The legacy

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The legacy Page 14

by Quelli di ZEd

  "But it was all a happy event."



  " The fact is that the there is not one that I do not like it, "he commented, enthusiastic, Simona. "Not one!"

  "Well, actually it is unlikely that the Queen got it wrong a song "Erika agreed, happy to read a friend's eyes in such satisfaction. After all, the new cassette gliel'aveva given me. "Usually you have to feel some of the few times before ..."

  "It's true, before you like them, but to me they took me immediately to large. These and all those I've heard before, it does not happen with any other singer. "Simon spoke aloud without realizing it, because he kept the earphones of his walkman tucked in his ears, as an implanted electrodes were necessary to keep in life. In fact, since his birthday was almost constantly engaged in hearing the new album by his favorite band. Erika knew her well and had taken the opportunity to give her a present of success.

  "Love them a lot too," said Erika. "I'm not fanatical like you, but ..."

  "I'm working on" Simon smiled. "Meanwhile you've started listening to them, so that before and not know them. You'll see that in a bit 'do you buy yourself a walkman from your purpose to listen to Queen. "

  "It depends on how I finish school this year," said Erika.

  "Listen, listen to this, is my favorite" Simona exploded, pulling off a headset and passing it to her friend. " Radio GaGa , it's called. "

  Erika put on the headphones, amused by Simon, who seemed un'invasata. The volume was quite high, but she increased it further, as if permeating the brain of that music and convert it to Queenianesimo . They listened to the song in silence, as if celebrate a sacred ritual. The song was beautiful, indeed. Erika smiled when, in mid-song, Simon looked and found her with her ​​eyes closed, lost nell'assaporare her favorite song, and when, during the chorus, he saw her shake her head from side to side, in a complete trance.

  "He has a wonderful voice," said Simon at the end, recovering the headset. "I can not describe it, it gives me the emotions that ... if I found a guy with a voice so marry him instantly. "

  "Um," said Erika with a grimace. "Maybe a little 'nicer, though."

  Both burst out laughing. "Yes, although perhaps a voice so I would go even beyond the physical." He reflected a few seconds. "Maybe ..." he repeated, still laughing.

  "By the way," said Erika. "Who knows what tomorrow night is not the right time to find a nice boy."

  "Well, I do not think. At parties in high school I've only ever seen people in high school and we already know that there is little stuff ... unlikely to be kids outside. "

  "You never know, sometimes captain. And this time do it in a disco, there may also be people who had nothing to do. "

  "We'll see," concluded Simon. "Oh, and you do not think this is beautiful?" He said, referring to the new song he was hearing. "Here," he added, handing the headphones again to Erika, who took a sigh, amused. Simona was crazy and would never change. But for the loved one.


  Simon finished putting on lipstick and distributed evenly by compressing the lips. He took one last controllatina the mirror to see if everything was OK. He wore a blouse bought for the occasion and a black miniskirt that left much room for the legs, covered with dark pantyhose. He was collecting her hair blond and wavy with a band, letting it fall behind the head to shoulder level. He had abounded with makeup and she found the right choice. It was terribly sexy and it was rare that you liked in the mirror. It was a nice evening.

  Erika was waiting for the ten in front of his house, where they reached the disco Omnia , which hosted the festival in high school. Simon looked at the clock on his bedside table and saw that it was nearly ten and a quarter, but the delay was not a big problem: Erika knew, knew he must be still in the midst of the preparations and that this would not have ready before the ten- at least half. And then the party would be taken off later on, so what was the race to go, then having to bother waiting?

  She went downstairs, trying not to make too much noise with your shoes on, because at that time his father Aldo was probably already asleep and there was no need to wake him, because he was always tired when he got destroyed by the weekend, and because he would have a shot at seeing her tanned that way. Passing by the kitchen door, Simona verified his prediction: Aldo deeply snoring in front of the small television set, sitting in his chair with his legs crossed and arms folded, an uncomfortable position to sleep.

  His mother was embroidering in cross-stitch, work to which he devoted himself often in his spare time. He wore a pair of glasses with a cord that passed behind the neck: the weathered much, Simon had told him several times, but without quell'ausilio, Isa would not see anything about what he was doing. Now, hearing that her daughter was preparing to leave, he raised his head and looked over his glasses. "Vai?" She whispered, not to wake her husband, who still gave a guttural and then to return to snore heavily.

  "Yes," said Simona same plane, staying in the shadows, outside the scope of the glow emitted by the TV. Not even his mother would go down the whole idea that you agghindasse in a certain way. "I'm going to take Erika."

  "I recommend, if there is careful fog 'Isa was concerned. It was almost a year that Simon had learned to drive but his parents were not yet accustomed to the idea to guide alone at night and perilous. But do not forbid him: he was nineteen and it was a good girl and deserved confidence and independence.

  "No fog" remarked Simon.

  "But it might come down later," said his mother. Aldo moved again, in reaction to the change in volume of the TV to the beginning of a new transmission, but did not wake up. Isa glanced at him, then turned his attention back to Simon. "Promise?"

  "Promise" she agreed, a little 'pissed. She did not like being treated like a girl. "Now I gotta run, I'm late."

  "What time do you think you go?" Isa held her still. He was momentarily removed his glasses to be able to watch without having to bring evil in the eyes.

  "I do not know, depends how it goes. However I have the keys, you sleep in peace. "

  "It's a word ..." said his mother with a half smile.

  "Okay, okay. Hello, goodnight, I love you, "said Simon, retrieving her purse from the rack at the entrance. She reached inside and pulled out his Walkman, he lit it and put on headphones, then left the house.

  'Hello' Isa greeted her, following her with brooding eyes. Every night would be good , he thought, even though there was nothing good.

  "If, if, hello" Aldo moaned in his sleep. Isa looked at him and smiled. It was enough to make them regain a momentary calm. Or maybe it was just resigned?


  They arrived in front of ' Omnia shortly after half past eleven. Erika had to wait long, as expected. Simon had joined her in her room and gave her advice on the finishing touches to the look. They had joked a lot, taking around about who would have picked the first two and the possibility that the other had to go home on foot. At eleven had fallen and had left, under the gaze of the mother of Erika disappointed that, in my pajamas, sipping a camomile tea before going to bed.

  "What a mess!" Said Simon, as he tried one empty seat in the car park outside the nightclub.

  "Thank you, we will throughout the school," said Erika.

  "I understand, but the kids will bring their parents. What are all these machines? "

  "Obviously I was right, being in a disco there will be a lot of people outside. Well, well! "Erika rubbed his hands and glanced at the disco, where some group of boys was waiting to enter.

  "Maiala," Simon joked. "Here." He found an empty seat and I parked his rickety Panda - a present from his father, who could afford much better, but he did not want to give too expensive car in the hands of a neopatentata. Simona unbuckled his seat belt and lowered his visor to give themselves a subsidiary in the small makeup mirror.

  "The way you spoke yesterday seemed so disinterested in this party, but apparently you have any specific plans" teased Erika.

  Simon turned with a look com
ical caricatures: he raised his right eyebrow and curled his lips as if to ask "What do you mean?".

  Erika smiled. "I do not know, you took on the way ? "he continued, indicating a movement of the face with his private parts in a miniskirt. "And some pillow? Here the seats seem pretty uncomfortable ... "

  Simon stared at her in silence for a few seconds, still with that look funny. "What an idiot," said at the end, and both laughed.


  The festival took off late, as they had expected. At the rooms of ' Omnia were half empty, the few boys who had already arrived, most younger and Erika Simon, sitting at the couches while sipping cocktails and smoking cigarettes. Some rash was already wreaking on the track, moved more by the rhythm of the music that drunkenness. The last year of high school students arrived in dribs and drabs and stayed to chat outside the bar, looking around with an attitude of superiority, as nobles forced to mingle with the rabble of the people.

  At one o'clock the real fun began. The children of the first year of the curfew had been decimated by their parents and the two rooms of ' Omnia , crowded to capacity and shaken by loud music, housed mostly young people from seventeen years of age. Simon and Erika had always remained side by side, both on the track and went crazy, and when they pushed their way through the crowd to reach the bar or sitting area.

  They saw the usual scene: young people who smoked cigarettes special , who drank like hell, they ran into the bathroom to vomit without being always able to stay until the goal, which is pushed and threatened to come to blows before the bouncers intervened and accompany them to ' outside, where they would certainly come to blows; girls who danced in groups, surrounded by men like vultures flying around waiting for prey, hungry, indulging in some palpatina from time to time, the first to disappear and reappear behind someone else . Simona also saw their classmate sitting on a bench next to the bar area, almost crushed under the weight of a hefty guy who kissed her as if to pierce the skull with his tongue and touched with hands that looked like the tentacles of a polyp, breasts and legs and under the seats and under the skirt of her summer dress.

  "Lucky you," said Erika, who, as far as I know Simon, he had never had a boyfriend before. No experience, even stories as a teenager. For her it had been different, had already been half a dozen guys in the last six years, although no one was born with a report worthy of that name. Only with Stefano, a sixteen year old with whom she went out for a month when she was fourteen, had fallen into a trap of illusion and inexperience, culminating with his first sexual intercourse. It was also nice, from his point of view, but any positive thinking was swept away when the next day, Stephen had jilted, pleased to have obtained it and have something new to brag about with friends.

  For Simon had been a disastrous but still had not removed the desire to dream of true love, her prince charming. It had been more careful in the following years, and this led her to abort the new relationship before it took the wrong turn. The problem was that she realized that what was said had some truth: finding the right man was hard to find as the proverbial needle in a haystack. She had not made an issue in years past, had had the presumption to find the companion of her life when she was a teenager. But by the eighteenth birthday onward had begun to fear of having to postpone its plans to find a husband and starting a family within the twenty-two years.

  He wondered where and when he found someone with a good head on, with values, with the expectation deep; certainly was not in a nightclub and not one of those during school holidays. His joke about any achievements with Erika was just that, a game, a facade, because it was not the kind of adventures "disposable", in principle, and even more after the experience with Stephen.

  "I must go to the bathroom" to Erika shouted, trying to drown the noise of the music and ignoring his comment on their classmates committed on the sofas. He walked, thinking it was a scandal that had not yet put a piece of the Queen .

  "I'm coming," announced Erika, as expected, and hastened to follow it. But did not have time to reach the bathrooms.


  Simon saw a hand appear on the collar and was terrified. He sprang back with a terrified expression, and nearly ruined the ground with Erika, who followed a short distance and that it was caught. Both screamed, one for the fright and the other for the certainty that he would lose his balance and would have made a fool of history before the whole school. But in that their voices were lost like drops of water in the ocean.

  The hand was a tall and toned, wearing a light brown shirt and a pair of elegant light gray trousers. His face was strong, as a sportsman, with his chin slightly protruding jaw and a major, a solar face, young, hypnotic, fascinating, generated by the perfect mix of a brilliant smile and fresh and clear eyes that seemed to have energy, the optimism exuded and vitality. He still had his right hand raised toward Simon, with his index finger outstretched as a sign of demand, although a vein of concern had stained the perfection of his stare. "Sorry, I did not want ..." he began, realizing that they made you a shot at Simon.

  "What the ...?" She began screaming as loud in his body, possessed by a rage that she had not known. But she stopped at once: something in the eyes of the boy, in his look, his attitude made her give up, as if she noticed it was not fair to blame him, who did not deserve it. Later he thought it was as if she were in front of a child of three years that he had dropped a glass, breaking it, and had not had the heart to scold him, because basically it was an innocent creature who had not done on purpose.

  "My God, excuse me," continued the boy, grabbing his shoulders as if to help her stand. "I did not think to scare you." He blushed with shame, a lot of other guys had witnessed the scene and were looking at him even now, have fun.

  "I understand, mind," Simon assured him, throwing his hands dirty look, as if to make him understand that she wanted to be touched. "Alright."

  He turned to Erika and found his face twisted into an expression of hatred toward the boy, with eyes that seemed to want to stab emanating rays of fiery wrath. She wanted to laugh, but he never did for fear that Erika reacted badly.

  "Well. So ... "he went on, continuing to shout to be heard and resuming security.

  "Then you do not mind if we were going to the bathroom" the anticipated Simona, and pointing to the door of the toilet of the girls behind him. He knew enough to understand that what happened was an excellent pretext to attack button, but did not want to get acquainted with the boy. He just wanted to pee.

  "Ok, yes. It was just ... I've been stopping, and sorry if I scared you, to ask if by chance we've seen ... »

  "But what an imagination!" Said Simon, turning to Erika, so that he would not hear her. Erika smiled contemptuously, still staring at him with eyes of fire and staying at friend's shoulders, like a strange bodyguard. "No, I think, not that I remember," shouted Simon, turned to the boy.

  "You were not the Sahara last week? "he asked. "You and your friend too, she was." Addressed to Erika smiled, as if he had not noticed to be her dislike.

  Simona was actually going to the Sahara , a disco in the province of Reggio Emilia, the previous Saturday. And there was Erika. But if he was right that boy would not have ever released, or at least not until they have sorbed his attempts at hooking or allowing him a "slinguazzata," as he ironically said Erika. And then, the boys in the area had a limited number of destinations for the Saturday night and the Sahara was one of the most popular, then that could be a lie which, coincidentally, corresponded to reality. And it was a reality for dozens of other girls who were present that evening and were the Sahara last week.

  "I do not know," he said, to cut short. "Excuse us, but we urgently." Without looking at him handed him over, pulling Erika, and rushed into the bathroom.

  "Anyway, my name is Fabrizio" he cried. "And you?" But he got no response. A boy next door caught his eye and smiled, amused, shook his head as if to say "you went wrong, man." But Fabrizio replied with a look that became for a moment his face in a charming monster mask, so that
the boy, frightened, returned to look after their affairs and downing beer in his hand.


  "What a wanker," said Erika, as soon as they were in the bathroom, away from crowds and loud music. The atmosphere was horrible: the floor was covered with broken plastic cups, a sink was filled with empty beer bottles and a girl was throwing up against the wall beside the entrance, supported by a friend who held her head and that laughed like a desperate. The smell of piss that covered the vomiting, but did not prevail for long.

  "But it's not bad," said Simon, marveling at his own words. Up to the moment before it would consider a compliment to Erika against Fabrizio - had had time to hear him cry out his name - but now it was gone from sight, and that his image had become a memory, it seemed able to better discern the lineaments. And it was just like he said, was a superb piece of guy. Stupid, perhaps, to come up with that excuse from toddler to start a conversation. But still a very cool.

  "How?" Erika was surprised. "I mean" he corrected himself, "I hear you say it's weird, is not really your type. To me, I tell you the truth, as a guy likes a lot, it being necessary to have the brain of a walnut and behaved like I said, to jerk, but ... "

  "I do not know, that has something interesting, magnetic," said Simon. "Although as a tactic of conquest has been a little 'back." He smiled, looking in the mirror and tucking her hair behind them while she was recovering and would laugh with her friend, both amused by the fact that he had been drinking vomit the soul against the wall.

  "So go easy, right?" Advised Erika, positioned in front of the mirror next to that of Simon. He tried to remain indifferent, but a slight tremor in her voice betrayed her. Simon knew her well enough to notice a streak of envy: Erika could consider it and look like an idiot for wanting to burn down his eyes, but the fact remained that Fabrizio had tried with her. "At least you go to sign."

  "Yes, only to find myself on the couch with him above, such as Samantha" Simon remarked contemptuously. Erika laughed and she did the same. The girls behind them, who were leaving the bathroom, the two looked like they were crazy. "You know what?" Continued Simon. "The Piss me and I keep at home in here makes me sick. And then I start to smell the mess of vomit and do not get out quickly if I add mine too. "


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