Where Bad Boys are Ruined (The Good Girls Series Book 3)

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Where Bad Boys are Ruined (The Good Girls Series Book 3) Page 12

by Holly Renee

  She dragged my bottom lip between her teeth and rocked her pussy into me just a fraction. I knew if I didn’t stop this right now that there would be no stopping. I was already too far gone.

  I gently gripped her shoulder in my hand and pushed her back from me. She gripped my hair harder to pull me closer, and I almost forgot exactly why I wasn’t planning on fucking her tonight. Every reason that I had used to convince myself that it was a bad idea flew out the window.

  “Charlie,” I whispered her name as she pressed a kiss against my throat.

  “Huh?” Her word was mumbled against my skin.

  “We have to stop.” I groaned as she ran her tongue against my collarbone.

  “Are you sure?” She pressed her hips against mine again, and I pinched my eyes closed and breathed through my nose.

  “Freckles.” My voice sounded as frantic as I felt.

  “Yeah?” She finally looked up at me.

  I swallowed, trying to regain composure. “We’re not in a rush.” I pressed my fingers to her swollen lips.

  She nodded her head then pushed her curls out of her face. She rolled to her side giving me a view of her ass that wasn’t helping my situation, and she clicked off the lamp.

  The room blanketed in darkness as she settled her back against my chest. Her ass was pressed against my cock that hadn’t yet gotten the memo that this wasn’t happening tonight, and I prayed that I would be able to at least get a moment of sleep.

  I wrapped my arm around Charlie as I tried to settle in behind her, and she sighed.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” she whispered into the darkness.

  “Me too.” I pressed a small kiss to her shoulder, but it was a mistake. Her hips jerked at the contact and I cursed at the feel of her against me.

  She shifted, her head turning backward to face me, and she reached out behind her to grip my head in her hand and bring my mouth back to hers. I let her.

  She kissed me, far gentler than it had been only moments before, and I knew I wasn’t going to survive her.

  Her tongue was playing tricks on my head and her ass grinding against me assured that my hard-on wasn’t going away any time soon.

  “Charlie,” I whispered again, this time against her mouth.

  “Please.” The word was a plea, and I knew that I couldn’t deny her. Even if I was strong enough, I wouldn’t want to.

  My hand eased up her stomach, and I loved the way her body tightened and rippled beneath my touch. I could feel her anxiety and her excitement at my fingertips.

  I cupped her breast in my hand, and Charlie’s breathing stalled as I gently ran my fingers against it. Her skin was softer than I ever could have imagined. I caressed it, feeling every inch of that skin, before I finally let my fingers find her nipple. It pebbled so quickly under my touch, so responsive, and Charlie cried out as I rolled it between my fingertips.

  Her ass jerked back against me, her head pressed back against my shoulder, and I kissed her neck that was fully exposed to me. Her body fit perfectly against mine, her breast perfect in my hand, and her moans the perfect sound as I ran my tongues, lips, and teeth against her neck and shoulder.

  My other hand trailed down her body taking in every curve of her body until I reached the edge of her shorts. I dipped my pointer finger just below the rim and traced a small circle. Goosebumps broke out beneath my touch and Charlie’s chest began to rise and fall more rapidly beneath my hand on her breast.

  “You sure?” I wasn’t going to move my finger an inch farther until I heard her say it.

  “Yes,” she moaned and lifted her hips farther into my hand.

  “Yes?” I asked again before sucking her earlobe into my mouth.

  “Yes, Brandon. Please,” she begged, and I lost every bit of control.

  I plunged my hand into her panties and groaned at the wetness that was waiting for me there. I traced my fingers down the outside of her pussy, and she eagerly tried to follow my hand with her body. I dipped my finger inside and easily found her clit. She was impatient, and she tried to move her body against my fingers. I pulled back.

  “Brandon,” she growled my name in frustration.

  I gently tapped my finger against her clit. “Yes?”

  “Oh God.” She moaned, and her ass pressed harder against me.

  I followed her body and pressed my hand harder into her as I started rubbing small circles.

  There was the smallest sound, her breath faltering, getting caught in her throat. It fueled me. It drove me crazy.

  I slid my finger inside her.

  She moved, her body riding my hand, and I let her. The pad of my hand pressed against her clit as my fingers moved inside her, and I had never seen anything more beautiful.

  This wasn’t the Charlie who tried to control every little thing in her life, the Charlie that was too nervous. This was Charlie when she had lost all control, all worry, and it was a side of her that I wanted all for myself.

  Her hand gripped my wrist, and she squeezed it between her fingers as her body tightened. She arched her back and I tasted the skin there before she yelled my name and fell apart under my touch.

  She sagged into the mattress as the last wrack of her body stopped, and I buried my face against her back as I tried to calm my racing heart. She took a deep breath and I knew she was trying to do the same.

  She looked at me over her shoulder and I kissed her, a lazy, gentle kiss. When her hand reached out and touched my stomach, my abs tensed, and I gripped her hand in mine before it could go further.

  “Sleep.” I brought her hand up to my lips.

  “What about you?” she asked hesitantly.

  “Tonight was about you.” I nuzzled into her neck, and she sighed, a sleepy little sound.

  “Brandon.” My name was barely a whisper off her lips.

  “Yeah?” I tucked her back into my side.

  “Your ego isn’t inflated as much as I thought.”

  Then I laughed, harder than I had laughed in a long time, before I fell asleep with Charlie in my arms.




  I was in too good of a mood. We were on our way to our camping trip, and I should have been contemplating ways to get out of it. The stomach bug, pink eye, maybe even a rash, but none of those had even crossed my mind. I was too dang happy to come up with an infectious disease that could get me out of a camping trip.

  I hadn’t even considered where these people used the bathroom out in the woods.

  Brandon’s fingers moved over mine as he held my hand in his lap, and it felt odd. To be this affectionate with each other. To be this touchy-feely in front of everyone else.

  “I thought you were mad at him?” Staci turned in her seat to look back at our joined hands just as we pulled up outside what looked like a forest next to a small river.

  “This is where we’re camping?” I pressed my face against the window.

  “Yep.” Staci unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her door.

  “It looks snaky.” I turned to Brandon.

  “It’s not snaky.” He shook his head.

  “He just wants you to think that,” Staci yelled from outside her door. “Just be careful where you step.”

  Mason laughed at his girlfriend as he climbed out of the SUV, but I wasn’t. I wondered if they would make fun of me for sleeping in here.

  “Come on.” Brandon tugged on my hand with a small smile on his face. I knew that he was probably laughing internally at my expense, but I didn’t care. I loved that look on his face.

  I followed him out of the SUV and helped pull the supplies out of the back hatch. The thing was so packed down that you would have thought we were going to give living in the wilderness a shot, but I guess it was better to be prepared.

  “Are you excited?” Livy walked up with a backpack on her back and what looked like a tote full of food in her hands.

  “I don’t know if I would say excited.” I pulled out my b
ackpack of clothes and the three flashlights I packed.

  She laughed like I was joking. “You’re going to love it.” She looked between Brandon and me. “I brought your tent that I bought you if you still need it.” She grinned.

  “Quit being nosy, Livy.” Brandon held out a sleeping bag, and I gripped it in my arms as he loaded his own up.

  Livy’s smile was as guilty as a kid who had just stolen a load full of candy. “I was just saying.” She shrugged her shoulders.

  I followed Brandon to where he set down the tent, and I set my things on the ground as he started pulling metal poles and fabric out of a small bag.

  “Have you ever put up a tent before?” He looked up at me as he pushed one pole into the other to make it even longer.

  “I’m going to pretend like I actually need to answer that.” I bent over and threw my hair up in a bun. “No, Brandon. I have never put up a tent. I usually just sleep under the stars when I camp.”

  “We could do that.” He raised an eyebrow at me.

  “What about the snakes and bears?” I put my hands on my hips.

  He rolled his eyes. “You think this little tent is going to keep a bear out.”

  Crap. I hadn’t thought of that. Bears could get through trashcans and probably cars. They were definitely going to be able to eat me in my tent.

  “Calm down.” Brandon chuckled. “I’m not going to let you get eaten by a bear.”

  I searched the woods around us, but I didn’t see any signs of one. Not that I would know a sign if it hit me in the face. There were trees everywhere you looked. One could easily be hiding in one.

  “I’ll sacrifice you,” I said seriously.

  “What?” He laughed as he picked up the fabric and started feeding the pole through.

  “If a bear comes.” I heard a rustling in the trees and I searched for what might have made the sound. “I’m small and only really a snack for a bear. I’m going to have to sacrifice you. I’ll push you down as I run away. You’d be a better meal.”

  Brandon stood then and handed me one of the other poles.

  “We’ll see about that tonight,” he whispered in my ear.

  “What?” I stumbled over the word.

  “Who is the better meal.” He gripped my chin in his hand and pressed his lips to mine.

  “Oh.” I didn’t know what else to say. Instead, I pushed my thighs together to stop the feeling that hadn’t let up since he touched me last night.

  I was almost embarrassed to admit that being fingered by Brandon last night had been the best sexual experience of my life. I was usually so uncomfortable and shy when it came to sex, but something about last night, something about him, made all of that disappear.

  Sure, I woke up this morning freaking out inside, but then I rolled over and looked at him sleeping behind me. His hand was behind his head, and he looked so exhausted. I decided not to wake him up, and instead, I took those few quiet moments to really look at him.

  His body was beyond impressive. If I had really gotten the proper time to take it in last night, I probably would have been much more self-conscious about my own.

  There were so many different tattoos covering his body that it was hard to take them all in. Some were purely shades of black ink against his tan skin, others were full of color, but they all seemed to tell a story. A story that I was just getting to know.

  I ran my fingers over a particularly bright tattoo that took up most of his chest. There was a bird that appeared to be in full flight in the center of his chest and it was surrounded by abstract flowers and flowing lines. He shifted under my touch as I traced them.

  Then there were his nipple rings. I didn’t know why I was so shocked by them, but when he first took his shirt off last night, I couldn’t take my eyes off them. I had never been with a man who had nipple rings before. I had never even let myself imagine what it would be like, but when I saw his, I couldn’t stop thinking about them.

  I wanted to know how they felt when I touched them. I wanted to know what he would feel.

  “Take that pole and feed it through the top of the tent.” Brandon’s voice pulled me back to the present.

  “Okay.” I did as he said, then I pushed the ends of the pole in a small little hook like he showed me. It only took a few more movements before he had the thing actually looking like a tent.

  “I just need to secure it into the ground, and it will be all set.” He nodded his head in the direction of Livy and Staci. “Why don’t you go see what the girls are up to?”

  I was dreading that like the plague, and he knew it. We both knew they would have a million and one questions about how Brandon and I went from where we were yesterday to where we were today. But I knew I couldn’t avoid them forever.

  “Okay.” I looked over at them organizing things on a doling table that Parker had set up only moments before.

  “They won’t bite.” Brandon chuckled when he saw me hesitate.

  I lifted an eyebrow at him but took a step in their direction. “Have you met Staci?”

  “That’s true.” He chuckled as he lifted a mallet and started hammering a metal stake into the ground.

  As soon as I was close to the girls, Livy grabbed my hand and pulled me as close to her and Staci as we could physically get.

  “Spill,” she whispered.

  “What do you want to know?” I looked from her to Staci.

  “What happened? What didn’t happen? Are you two dating? Is Brandon officially no longer the fifth wheel?” Her questions came out in rapid fire.

  “I don’t know.” I looked to Staci for help, but she was looking at me expectantly waiting on my answers.

  “We made up.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Are you two dating?” Livy whisper-yelled, and I grabbed her hand and pulled her farther away from Brandon.

  “I don’t know,” I answered honestly.

  “You all looked awfully lovey-dovey on the way up here.” Staci picked up a stick and started breaking it in half. “I’ve never seen Brandon like that with anyone.”

  “Really?” I didn’t know why her words affected me so much, but they did. There was a part of me that was still worried about how experienced Brandon was, about how I could just be any other girl to him.

  “Really.” She nodded her head. “And I’ve known that asshole a long time.”

  Livy agreed with her. “This makes me so excited.” She practically squealed.

  “Oh my God, Livy.” I looked over my shoulder to make sure Brandon couldn’t hear us. “This whole thing just started last night. Please do not ruin it before I even know what we are.”

  Staci laughed, but Livy rolled her eyes. “You should have seen her when I was dating/not dating her brother. That was hard to reel in. You just have to ignore her sometimes.”

  “I’m standing right here, you know?” Livy crossed her arms.

  “Just enjoy the weekend with Brandon. Don’t worry about what you are or aren’t. Just have fun.”

  “Have fun.” I looked at her. “I can do that.”

  “I was going to give you the same exact advice you know,” Livy scoffed.

  “Or you were going to tell her to tie him to a tree until he admitted that they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Either one.” Staci looked at Livy like she was crazy then shivered dramatically.

  Livy started stomping off toward the fire Parker was currently building. “I hate you,” she called out behind her.

  “At least we know where we stand,” Staci yelled back then winked at me.

  By the time the sun went down, we had camp completely set up and I was jumping every time I heard a sound. Everyone else seemed to think it was the funniest thing they had ever seen.

  “Weren’t you raised in Tennessee?” Parker asked as he roasted a hot dog over the fire.

  “Yes.” I looked behind me. “But we still lived in a house. My parents never went camping.”

  Brandon laughed beside me. “Have you ever eaten a s’more?” />
  “If over a stove counts then yes.”

  “It doesn’t.” Mason pulled his own hot dog off a stick and put it on a bun.

  “You can experience a real s’more this weekend.” Staci rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, and I decided that I was starting to like Staci more and more.

  It was interesting to watch the dynamic between the five of them. They had been so close for so long, and it was hard not to feel like an outsider. But they did everything in their power not to make me feel that way.

  They gave me plenty of crap, which they were for sure giving each other, and I knew that if whatever this thing that Brandon and I were doing didn’t work out, I would be sad about more than just him.

  “Don’t forget we’re going hiking first thing in the morning.” Livy looked from her husband, to her brother, to Brandon. “I don’t want to hear any bellyaching when it’s time to rise and shine.”

  “Does that mean it’s bedtime, Mom?” Mason joked before stuffing his mouth with his hot dog. I didn’t know how they were eating so much. We had already gorged ourselves on hot dogs and chips and chili only a couple hours earlier.

  “If you’re going to be an asshole in the morning because you didn’t get enough sleep then yes.” She stood and pushed her brother on his shoulder.

  “You ready for bed?” Brandon asked quietly, just for me.

  I was, without a doubt, but I was also nervous. I didn’t know what was going to happen in that tent tonight. I didn’t know what Brandon was expecting.

  “Yeah.” I bit down on my lip, and his eyes watched the movement until I released it.

  “We’re going to head to bed too,” Brandon announced without taking his eyes off me.

  “Okayyyy,” Livy sounded out the word, and I knew they could probably see my blush by the firelight alone.

  “Come on.” Brandon easily brushed her off and reached for my hand.

  I followed him into the tent where he had laid out our sleeping bags to make one large pallet for the both of us. I kicked off my shoes at the door and crawled into the small space. Brandon quickly removed his t-shirt and laid back against the pillow. He patted his chest, and I leaned down and rested my head there as I listened to the sound of nature around us.


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