DC Power Games Box Set 1

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DC Power Games Box Set 1 Page 58

by Ivy Nelson

  “Yes, that’s honestly why I’m calling. I’m wondering if he’s talked to you about what he wants to do. I tried to talk to him about working for me again, but he’s still against it.” So, he had talked to his parents. That’s good. With all the sexing last night she had forgotten to ask.

  “I’m not sure I’m comfortable getting involved in that fight, Sir.”

  He laughed. “I understand. I just want what’s best for my boy. I don’t like the idea of him being dragged through the mud for his personal life choices.” Could this call get any more awkward?

  “He hasn’t exactly asked for help, but I’ve been trying to come up with ways to help him spin it since I’m having to do damage control for my office anyway,” she told the governor.

  Then she told him about her idea to have an ACSL fundraiser for the victims' families with Bradley in attendance. He thought it was a clever idea. “Bradley will kill me if he knows I’m talking about this with you, Steve.”

  “I’ll keep this talk to myself, but if you need my help with anything, just let me know. You’re a bright girl. If I thought I could get you to leave your place with the ACSL, I would hire you.”

  She laughed. “You’re just being nice.”

  “Not at all, and I’ll make you a deal. If Atleigh says no to your idea, how about the ACSL throws an early endorsement my way and I’ll do the event. It may not be as strong of a statement coming from me, but I’m Bradley’s father and I met Peggy once. Just think about it.” He met Peggy? Bradley’s mom made it sound like they had never met any of Bradley’s other girlfriends.

  “Wow. Definitely. I have to run it by my boss, but yes we’ll consider it.”

  They said their goodbyes, and Darci laid her head on the desk. It was going to be impossible to keep the phone call from Bradley. The smart thing to do was call and tell him about it now. Then he couldn’t be mad at her for hiding something from him. Last time she kept something from him it had taken a few days to sit comfortably. Thinking of that now made her wince. She sighed and picked up the phone.

  “Please don’t be mad at me,” she said instead of hello.

  “Well that’s a terrific way to start a conversation.”

  “I’m serious. I need you to promise.”

  “I’m going to regret this but fine. I promise. Now spill it,” he demanded.

  “Your dad called me.” The line was quiet for a minute before Bradley spoke again.

  “Yep, I regret it.”

  “Now wait a minute. I didn’t call him. He called me,” Darci pointed out.

  “You didn’t have to take the call.”

  “I should at least get points for not hiding it from you.”

  He laughed. “You’re right, baby girl. I’m sorry. Tell me what he said.”

  She recounted their conversation. He kept his word and didn’t get mad at her. She had a harder time convincing him not to call his dad and yell at him.

  “By the way, he said he met Peggy,” Darci said.

  “It wouldn’t surprise me. She’s worked for a lot of politicians and done tons of fundraising for them. Their paths are bound to have crossed.”

  For some reason, Darci felt much better.

  “Oh. OK that makes sense.”

  “You sound relieved. You wouldn’t be jealous, would you?”

  She scoffed. “Me? Never.”

  He laughed. “Sure, whatever you say gorgeous. You heard my mom, I’ve never introduced a girl to them. Don’t worry. You’re something special.”

  She giggled. “I’m glad you think so. I need to get back to work.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  Sean Atleigh wanted nothing to do with Darci’s idea of putting Bradley front and center at an event honoring the victims. It had been three days since she had pitched the idea and, in that time, Bradley told her the senator was consulting with a crisis management firm. Someone Sandra knew.

  Darci worried that such a firm would suggest that he distance himself from her, but he insisted that was not a thing she needed to worry about. Now, she sat at her desk reading the firm's website worrying anyway. Her phone rang, and she absentmindedly picked it up.

  “Darci, Hello it’s Steve Givens again.”

  “How are you, sir?”

  “Listen, I wanted to ask what you thought about me sponsoring an ACSL event in conjunction with Marlie Dixon’s foundation. We’ll turn it into a big fundraiser. I heard Atleigh turned you down and won’t let Bradley be a part, but I think if I jump in and do what you were proposing it can still help my son, with the added benefit of giving me some exposure.”

  “I love the idea, Steve. I’m just not sure Bradley would go for it. Maybe if you go directly through Jim instead of me. Then it won’t look like I’m working against my boyfriend.”

  Darci hung up the phone after a few more minutes of conversation. This was about to get awkward and she wasn’t sure what to do about it. She knew Bradley wouldn’t fault her for wanting to work with his father instead of his boss, but he still wouldn’t like it. She would have to find a delicate way to tell him.

  It’s not like she would be on the man’s payroll. The plan was for Steve Givens to be a guest speaker at the next ACSL charity event which would raise money in honor of Marlie Dixon’s foundation, a charity all three dead women supported. Atleigh turned them down so why not ask his competition? She shook her head. This would be a tough conversation. She thought about picking up the phone and calling Bradley but decided it might be a conversation best had face-to-face.

  • • •

  Bradley slammed his office door. This was turning into a day from hell. His boss wouldn’t budge on the ACSL fund raiser and the crisis management firm Atleigh had hired was trying to pressure Bradley into issuing a statement distancing himself from the club, and the dead women, and worse, from Darci. He told them there was no way in hell that was happening. He was looking forward to going home and losing himself in his girl. It was the only thing keeping him sane at the moment. It would be a long night though, because he had to prepare an advance team for the senator’s next trip out of town.

  He called Sandra and Charlie and asked them to come see him. They had speeches to go over and he wanted to make sure Atleigh was on a tight leash. He had given one too many surprise press conferences in the last few weeks.

  Sandra poked her head in the door. “You really need me right now? I’m kind of busy.”

  “I just need ten minutes, Sandra.”

  “Fine.” She sat down in one of the chairs in front of his desk. Charlie joined them a moment later.

  As he ran down the agenda, Sandra clicked her ink pen. He stopped and looked at her.


  He shook his head and continued. Less than a minute later she was clicking again.

  “Jesus, Sandra. Are you nervous about something?” he asked, tossing the agenda on his desk.

  “Sorry.” She dropped the pen on the desk and shook her head. “Just eager to get back to my office, it’s a busy day.”

  “No busier than the rest of us. I need you focused on this,” he said, eying her before continuing.

  Ten minutes later, he ended the meeting so he wouldn’t be late for the next one. Sandra rushed out the door, muttering something about a press release. Charlie didn’t stay long either.

  He spent the next few hours working with the advance team, then he spent time with Adara going over his and the senator’s schedule for the next week.

  “It looks like you’re not getting much sleep next week,” she noted.

  “When do I ever? I don’t think I’ve slept for the last seven years.” He grinned.

  “Speaking of busy, why aren’t you with the senator at the press conference?”

  “The what? What are you talking about?” Bradley felt himself panicking. What the fuck is Atleigh doing now?

  “Yeah right here, see? His secretary shares his calendar with me. He’s speaking right now.”

  “Shit!” Bradley ran into the
conference room where they kept a television and flipped it on. Sure enough, Senator Sean Atleigh was taking the podium.

  • • •

  Darci was glad Bradley was working late tonight. It would give her plenty of time to think of a way to tell him about her plan to work with his father. Settling onto the living room couch, she flipped on the television. There hadn’t been time to catch up on the news all day. When she saw Sean Atleigh at a podium, she froze. He was giving a press conference, and his press secretary, Sandra was right behind him.

  “My office would like to extend our condolences to the families who have lost loved ones at the hands of this serial killer. I know many of you are wondering about my chief of staff’s involvement in the investigation, as he was one of the last people to see Peggy Jacobs alive. He is currently grieving the loss of Miss Jacobs and can’t be here to speak for himself. However, Mr. Givens wanted me to extend his sincerest apologies to the family of Miss Jacobs. While he admits to being curious about the lifestyle that the victims were all involved in, he himself does not practice it. His appearance at the Midnight Diamond was a one-time appearance, after he and Miss Jacobs had ended their relationship. I would like to add that he is not a suspect in the investigation. When he is feeling up to it, he will make a statement of his own.”

  The senator kept talking but Darci wasn’t listening anymore. Tears were threatening to spill from her eyes, so she squeezed them shut. Why the fuck didn’t Bradley tell me about this? Why would he lie? Darci suddenly felt trapped inside his apartment. Where could she go? What could she do? She didn’t want to leave the safety of the protection detail, but she also couldn’t stay there. Not when he was willing to put his career and that bastard Atleigh’s campaign above her. She picked up her phone.

  “Michael, hey it’s Darci. Are you busy?”

  Peter tried to talk her out of leaving. But he soon relented and agreed to take her to Michael’s house. After scrawling a note for Bradley, she walked out the door.

  • • •

  Bradley spent the next hour fuming inside his office. He couldn’t believe Sandra let him do that. The senator had gone home straight from the conference so there was no talking to him tonight. This was the last straw. He hoped and prayed Darci hadn’t seen the press conference but the chances of that were slim. When he tried to call her, she didn’t answer. This would be fun to explain to her. He’d sent a text to Sandra ordering her back to the office as soon as the press conference was over.

  “What the fuck, Sandra,” he snarled when she walked into his office.

  “Bradley, I’m so sorry. The senator insisted that this was the right move. The only way to make you see reason.”

  “Reason? What the fuck does that even mean?”

  “I’m sorry, Bradley, I was just doing my job.”

  “By letting the senator get up in front of a crowd of reporters and lie about me? To force me to make a statement denouncing something I have no intention of denouncing?”

  “I don’t want to talk about your kinky sex life. I don’t see why you can’t just give the statement and keep that shit private, anyway.”

  “Get out, Sandra. Just get out. I’m too pissed to deal with this tonight.”

  The woman retreated, and Bradley slammed his fist into the door behind her.

  “FUCK,” he shouted.

  Nobody could hear him though. He had already sent Adara and the rest of the staff home.

  There was nothing he could do but go home and face Darci. When he got in the car, Peter was driving. Usually one of the other guards picked him up.

  “Everything all right?” he asked.

  Peter looked uncomfortable. “I’m not sure how to tell you this, but Darci left and went to Michael’s place.” Fear washed over him as Peter spoke. She must have watched the press conference. “I tried to talk her out of it. I’m not entirely sure what happened, and I’m not going to get in the middle of it unless I find out you intentionally hurt her.”

  “Fuck. I didn’t. I swear. My boss just royally fucked me. Why aren’t you with her? Even if she’s pissed at me, I still want her protected.”

  “Don’t worry, brother. I left the rest of the detail outside Michaels place. She insisted I be the one to pick you up.”

  At least there was that.

  Once in his apartment he found her note.

  I can’t be backseat to your career. I’ll be back for my things tomorrow while you’re at work.

  He cursed again, crumpling the hand-written note in his fist.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  “I just can’t believe he would do this, Michael.” Darci’s face was red and puffy from crying too many tears. Michael looked uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be crying on your shoulder. I’ll be OK.”

  “It’s fine, Darci. I just want you to be happy. I can find a reason to arrest him if you want me to, but I really think you need to talk to him.”

  “I never want to see him again, but I have to do this event with his dad Friday night. I’m dreading it.”

  “You’ll be fine, Darci. It’s not like Bradley will show up.”

  “I’m sure you’re right. I just really liked his family. It will be awkward being with them now.” Darci yawned.

  “I think I’m going to try to sleep now.” She stood and gave her friend a big hug. “Tell Peter I went to bed when he gets back. Let him crash on your couch. Otherwise he’ll sleep on your front porch.”

  He chuckled and slipped his hands into his pockets. “Look, I didn’t know this would happen, so I need to warn you about something.” He shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

  “What is it?”

  “Adara is on her way over. We made plans to… hang out.” If she didn’t know any better, she would have sworn he was blushing.

  “Oh, Michael. I’m so sorry. I’m just messing up your night. I’ll stay in my room. You can make Peter leave if you want privacy.”

  “It’s fine, I just didn’t want it to be awkward. Especially if she’s still here in the morning, her working for Bradley and all.”

  “It will be fine. Goodnight.”

  Darci made her way to Michael’s guest bedroom and sank to the floor after she closed the door behind her. It was going to be a long, sleepless night.

  • • •

  “Darci, please answer my calls. I swear I had nothing to do with Atleigh’s little press conference. I had no idea that was even happening. Please, baby. Call me back.”

  Bradley disconnected for what must have been the fifteenth time. Michael wasn’t taking his calls either. She had been gone for almost twenty-four hours and he was about to go crazy. The only thing he knew for sure was that she still had the protection of Peter. She had insisted on cutting the rest of the detail. It made him angry but at least she was still protected. Peter was giving him sparse updates, and he knew she was attending an event with his father later in the week. It had occurred to him that he could crash the fundraiser but that felt stalker like. He just needed to give her time.

  Bradley had taken the day off and was contemplating not going back at all after the stunt Atleigh had pulled. Yes, his dream had always been to put a man in the White House, but those dreams paled in comparison to his feelings for Darci. Somehow, he had to make her see that.

  He needed to talk to his parents. They didn’t always see eye to eye, but when it came to matters of the heart, they usually gave good advice. They might also have insight on what he should do with the mess he was in. He had been dodging calls from reporters all day, and Adara was not happy with the call volume they were getting at the office from constituents calling to demand that Atleigh fire “the deviant.”

  He picked up his phone and called his dad.

  “Hi, son. I'm glad you called.”

  “Hey, pops. I heard a rumor you’re going to be in the city for a few days. Are you bringing Mom with you?”

  “I am, and she’s dying to see you. Listen, Darci told me the two of you broke up. Yo
u've probably heard we are attending one of her events. I hope that won’t be too awkward for you.”

  He sighed. “No, Dad. It will be fine. I’m glad you’re going. I didn’t want the breakup and I’m hoping I can fix it. Can we have dinner when you get to town? I could use some advice.”

  They arranged to have dinner and ended their call. He flipped back to his call log and tapped Darci’s name again.

  Still no answer. Maybe he needed to crash her event after all.

  • • •

  The luncheon with Governor Givens was successful. He spoke kindly of the work the ACSL was doing in the honor of the dead women and in the name of liberty, and the ACSL proudly endorsed him for president. But Darci had to plaster a smile on her face.

  Despite firing the rest of the security team, she had allowed Peter to escort her to the event as long as he promised to wait in the car. The only reason she’d even allowed that, was because of his and Michael’s threats of spanking and other punishments if she didn’t. She assured him she would walk out with the governor and his security when it was over. He was going to have to forgive her for breaking that promise. Steve and Ailene had to leave before the event was officially over. and Darci had no desire to go back to the office or Michael’s house.

  Adara had been there again last night, and it was awkward. Now, Darci was saying goodbye to the last of the attendees of the luncheon. It was late in the afternoon and she just wanted to go home and sleep.

  She stopped at the coat check to pick up her coat and smiled at the attendant. But then she recognized him, and her pulse sped up. “Weren’t you the valet driver that took my friend’s car a few nights ago?”

  “Sure enough,” he said taking her ticket. He looked so familiar. Like him. But after Tessa, or Theresa, she was probably just being paranoid. The man stepped away from the counter to find her jacket. She thought about texting Peter to tell him to come walk her out, but the attendant came back empty handed.


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