Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle

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Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle Page 16

by BLMorticia

  "Aw, look at you acting like an old married man already," Tig chided. "Don't tell me now that you're a kept man you're gonna stop hanging out."

  "I'm not ..." Latte exhaled and shook his head. "I'm not gonna stop hanging, but I'm tired as hell. I had to work a double because Derrick came down with a cold."

  "He ain't sick. He was probably chasing some tail."

  "You're probably right, but I don't have the facts to back it up. All right, let me go. My shower is calling my name."

  "Fine, fine. Tell your hot man I said hello. I'm jealous as all hell you found such a good looking man to take care of you."

  "He's not taking care of me." Latte snapped. "Bye, Tig."

  "All right, don't be so--"

  Latte pushed disconnect and shoved the phone back in his pocket. Tig's snide comments bothered him. Especially since Latte was still forming the words to make his speech to Brendan.

  Latte wasn't a kept man and never would be. He just needed to tell his man what he really wanted.

  "So Brendan. I had other ideas, but I figured we could discuss them in the next board meeting. I'm really pleased with how you've handled the takeover."

  "Thanks. I appreciate the vote of confidence. Unlike Dad, I wanted to ease you into this transition and not move too quickly. I realize you'll be putting me in charge of something you've spent your whole life building so, I wish to make it as easy as possible."

  "I'm glad. You and your father are good businessmen. I wish my children could be interested like you are."

  "Well, I'm a numbers nut, what can I say?" Brendan clapped his hands together and looked around for the waitress. He'd been wanting to go home to his man for the past few hours, but he didn't want to be rude. "So, I guess we can call it a night, then. I'm taking tomorrow off, but I assure you, I'll be keeping you abreast of everything going on in the next few weeks up to the director's meeting. By the way, have you picked your successor, yet?"

  "No. I've got a couple of candidates in mind. I thank you for taking the time to talk with me on such short notice. Your father's big ideas sort of bothered me."

  "Yes, he has some large goals for everyone, but we'll start small. I know Harrisford and Associates will fit well under the Walsh umbrella. Excuse me, waitress? Check please?"

  She nodded, "Right away, sir."

  "No, let me." Dwight pulled out his credit card. "And how is your boyfriend doing? I have to admit I was a little taken aback by you two dining with your father, knowing how bigoted he is."

  "Latte's wonderful. We're about to find space for him to show his art and teach classes in the summer. As for my father, he's just old fashioned. He doesn't understand gay men and that's okay. So long as he got that I wouldn't be in the closet anymore."

  "You shouldn't have to. Being gay is a part of life. I don't really get it, but I won't prohibit anyone from being who they are."

  The waitress nodded at both of them and placed the bill wallet on the table. "Thank you, gentlemen. Whenever you're ready."

  Brendan returned the nod. "I appreciate that, Dwight and thank you for the dinner."

  Dwight placed his card in and reached across the table, holding out his hand. "You're very welcome, Brendan. And tell Latte I said hello. I wish the two of you the best. Save me a seat at the wedding."

  Brendan accepted with a smile. "Will do, Dwight. As soon as we set a date. Hopefully, a lot sooner than later."

  Once Brendan walked Dwight to his car, he jumped in his limo to head home. On the way, he recalled the last words Dwight said to him.

  Save me a seat at the wedding.

  Brendan wanted to do just that, but he wondered when he'd get enough gumption to ask for Latte's hand in marriage. He worried about rushing into things especially since they'd moved in together and were getting tested. What if Latte didn't want to set a date so soon? What if he wanted to get his career off the ground first?

  Thinking of it, Brendan sighed inwardly and focused on the scenery outside. The frozen Lake Michigan with the dead of night as a backdrop was so calm and peaceful. If the weather were better, he'd love to walk on the beach. During the summer, Brendan enjoyed morning walks to clear his head before going into work. One of the many things he looked forward to about springtime and thankfully, it was right around the corner.

  Once Sidney pulled up, Brendan bid him goodnight and hopped out. He used the keycard to get to the elevator.

  "Have a good night, Steven."

  "You too, Brendan."

  The elevator arrived quickly and before he knew it, Brendan was at his front door.

  "Latte, I'm home." Brendan walked in, removing his coat and tossing it on the sofa nearby. He hoped Latte was still awake so they could talk about what he desired to do next.

  Brendan didn't think he could hold it in.


  "In the bedroom, babe."

  Brendan ambled down the hallway to their bedroom, loosening his tie. He heaved in deeply and stepped inside, trying to get his words together for this conversation. "Lover, can we talk a minute? I ... I have something on my mind that I want to ask you."

  "Really? I do too." He patted the space next to him.

  Brendan cocked an eyebrow and flopped on the bed. He pressed a kiss onto his cheek and kicked off his shoes. "You first."

  "No, you." Latte rubbed his thigh and squeezed. "I'm still trying to get my words together right now."

  "Why? I told you don't be worried about talking to me." Brendan dropped his gaze and took Latte's hand. "Anyway, I've been thinking about something. For both of us. We got going so damn fast, you know but, we just felt it and I don't see a reason for us to slow up now."

  "I don't either. I fell for you the minute I laid eyes on you."

  "Me too, which is why." Brendan said a silent prayer and tightened his grip on Latte's hand. He got off the bed and knelt down on one knee. "Latte will you... I know we've only been together--"

  "Yes!" Latte yelled and jumped off the bed, knocking Brendan backwards until his back hit the floor. "I don't care how long it's been, babe. We're perfect for each other and we both know it. Yes, I will marry you."

  "Oh God, Latte, I'm so happy to hear you say that." Brendan held onto him and placed kisses on his forehead on down to the tip of his nose. Another huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. "I wondered if I'd scare you off, I ..."

  "Me too, baby. That's why I been all anxious for this past week. It's fast, but who cares? We know we love each other and that's all that matters."

  Brendan pressed their lips together and ran his hands down Latte's slender body. "True love. So, after we get a clean bill of health, we'll make a stop at the jeweler to check out some rings then?"

  Latte laughed, "Yes, we will, Brendan. We definitely will."


  Three months later

  "Duh, duh, duh, duh, dun, duh, dun duh..." Tig did a little dance as he adjusted Latte's tie. "You look good, La La. This suit is cool as hell."

  "Thanks. I like the three quarter length jackets a lot. I swear, Brendan went above and beyond the call for this wedding, but ..."

  "Dude, will you stop? Your man has more money than God. He can afford to go all out. Not only that, you're getting married in the court where you guys met which means no venue fees or shit like that," Tig laughed. "It's your big day, La La. Let the man spend it on you."

  "I guess you're right. Damn, I can't believe this day is already here. We've been planning and bringing in people from Nola. I appreciate your dad and mom making the trip too. It's almost like having my mom and pop here."

  "You know they're your second set." Tig dusted off his shoulders. "They love you as if you were, they're own."

  "I love that, too." Latte looked in the full length mirror and eyed his reflection. "Damn, Tig, I'm not gonna cry right now, but it's a special day."

  "Yeah, it is. So, enjoy it and stop stressing over the small stuff. The fact is you and Brendan belong together. You both had hard ass parents and than
kfully, one of them had the sense to come around."

  "Yeah, Mr. Walsh has been cool, too. He makes some comments about how he doesn't get how a man could want another man's balls, but oh well. At least he's here. That's a lot more than I can say about my own folks."

  "Don't sweat it. Like I said, my folks are here, the family from Nola, and Brendan's dad, brother and sister-in-law and everyone who works at Eclectic and Walsh is here too. Ya'll got plenty of support at this shindig."

  Latte nodded, "Thanks man."

  "No prob." Tig patted his shoulder.

  "Hey, Tig give me a sec, okay? I just need a moment before the ceremony starts."

  "Okay man. Go pee and all that so you won't have to stop the wedding," he laughed. He gripped his shoulder and headed out of the makeshift dressing room in the back of Cathy's corner.

  Latte inhaled a deep breath, looking at the engagement band with diamond and onyx settings. "Thank you, God for blessing me with a beautiful man. A thriving business, wonderful friends, and family. Bless momma and poppa even though they aren't here." Latte pulled the jacket down on his arm and rolled his shoulders.

  In less than twenty minutes, he'd be Mr. Davori Jenkins-Walsh and he couldn't have asked for anything more.

  After taking Tig's advice, Latte headed out of the shop and stood next to the entrance of Cathy's as they'd rehearsed. Brendan was to come out the bookstore and they were to walk together to stand in front of the justice of the peace, a local judge who worked at the cook county courts. Brendan's brother was the best man along with Cathy who would walk with him while Tig walked with one of Latte's good friends, Danielle. They didn't want a large wedding party, only close friends they knew would appreciate their relationship.

  Besides, the more people in the ceremony meant the longer the procession would be. Who needed that, especially on a warm Sunday afternoon.

  With one of Latte's favorites playing over the sound system, Brendan's brother Brian walked out first with Cathy on his arm, then Tig and Danielle did a slow walk until they made it up to the front.

  Latte heaved in another breath and looked to his right, noticing his gorgeous groom stepping out of the bookstore with a huge grin on his face. When he walked up, he took his hand and they stepped, passing by many of the tenants in the building as well as people from back home just as Tig had said. Over three hundred guests made it to the ceremony in Vicella court, dressed in their Sunday best to watch the two of them exchange vows.

  When they made it up to the front, the judge began speaking and Latte couldn't help but tear up. This was it. This was the moment he'd been waiting for to happen between them.

  Only three months between the proposal and the ceremony, but Latte felt like it had been a lifetime. Finally, they would be official and legally joined.

  Brendan met Latte's green gaze and the emotion washed over him. He noticed the moisture under Latte's eyelids and gripped his hand tighter as the judge read the vows for them to repeat. As private as he'd been, he wanted everyone to share in the happiest day of his life. Brendan Walsh was finally marrying the man of his dreams.

  "I do," Brendan repeated, sensing the tear run down his cheek. He grabbed the ring from his brother and took Latte's hand once again, reciting the other set of vows to bind them together. His heart thumped against his chest, knowing all these people were taking part in his special day.

  "With this ring, I be wed." Latte slipped the ring on and squeezed both his hands while the judge said the vows. They didn't take their eyes off each other and in a moment, he'd be able to kiss him for the first time today.

  "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr. Davori Jenkins-Walsh and Mr. Brendan Jenkins-Walsh. You may now enjoy your first kiss as a happily married couple."

  Brendan's gaze moved from the judge to Latte and he grabbed Latte around the waist, crushing their lips together. The minute they did, the crowd cheered, and music played, meaning they had gotten what they ultimately wanted.

  Now, they'd enjoy some time with everyone, shaking hands and giving their thank you's to everyone who'd come for their big day, before jumping on a flight to enjoy two weeks of honeymoon in Hawaii.

  After the reception, Brendan and Latte boarded their flight for Honolulu. Brendan was relieved the day went smoothly and now he'd get time alone with the man he loved more than anything.

  "Just you and me now." Brendan lifted the bottle of champagne from the bucket and poured a glass for him and Latte. "As much as I enjoyed it, I couldn't wait to get out of there."

  Latte accepted the glass and clanked it against Brendan's. "Me neither. I loved seeing all the fam from back home, but it was only so much face pinching I could take."

  Brendan laughed. "Yes, me too. My cheeks hurt from your aunt's grips more than anyone."

  Latte took a sip. "Oh, I know. Believe you me. Now you know how I felt when I was a chubby ten year old."

  "I can just imagine." Brendan finished the glass and grabbed Latte's hand, kissing the back of it. "I just wanted to say again how happy I am. I swear if you wouldn't have come into my life, I'd still be miserable."

  Latte pressed a soft kiss on his lips. "Well, if you wouldn't have come down to the coffee shop to grab a macchiato like six months ago--"

  Brendan released a silent groan, enjoying his man's mouth on top of his. "I'm glad I didn't hit the Starbucks across the street. It was too cold that day anyway."

  "True and besides, I make a better caramel latte."

  "You sure do," he agreed and returned the embrace with more fervor. He wrapped his arms around Latte's shoulders and leaned his head against his. "So, you wanna make me one now?"

  Latte pulled away a moment, appearing surprised. "Huh? You want me to make a latte macchiato now? I don't ..."

  "No, no, lover, when I'm speaking of caramel latte these days, I'm talking about you." Brendan ran his hands along the bulge in Latte's pants, feeling more than frisky.

  "Ohhh. In that case, baby ..." Latte removed his seatbelt and raised the arm rest in between them. He dragged his fingers over Brendan's chin. "I got a piping hot cup waiting for you."

  Brendan inched in closer, unzipping his jeans. "Then serve it up, Mr. Walsh. We got a lot time before this plane is ready to land."

  Love Voodoo

  Chapter One

  In Los Angeles...


  "Thanks for talking with me today, Cayden. So, tell me more about the internet sensation that no one can get enough of. Your debut album was a hit in several parts of the world." The boy-band reject smiled at me.

  Interviews weren't my favorite thing to do, but with a second album on the way, I had to do some kind of promotion other than the internet hype I had created on my own. However, I'd do it on my own terms. I agreed to chat with this magazine journalist in my home office so I wouldn't be inconvenienced. Although I wasn't too keen about allowing people into my private life, I sucked it up so I wouldn't have to drive through traffic or risk getting found by fans if I left the magazine's building on the other side of town.

  If there was anything that made me happy, it was talking about my music. I smirked and clapped my hands. "Well, I've always wanted to be a professional musician. Ever since I was a kid--"

  The interviewer sighed and shook his head. "No, I get that, but tell me more about you. Are you the surly bastard some say you are?"

  "Hey, I resent that!" I snarled.

  "Well, they say--"

  I held up my hand. "Doesn't matter. No one knows me or what I've been through. I'm only hard on people who've given me grief. And believe me there are plenty. So, if you're gonna insult me, you can use the same door to see your way out. I'm not gonna take this. I don't have to, I'm...."

  "Yeah, we know. Cayden Wythe," he stated dryly. "Look. I know we had a set of approved questions, but I thought it better to take a different approach. Besides, your fandom wants more."

  "So they do. I answer questions when I can on my Facebook page or on Instagram. Stick to the or
iginal questions, or we're through." I leaned back on the sofa and picked up my stress ball, then squeezed the life out of it.

  "Dude, that's not enough. Plus you take days to answer."

  Listening to this reporter reminded me why I hated doing interviews. "Hey, I'm a busy guy. Isn't it enough that I'm posting videos on YouTube, giving people access to my life on Instagram and Snapchat?"

  The interviewer shook his head. "Obviously not. Who are you dating these days?"

  "None of your business."

  "Are you seeing anyone right now?"

  I exhaled and squeezed the ball harder. "Didn't. I. Just. Say. None of your business?" Obviously, this interviewer didn't hear my threat. I wasn't amused. I'd thought Gen-Pop magazine, an edgier publication, would be more entertaining to deal with instead of the boring old guy mags my dad might read.

  "All right, fine. Are you gay or straight?"

  "Fluid. One more question about my private life, and this interview is over." I stared daggers at whatever his name was. At this point I didn't care to remember.

  "Okay fine. How about a fast five? Favorite color?"


  "Favorite food?"


  "Chocolate or vanilla?"

  "Strawberry." I threw the ball up in the air and caught it. "Can't you come up with more original questions than this? I've had better interviews with two-bit webzines."

  The interviewer glared at me, slamming down his notebook. "Look, Cayden, you didn't want to answer the fun questions I asked."

  "Because they're too private. Those aren't the ones I agreed to answer. And since you decided to go off on your own, you can come up with more original questions without encroaching on my personal life. You're a skilled interviewer from an up-and-coming magazine, aren't you? What did they teach you in journalism school?"

  "I don't need this abuse. I'm trying to promote your newest single, and you're giving me a lot of flak. We can end this right now," he said pointedly.


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