Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle

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Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle Page 25

by BLMorticia

  "Yeah, he did want to keep it quiet. Here's the library. All the books were donated. We have a lot of different books. Classics, children's books, novels, everything."

  "That's awesome." Jonah stepped in, looking around, and Jaze followed him.

  Cayden turned to me and held my shoulders. "This place is fabulous. The kids will definitely get what they need out of here."

  "Yeah, they will. They get the support, and they have a place to unwind. We have computers too. They'll be able to surf the net, play games, do their homework. Whatever."

  "Nice to see someone give queer kids some hope. I wish I'd had that growing up."

  "Your family wasn't supportive?" Although Jonah had told me about Cayden losing his mom, I pretended not to know.

  "Mom died when I was young. I didn't know what I wanted until recently. Dad has been okay, but because of him not really being around for me, I didn't talk all that over with him."

  I sighed inwardly and shrugged. "At least you have your dad. I got no idea where my parents are."

  Cayden appeared shocked by what I'd said. "What?"

  "I was an orphan. The lady that helped raise me at the Genesis shelter said my mother left me in a dumpster like most young mothers do. So please cut your dad some slack, huh? He might've made mistakes, but now he's around to atone for them. And he supports the fact you're queer."

  Cayden stared at me blankly. I could tell I'd put something on his mind. He nodded. "To be clear, I identify as fluid. I'm not set in who I'm attracted to, so I'd rather leave my options open."

  "Understood. Who you like is your business."

  Cayden flashed that million-dollar smile and stepped closer to me. "Yeah, but... I really like you. Don't take what I said the wrong way. I'm not looking at anyone else."

  "Uh-huh, right now you're not."

  Cayden chuckled. "Yeah, but who knows if it'll change? If things work out for us, I won't have to look elsewhere, right?"

  "We'll see, but I won't hold my breath."

  "No, don't do that, but believe you me, I want something with you, Trent." Cayden softly kissed my lips.

  Though the peck sent a shock to my groin, I backed away from him. He sure knew how to push all my buttons. "Let's finish the tour, and we can talk more about our plans later, okay?"

  Cayden smiled. "You got it."

  Chapter Thirteen


  Last night was another no-sex night between Trent and me, but I supposed it was for the best. At least I wouldn't have to worry about Jonah being around to cockblock anymore. Jaze would only go along if I asked him to because, although I wanted this to be a relaxing vacation, I'd been seen in too many places to hide. The people here hadn't been too crazy, though, which I appreciated wholeheartedly.

  The only thing that truly concerned me was the amount of attention Trent and I were getting on social media. I had my dad put out a statement for people to leave Trent alone and not stalk him. When my fans asked if he was my boyfriend, I simply replied he was my personal tour guide. I also said I wanted him to be more, thus sort of outing myself to the world, which was fine. I'd never made a fuss about my sexual identity because it truly wasn't anyone's business. No question I preferred men, but if someone of another identity caught my eye, I wouldn't have a problem with getting to know them.

  "All right, man, I'm off."

  I walked over to Jonah and shook his hand. "I hope you had fun."

  "I did, but I miss my girl."

  "I'm sure you do. Tell her she can stop hating me now because I'm not pining over you anymore."

  Jonah laughed and adjusted his bag on his shoulder. "Yeah, and you guys can get along now, right?"

  "I suppose. The fact she's dating you isn't the whole reason we're not friends. She just seems a lot more uppity than I could ever be."

  Jonah shook his head. "Nothing wrong with her, man. Anyway, you have a good time. Stay out of trouble."

  "I'll try hard to do just that."

  Jonah put down his bag. "Bro hug?"

  I smiled and stepped forward, giving him the affection he asked for. Bottom line, I'd kind of gotten over him because he didn't like me that way and I was completely into Trent. Regardless, Jonah was still my friend. I'd still take care of him no matter what happened between me and Mr. DeFleur.

  Jonah patted my back. "Later, man. Thanks for allowing me to use the jet."

  "No problem. I'll see you... ah, in a while, I guess."

  "A while? Cayden, you gotta come back and get ready for your tour."

  "Actually I'm supposed to be going back to Los Angeles to do a couple of remixes for my album, but I'm renting a studio and doing them here."

  "Pssh, dude. Don't overcrowd that man, okay? He seems like one of those who likes his space."

  "I know, but I can't help it. I really...." I sighed and waved my hand. "Ah, you don't wanna hear all this."

  "Everything up to the sex parts, I'm cool. Like I said, don't change everything for him, all right? Cool your jets."

  "Okay, Dad, I'll slow down," I said, grinning. "Get on outta here so you don't miss that plane."

  "See ya, Cay."

  "See you."

  Jonah smiled at me again, then spun on his heel and left my suite. I closed the door behind him and leaned against it.

  Am I crowding Trent?

  I didn't think so, but it probably wouldn't hurt to talk to him about it just to make sure.

  It wasn't just being around him that made me happy. Being here in the Big Easy was so damn inspiring. I'd come up with new ideas for songs and even some poetry. Something about being in this place got my creative juices flowing. I didn't want to leave Trent or this good feeling behind.

  After Jonah left, I walked to the bedroom of my suite and fished through the drawers for one of my first purchases in the Quarter. Actually, it was my very first find, sold to me by none other than the man I was chasing.

  "Lust potion, hmm?"

  I read the bottle to make sure there was nothing I was knowingly allergic to, then cracked open the bottle and smelled it.

  "Mmhm, damn. It smells nice." I dabbed a little on my finger and put it on my wrists. I figured that to be safe just in case I did get a breakout, it would only be on my hands and not anywhere else on my body.

  Though I knew Trent was interested in me, I was losing my patience. I wanted him something fierce, not just in my bed, but in my life. I knew he talked about staying here, but perhaps with more conversation and eventually deciding to date, he'd consider moving to Los Angeles with me. Not right this minute, but at least after we'd gotten to know one another.

  Once I put it away, I called my dad. I wanted to check how things were and inform him of my plans to stay longer.

  "Hey, Cay. How's your vacation?"

  "Good. Listen, I'm not coming back home as soon as I thought. I wanna stay down here for a while longer."

  "Oh? Does this have anything to do with the tour guide?" He chuckled.

  I wasn't amused. "It has everything to do with him and New Orleans. I love it here. I'm thinking of buying a place to stay too."

  "What? Cay, you've known the guy for a few days, right?"

  "I'm not buying it because of him, you dork! I love New Orleans. It's got history, culture, it's different, and oh man, the food down here. I'll have to work twice as hard in the gym."

  "Oh, I love New Orleans, too, but I've never considered moving there. The place is full of vagrants, and I'm not all that crazy about the fact it's mostly below sea level."

  "I really didn't ask you for your opinion on my choice. I'm not set on it yet. I said I'd like to. Anyway, I do like Trent. I wanna stay longer to try building something with him. I can't do that by jetting off in a week."

  "Well, listen to you. I'm happy for you, Cay."

  "Honestly I don't care if you are or not. I'm just letting you know I'm renting a place down here to remix, and I won't be back for at least another couple of weeks. The tour is still like six weeks away, so if I sta
y down here another three, I'll still have time to prepare."

  "Okay, fine. Any other demands?"

  "Yeah. Make sure the publicist stays on my social media while I'm gone. Block anyone who takes issue with my sexual identity as fluid. I'll be posting something there, maybe even doing a chat or something. I've been directing people to my Instagram for updates, but that's the best I can do."

  "Okay. Anything else?"

  "Yeah...." I twisted my lips to the side. "Thanks."

  "Thanks? For what?"

  I sighed and ran my hand over my head. "Thanks for putting up with me, I suppose. Glad to have someone other than Jonah helping me, even if you are kind of the hired help."

  "Oh, uh, you're welcome, Cay. I'm still your dad, all right? I made plenty of mistakes in the past, but I hope someday we can get past them."

  I shrugged. "Maybe. All right, I gotta go find my favorite guide. Jonah's on his way home, so it's just me, him, and Jaze."

  "Don't stray too far from Jaze, though. We have him for a reason."

  "Yeah, but Jaze is also a friend. One of the few I've got. Anyway, I'll see you around."

  "Yeah, um... any chance you might do that interview with Lilah now? She's still--"

  "Don't. Push. It. Alden. I said I don't want to do any more interviews this year, and I meant it. Tell her to tune in to my page like everyone else. You'll just have to find another way to get into her panties."

  "Fine," he huffed. "See you, Cayden."

  "Later." I pushed the disconnect button and leaned back in my chair.

  No doubt what Trent said had put something on my mind about my relationship with my dad, but I wouldn't be nominating him for any Father of the Year awards.


  "Soooo...." Susie tapped me on the shoulder. "Why aren't you with hunkalicious?"

  I exhaled and shook my head. "Because we don't have to spend every waking moment around each other."

  "So you are dating him, right?"

  "No. I'm his tour guide." I turned on my heel and walked out from behind the counter. I jumped off the platform, then ambled to the bookshelves to straighten the novels and pamphlets. Anything to keep me busy until Cayden got here.

  "You're more than that. He said so on his page."

  "What?" I whipped my head around to look at Susie.

  She smiled. "The fans of his page are asking about the hot guy, and Cayden calls you 'my personal tour guide, whom I'd love to be more.'"

  I shrugged. "Whatevs. He's into me now, but things will change when he finds another piece of ass to get into. Nothin' wrong with riding the wave, I suppose."

  "Trent!" Susie wailed and stomped her feet.

  "Girl, leave that boy alone about Mr. Pop Star," Irma scolded her. "We're about set to open. Start getting the money in that register and cut out all the gossiping."

  Susie huffed and shut her mouth.

  "I do hope things are progressing between you and him, but I still want to read his palm."

  "Will you stop it, already? He's not into that."

  "Don't matter. If you convince him, I might be able to find out if he's playin' you for a fool or really into you."

  "He's into me, Irma. He's said as much."

  "He says that now, but like you said, until another hot ass comes along."

  "Which is fine with me because I'm not really looking for anything serious."

  "But you don't sleep around."

  I dropped the book on the shelf. "I don't, but...." I licked my lips. "I wanna sleep with him eventually. No question there's been some heat exchanged, and well, damn, I wanna explore it."

  "Good. And if things don't work out, there's always Prez." Irma clasped me on the shoulder.

  I picked up the books and alphabetized them. "Prez, huh. Ugh, you're as bad as Susie wanting to get me laid."

  "Laid, coupled up, something, boy. You need a man."

  I eyed her and drew up my lips. "So do you, but I'm not bothering you about it, am I?"

  "No, but I ain't got no rich man wanting my drawers neither." She laughed.


  Susie chuckled. "Yep. Even Miss Irma knows Cayden wants you."

  "Whatever. Both of you just stay outta mine. I love you both as friends, okay? So... freaking butt out of my business."

  Irma chuckled. "All right. I'll stay out... for now."

  I shook my head, fished my keys from my pocket, and made my way over to the door. The minute I turned the lock, Cayden was there with a smile that could light up a huge room.


  I returned the grin. "Hey. Ready to go?"

  "I am. Did you eat anything?"

  "Nope. C'mon in before a ton of people notice you." I took Cayden by the hand and helped him up the steps. I didn't have to, but admittedly I'd missed putting my hands on him since I'd left his suite earlier this morning.

  Once I yanked him in, I closed the door behind him. I inhaled deeply, loving that smell. Apparently Cayden decided to forgo his expensive cologne for the lust potion. "You're wearing it?"

  Cayden bowed his head and licked his lips. "Yeah. Does it make you want to tear my clothes off?"

  Irma and Susie snickered.

  "Actually I wanted to tear your clothes off before you put that on." I kissed him quickly and pushed him ahead. When I got a good angle, I swatted his behind.

  Cayden yelped, making Irma and Susie laugh.

  "Hey, Cayden," Irma said.

  "Hi, Miss Irma. Susie."

  "Hi, Cayden. Since Jonah is gone, can I hang out with you guys today?"

  "No, you cannot because you gotta run the store," Irma said in a stern tone. "Without Trent here, it's just you and me. Then that new guy I hired, Gino, comes in to close. I'm closing the shop a little early, so I won't have to worry about us staying all day with him."

  "And this is why I need to be back here working," I said.

  "Naw, naw. Cayden paid for you to show him around. Do what you promised."

  "Yeah. And sorry, Susie. I'm looking forward to having Trent alone... except for Jaze, of course."

  Susie pouted. "Whatever." She put her head back in her book.

  Cayden turned to meet me. "Anyway, let's chat about where we're eating. Any other great little-known places we can get a meal?"

  "Plenty. I got another spot you might like in the Garden District. Then we can head over to Louis Three Cemetery if you like. There's another couple of museums we can check out too."

  "Can one be the World War II museum?"

  "Sure," I said, patting his shoulder. "Did you walk over, or is the car outside?"

  "Car's out front. I can't really walk anywhere anymore without being spotted. Ooh, and I wanna go on a swamp tour soon. Maybe we can rent a private boat?"

  "Ooh. That would be fun," Susie said.

  "Yeah, uh, sure." I loved that mostly everything with Cayden would be private, because as he said, we needed alone time if things were to progress between us.

  Not that I thought it would be more serious, but hey, I liked privacy. PDA really wasn't my thing.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Another few days had passed since Jonah left. He'd called me, sent me pictures of himself with Brianna living it up on the beach. I wasn't sure why. I was exactly where I wanted to be, which was with Trent, enjoying the scenery and high temperatures in the nineties.

  In these two weeks, we'd visited plenty of graveyards, museums, churches, and restaurants to last me a lifetime. Even some outside of New Orleans, which were just as charming. Louisiana was starting to feel less like a touristy spot and more like a place I wanted to put roots in. The more I stayed, the more I didn't want to pack up and leave.

  With all the running around, Trent and I hadn't gone out clubbing every night as I'd said initially. It was fine with me because Bourbon Street was just as entertaining. Drinks and Trent with some good food was all I needed anyway. This vacation had turned out to be more than just relaxation. It was a learning experience as well
as a lesson in restraint.

  "Well, that was awesome." We'd just walked out of a warehouse that featured paintings by local artists. I'd even bought a couple to be sent back to my place in Los Angeles.

  "It was." Trent took my hand and squeezed. "Hungry?"

  "A little. Maybe we can head back to the suite, order room service, and rest up before nightfall."

  "That's a good idea. I think they serve breakfast all day. I'm feeling sourdough french toast."

  "Ooh, I hadn't tried that," I said. "To the room it is."

  Trent nodded, and we walked back to the car only a few feet away. Trent hopped in the passenger side while I got behind the wheel.

  "Anything special you wanna do tonight?"

  I shrugged and turned the key. "Not really. Perhaps we'll just enjoy the evening in, and if the mood strikes us to head out, then we can." I smiled and eyed Trent from the side.

  "Works for me." He smirked and settled in. "You know where you're going, right?"

  "I do. Plus if I get lost, I'll pull up my GPS."

  "GPS, hmph. Reading maps is a lot more fun. What if you get to a town where the GPS on your cell doesn't work? There's lots of those here in the country."

  "I'm sure, but no place I wanna go."

  "Well, Louisiana's got lots of dead spots."

  I harrumphed. "You're just saying that to scare me."

  "No, I'm not. And I ain't talking dead as in deceased. I mean no signal."

  "Oooh." I chuckled. "Now you got me acting paranoid. I wasn't like this until I met you."

  Trent laughed. "Good. Maybe you'll start believing that the spirits I'm telling you about are real."

  "I am, and that's nuts." I honestly was starting to believe some of this shit. We hadn't seen any more ghosts as of late, which made it even more ridiculous.

  "No, it's not. Lots of skeptics come here, and they leave fully believing the lore. A lot of things have happened in this part of the States. Things people are afraid to talk about. Actually I do have a place I wanna take you to. It don't have to be tonight, but maybe on Friday."


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