Mystic Faerie War

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Mystic Faerie War Page 15

by James Day

  “You are a good friend,” Noleann added. “That’s why Dwarf Assassin Razor passed his creed onto you. They are in your debt until you die.”

  “I taught you well,” O’Dea said to Noleann as he began whistling to lighten up the mood.

  The Rockdwellers continued to lead them forward through the tunnels which seemed to last hours. Torches were lit along the way as giant creatures finally stopped at a split in the tunnel. The Rockdweller pointed to the right. They acknowledged his direction and moved forward. The stone tunnels became caverns with large stalagmites and stalactites. The pillars were dark and eerie as they traversed around them. It was stuffy and the air was stale as they moved along the rock paths which were smoothed out by years of traveling. Water dripped from above into small green pools that were crystal clear. Fish even swam in some of the pools that were interconnected by waist deep riverbeds which lined the caves. They carried their torches where smoke streamed up into the ceiling and disappeared in the tiny holes that fed into air pockets. The Rockdwellers carried two large spears that were long iron rods with arrowheads fused onto the steel. They just lumbered along without speaking and made occasional hand signals. The trip was tedious and long and the air remained stagnant as they moved further down. Another cavern was more wet with green moss that grew all over everything. Streams of water fell from the mountains above and emptied into the side rivers that fed into the Whip which traversed alongside the mountain. The company knew that they were approaching the rafts where they would paddle into the dangerous underground world. The company was brought to an abrupt halt as a Rockdweller stopped them and looked around. The huge creature which towered seven feet tall sensed something wrong and dangerous. He signaled back to the other Rockdweller he moved to the front of the group. The company released their weapons, they were not sure what it was. A few minutes passed and there was no attack. Above a dark high cavern ceiling blackened out the roof of the cave. The torchlight was not strong enough to illuminate the entire fissure. Prince Grandur examined his sword and it glowed blue as he indicated to the group that something dangerous and cunning was in the cavity. The two Mystics stared into dark corners of the rocks and something large was waiting. The Rockdweller reacted swiftly as a huge Cavern Spider lifted up, with its long hairy legs and eight eyes gleaming in the firelight. He jumped up on its two back legs in a defensive position. A low humming roar came from a maw as the Rockdweller slammed the spear into its legs. The Spider reacted and by pushing forward and lunging back as it attempted to gain the upper hand to sting the massive Rockdweller. The second Rockdweller joined in the battle as they pushed the monster back, slamming the iron spear into the large legs. It moved to the right and attempted to get around the rock as the others were ready. Prince Grandur lifted the Sword of Shannon and sent it into the side of a leg. It reacted released a thread of web and drew itself up onto the cavern ceiling. Then a second one emerged where the first one had been. This one was browner in color with huge body and a hairy mass. The company was being attacked from the front and above. The other spider positioned itself to come down on the company as a huge spindle made it drop down in the middle of the group. O’Dea was there pushing Brea back as Noleann and Shydrie faced the large menacing Araneae. The other Attercop pushed forward taking on the two Rockdwellers.

  Noleann and Shydrie fought the creature and stabbed it in the soft belly slightly injuring it. It roared and stumbled back and nearly fell on top of them. Then it went back up into the ceiling, retreating to one of the large nests. The Rockdwellers were losing the battle as one fell and it climbed directly over him, with a stinger smashing down into rock. The Mystic Dayven let out a wall of flames as the creature backed away and went up the wall. He helped the Rockdweller up who retrieved his spear and thanked him. They moved on as the eyes watched them leave.

  They came to a cavern which was pitch black and had a luminescent glow. When Mystic Dayven told them to put out their torches they did so. The entire cave lit up in blue which reflected off the walls, rocks, and ceilings. As far as they could see they were little flying bugs with a glow which lived in the cold cavern world. It was here they made camp and ate their rations. There was little if any conversation and the spiders were a thing of the past. They had survived but each wondered what other dark insect-like creatures lived beneath the mountain. In the distance, they heard running water and could smell the air becoming clearer. There was a freshness to it, not the stale dusty odor which existed. A cool breeze washed over them as the temperature of the cave became colder. They realized that they were deep underground and now would use rafts to paddle through the maze of caves to the lake of Blue Shimmer. Time had all come to an end and there was not telling the time of day, whether it was midmorning or late afternoon. They rested thinking about the journey ahead.

  It was actually late afternoon as the Dark Fae Wolven Elves tracked the trace of the company through the northern edge on top of the mountains. They were sighted by the red Silverthreads moving directly west on the path that had a number of ways down. Above them the dragon flew and saw the company edging its way through the forest and it roared. The Dark Fae Warlock appeared on the ridgeline with his pack of Fire Imps that separated and scoured into the forest. There would be no escape. In his mind’s eye he saw the Mystic Dayven leading the others in a straight line along the ridge. They had taken the long way around in hopes of not being spotted, he thought, The Red Wolves were called forth to hunt as they scattered howling in the daytime, their echoes flowing through the timberlands. The company seemed to stop at a waterfall and just stood there. As the Fire Imps closed in as they surrounded the Mystics and the others. The Dark Fae Wolven Elves rode on their beasts and came on the roads and took to the side forests. They surrounded the company and there would be no place for them to run. It was too easy the Dark Fae Warlock reasoned as he rode his beast onto the road. He wanted to confront the company before he destroyed them. He held his minions at bay as they surrounded the company and he came on the road. The company stopped and looked at him.

  “You are fools,” the Dark Fae Warlock spouted as he spoke Dayven. “You have been defeated. Right now, you are surrounded by the Fire Imps, Red Wolves and Dark Fae Wolven Elves. Bow before my power and pledge your allegiance to me and I will let you live. I need you as allies. Together we can bring forth the Faerie Creatures and destroy the captors of Light that cast their clan into oblivion.”

  There was no answer from the group. They just looked forward. The Dark Fae Warlock became infuriated.

  “Destroy them all,” he ordered.

  The Fire Imps, and Red Wolves came out ready to pounce as the Dark Fae Wolven Elves attacked from behind. Then they were on the company in a minute. A flash of blue exploded and evaporated leaving nothing but the blank path.

  The Dark Fae Warlock then realized he had been tricked. The company was not there, but an image projected by a spell to make them appear. The Warlock’s temper exploded as he took it out on the front line of the Dark Fae Wolven Elves. They were burned by the green magic as the beasts echoed in screams and his minions scattered.

  He stood there for a long time. The company had the upper hand. Now he would have to begin the long trek to Blue Shimmer and Fire Rock Crater to wage war.

  For two days the paddled through the dark streams of the underground caverns. The rafts were made of thick wood and could be sat on when needed. The Rockdwellers steered through the waters. There were two rafts and one carried Dayven, the Rockdweller, Noleann Llyendrie and O’Dea. The other raft carried Dunnganon, the Rockdweller, Prince Grandur, Shydrie and Brea. They slowly paddled down the dark streams occasionally catching fish for a meal. For the most part the company was remained silent. Then something moved in the waters as the Mystic Dayven went to the back of the raft. The second raft slowed leaving a large space between them as he put his finger to his lips, and everything became silent. Then it towered up rushing through the water in between both rafts.

  A Water Snake! Dayv
en yelled out as it roared above them with fangs gleaming white with two black eyes for coals and jaw that extended out. Brown dark scales were slime covered as it twisted back and forth. It attacked the first raft where Dayven and Noleann drew their swords and slammed it into the face. Huge jaws snapped down as it moved up and down hissing. The second Rockdweller stabbed it in the side with a spear as it twisted around and dove for the raft. Prince Grandur and Shydrie were there with weapons drawn. She cut the jaw of the beast as it screeched and pounded down onto the raft. Brea nearly fell into the water as Shydrie caught her and threw her aside. The Wildergirl held firm as the She-Elf Warrior countered the attacks with her sword. It hissed as Shydrie remembered the spell Llyendrie had taught her. She brought it to bare as a flash of white light exploded in front of the creatures eyes blinding it. Then Brea came with a ball of blue fire in her hands and slammed it into the beast burning the side of the monster. She had called upon her magic talents to defend the company. It sank slowly back into the waters and did not return. The magic had worked.

  They left the caves and paddled onto the lake of Blue Shimmer. It was early morning and the mists surrounded the lake keeping them safe. They moved quickly as they saw the high towers with Dragon Killers. Boats and fog horns sounded as torchlights were lit from the top.

  They had reached Blue Shimmer.


  Word had reached the city that the Mystic Dayven and his company had reached Blue Shimmer with a dire warning of the uprising of the Dark Fae Clans. The company had been brought to the main building where the keep and castle stood surrounded by the towns square. On the north, south east and west walls stood huge towers with Dragon Killers, giant crossbows. Six years ago, the city had been attacked by the Crimson Seekers which had brought a giant monster out of the water, the Hydra. Back then the Boy-Mystic Dunnganon and Brea had protected the city with two old friends. A burly man with silver gray hair and full beard in hunters garb came up to Dayven and gave him a hug. His suntanned face and brown eyes looked gently on the Elf. He was like a second father to him.

  Dayven had not seen his friend Tullamore in six years. The man and his friend Flicker, a half elf who was the same age as Dayven now wore a blonde beard and long golden locks. The two had been friends for years since the Reunion Wars and helped defeat Zandu’s armies and the Crimson Seekers. Flicker was much taller and dressed in stone master clothing. He was in charge of building the city while Tullamore kept up the Council of Elders. During the time the Crimson Seekers had attacked the city, the Dwarven King Lurgan had took command, but he returned back to his Homeland. Tullamore and Flicker were considered heroes because they helped to defeat the Hydra which nearly lay waste to Blue Shimmer. Now the news of a new threat did not sit well. The cities militia went into immediate action. They held a meeting stating that they would need safe passage to the shores of Fire Rock Crater. It was unknown if the Dark Fae Warlock would attack the city. Blue Shimmer was surrounded by water where all the streams and rivers led into a blue lake which surrounded the city that was walled with marina’s piers and pilings for small ships and rowboats. Fishing was their main way of life, but trades had become well known throughout the Six Providences since they had rebuilt the city. Tullamore was smitten with Shydrie and could not take his eyes off her. She was beautiful, fit, and deadly. The Spellmaker was more withdrawn, quiet, but spoke when needed to. The two Mystics explained that they would have to go to the shoreline and search of the Red Faeriestone. The Elven talisman was thought to have survived the destruction of Fire Rock Crater when it exploded after the Crimson Seekers had been defeated. Prince Grandur and Noleann the Bounty Huntress also knew Tullamore and Flicker and they spent some time together talking about their daughter, Laurinda. Tullamore was so happy that he hugged them both with a big bear hug. Then he introduced a woman that was silver haired blue eyed and round with grandmothers features.

  “Everyone this is my wife, Beaura.” She hugged them all as if she knew them. Tullamore had told all of the tales of Dayven and the company. “We were married five years ago,” he said. “She’s a fine catch.”

  “Oh, Tully,” she laughed calling by his nickname. “I am going to make some pies for them to eat. I know you cannot stay, but I will only be in the kitchen for a few hours.”

  Shydrie looked at O’Dea and flashed the coin which Tullamore grasped out of her hand. He studied it and his face became serious. “They are in your debt. I will bring you to their stronghold, but they do not take to strangers lightly. They are a rough bunch of Dwarves. We leave them alone and they do business mostly outside the walls of Blue Shimmer. Very few are allowed to be in their leaders presence. The Dwarf Assassins’ Creed is secret. They know what I did for the city so they will see me. I can guide you there. May I ask what it is you look for?”

  “A possible few men to journey with us.”

  “They will honor that She-Elf Warrior. You must have meant something to him if he gave you his coin.”

  “Dwarf Assassin Razor was good man. The Dark Fae Warlock must pay for what he has done.”

  “Then he has made some very powerful enemies,” Tullamore finished as she went on about her business.

  “We leave in a half hour,” he managed as he turned to Beaura and gave her hug and a kiss on the forehead. “Nothing to worry about my dear. Just some business.”

  “I know about your Dwarf Assassins,” she said curtly. “And I don’t care for them,”

  The Mystic Dayven spent the half hour preparing for the trip. The boats had been ordered to take them directly to the shorelines of Fire Rock Crater. Tullamore had asked about Allenor the Mystic, but he had not been seen for a long time. It was surmised that he was on some important business. The Mystic Dayven reminded him that there were other Mystics out there and they would need to be called on if a Dragon Faerie War were to take place. No one on the shorelines had seen the Fire Imps or Dark Fae Wolven Elves. But the Warlock was a different matter, he could use his magic to bring forth something big to attack the city as he did as the boy Jarret when the Crimson Seekers had taken him and made him one of them.

  Prince Grandur and Noleann the Bounty Huntress rested in their room with large bay windows that overlooked the western part of the city. Below cobblestone walkways and alleyways made up the city. Houses and building were etched all along the clean streets where weapons, fish and other wares were sold. Reaching up into the sky on the eastern front was the tower which had six Dragon Killers built alongside the walls. Before they had only been one on the top, but with the reconstruction of the city, many of them were made. They were able to swivel to fight in all directions of multiple attacks.

  The Boy-Mystic studied the map of the shorelines and Fire Rock Crater which had been created. The front of the giant volcano had collapsed, but the back surrounding area was intact. The area had been mapped out years ago as the Mystic studied them. He then looked at the entranceway, alongside was a narrow tunnel that led to a pool of lava. Stone steps led all the way up the dais that overlooked the bubbling liquid. It was accessible from the eastern caverns. The southern caves had been completely collapsed. His eyes scanned the map as Llyendrie joined him looking over the scroll.

  “If it’s not directly at the entrance then that looks like a place where the Elves may have put the Red Faeriestone. They could have put it in the side cove with the lava. It will not be visible. I will have to use a ward to see if it can be located. I will have to be careful because the magic which protects could destroy us all.”

  Then there was a large pool of lava and they both surmised that it was there that Hearthstone Sword would be retrieved. A wide bridge span went between both lava pools. The bridge was man made and it had survived the great explosion because it was more to the back of the caldera. The Mystic and Spellmaker studied and took notes and put them in their pouch.

  Tullamore and Shydrie had left the safe confines of the main castle tower and headed north down cobblestone streets where the stores were open, and people
milled about selling and buying. They then went through a poorer section of the city where fisherman slept on mats in the streets and sold their days catch. They came to Blue Shimmer in the summer to make their money. Many of them decided to sleep outdoors and not rent the expensive Inn’s that richer adventurer’s secured. They moved down a long alleyway unaware of the Dwarven Assassins that followed them from above. They had been spotted and were headed directly to the stronghold. It was a building with an iron door guarded by a giant Dwarf who turned people away all day long. Tullamore and She-Elf stopped at the door.

  “Nobody enters,” the bodyguard huffed trying to push them away. Then Shydrie showed him the coin. “His dark brown eyes looked at her and bowed his head as he unbarred the steel door and let them in.

  They moved into a long hallway and were led to a room where a dwarf with a right eye patch counted his gold. Other dwarves stood alongside with their weapons drawn. In the middle of the room was a burly dwarf with black hair, and a gray beard, brown dark eyes scanned the room. He wore gloves without fingers to protect his palms. He was dressed all in black, a scar under his left eye slanted into his cheek. A cut on the right side of his forehead had a thick scar. He stopped his business and eyes peered up at the two intruders.

  “What is your business She-Elf?” the Assassin Dwarf said continuing counting his money. She handed him the coin and looked at the markings. The dwarf held back his anger and emotions. “My son, is he dead?”

  “Yes,” she said. “We need your help.”

  “My name is Master Dwarf Assassin Quartz and Razor was my son. We are in your debt. How can we help?” He finally looked up as the others removed the gold and cleared the room.

  “We need two of your most powerful Dwarf Assassins Clerics. They need to know how to use magic as a weapon. We are up against an enemy that is almost indestructible.”


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