Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle

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Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle Page 14

by BLMorticia

  Alexander shook his head and sighed, "Ah, we should cut our losses there. New York's doing triple the business anyway."

  "No, dad. Those people will be out of work."


  "So, I'm not doing that unless we're hitting rock bottom. Besides, it was you who decided to buy two smaller firms and merge them against a giant like Donaldson. They've got a huge reputation there in the east."

  "Yes they do, which we're trying to get as well."

  "Easier said than done." Brendan removed his coat and put it in the closet. "Good rapport with people comes from years of building solid relationships. We haven't done that yet."

  Alexander eyed him, drawing up his lips. "True, but ... I expected more with the team we built there. Nevertheless, we're on the move here in Chicago. With Harrisford in the fold, we're practically unstoppable." His frown turned into a huge grin. "Um, why are you still wearing that scarf?"

  "Oh, um." Brendan turned his back on his dad, not wanting to remove it. "It was a gift from a friend."

  "I'm guessing a man," Alexander scoffed.

  "Yes, a man, who I like, a whole lot. And nothing you can say or do will change that."

  "Just make sure you keep that under wraps, Brendan. I won't have the president of Walsh parading around with a man, tarnishing the legacy of this company!"

  Brendan took the seat at his desk and glanced at his father. "For now you will get your wish, but soon ..."

  "Soon, what?"

  Brendan rubbed the red scarf against his cheek. "I'll come out the closet and if it tarnishes the family name, too damn bad."

  "You don't mean that! You like money too much to leave all this behind."

  "Well, I'm starting to rethink my priorities. Just you wait."

  Brendan was solid in his threat, but he himself wondered when he would follow through. Regardless, he needed to make sure everything was in place to make the jump from Walsh heir to start-up businessman if his father carried on with his promise.

  Chapter Twelve

  Brendan sprinted down the escalator to Cathy's, side stepping the line. "Good morning, Cathy. The usual. I'm meeting my father in the next ten minutes."

  "Okay, no worries. Everything good?"

  Brendan was in no mood to talk right now. "It will be better in a few hours. Either I'll be still running this building or ... who knows what he'll do. All I know is, it's time."

  Cathy appeared pleased. "Oh Brendan, you mean ..." She clapped.

  "Yes, yes, and please, don't say anything to him. I want it to be a surprise."

  Cathy rubbed her hands together. "Okay, okay. I will. I wish you both the best and remember me when it's time to plan the big day."

  "We will, Cath. I've got to go. Dad and I are due to talk at eight. See you later."

  Brendan patted her shoulder and eyed Latte, holding up his cup in toast. When their eyes met again, he winked and walked out quickly before he did something rash. Not that kissing his man in public was a bad thing, but he didn't want things to get back to Alexander before they had a chance to talk. And thanks to the encouragement Latte had been giving him since day one, Brendan finally got enough confidence to tell his father where to stick it.

  On the way to the elevator, Brendan took pleasure in the warm caramel hitting his taste buds. It reminded him of something else warm he enjoyed swallowing late at night and early in the morning on weekends.

  Brendan grinned to himself and took another sip, trying to flush the sexy memories and replacing them with his speech. Easier said than done however, because lately his lover had ruled his thoughts.

  When the floor made it to fifteen, Brendan took the slow stroll to the doors of his office. He removed his coat, leaving Latte's scarf around his neck for strength. He truly hated having this conversation with his dad but, honestly it had been long overdue. It was time Alexander Walsh understood that Brendan wouldn't hide himself for the good of the company.

  "Good morning, Mr. Walsh, your father is waiting for you in the conference room." Delia smiled and handed him a small stack of messages.

  "Thank you, Delia. Just wanted to let you know, I've appreciated everything you've done for me." He tapped on the desk and kept walking, knowing he'd confused the hell out of the poor woman. She never knew anything much about him, but after the up and coming blow out with dad, Brendan was sure that she'd find out more than she ever wanted.

  Arriving at the door, he tightly clutched the doorknob until his knuckles turned white. While leaning against the frame, he sucked in a breath and closed his eyes, willing himself to say everything he'd wanted to say for years. Now, it had come down to voicing everything he'd thought about Alexander. A huge risk, but having Latte made this bitter pill of possibly losing his position easier to swallow.

  "I love you, Latte." Brendan mouthed to himself and turned the knob, feeling his fingers slip from their perspiration.

  He gulped hard and opened the door wide, meeting his father's stern gaze. The shorter man's shoulders hunched.

  "I can tell you have something on your mind. You haven't been the same since ... Mr. Jenkins started coming to see you regularly."

  Brendan cocked an eyebrow, knowing his father noticed the frequency of Latte's visits. "Yes, well, he makes me happy, dad. Very happy."

  "So I gather, which means ..."

  Brendan threw his coat on a nearby chair. "I'm not gonna hide for you anymore, dad. I'm coming out. Today. To you, everyone in Walsh, and the financial industry. Soon everyone will know I'm a proud, gay man."

  Alexander shook his head and refolded his hands on the table. "I was afraid of that, but, I've noticed your confidence grow ever since you started ... um... seeing him."

  "Yes, because he gave me hope." Brendan took another breath. "I know you don't get, what you call my lifestyle, but you don't control my life. Not anymore. I won't lie to people or stay in the shadows just to save the Walsh name."

  Alexander agreed with a nod and shrugged, "Yes, I know and I don't want you to."

  Brendan eyes widened and he cleared his throat. "Um, sorry?"

  Alexander looked up at the ceiling and clicked his teeth. "Oh, for Pete's sake, Brendan, just because you're a flaming fag, I'd never disown or throw you out of my will. I was threatening because you continued to accept it. But, regardless, I've realized how lucky I am to have you as a son. Unlike your brother, you love the financial industry. You enjoy making money and building up the Walsh brand. I was just hoping, against all hope of course, that your mother was wrong about you. But, as many have said in the past, a mother knows her child better than anyone."

  Brendan's brows furrowed. "Mom? What do you mean?"

  "Your mother always knew you were gay. I really thought, I prayed that it was just a phase, but, Vicella knew better. She said you liked boys. She even caught you kissing one of the neighbors boys right before she passed."

  Alexander got up from his chair and sighed. He pushed his hands into his pockets and stood in front of Brendan.

  "Listen. You are my child. You will always be my child even though you're ... gay. Besides that huge flaw, I know you're a fine leader for this company. You've done nothing but make Walsh better than when I started it. You've worked more hours, putting your happiness on hold for the good of the company. I appreciate that and it's time I stepped back and let my son, my one son that respects me, run Walsh as it should be."

  Brendan's heart thumped so hard in his chest, he heard it in his ears. Tears formed under his eyelids and he covered his mouth, trying to hold back. While part of him was happy about his father's reaction, he was angry he'd held this over his head. "God, I should hate you for this, but you're my only living parent."

  "Yes, I am." Alexander patted his shoulder and squeezed. "I love you son, regardless of who you love. Just don't expect me to wave any rainbow flags or any of that, because I won't. I don't understand how any man could want another man's genitals anywhere near him, but, whatever. God doesn't make mistakes. What I do know is yo
u're a good man. Vicella and I raised two wonderful sons regardless of their life paths or sexual preferences."

  Brendan smiled and wiped the moisture from under his eyes. "Thank you. And don't worry, no worries, I won't ask you to march in any pride parades anytime soon, but I will ask you to leave my office so I can get some work done."

  Brendan's dad smirked and walked in the opposite direction. "All right. And actually, if you want to put a float in that parade, do that. People love forward thinking corporations. If there's anything I've learned from being in California, consumers are more apt to spend money when you tote the equality banner."

  Brendan shook his head. "I won't be doing that to get business. Now, please." Brendan waved his hand towards the door.

  "Oh, don't start that higher than mighty bullshit with me. You can make a statement and make us some money."

  Brendan rolled his eyes. "When are you leaving again?"

  "After we get Harrisford to sign on the dotted line this evening. First flight out in the morning after celebratory drinks. Bring your boyfriend if you want. I suppose I need to get to know the man if you plan on making him part of the family."

  "I sure will. We'll be there with bells on."

  After his father left his office, Brendan headed downstairs to give Latte the good news. When the elevator got to the ground floor, he jogged to the escalator with only two things on his mind. Latte and something to calm his jumpy nerves. Brendan didn't need more caffeine especially now with all the nervous energy practically radiating off his body.

  He eyed the mural dedicated to his mother and said a silent thank you for making an impression on his father even in death. Brendan never thought it would be possible for him and his father to see eye to eye.

  As he reached the bottom, he noticed the line for the coffee shop was a lot shorter. He pushed his hands in his pockets, looking at the line reach the end of the shop's counter. Brendan waved his hand in front of him, allowing the people behind to get their orders first. Once they spoke to Latte, Brendan approached him with a sly grin. "Hello, lover."

  Latte cocked an eyebrow and looked around, noticing no one in earshot. "Um, hey. You need another latte macchiato already?"

  Brendan caught his green gaze and reached across the glass, pulling his arm. "Not the drink, babe. You." He stepped behind the counter, bringing Latte in. "I need to hold and kiss you, Latte, right now."

  People gasped and whispered but Brendan could care less.

  "Um, Brendan? We're ..." Latte appeared confused, almost hesitant to accept Brendan's embrace.

  "I know. We're in front of people and I could care less, you know why?" Brendan wrapped his arm around Latte's waist.


  "Because I'm falling in love with you. I'm a proud, gay man who adores you. So, kiss me, Latte. Kiss me like you mean it." Brendan traced Latte's lips with his tongue, kissing him as if his life depended on it.

  Latte responded by crushing his mouth on top of Brendan's, nearly knocking him backwards.

  Brendan accepted, wrapping both arms around Latte's body in tight bind.

  People's whistles and comments surrounded them, as well as a few claps. The place wasn't overly full with customers, but definitely enough to say Brendan caused a scene.

  "Damn." Latte leaned into Brendan's forehead and rested his arms on Brendan's shoulders. "You told him, huh? What happened?"

  Brendan placed a light kiss on Latte's lips mouth and dragged a finger over his chin. "I'll tell you tonight after work and by the way, we need to wear something fancy tonight."

  Latte's eyes bulged. "Really? He didn't do ..."

  "No, but I was fully prepared to walk away. I told him how I felt and he seemed to get it. He doesn't like it, but I still run Walsh, as an out gay man. Either way it wouldn't have mattered because I love you."

  "I love you too, Brendan."

  "Awww ..." Cathy came up behind and hugged them both. "Oh man, I'm crying, that was so beautiful." She sniffed.

  Brendan laughed and enveloped Latte's lips again, enjoying his man close to his body.

  With the biggest weight now lifted, Brendan and his man could show their affections in the building and out of it without worry.

  No more hiding in the shadows for Brendan. He could no enjoy running Walsh Financial Enterprises as a happily taken gay man.

  Chapter Thirteen

  "Whew, your dad is still a trip." Latte took Brendan's arm as they walked out the restaurant. "He doesn't hold anything back, does he?"

  Brendan shrugged, "I swear if he wasn't my dad, I would've done him bodily harm. He made the Harrisfords and us uncomfortable."

  "Well, only when he started talking about gays and how they shouldn't be allowed to have children. That kind of got in my craw."

  "True. No worries. Hopefully he'll get over that too." Brendan nodded at Sidney and waved his hand for Latte to get in first.

  "Hope so." Latte climbed inside and sat on the left. He watched Brendan get in, appearing a lot more relaxed. "You still have to tell me what happened this morning."

  "I told him I wouldn't allow him to force me in the closet anymore. After that, he mentioned my mom and how she knew I was gay all along. I always kind of figured that, but I never had the chance to ask her before she passed."

  Latte rubbed Brendan's kneecap.

  "No, it's all right. My mother was a wonderful woman. She accepted everyone regardless of who they were. Why wouldn't she know?" Brendan patted Latte's hand and squeezed. "Anyways, I'm mad as hell at him for keeping it from me, but I can't hold that against him. I still don't know what influenced his decision, but that doesn't matter. I have almost everything I want."

  "Almost?" Latte looked up at Brendan.

  "Well, I have you but, the next thing is to make everything official, right?"

  Latte exhaled and grabbed Brendan's hand, bringing it to his lips. He was relieved to hear Brendan talking about their future. "Yes, we do."

  "Good. So, the apartment you have in the loop. How long is your lease?"

  Latte cocked an eyebrow. "Um, six more months. Why?"

  Brendan clasped both their hands together and pressed a peck on Latte's knuckles. "Because I want you to move in with me. I know we've only been seeing one another for a few weeks but, I'm ready to move forward. I know you're the man I want."

  Latte dropped his gaze a moment, wondering had he voiced everything to Cathy too fast. No question, he wanted to live with Brendan, but he wondered was that Brendan's way of making things 'official.'


  "Um, yeah, uh. I'm just kind of shocked that you asked me so soon," he lied.

  "Honestly, I wanted you after the first date," Brendan laughed. "But I knew that would be crazy. We still didn't know one another well enough and, truthfully, there are still things to know but, I'm in love with you and that's all that matters."

  "I love you too, Brendan, and yeah, I'll move in. I'll just keep the lease going until I can find someone else to take it." Latte tried hiding his disappointment.

  "We don't need to do that. I'll pay it off, then you won't owe them anything. Now, what do you say we go to Tig's to celebrate, huh? I could use a couple after being with my father these last three hours or so."

  "Yeah, okay, but I don't want you paying things off for me. I can sublet it to someone else just like Tig's friend did for me."

  Brendan lifted Latte's chin up and lightly kissed it. "Oh Latte, stop that, okay? I'm your man. Remember, I run Walsh, all right? I have more than enough to take care of both of us. Instead of worrying about that, concentrate on your art. The last thing you need is stress right when you're trying to start your own gallery."

  "True but, I haven't ..."

  "Lover, please. No arguments, hmm?" Brendan pecked his lips and traced them with the tip of his tongue. "We help each other, right?"

  "Yes ..."

  "And since I've got the financial means things like that shouldn't be a problem. Oh, and by the way, I started checkin
g out spaces for you in River North for a gallery. A lot of Chicago's best feature their work in that area. You should be there too."

  Latte gawked at Brendan in surprise. "Um, yeah, but I can't ..."

  "Shh, sh, I'll take care of everything." Brendan grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him hard.

  Latte couldn't speak or think after that kiss so all he did was accept it and reciprocate. He rested his arms on Brendan's shoulders and melded into him, taking pleasure in their embrace.

  "Mmmm, this might be a short trip if we keep this up." Brendan managed to say while they connected once again.

  Latte settled in and enjoyed their moment, forgetting all about his anxiety.

  Brendan was his man. He loved him, he wanted to live together, but would that be the extent of their relationship?

  After a half hour, Latte and Brendan arrived at Eclectic's front door. As per usual, patrons lined up outside, trying to make their way inside the jam packed club. However, it was Pre-Valentine's day weekend. People were hoping to walk out with a date.

  Latte saluted Gene at the door and they walked inside hand in hand. Latte glanced to the left, noticing Tig serving sp he led Brendan through the crowd.

  "Hey Tig." Both of them greeted him at the same time.

  "Well, hello to the lovebirds!" Tig smiled wide. "Whatcha having tonight?"

  "The usual, Tig and whatever my lover wants, indulge him. I need to go to the restroom." Brendan kissed Latte's cheek and slapped a large bill on the counter. "Here love, I'll be right back."

  Latte nodded and watched Brendan fade into the crowd. When he noticed what Brendan left, he sighed and shook his head. "Here man, I'm guessing this is yours."

  "Whoa, nice. Thanks, but you know your drinks are always free." Tig set the glasses down. "Something wrong?"

  Latte shrugged, "I should be happy..."

  "Yes you should. You got a fine ass man. You're a step closer to getting the gallery going..."

  "Uh huh. He told his father about us today. We just had dinner with him."


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