Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality Page 24

by Kitty Cox

  "Big ones," Dez agreed. "But can all of you take this party outside? I've got cables and systems to hook up before dawn, and you're standing all over them."

  Braden reached back and pushed open the flap. "Q, I'll hold the expo for between rounds, but I'd like to have at least an hour this time. We're preparing for a push with Flawed, but we don't want Eternal Combat to be forgotten, and most of this event is geared to the MMO players."

  "It is?" Kate asked, looking at Adam.

  He nodded. "It's Deviant's annual expo, darlin'. They have one massively multiplayer online game, one hybrid MMO-FPS, and Eternal Combat, which is almost a pure FPS, but with a persistent world. Two thirds of their market play MMOs."

  "And shooters make us the most money," Braden told her. "So, the tournament brings in the hard-core gamers, the demos for new release material bring in the rest, and the other vendors make sure everyone leaves happy."

  "Hey." QQ tapped the big guy's shoulder. "Party in my suite tonight. You're invited."

  Braden jerked his thumb back toward the tent. "I'll be here. In about an hour, I'm on Dez duty. Chance doesn't like leaving her alone, but he's got some interviews to do. Thanks, though. Maybe next time?"

  "Or when you're done." Then QQ pointed at Adam and Kate. "You both will be there. I heard Cyn's here, and I brought Knock but left Kitty. Might even have a few other pros join in, depending on who shows up."

  "Void?" Kate asked.

  QQ scoffed at that. "Oh, he has to be here. Contracts." Her eyes flicked to Adam. "Scotch for you." Then she looked back to Kate. "What are you drinking?"

  "I'm a complete lightweight," Kate admitted.

  "Soda? Red Bull? Coffee?" QQ offered.

  "Coffee!" Kate told her.

  "Beer," Adam said. "I'm not quite in full game mode yet."

  "You will be by the time the tournament starts," QQ promised. "You both have rooms?"

  "A nice one," Adam assured her. "Save Void's suite for the rest. Kate and I are fine."

  QQ smiled. "And your brother? Do I finally get to meet him, since this is local?"

  "Uh..." Adam glanced at Kate.

  "He's coming, isn't he?" QQ asked. "Fizz was the first person to keep me up, so I'd like to thank him."

  "Yeah, but that's going to be fun to explain."

  So Kate explained, "Fizz isn't Adam's biological brother, so they look nothing alike. The situation's kinda like Knock and you, and we'll make sure he has a room. I work for the hotel, you know."

  "Right!" Riley said. "I'd forgotten. Sorry. I'm just used to making sure these guys have a place to actually sleep, because not all of them think about that." Then she stepped back. "Room 617. I need to check my rig and find my map. Nice to meet you Lith!"

  And with that, she just vanished into the labyrinth of booths like she'd been born in this environment. Kate found herself chuckling under her breath, impressed that Riley Andrews was just as driven in person as she was online. It was like nothing in the world could throw her off her stride.

  "I see why you tried to pick her up," she told Adam as they started walking.

  "Because she's cute?" he asked.

  Kate rolled her eyes at that. "Because she's amazing. It's like she's so far out of control that she looks organized."

  "Or so organized that she seems out of control," he countered. "But no, I know what you mean. Riley's..."

  "Intense," Kate finished for him. "She kinda makes me exhausted just being around her, but in the best way."

  "Just wait until you meet Void. He's the complete opposite." He moved to slide an arm around her waist. "Thanks for covering for me."

  "You mean explaining about Fizz?"

  "Nope. I mean pointing out that you work here, so no one wonders about our room."

  She leaned a little closer into his chest. "I am an executive, you know. I figured I should use those perks a bit. And, since I happen to be at a hotel with a cute guy, I might even invite him up to my room."

  "I'm so there," he growled in her ear. "And we still need to take our stuff up. You want to check in or grab bags?"

  "Check in," she decided. "Who's the room reserved for?"

  "Both of us." They'd made it back to the lobby by then, so he tilted his head to the gamer hall. "I'll get our things and meet you by the elevators?"

  "Yeah," she agreed. "Go be a real boy." And she turned for the check-in counter.

  The lines there were long, but she didn't have to wait. Walking right around the counter, she moved for the closest unused computer, not surprised at all when someone hurried over to stop her. Kate just flashed him her executive pass - one of the many things hanging around her neck - and let him know she'd check herself in for the weekend.

  The young man looked at her credentials carefully. "You're the representative from Headquarters?"

  "Degrass Plaza, and yes. Katelyn Gaskill, Executive Marketing Coordinator. I'm going to need two keys for this room." She tapped the screen.

  His eyes widened. "The presidential suite? Yes, ma'am." And he reached over for the blank keycards to digitally code a pair for that room. "I should warn you that room service typically has an hour wait during these things. We've got all hands-on deck for the weekend, but last year, this place was a madhouse."

  "It's a gamer convention," she assured him. "I'm not expecting to have my ass kissed. I'm just here to make sure they know where all the emergency exits are."

  He finished the cards and passed them over. "It's just that our manager got fired for talking back to someone at HQ, so I wanted to make sure you'd been warned." He gave her an apologetic smile. "Kinda want to keep my job."

  "Well, your manager called me an uppity bitch and was double booking rooms in violation of our contract. I promise, I'm pretty laid back if you're just honest with me and try to do what's right."

  "Yes, ma'am," the guy said again, taking over the computer to check her reservation. "And we've got you all set up. Did you want a second name on file for your room? It would let a guest get additional keys or other amenities if needed."

  "Sure. Adam Degrass. And if you happen to let it be known that he's wandering around here incognito, it might save someone else's job. Any of these gamers could be the company's owner."

  The guy swallowed and nodded. "Thanks. I mean, there was a rumor that he snuck around at these things, but I figured it was just talk."

  "He's gaming," she explained, moving around the counter. "Thanks for the cards. Good luck with check-in."

  "Thank you, Ms. Gaskill. Enjoy your stay at the Clairmont."

  She walked away chuckling to herself. That young man probably wasn't even old enough to drink, but he seemed to take his job seriously. Clearly, he could use polished manners when he had to, but she preferred the more casual version. On a weekend like this, stuffy and overly pompous wouldn't do anyone any good.

  True to his word, Adam had their things and was standing at the corner of the lobby, beside the hall for the elevators. A few people were waiting, and glowing up-arrows proved that all the buttons had been pushed, but it wasn't too crowded. Not yet, if the stories the guys had told her were true. Supposedly, the entire first floor would be jammed packed by morning, and the convention hall would be jumping for most of the night.

  Passing Adam a keycard, she grabbed her bag and suitcase, then headed toward the closest elevator. "Your name's on the room, so you know," she warned him.

  "Probably a good call." The door dinged, and he gestured for her to go first. "So did you want to head down to Q's room for some fun and games?"

  "Sure, why?" Because that sounded like he had other plans.

  He scooted a little closer while more people piled into the elevator car with them. "Typically, it starts off with a few drinks, then back to the hall for a few rounds of EC, then back up for more drinks, but someone has to sound intelligent in the morning."

  Kate groaned. "I really do not want to do this. You know that, right?"

  He chuckled but gestured for the guy in front of
them to push a button. "Eighth floor?"

  "Dude, really?" the kid asked. "You with one of the developers?"

  "Hotel," Kate clarified. "Just the schleps keeping all the parts running."

  "Ah." He looked her over. "Good, because I was starting to think we'd been overrun by bitches. Got enough cunts trying to fuck up our games as is."

  The words were barely out of his mouth before the door dinged and he stepped off, but Kate was completely taken aback. What the hell had she done to him? Confused, she looked to Adam, hoping for a hint.

  "What the hell was that?" she whispered, aware she was in an elevator.

  He sighed. "So, not everyone is happy about QQ trying to bring in more girl gamers. I think most guys are, but there's this group -"

  "Kings of Gaming," someone else said. "Bunch of hard-up idiots who can't get laid. Kinda like that incel stuff, but gamers. They blame gamer girls for all their problems." The man shrugged. "Just ignore them. Most of us are glad to have a few more ladies around."

  But Kate still wasn't keeping up. "Incel?"

  "Involuntarily celibate," the man explained. "It's just a bunch of dumbasses who can't figure out that they aren't hot, so they aren't going to get the hot chicks. Of course, they don't want the less than hot chicks, but it's not their fault they can't get laid. So, they say they've been forced to be celibate because of the evils of women. Like I said, idiots."

  "Sounds like my ex-husband," she mumbled under her breath.

  But Adam heard. "Wouldn't shock me if he's cheering them on. He seems the type."

  "And I," she decided, "am not going to let it bother me." The elevator stopped again, and the last group of people got off, leaving them alone, so Kate decided to change the subject. "I figure this weekend's going to be perfect. I'm going to have a suite, you're going to be completely normal, and except for the five minutes each day where I have to babble like a moron, I'm getting paid to play."

  "Yes, you are," he agreed, moving a little closer. "And I just happened to pick the room with not only an amazing view, but also the biggest bed."

  "Saying something?"

  He smiled deviously. "Oh yeah. First, I'm going to get you giggling with our outfit mates. Then, I'm going to take you up there, throw you in that bed, and have my way with you."

  "Adam, I think you might be spoiling me."

  "That's the plan," he promised. "Make sure you like this so much you never want to leave me."

  "But..." She waved to where the last guy had been standing. "I could have one of those incel guys instead. I mean, why would I turn that down?"

  He laughed just as the door dinged. "You saying I have competition, darlin'? Because I'll show you I have completely useless skills too. Just wait until you see me go full dork tomorrow with the capture the flag tournament." He was slowly leading her up the hall toward one of only four doors on it.

  Kate just waved a hand over her head. "Words. Whoosh. What the hell is a capture the flag tournament?"

  "Kinda like a base capture in Eternal Combat, but instead of flipping the control point, you pick it up and run with it. Possession of the thing makes you glow, so everyone can see you have it. The whole point is to get it to the goal - your side - before you get killed. It's fun. It's also funny, because I suck at this so bad."

  "That," she told him, "is my favorite part about you. That you have no problem at all admitting when you aren't perfect."

  "Nah." He stopped before the door and shoved his card into the slot. "Kate, I'm far from perfect but this?" Then he swung the door open. "This is close."

  One step too her inside the most amazing room she'd ever seen in her life. Marble floors, massive windows, and more space than she'd expected, it looked like the kind of place where a couple could lock themselves away and forget the rest of the world existed. It was truly beautiful, but Kate turned around and grabbed Adam's hand, tugging him over the threshold and to her side.

  "Now, it's perfect."

  Chapter 32

  Unfortunately, Adam didn't let Kate distract him. He simply placed their things inside the door, made sure both of them had their keycards, then pulled her back to the elevators. She'd hoped for a chance to look around, but he promised he'd give her a full tour later. First, she had to meet more people.

  So they headed downstairs. Thankfully, the elevators were empty from the eighth floor down to the sixth. When they stepped off, the hall was empty, but a room halfway down had the door propped open. Kate wasn't sure, but she was willing to guess that was where everyone was gathering. Turning the corner proved her right.

  Cynister was sitting directly across from the open door, and he waved them in. QQ had a suite, but it was the common kind. Still, it had a seating area and a kitchenette to serve as a bar. Two couches and a loveseat were placed before a line of windows, and a TV was set up before them. It was off, because all the attention seemed to be on the bar area where a very good-looking man was holding a half full glass away from QQ's reach.

  "Say please," he teased.

  "Void!" she hissed, proving the guy was exactly who Kate thought he was.

  But Void wasn't going to give in. "A kiss, or a please. You have to pick, Riley."

  So she turned her head up. Void immediately lowered his lips to hers, his arm relaxing back down, but the kiss wasn't a fast one. It was the kind that made everyone around them look away and want to fan themselves. At least, that was the reaction Kate had. QQ and Void didn't seem to care. This was their room, their scene, and their playground. Clearly, they were enjoying it.

  Although the cute couple might be stealing the show, they weren't the only ones in the room. Sitting across from Cynister was a younger boy, maybe eighteen at most. Standing by the window was another woman. She wore all black, had her hair dyed black, and enough makeup on to look like a ghost. Then there was an arrogant looking man sprawled out on the loveseat, talking animatedly to Cynister.

  "Introductions," Adam said, guiding Kate toward the couches. "You've met Cyn. The quiet one is Knock, QQ's little brother. The asshat is PsychoCut, another one of the pros. And..." He looked at the woman in the corner. "Rhaven, right?"

  "Yeah," she agreed, her voice a little sandy, like it wanted to be deeper. "Spelled with an H."

  "Psych," PsychoCut told her. "And you must be the infamous Lithium. Love the red hair."

  "Oh!" QQ gasped from the kitchen area. "I brewed the coffee Lith wanted, and beer's in the fridge. Have a preference, Ice?"


  "You're just drinking coffee?" Knock asked, lifting a glass filled with something clear. "It's a party, Lith. You're supposed to act like it."

  She groaned and claimed the spot beside him, leaving room for Adam on her other side. "I have to give a speech in the morning. I hate public speaking, and trying to do that hung over?"

  Before Knock could reply, Adam held up his phone. "Fizz is on his way up."

  "Who else is coming?" Psyc asked. "I mean, this isn't PLG, just an expo, so I figured it'd be light."

  "Synjd," Cynister told him. "He's checking in and sorting his stuff, but he should be here any time."

  Adam came back with a beer in one hand and a coffee for Kate in the other. "So, capture the flag tournament tomorrow. Who's in?"

  "I've got Void, Knock, and Psyc," QQ told them, gesturing for Psyc to sit up.

  "I need a team," Cynister admitted.

  Adam pointed between him and Kate. "We suck, but you can hang with us if you're willing."

  "Who sucks?" A man called out from the door. Kate looked over to see Fizz.

  "Hey!" she greeted him.

  Riley was smiling. "Since I know Synjd, I'm gonna guess you're Ice's brother, huh?"

  "Fizz, baby." He came the rest of the way in and offered her his fist to bump. "He's the adopted one."

  Riley tapped her hand against his. "Don't even care. I was the adopted one in my family, so I get it."

  "Seriously?" Adam asked.

  She nodded. "Mom's little sister got kn
ocked up. Her and Dad couldn't have kids, so it worked out. Clearly, you didn't read the Times article."

  "Sure didn't," Fizz agreed. "I leave that snobby shit for Ice. I mean, unless your pic was one in a bikini, then I'm kicking myself for missing it."

  Riley answered with her middle finger. "Kiss my ass, bro."

  Thankfully, someone knocked before things could get out of hand. This time it wasn't just one person, but two, and Kate recognized one as Braden. Evidently, so did Riley.

  "Synjd! Brae! Come in, both of you. Braden? Close the door? I think you're the last of us, but how did you get out of Dez duty?"

  Synjd, gestured for Braden to go ahead, then fiddled with the door until the stopper released, easing it closed. He was nothing like Kate had expected, and yet everything. His hair was grey at the temples and receding just a bit, but it matched his short beard. He also wasn't a big guy, but he had one of the deepest voices in their outfit. He also looked a little stocky, like whatever he did for a living required his entire body.

  "Someone help me out?" he asked when he made it the rest of the way in.

  Void began pointing around the room, listing off names, but he ended with, "And one of you gets to finish out the Lithium, Iceman, Cynister team for tomorrow's capture the flag."

  "That's me," Fizz told them.

  Braden looked across the room at Rhaven. "You in a group, babe?"

  She smiled, dropping her eyes. "Nah. I usually don't do group stuff."

  "Well, I need a partner," Synjd told her.

  She nodded. "Ok, I'll join up with ya."

  "I'm in," Braden told them. "The group events are one of the few things I'm allowed to actually compete in." His eyes were on Rhaven. "You know, since I work for Deviant."

  "I know who you are," Rhaven assured him.

  "So," Riley drawled, "looks like you just need a fourth. Void, have any Executive Pain guys?"

  He glanced over at Cynister. "Do we?"

  "Nope, but Swish from Paradox is on the roster."

  Synjd nodded. "He's cool. You ok with that, Rhaven? Braden?"

  "I'm down for anything," Braden promised.


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