by Bria Lexor
“Totally.” Kaitlin said, smiling at Trunks as we headed towards her car. “Wren’s coming with you, though.” Trunks added and I sighed in annoyance.
“Fine,” I said, without looking back. “Come on, kid.” I said as I climbed in and slammed the door angrily behind me.
Why does Wren have to tag along?... She is not even my real daughter...
Wren leapt with joy before she teleported into the backseat. I growled at her and she bit her lower lip nervously.
“Would you stop doing that?” I snapped. “You can’t just teleport whenever the hell you want to Wren; try to be normal, would you?”
“Sorry, Daddy...” Wren whispered, and I sighed in annoyance knowing I had to stop taking my anger out on her. Wren was not the reason why I hated life; in fact, she was the exact opposite. Wren gave me hope and I knew I had a future with her being around.
“I’m sorry, Wren,” I said looking back at her. “You have every right to be here just as much as the rest of us.” That brought a smile to Wren’s face as she settled into the seat and looked out the window.
“That’s the exact same thing Shinka told me about you and your kind before she...” Kaitlin said trying to keep her tough girl persona in place. I said nothing as I looked at her from my peripheral vision. Kaitlin was hurting just as I was, and that made me want to stop questioning her motives.
But Kaitlin was still a Hunter and I had to keep my guard up no matter how much she wanted me to trust her. “I was just so blinded by my duty to become the best Hunter and to please my father.” Kaitlin said bitterly. I’ve forgotten what true friendship was and Shinka showed me that kindness... even though I didn’t deserve it, she gave it to me with nothing in return.”
“Yeah, well Shinka actually has a heart and puts others above herself...” I inhaled and caught myself. “Or at least, she used to.”
“Yeah,” Kaitlin said as she turned the key and the engine roared to life. She pulled out of the parking lot and I saw Trunks staring at us as we exited the lot. “I just hope that whatever it is that the Hunters are trying to pull on us won’t—”
The concussion hit us even before Kaitlin’s car exploded into a fiery bomb but luckily for us, Wren grabbed us and teleported out of the car seconds before the explosion.
“Still think that teleporting is a bad idea?” Wren asked as I shook my head as the others ran to us to check on our health.
“Wren,” I said slowly. “You can teleport whenever the hell you want to.” I said as I looked at Kaitlin. She was in shock as she stared at what used to be her car.
“I-I can’t believe my father tried to kill me?” She said, shocked by what had just happened. “That was just a warning,” I said as sirens blared in the distance. “The Hunters are just getting started with us and they won’t stop until every one of us is dead...”
Chapter Seventeen
Standard protocol had Kaitlin, Wren and I checked out at the hospital for any injuries. Nobody knew how any of us had made it out of that explosion unscathed. They kept saying it was a miracle that an angel from heaven was watching over us. Ha! Well, they were half-right. A gargoyle was watching out for us. I was growing impatient as the Doctor was taking his sweet time with releasing me. I hated hospitals. And not because of the dead people, but the fact that the time I would be transforming into my gargoyle form was quickly approaching. I needed to get out of here pronto and, luckily, Trunks had convinced the Doctor to release us.
“Everything seems normal Mr. Lapis,” the Doctor said as he handed me a clipboard and a pen. I instantly signed my name and handed it back to him. “I’m still puzzled on how all of you were able to escape such a catastrophe without any burns or scratches.” He looked at me and I just shrugged.
“We got lucky, I guess.”
“Well, you’ve been through a lot of Mr. Lapis,” he said, and I just rolled my eyes at him.
“Yeah, well what’s your point?” I said obviously aware that my time was not on my side right now.
“My point, Mr. Lapis, is you’re going through a tough time, since your girlfriend was killed a week ago.”
“I’m fine, Doc,” I said throwing the covers off me. “I’m coping and I don’t need to see a shrink if that’s what you’re implying.”
“You need to see someone, son,” the Doctor said sternly. “You were almost killed today.”
I scoffed at him as I pulled my pants on still wearing the hospital gown. “Guess I’m a survivor of the unexplainable.” I said, untying the strings. I pulled it off and tossed it on the bed and grabbed my shirt. “I don’t need to see anyone for anything, you got that?” I said, pulling my shirt over my muscular build. The Dr. sighed and left the paperwork on the counter and exited the room.
Yeah... Like I really need to see a shrink... What an idiot!...
I was just tying my shoes when Trunks, Kaitlin, and Wren walked into the room. “Let’s get the hell out of here.” I said and the others eagerly agreed. I pushed the button on the elevator and when the doors slid open a group of paparazzi started snapping pictures temporarily blinding me. “What the hell?” I yelled as they started asking questions.
“How are you doing after the near-death experience?” One lady asked.
“Has the death of Shinka been stressing you out?” Another person asked. And on and on they went. I could not handle it all and I pushed past them and shoved open the emergency escape door with the others hot on my heels.
“Miss. Franchot!” A male called in the echoing stairwell. “Aren’t you the responsible for the death of Shinka’s cousin, Cadman?” Kaitlin growled and held her tongue. I know she wanted to punch that reporter in the face because I wanted to do it as well. We raced down the metal steps with our feet clattering in our ears. I pushed open the heavy metal door and walked briskly down the corridor and out the entrance.
“I’ll meet you back at my place.” I said to them and they nodded. I ran around the corner of the building and hid in the shadows as I started to transform. I looked down and kicked at the remains of my black Nike’s. “Damn it, all!” I said, knowing that I had to buy a new pair of sneakers tomorrow.
“Broke your shoes again, huh?” Wren asked, grinning stupidly at me.
I sighed in annoyance and shook my head at her. “Come on!” I said, digging my sharp claws into the brick. “We got to get out of here before anyone sees us!” Wren started climbing alongside me and we reached the top of the building in no time flat. We stood on the ledge and dropped as our wings caught the wind and we took flight. “Ya didn’t have to come with me, ya know?” I said and Wren frowned.
“Well, Shinka wouldn’t want it any other way, now would she?” Wren said bluntly.
I grinned at that. “No, she wouldn’t.” I replied and I noticed a flash of some sort that blinked on and off a few times then it was gone.
I wonder what in the hell that was?...
I shrugged it off as we neared my house and I saw the others had already assembled and were waiting for us on the balcony. “You sure took your sweet time getting here.” Trunks said and I stifled a yawn.
“Yeah, well I had to make sure you guys got here safely.” I said but even Trunks knew that was a cop out.
“For a creature of the night, you sure seem tired.” Trunks added as he lit his cigarette and took a long drag from it before blowing out a puff of white smoke.
“Well, I haven’t exactly been getting a full night’s sleep these past few days now, have I?” I replied, walking into my bedroom. I hesitated for a moment as I gazed at the spot where Shinka used to lay on my bed. I felt a pain in my heart when I realized she would not be there waiting for me anymore and I felt like my soul was empty.
I cleared my throat as I exited the room. I headed down the long hallway and trotted down the steps and stepped into the kitchen. I opened the fridge door and pulled out a bottle of Mountain Dew. I twisted off the cap and brought the bottle to my lips. I was about to take a drink when a figure stepped into the room.
I froze as I looked at it.
This is not real... It must be a dream...
But it was not a dream. Shinka was standing right in front of me and that is when I saw the knife in her right hand. She screamed loudly before lunging at me as she aimed for my throat. I easily knocked it out of her hand and grabbed her by the wrist as she struggled to free herself from my grasp. My Mountain Dew spilled all over the stupid floor and we were sliding in the puddle, struggling to keep our balance. “Stop fighting me!” I growled in her ear.
For a moment, Shinka struggled then she suddenly stopped. And our breathing was hard and heavy like we had just had sex or something. Oh no. I would have given anything to have sex with this girl one last time. But she was a corpse, and there was no way in hell I would have sex with a dead person!
Shinka cranked her neck until she locked eyes with me. Her eyes had no sign of life in them whatsoever. There was nothing there, just emptiness. She smiled maliciously at me. “Time’s running out, Abel,” she hissed. “Your clan is going to die tonight, and there’s not a damn thing you can do to stop it from happening!”
Chapter Eighteen
Everyone rushed downstairs when they heard the commotion and froze in their tracks when they saw Shinka. She started struggling again as I shoved her toward the living room. Trunks pulled out his handcuffs and snapped them onto Shinka’s wrists. I shoved her down onto the couch and she glared angrily up at me with pure hatred in her eyes.
“What’s going on?” Trunks asked me and I shrugged.
“Hell, if I know,” I said, breathing heavily. Witch made me spill my Mountain Dew.” Trunks did not look amused at my humor. I shrugged. “I thought it was funny.”
“No! This can’t be...” Kaitlin said to herself and I looked at her.
“What did the Hunters do to Shinka, Kaitlin?” I asked and she looked at me like she did not hear me. “Kaitlin!” I yelled and she snapped out of her daze.
“When my father stabbed Shinka with his blade, he somehow sucked Shinka’s soul into it and now her body is an empty shell he can use for his bidding.”
“So that explains it.” I said looking down at Shinka’s soulless body. “You may look like Shinka,” I said, shaking my head at her. “But you aren’t her!”
“Wait a minute!” Wren said snapping her fingers. “Shinka can lead us to where the gargoyles are being held.” She paused and looked at her. “Well... not the real Shinka, but you know what I mean.”
“Oh yeah,” Shinka said rolling her eyes at us. “Like I’m really gonna do that.”
I yanked Shinka up from her arm and she glared at me. “You don’t have a choice in the matter, now do you?” I growled at her. Shinka smiled as she placed her cuffed hands over my head and kissed me. My body tensed; I felt her cold lips against mine. I kissed her back then pulled away growling as I looked angrily at the wall.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Shinka asked innocently. “I thought you loved it when I kissed you like that?”
“Shut up!” I yelled, pulling her arms out from behind my neck. I shoved her roughly into Trunks and he barely caught her before she fell to the floor. “I don’t care what you say, you aren’t her and you never will be, you got that?” I walked angrily into the kitchen and used a rag to clean up the mess.
“Abel,” Kaitlin said in a small voice. “I had no idea my father would...”
“It doesn’t matter,” I said, throwing the wet rag into a bucket near the trash can. “If Zander thinks that he can use Shinka’s corpse against me he’s in for a rude awakening!” I said and Kaitlin bit her lower lip. Just then, I heard Harlow scream as she entered the front room. Kaitlin and I raced into the living room and Harlow screamed again when she saw me. dang it! She did not know I was a real gargoyle. And I looked scary as hell to her.
“Please tell me that’s Abel’s robot?” Harlow said, pulling her gun out. She pointed her weapon at me with shaky hands.
“Harlow, it’s me!” I said, putting my hands up in the air to show her I was not armed. “It’s Abel, I’m not gonna hurt you okay?”
“It’s talking to me! Why is it talking to me?” Harlow started freaking out on us and Trunks snatched the gun from her hands. She looked at him like he was insane for not shooting me with it.
“I guess the cat’s out of the bag, huh?” Trunks said as he sat Harlow down besides Shinka. Harlow took one look at her and scooted as far away from Shinka as possible.
“Shinka’s supposed to be dead, isn't she? What the hell are you people?” Harlow screamed as she looked at Shinka then to me.
I slapped my forehead with the palm of my hand and looked down. “This may be hard to believe Harlow,” I said, taking a step towards her. “But I’m a real gargoyle.”
“Oh, hell no!” Harlow said, leaping to her feet. “I am so out of here!” Harlow raced to the front door, but Trunks blocked her path as she tried pushing her way past him.
“Harlow, you’re overreacting here,” Trunks said but Harlow was not having it.
“Trunks, these freaks of nature shouldn’t exist!” Harlow said pointing an accusing finger at me. “I mean—”
Trunks squeezed her left shoulder and Harlow fainted. Trunks caught her and scooped her up in his arms.
“Damn, I didn’t think that chick would ever shut up, did you?” Drake said to no one as he shook his head at Harlow’s passed out body. “I mean, if I had transformed into my dragon form, I would’ve scared the pants off her!” Drake chuckled to himself.
“Let’s move!” As Trunks turned to leave, Erasmus blocked him. I growled when I saw him, and he just laughed.
“I see you survived the explosion brother,” Erasmus said, taking a step towards me.
“Shut up, Erasmus!” I snapped, pulling my cross necklace, it transformed into a sword. It was a gift from my father, I held it in front of me and he did not seem impressed. “Where’s my clan?” I growled.
“They are waiting for you to join them to be exterminated!” Erasmus said.
Erasmus turned his attention toward Kaitlin and extended his hand out to her. “Mistress Kaitlin,” he said, nodding his head at her. “I came to retrieve you and take you back to your father.”
Kaitlin shook her head at him. “No, Erasmus,” she said firmly. “I’m not going with you.”
“It was not a request Mistress Kaitlin,” Erasmus said, walking toward her. “You are coming with me now!”
“Ah!” I charged Erasmus and he caught my sword in between his hands, and I struggled to gain the upper hand, but Erasmus was a hell of a lot stronger than I was and that made me angry. Erasmus was a fully-fledged gargoyle, and first born to my father.
“You will always be a weakling to me, brother,” Erasmus growled easily, flinging my sword into the wall.
“Shut up!” I growled.
“Daddy, help me!” Wren shrieked.
I turned around and found Shinka holding a knife to Wren’s throat. She smiled evilly at me. “Move and I’ll slit her throat.” Shinka hissed. I was shocked to see how Shinka had even gotten out of the handcuffs.
Shinka must have slipped them off when I was not paying attention to her...
“Shinka,” I said, holding my hands up to show her I was unarmed. “Let Wren go.” Shinka laughed and walked backward until she was by Erasmus’ side.
“If you want her back, come and get her!”
Erasmus snatched both Wren and Shinka up and ran out the front door. I chased him down, but it was too late. He had already taken flight into the air and was heading east.
“Daddy!” Wren screamed. I stood there helpless watching my daughter and my dead girlfriend as they were taken away. It was a trap; I knew that. I growled as I looked down at both Tuffara’s Alarica jewel as well as my own.
I will get you back Wren... and Shinka... I will kill you myself to set you free... It is the only way for you to find peace in this world...
I looked back at the others as Drake tossed me my sword. I caught it and thrust it into my n
eck, transforming it back into the cross necklace. “Shinka has to die...”
Chapter Nineteen
I took to the nights sky and followed Erasmus. Brooke, Drake, Harlow, Kaitlin, and Trunks followed me in the car. Harlow woke up and started freaking out when Trunks lay her in the passenger’s seat. He reassured her I was not going to be in the car, but Harlow was still on edge.
The fate of my clan was on the line and I had to protect them with my life. My mother, Queen Llewellyn was sick, and I knew she was running out of time. I hauled ass, flapping my large wings in the wind trying to gain more ground. Tonight, was crazy enough as it was, seeing Shinka’s soul-less corpse walking around was not something you see every day, that is for dang sure.
I will free you, Shinka... One way or another it all comes to an end tonight...
Before too long, I saw the abandoned warehouse and saw my clan being held captive in a large metal cage. I landed and looked around. The place was deserted, and all was quiet. My sister, Aura Nova, saw me first and she grew excited. I put my forefinger to my lips, and she nodded, staying quiet. I pulled the lock from the cage and the gate swung open as the gargoyles ran from their prison. Tybrus met me and took my wrist in his.
“The Queen is not doing so well, my Prince.” Tybrus said and I looked at her as she lay in the cage with both my sisters by her side.
I heard a loud bang and turned to see the Hunters standing behind us, and I growled as the gargoyles took their positions behind me to protect my mother, their Queen. I pulled my necklace and it transformed into the sword.