Tame Him

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Tame Him Page 19

by Caitlyn Dare

  “Creeper, much?” She tries to brush off the tense atmosphere, and eventually Cole backs away, returning to my side.

  “You good?” he asks.

  I shake my head, wiping my eyes with the back of my blazer sleeve. “I need to get out of here.”

  “Come on,” he says. “I’ll drive you home.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I put that look in her eyes. I fucking hate it. I stupidly thought she’d trust me to do what I need to do and not ask any questions.

  How fucking delusional was I?

  I throw open the pool house door and storm inside, throwing my bag across the room with a crash and plowing my fist into the wall. Only unlike the trailer I’m used to, it doesn’t give. Instead, my knuckles ricochet as pain shoots up my arm.

  “Motherfucker.” I shake it out, knowing that it’s the least of what I deserve. I might not have touched that bitch last night, not intentionally anyway, but I deserve a world of pain for even looking at her naked body.

  I shudder as I remember her sitting there with her hands bound behind her back. She’d fucking loved it and was quite obviously up for anything.

  That bitch is going to get herself into some serious trouble if she’s willing to let the likes of me tie her to a chair without any concern. What I’ve got planned for her is child’s play compared to what some guys I know would do to her.

  I glance to my bedroom, my mind conjuring up the image of her sitting there, her nipples hard and her pussy slick for me. She thought she looked hot as shit, it was there in the confident tilt of her chin as I stared at her. She thought I was getting off on her being at my mercy.

  Fucking stupid bitch.

  How she could ever truly believe that I’d want her over Remi is beyond me. She’s nothing but an evil whore. She basically admitted it to me as well, with the way she talked shit about the people who are meant to be her closest friends. She didn’t even bat an eyelid to tell me everything she really thought about her squad members and the football team. It was like she knew exactly what I wanted and laid it all out for me, ripe for the taking.

  Ignoring the beer I know is in my refrigerator, I reach for the bottle of scotch I’d left on the side that I swiped from the house a few days ago.

  James has been away again on business—so much for caring about the shitshow he caused here, because he’s not even scratched the surface of sorting shit out with Cole yet. He’s still acting like a man possessed, ready to explode without a moment's notice.

  My fists clench with my need to make everything right for those I love, but I’m unable to do so. That’s what I’m trying to do for Remi—get her the justice that she deserves. But in doing so, all I’ve done is end up hurting her more.

  Twisting the cap, I throw it down onto the counter before lifting the bottle to my lips. The first mouthful burns, but it’s exactly what I need. I’ve been in a bitch of a mood since my first interaction with Remi this morning, so much so that Gunner didn’t even bother asking what was up during my shift tonight.

  He gave me a job and thankfully left me to take my frustrations out on the engine I was attempting to fix up.

  I’m just about to swallow another shot of scotch when the door slams behind me. Before I have a chance to turn around, fingers wrap around my upper arm and I’m thrown back into the wall.

  The bottle falls from my hand, smashing when it hits the tiled floor. “Fucking hell, bro. Was that necessary?” I ask, but when I look up into the murderously cold eyes of my youngest brother, my words falter.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” he roars, his fist connecting with my cheek.

  My head snaps to the side with his force.

  “You are you so intent on fucking everything up. Why?” Cole bellows. “She’s done nothing but support you.” Crack. “Nothing but fight for you.” Crack. “And all you do is fuck her over.” Crack. “Why?” His fist tightens in my shirt, pinning me to the wall.

  Blood trickles down my face from his hits, but I don’t move to retaliate. I deserve every hit and then some.

  “Fucking hell, Cole,” Conner barks, racing into the pool house and wrapping his arm around Cole’s shoulder to pull him back. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Teaching this motherfucker a lesson.”

  “Why? What’s he done now?”

  “He’s cheating on Remi.”

  “You’re fucking what?” Conner roars.

  “No, I’m not,” I bark at the same time Cole announces, “with Michaela.”

  “Nah,” Conner shakes his head. “There’s no fucking way Ace would touch that piece of shit. W-Would you?” he asks me, his eyes wide as if he’s begging me to say no.

  “No, of course I fucking wouldn’t. I’m not fucking cheating on Remi, and I’m certainly not fucking the fake cheer bitch.”

  “So what the fuck is going on? Why is Michaela telling Remi that you did just that last night?”

  “Fuck.” I roll my eyes at the two of them as they stand with their arms across their chests, waiting for my confession. “I’m taking her down, okay? She’s hurt Remi for long enough. It’s time she got what’s coming to her.”

  “And letting Remi think you’re fucking her helps with this how?”

  “She’s not meant to think that. She’s meant to trust me to know what I’m doing.”

  “Jesus fucking Christ, Ace,” Conner barks, his hands going to his hair. “Do you know nothing about women?”

  “No, I don’t give a shit about women. All I care about is her, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to hurt those who try to ruin her life on a daily basis.”

  “Even if it means hurting her in the process?”

  “Well, if she trus—”

  “Don’t talk shit, Ace. You can’t tell any girl to trust you and then have it look like you’re fucking her archenemy behind her back. It doesn’t fucking work. If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, then it’s usually a fucking duck.”

  “I’m not fucking her,” I cry for what feels like the millionth time.

  “You know that. We know that. But Remi doesn’t, and she’s the only one who fucking matters,” Conner seethes while Cole stares daggers into me.

  “You’ve gotta trust me. Just for a few days. I know what I’m doing.”

  “Really? I beg to fucking differ, bro.”

  “Whatever,” I mutter, turning my back on them and going to clean up my face, hoping they’ll both fuck off as fast as they appeared.

  When I emerge, they’ve both made themselves comfortable on the couch and beanbag like they own the place, drinking my beers. The room stinks of the scotch that’s still in a glass-filled puddle on the floor where it fell.

  “Make your fucking selves at home, why don’t you,” I mutter, walking past the pair of them.

  “Tu casa es mi casa,” Conner says in a terrible Spanish accent. “What?” he barks when we both stare at him like he’s a fucking moron. “I listen in class.”

  “Where the fuck are you going?” Cole asks when I move toward the door.

  “Going to see her.”

  “For fuck’s sake, just give her some space. She can’t hate you if you’re always in her face.”

  “Good. I’m going.”

  “I didn’t mean that as encouragement, asshole.”

  I flip him off over my shoulder and leave the pool house. I’m not allowing her to sit at home and fester on all of this. Not when I’ve not done anything wrong. Well, not really.

  It’s still light out, so instead of going around to the back of the house and attempting her window, I walk up to the front door and ring the bell. The last thing I need is for Sarah to discover my secret entry and put an end to it.

  “Ace, this is a nice surprise,” she says with a smile as she pulls the door open.

  “Hi, Sarah. Any chance I could see Remi?”

  “I’m sorry, sweetie. She’s in her room feeling unwell. I think she’s asleep.”

I know, I just wanted to see her. Cheer her up a little.”

  She lets out a sigh. Obviously Remi hasn’t revealed all to her mother, or I doubt she’d even be considering letting me into the house right now.

  “Fine, but I take no responsibility for this.”

  “You’re the best.”

  I slip past her and make my way up to Remi’s room.

  I knock, just to be polite, and push the door. Only it doesn’t move. And I know for a fact it doesn’t have a lock; I’ve looked for one in the past to ensure we didn’t get caught.

  “Remi, Princess. Are you in there?”

  “Go away, Ace,” she calls, her voice rough with emotion.

  “Not until I’ve spoken to you.”

  “I’m not interested. You’ve made your choice, and it clearly wasn’t me.”

  My teeth grind in frustration that she can’t just trust me. “It’s not what you think.”

  She laughs, but it’s bitter and cold. It doesn't sound anything like her usual one that makes something inside me flutter. Nothing about the sound right now makes me happy.

  “That’s what they all say, Ace. Hell, I even remember my dad saying it to my mom all those years ago. It’s always bullshit, yet guys seem to think women will fall for it.”

  “It’s not bullshit, Rem. I haven’t touched that poisonous bitch. I’m doing this for you. You… you’ve just got to trust me.”

  “Well, you’ve ruined that. I trusted you with my life and you hid things from me. So I’m done, Ace. Done.”

  I stumble back a little, not willing to accept her words. “Never, Princess. We are never done.”

  With one last push on her door, in the hope it’ll allow me inside, I turn away from her. “All of this is for you, Princess. You’ll see.”

  “I don’t need you fighting my battles for me,” she calls. “I just needed you to stand by my side.” A sob erupts on the other side of the door, and it damn near kills me.

  “This isn’t over, Princess. I fucking love you too much to ever walk away.”

  She doesn't respond, and I reluctantly head back down the stairs. Sarah stares at me as I make my way toward her, her eyebrow lifting in question. “What did you do?”

  I shake my head. “It doesn't matter. All you need to know is that it’s all for her. Everything is for her.”

  She nods but doesn’t say anything as I let myself out of their house.

  I ride around town for hours, trying to clear my head, but when I walk back into the pool house, it hasn't helped one bit. Heading straight for my bedroom, I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling for hours, wondering if I should have played this differently. If there was another angle I could have taken to knock that bitch off her podium once and for all.

  Remi doesn’t turn up at school on Thursday. I wait at her locker first thing in the morning and then outside each of her classes, but she’s not in any of them.

  The other person who I really don’t want to have to look at, however, follows me around like a fucking rash.

  “I really enjoyed our time together the other night,” she says when she finally corners me just before our last class of the day.

  “Great. I’m glad you had fun.”

  “It’s just such a shame you had to race off like you did. It really could have been an epic night.”

  “I’m sure it could.” There’s no enthusiasm in my tone, but she either doesn't notice or doesn’t care.

  She steps up to me and I fight not to allow my muscles to tense up at her close proximity. One of her hands slides down my back until she grips my ass while the other stops on my abs.

  My teeth grind with my need to physically remove her, but I know I can’t. Just one more day and this will all be over.

  Just one more day.

  “So, when can we meet up again?”

  “I’m busy the next couple of nights. Saturday?”

  “What about Homecoming? Who are you going with?”

  “I’m not going to Homecoming. It’s not my kind of thing.”

  “That’s a damn shame, Ace.” She pouts. “I bet you’d look killer in a tux. I’m sure I could convince you.” Her hand begins to lower, but I catch her wrist before she gets over my waistband. I might be on board with playing her, but she’s doesn’t get to fucking touch me. Ever.

  My balls firmly belong in Remi’s hands, not hers.

  “I’m sure you could. But right now, we’re both late for class, so… Shall we?” I gesture toward the door that most of our classmates have already disappeared through.

  “Sure. But I’m not letting you run away. You’ve given me a taste now, Ace. I want the rest.”

  She runs her eyes down my body and my stomach turns over. It’s bad enough she’s seen me topless, she’s not getting her eyes, or hands, on any more of me, that’s for fucking sure.

  “I can’t wait.” It doesn't matter that there’s no sincerity in my words. She still beams in delight.

  Stupid bitch.

  You deserve every bit of what’s coming your way.

  The final class drags.

  Work drags.

  Everything fucking drags because she’s not by my side.

  I don’t bother going straight home after work. Instead I chance my luck with Sarah. Only this time, I don’t even make it past the front door. Apparently, I need to give her daughter space and time to decide what she wants, and that she’ll contact me when she’s ready.

  Well, I call fucking bullshit. How can she decide what she really wants when she doesn't know everything?

  Your fault, asshole. You could have told her the whole story.

  I ignore James’ calls for me to join him in the dining room for dinner as I walk through the house. I don’t have the fucking patience to play happy family right now. I grab a plate from Ellen as I blow through the kitchen and take it out to the pool house with me, spending the evening alone, sitting in the dark with the last of my weed for company. It sure as fuck isn’t as fulfilling as having Remi beside me.

  I start to think my luck is changing when I’m lying in bed later that night, waiting for sleep to claim me, because when my cell beeps with a message, her name lights up the screen.

  Only the message I receive isn’t anywhere near what I was expecting.

  Remi: Stop stalking me, Ace. It’s getting really fucking pathetic.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  “Remi, sweetheart, can I come in?”

  “I’m still not feeling good, Mom,” I mumble, hoping she’ll leave me alone.

  “Okay, missy, I’ve given you enough time to wallow.” She slips into the room. “Time to come back to the real world.”

  “Go away.” I pull the cushion over my head.

  It’s Friday, and I’ve spent pretty much every second since my showdown with Michaela on Wednesday locked away in my room.

  It’s too much.

  The things she said about my dad.

  The things she insinuated about her and Ace.

  I want to know exactly what happened—it burns inside me like a firestorm—but I’m not ready to hear the truth.

  Not yet.

  Even if it is all another lie. Another cheap shot at trying to break me.

  “Sweetheart, stop.” Mom’s fingers gently ease the pillow away from my face. “This isn’t you, Remi. Where’s the strong, brave girl I know you can be?”

  “I’m just tired, Mom. I’m tired of the games and the lies. I’m tired of always wondering what she’s going to say or do next to trip me up. Why does she hate me so much?”

  “That’s a question I can’t answer. But you know, I remember Michaela when you were just little girls. She was always so quiet and wary of everything around her. It hit her hard when her dad left.”

  “I don’t remember,” I say.

  “You wouldn’t. You were both so young back then. You were fierce and stubborn. So stubborn.” She smiles wistfully, lost in the memory.

  “I think I remember that. It wa
s Michaela’s birthday. Her mom threw her a huge party, and even though she had no dad there, I remember thinking how many people turned up.”

  It had been my birthday a few weeks earlier, and all I’d wanted was to go to Surf’s with my mom and dad. But Dad never showed up, and I cried during the entire meal.

  “Did you know?” I ask, and Mom blinks away the tears clinging to her eyes.

  “I think part of me always knew. Of course, I had no idea it was Della until much later. After Michaela’s birthday, the two of you were inseparable. But something changed. You went into your shell and Michaela emerged from hers. I can’t pinpoint exactly when it happened, but one day I remember watching you both play in the yard and wondering when my little girl became the quiet, timid girl. But you seemed content enough, so I didn’t question it...”


  “Did you suspect anything? See anything?” Her voice cracks.

  “You mean with Dad and Della? I-I don’t think so. I was so used to him not being around, I didn’t ever stop to think he might be having an affair.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I’m sorry.” Mom hugs me. “I’m so sorry. Michaela was always so jealous. I think it started off as her armor, a way to protect herself, but over the years, it became a weapon. I should have listened more. I should have been there for you instead of worrying what your father might think about his precious stepdaughter.”

  The venom in Mom’s words surprises me.

  “I’ll be honest, Remi, I wasn’t sad to see your friendship end. I thought you’d escape from under her shadow, I thought you’d find new friends. I didn’t realize how difficult life would be for you.”

  “She said some really shitty things to me yesterday, Mom. And Ace is almost positive it was her who leaked the tape at my birthday party.”

  Mom jerks back with a startled gasp. “It was Michaela?”

  “We don’t have proof.” Yet, I think. Although who knows what Ace has discovered since whatever went down between them.


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