevieve what she needed.

  Chasin gave her three hard, fast slaps, loving the way her eyes glazed. On the fourth smack, he rammed in and felt her pussy ripple around him. His eyes drifted closed. Fuck, fuck, fuck. When he gained control, he fought to open his eyes and found Genevieve panting, silently waiting for him to give her what she wanted.

  “Goddamn, you’re so fucking pretty, sometimes I can’t believe you’re real.” Chasin’s gaze left hers and he took in the sexy expanse of her back, then lower to where his cock was planted deep. Connected, again.

  “Chasin.” His name came out shaky and his eyes snapped back to hers. “I need you.”

  “I know what you need.”

  “Hard, honey, I need you rough.”

  “Shh. I know what you need.”

  For a second, he didn’t like what flashed in her eyes, and decided when they were don
e they’d be talking about why the fuck he saw shame mar her beautiful face when his cock was embedded in her.

  Chasin curled himself over her until his chest pressed against her back and one hand rested to the side of her head. With his body draped over her, he kissed her neck, then her cheek. When he was done, he brought his mouth to her ear and said, “If I get too rough, you’ll tell me. I’ll give you everything you need. I’ll take you as far as you can go, but not an inch past that. You hear me?”

  “I hear you.”

  “Tip your ass up.”

  Genevieve tilted as far as she could with his body blanketing hers. And as soon as she did, he hammered into her hard. Deep and rough until her humming stopped and a low, vibrating roar started accompanying the clenching of her pussy.

  “You need my finger?”


  “Can you take more?”

  “Yes,” she whimpered.

  Christ. Beautiful.

  His balls drew up tight as he pounded into her wetness, the room echoing with the sound of wet slapping. Euphoria pulled at him, and right when he didn’t think he could take much more, her pussy clamped down and fisted his cock. The first stream of come that shot into her was so painful, he growled through it, fucking her through her orgasm. He felt the pulsing start to wane and finally let himself go.

  “Fuck,” he snarled, and planted himself to the root. He filled her until his come leaked out of her and dripped down his balls.

  Chasin lifted off her back where he’d had her pinned to the bed and started to slowly glide in and out as they both caught their breaths. Giving her gentle after he’d fucked her rough. His hands went to her hips and his gaze followed. His handprint clearly visible against her pale skin. He skimmed his hand over the welt and Genevieve moaned.

  “Does that hurt, Evie?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He could hear the smile when she answered but he still looked, needing confirmation.

  A soft, lazy, satisfied grin pulled at the corner of her mouth and his heart soared.


  He pulled out, rolled to his side, and arranged Genevieve so she was tucked in the same position they’d been in when he first got into bed.

  “You good?” he asked, even though he knew the answer.


  “Didn’t use a condom, honey.”

  “Birth control,” she mumbled.

  “Want me to clean you up?”

  “No.” That was barely a mumble.

  Before Chasin could ask anything else, Genevieve’s weight grew heavy and he knew she was out.

  He bent to the side, took in her scent, and gave himself a moment to enjoy the first blush of contentment. Something he’d never had. There’d been times when he’d been happy, he’d felt joy and even excitement. But never in his life had he been content—complete satisfaction.

  Now he was.

  Genevieve was his.

  But more than that, he was hers.

  Fucking finally—he belonged.


  I was deliciously sore everywhere.

  And deliriously happy.

  I was thinking my luck had changed and all I had to do was figure out a way not to screw things up and I’d be able to keep that happy.

  There was no doubt that Chasin and I had crazy chemistry in bed. Half a kiss and he could light me up. But when he got rough and dirty with me, something I never knew I liked until the first time I’d been with Chasin, it was so good, everything but him fell away.

  The level in which I got lost in him should’ve been frightening but it wasn’t, because it was Chasin. I knew from that first night, I could let go, be me, be wild, and he wouldn’t judge or care. Hell, he encouraged it. Even when he hadn’t known I was hiding who I really was.

  I’d showered and dressed but hadn’t bothered with blowing out my hair or putting on makeup yet. I needed coffee. And to find Chasin. He’d woken up before me, and when I stirred, he asked if there was any reason for me to be up early. I blinked at the alarm clock, saw it was six and mumbled a hell no. I was not a morning person. Never had been, and long ago learned not to take meetings before noon.

  I’d worked in bars and restaurants before I’d hit it big. Waitressing, bartending, doing gigs. None of those jobs got me home and in bed before two in the morning. I hadn’t changed the habit so I was a night owl. Unless of course Chasin gave me a sweet orgasm, then apparently I fell asleep early, slept like the dead, and could roll out of bed at nine. I wasn’t sure when the last time I’d seen that hour and been awake enough to conjugate. But there I was at what I considered an ungodly hour, walking down the stairs in search of Chasin.

  The downstairs was mostly one big open space, so lucky for me, it didn’t take long to find him. That and the smell of bacon was wafting from the kitchen.

  The floorboards creaked and Chasin’s gaze went from the pan to me and he smiled.

  “Don’t think I’ve ever seen you outta bed before eleven, sunshine. You ruined my surprise.”

  “What surprise?”

  “I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed.”

  Why did that make my heart flutter? Probably because no one, not ever, had brought me breakfast in bed.

  “Sorry,” I said as I was crossing the room. “I woke up and you weren’t there.”

  I watched as Chasin’s eyes got soft and his smile grew.

  “Come here, Evie.”

  I went there.

  And when I was close enough, he tagged me around my waist, pulled me to his front, then his mouth hit mine, and I did the only thing I could do—I gave him what he wanted.

  Thankfully, I’d had the good sense to brush my teeth and shower before I went in search of Chasin. He took his time exploring my mouth, and when he was done, he let me do the same. The man could kiss—any way he did it was off-the-charts hot. Slow and gentle, desperate and fast, demanding, or sweet. He had many different types of kisses in his arsenal, and sometimes he mixed them up and went from frantic and controlling to the softest, sweetest glides of his tongue against mine, then back to claiming me. Bottom line was, whatever Chasin gave me was the best.

  “Morning,” he muttered against the corner of my mouth.

  Sweet mother of God, that was hot.

  “Morning,” I returned.

  Unfortunately, I didn’t think my “morning” was as sexy as his. But I did feel him smile against my cheek before he pulled back and looked down at me.

  “Coffee’s made. Grab a cup and I’ll finish up,” he told me.


  Chasin stood staring down, with his arms still around me, like he hadn’t told me to go get coffee and I hadn’t answered.

  “You need to let me go if I’m gonna get some coffee. And just to add, I’m not sure there’s enough coffee in the world to perk me up enough to have any sort of intelligent conversation before noon. So don’t expect much out of me for another few hours.”

  Chasin’s lips twisted and the softness in his eyes grew even softer. Something had changed. And not like he had the other times—this time it was good. Really good. I liked that he looked relaxed and happy.

  “I liked waking up this morning with you next to me.”

  Holy shit. Straight out he said that.

  “I liked you waking me up before you left the bed, but knew I wouldn’t get up so you left me there to sleep in. But I like falling asleep next to you more than I like you knowing I like to sleep in. But what I liked most about all of that is that you liked waking up next to me,” I blathered.

  “Anyone ever tell you, you’re cute as fuck in the morning when you’re still sleepy?”

  I shook my head in the negative because no one ever had and added, “Told you not to expect much.”

  “I might have to start getting you outta bed before noon,” he muttered, and lowered his forehead to mine.

  Lord have mercy, that’s sweet. I liked our foreheads pressed together, him close, with soft eyes, way more than I liked him knowing I
liked to sleep in.

  “You have my permission to do that if you plan to A, give me more of what you gave me last night or any variation of that or…no…come to think of it, that’s the only reason you have my permission to wake me up early. Unless of course the house is on fire, or someone is bleeding, but the bleeding needs to be life-threatening, or if there’s a tornado bearing down. Do y’all have tornados in Maryland?”

  “Yeah, babe.” He chuckled. “So breaking it down; I can wake you up early if I want to fuck you, if someone’s dying, or there’s a natural disaster coming our way?”

  I thought about what he said and contemplated adding a few things to the list, like say he wanted to cook me breakfast in bed or have me shower with him—we’d done that before and his fingers were magic when he was massaging a scalp. I didn’t like breakfast that much but I loved the idea of him making it for me and surprising me in bed.

  “I’ll amend,” I started. “Breakfast in bed may be added to the list, but use that sparingly. And I’m sorry to say, you’ll probably never get that from me. You know I make awesome waffles but you’ll just have to wait for me to make them for you at a decent hour. And I’m also adding showering together before you leave for work. But only because you naked and wet is a sight to behold and I figure that neither of us could be naked, wet, and soapy together and not get down to business. So really, that’s just a variation of you giving me more of what you gave me last night. Same outcome, different location.”

  Chasin’s body had started shaking by the time I’d uttered the word “waffle” by the time I said “shower” he was chuckling. Now he was straight out laughing.

  He had a great laugh. So good, I closed my eyes and took it in and locked it in my memory so I’d never forget.

  “Glad you like what I give you, baby.”

  One of his hands moved down until he cupped the same butt cheek he’d spanked the night before, and he squeezed. My eyes popped open and I couldn’t stop my swift inhale. Damn, that smarted.


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