Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle

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Pure Fluff: A Limited Edition Valentine's Day Bundle Page 30

by BLMorticia

  "That was no mistake." Dad cut me off. "He did it on purpose, just to spite me and you. If his mother wasn't a member of this church, I would've had him arrested." He spat.

  "He was young and dumb. We all make mistakes in life, especially as a youth. Doesn't the word teach us to forgive others? Besides, I believe Jared might be turning a new leaf."

  Mom and Dad eyed each other, then glanced at me.

  Mom sighed and shrugged. "You're right, son, but... oh Lord, just be careful around that child. I've got a bad feeling about him." She squeezed my shoulder and dragged her hand across my back.

  Dad shook his head. "I agree. I'm glad you're taking the high road, though. Proves we've taught you well."

  I cocked an eyebrow and nodded. "Yeah, you did." I couldn't help but butter Dad up some so he wouldn't catch on to my future plans.

  "Of course, we did. So, what are you and the demon spawn doing?"

  I snorted. "Dad. We're having dinner Friday night. That means I won't be around for Bible class. At least it'll be for a good reason. I'm making friends with a former rival and hopefully bringing him closer to God in the process."

  Mom grinned at me with tears in her eyes. "You're such a wonderful child. The good Lord will bless you a thousand times, you know that?"

  "He already has," Dad said confidently. "You and your wife or husband won't have to work the rest of your lives, thanks to me." He added, patting my shoulder.

  "Yeah, thanks." Father never missed an opportunity to congratulate himself. He'd built his company with his own money and made it a success. Thankfully, he didn't care about me running it either, because I had no interest in real estate.

  And although I wanted to get out of their house, I respected them immensely. They weren't homophobes, fully accepting my sexual orientation. Their terms because they truly didn't understand all the others.

  Still, Dad didn't like young people engaging in premarital sex, bondage, smoking weed, or drinking. Some of those I'd been doing for the last five or six years. In order to continue that, I had to get away from my folk's prying eyes.

  Chapter Four


  Today was the day.


  The day I'd make a fool out of Aren Winterroth and take pictures to prove it. Although I hadn't thought of exactly how I'd get the proof, I remained confident that I'd succeed. However, I didn't expect these feelings of guilt to crop up in my subconscious.

  What the fuck?

  Wasn't this my time to show this ass who was boss? We'd competed for everything back in school, from small races on the playground to who could ask certain girls out on dates. I'd be getting my ultimate revenge and my rocks off. So why did I feel like a fucking heathen?

  Damn conscience.

  Had to be nerves creeping in. That was the only explanation I could come up with.

  I'd gotten texts from Raymond and Blackie earlier, egging me on, telling me I'd fail. They really thought I'd allow my crush on Aren get in the way of what I'd wanted most.

  Of course, I wanted that ass, but I wished to make his life miserable a lot more. Throughout our school days, he never hesitated to throw his weight around in my direction.

  Now it was payback time.

  Conscience be damned.

  Since Martelle's was a swanky place, I had wear church clothes. Good thing Mom did laundry yesterday, or I would've had to go buy something. Most of my wardrobe consisted of jeans, T-shirts, and shorts, hardly anything within the dress code. Maybe a pair of black jeans would've worked, but I didn't want to take any chances.

  After I finished getting dressed, I checked the time.

  6:42 p.m.

  I was running late on purpose to keep him waiting. Assholic on my part, but I didn't give a damn. Again, this wasn't a date or a romantic rendezvous, so he should've expected it.

  "Time to go." I mused to myself and checked my look in the mirror once again. "Yeah, Aren. Gonna fuck you, get my pictures, then leave you wishing for more." I smiled and tugged on my collar. "Revenge is best served cold."

  Within about twenty minutes, I arrived at the place in the heart of our downtown. Being a small suburb, it looked every part of Midwestern Americana. Mom and Pop shops and buildings no taller than three or four floors along with plenty of parking. Traffic was non-existent.

  Martelle's was our version of a higher-end place, while in Chicago it probably would've been second tier. The food was good though, so while the decor was like any other old steakhouse with leather seated booths and wooden tables, the place was well worth the money.

  When I arrived, I spotted Aren sitting in the waiting area, looking at his phone. I greeted the hostess and told her my party was already here.

  She smiled and looked back at me winking. "He's cute. Your boyfriend?"

  "Uh, no. Friend. How long has he been here?"

  "Oh, only about five minutes. Would you guys like a table or booth," she asked while gathering menus.

  Aren didn't get here on time either.

  Something told me he wouldn't because we were well aware of what this was about. Another freaking competition to see who could best who.

  "We'll take a booth." I preferred a closed in space so people wouldn't look over my shoulder while I ate. Plus, I hoped for some privacy when talking dirty to the church boy and making him blush. Wouldn't want the seniors or kiddies hearing me sex up Aren orally without even touching him.

  The hostess smiled. "Great. You guys follow me."

  Aren looked up and grinned. He promptly removed his glasses and stood while putting his cellphone and specs away.

  Holy fuck!


  Oh my God, Aren.

  Did this mother fucker know what to wear to give me a heart attack? That taut body dressed in a black collared shirt, gray vest, and tie with black slacks and shiny leather shoes. The outfit could've been for church but fuck it all it was for sinning too.


  Aren stepped up, wearing a shit-eating grin on his face. He undressed me with his eyes, then met my gaze. "Jared. You look good."

  "You... shit. You do too."

  "Uh, gentlemen? Your booth is waiting." The waitress said, sounded annoyed with our visual foreplay.

  "Yes, of course." Aren waved his hand. "After you. Jared."

  As I took the invitation to walk, I noticed the ink on the fucker's hand.

  Is that?

  Was that what I thought it was or did I dream ink on the back of his palm?

  Perhaps it was the reflection of the lights, or maybe the hot dimwit wrote something there for safe keeping.

  She led us to a back corner in a separate room, far away from other customers. How did she know what I was up to?

  "There you go, gentlemen. Enjoy." She put the menus down on the table and left.

  Neither of us made a move because we were still eye-fucking each other.

  I cleared my throat trying to appear cool. "So, um... sorry, I'm late." I said, sounding like an idiot.

  "No worries, man. I got tied up with things back at home, so I wasn't on time either. And anyway, this isn't a date. We're buds meeting up to eat, right?"

  "Uh..." At that moment I wanted to jump up and down, screaming at the top of my lungs.

  It is a date, you asshole because I want you!


  "Uh, yeah." I laughed nervously and ran my hand over my head.

  "Good. Then the tardiness is no problem. I will say though, in good old Christian spirit, that we hug to let bygones be bygones. Is that alright with you?"

  As my mouth dropped open with wide eyes, I stared at this hot fucker in front of me.

  Did he just say...

  "Jared. Bro hug." Aren spread his arms for me to accept.

  So I did, mindlessly walking towards him for some brotherly affection. When our bodies met, I froze and inhaled sharply while every erogenous zone inside went crazy. Zips of adrenaline ran through me like a bad drug. My cock and nipples hardened under the ma
terial, cutting off my breath.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  This motherfucker. This hot ass, mofo had me reeling. If we weren't in the swankiest spot in town, I would've stripped him right there.

  "Jared." Aren whispered in my ear while his hands traveled down from my shoulders to the small of my back.

  I flinched at the touches and closed my eyes, thinking, oh hell, I am such a goner. I am a freaking goner. I'd never be able to say goodbye tonight. Not now, not fucking ever.

  While we stood there, I nestled my nose in the crook of his neck, inhaling his cologne. The scent wasn't overpowering or feminine. I had no clue what it was, but it smelled like heaven.

  "Jared. This is nice, you know. Being close to you like this." Aren smoothed his hands further down until they reached my...

  What the hell?

  Was Aren the shy church boy or had I been duped?

  I exhaled, trying to regroup. I wrapped my arms around Aren and leaned in. "Are your hands on my ass?"

  Aren sighed. "Sorry. It was an accident."

  I shrugged. Still couldn't move from the hold he had on me. Although nice, it felt weird and... "Um. Your hands are still on my ass."

  "It's still an accident."

  Talk about an invasion of personal space.

  Yeah, I could get off on this, but I sensed we had an audience, so I pulled back. Attempting to keep the little composure I had, I eyed the man. "What are you on, Aren Winterroth?"

  Aren cocked an eyebrow but hadn't moved those hands. He appeared unfazed by my question.

  "On? I could ask you the same, Jared Finn." He spat it out like a curse and glared at me. "Cece clued me in on the deal. But that's okay, because you know as well as I that we wanna fuck. So, let's cut the lala, eat dinner, then find the nearest spot so I can ream your ass six ways to Sunday."

  Again, my mouth dropped open as I stared at this man like he'd sprouted three heads. "Did you... CeCe... you just said--"

  "I did." Aren finally stepped away, then waved his hand in our booth's direction. "Let's sit and chat about it, shall we? The waiter wants to take our order."


  Still in a daze, I took the bench across from him and waited. Looks like I'd been fooled, when I was the one that was supposed to fool Aren Winterroth into bed.

  What to do?

  Aren had called my bluff, making me look like a jag. I couldn't run like a wuss with my tail between my legs, I had to stay and defend court.

  "Hey." Aren snapped his fingers. "Dinner time buttercup. Order what you want. I'm buying. You can treat me to White Castle tomorrow."

  "Tomorrow?" My brows furrowed and leaned back in my seat. That woke me out of my lust induced haze real quick. "Tomorrow? Who said there would be one?"

  Aren laughed and lifted his menu. "Aw baby, once you've had a piece of me you won't wanna leave. Now do like daddy tells you and pick something."


  Who did this asshole think he was?

  Despite the hard-on in my trousers, I'd be damned if I'd allow Aren to treat me like his latest toy. Just to piss him off, I looked at the waiter and smiled. "I'll have the T-bone, the biggest size with a baked potato and green beans. Oh, and a couple of beers please to wash it down." I handed the waiter the menu and smirked.

  That will teach him.

  Since Aren wanted to show off, I'd made sure to make it good.

  Of course, this wouldn't be a hardship for him because he had more money than everyone in town, but if he desired my body tonight, he'd have to pay.

  And pay big time he would because, I wasn't no cheap date.

  Chapter Five


  Jared Finn.

  Always trying to show me up, but this was only the tip of the iceberg. I'd planned to make him see things my way tonight and enjoy it. By the time dawn hit, he'd want to stay for seconds, thirds. Hell, more than he could've ever imagined. Sexing people was my specialty. Mr. Finn would find that shit out for sure.

  "I'll have the same thing he's having." I handed the waiter the menu, then watched him walk away. The ass was nice, but not as plentiful as Jared's.

  "Hey. Are you really checking out another man with me sitting here?"

  "Jealous, Jared?" I leaned back and unbuttoned my vest.

  "No, I... well shit. It's fucking rude."

  "Aw, sweetheart, you don't have to worry. I only have eyes for you. Now." I straightened and folded my hands on the table, staring into bright blues.


  Jared was and always had been a looker. The fuck wanted so bad to best me, he never gave things a chance to evolve. In truth, I challenged and competed with him because I liked him too.

  The childish shit.

  The one kid that bothers you likes you.

  Stupid, I know, but it was all we had at Rolling Meade Elementary and in high school. I wasn't out to my parents yet, so I had to play the totally straight role and rival Jared instead of kiss him.

  Now to make up for lost time, but I couldn't wine and dine him the normal way. That would be too easy, and shit, not as fun.


  This was seduction and a power struggle wrapped up in one.

  And dammit, I was in it for the long haul and the win.

  Sounds of plates clanking together and waitstaff yelling orders filled the restaurant, along with muted conversations from families in the neighboring room.

  I'm glad the waitress sat us away from the masses because my father was the local celebrity. Everyone who'd see me would want to ask about him.

  And I couldn't have that when I desired to bring Jared down to his fucking knees.

  "Aren? Are you getting lost in my eyes too?"

  I laughed and clapped my hands. "You're cute, you know that?" I moved closer, just inches away from that pouty mouth. I licked my lips and smiled. "I was just thinking of how much I wanted to fuck you atop this table with everyone watching. We could give the families and waitstaff a show."

  Jared's eyes widened and he moved back, still staring in shock. "Um, damn." He laughed and teased that cute red hair.

  I wondered did the interior carpet match the exterior.

  I had a thing for redheads, going so far as to date anyone that even remotely resembled Jared.

  Yeah, I had it bad.

  "Uh. Dang, Aren. Good ol' church boy you are not."

  "Nope. I..." I stopped as I noticed the waiter coming over with waters and beers.

  "You guys didn't say what kind, so I brought Miller Lite and Heineken."

  "Shit, you're right." I eyed his tag. "Lawrence. You're a smart kid. I'll take the Heineken. Same thing for my man, here."

  Jared made a face. "How did you know I wanted Heineken?"

  "Miller makes your breath stink and your come foul. Believe me, I know." I winked at him and the waiter.

  Lawrence smirked and took the Millers with him as he left.

  Jared stared at me again and shook his head. "You got everyone fooled, don't you? Everyone thinks you're saving yourself for marriage."

  I chuckled and folded my hands again. "Not even close, pretty boy. Lost my virginity in sophomore year."

  "What? How?" Jared sat up again, appearing interested.

  "In the boy's locker room... to Assistant Coach Belden."

  "Wha? Holy..." Jared covered his face. "Everybody liked that guy. It was a rumor going around his was gay."

  Assistant Belden was only three years older than me and sometimes substituted when a teacher called in sick. He was one of those jocks that was smart as shit, and fucking hung. After he popped my cherry, I didn't have much of a desire for pussy. "Yeah well, I might've pushed him out the closet."

  "He didn't stay at the school after that."

  "Belden was afraid someone would find out, so he transferred. It was for the best. My parents started getting stricter when I came out anyway. We had a few nights together in my car, or his in the middle of Kaner Fields. Only a matter of time before we would've gotten caught."
r />   "Whoa. And here I thought I'd be staining your tighty whities." Jared added a laugh.

  "Haha. They might be tight and white, but they're already soiled, baby." I picked up my beer. "Figuratively speaking, of course."

  Jared held up his bottle and clanked it with mine. "Oh yeah, yeah," he snickered and took a sip. "So, uh, you're exactly how they peg the Catholic School kids, huh? Worse because of being sheltered?"

  "I wouldn't say that. I'm this way because I wanna be. Too many fun things I'd miss by staying virginal and chaste. Besides, life's too short. It'll be over before you know it."

  "Amen to that. Aw shit, sorry." Jared said, looking sheepish.

  "Who are you apologizing to? I'm only a pastor's son. I'm no angel, far from it." I drank long and set the beer down.

  "I see. Well that makes things more interesting. So that not being a good boy explains the tattoos on your hand?"

  "Oh these?" I twisted my hand in front of his face for him to get a good look. "That's not the only place I'm inked at, Jared."

  "I bet. And just how did you manage to hide those from your parents?"

  "I know a real good makeup artist who taught me how to conceal 'em and because Mommy and Daddy want me to dress like this all the time, it's real easy to cover the others."

  "Well damn, you got this all figured out, If I would've known all this about you, I would've liked you a lot more." Jared drank again.

  "Oh, cut it, Finn. You liked me anyway and you know it."

  Jared shrugged and put down the bottle. "Okay fine, I guess I did. You were still an ass."

  "And so were you. An even bigger one 'cause you stole my Dad's car."

  Jared snorted. "Yeah, well, I did it just to spite you and your father. Your dad's an ass."

  "True, but a very rich ass. I gotta stay in line if I want to get my trust fund."

  "I hear you, man. Damn. This isn't going as planned. I'm supposed to sex you and get photos, then leave."

  "Huh. I know all about this little wicked plan, Jared, and I'm telling you now, there will be no photos because I can't trust they won't end up in front of momma and daddy's eyes."


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