The legacy

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The legacy Page 16

by Quelli di ZEd

  "... and attitude, which is halfway between the arrogant and naive like a child trying to look bigger than it is. "

  "Wow, what a comparison!"

  "Only one fact is certain: you can not wait to meet him to understand better if you are just infatuated or if there may be something serious."

  "You just have to wait for the phone call."



  And the call of Fabrizio was not long in coming. Two days after their meeting, while Simon was in the bathroom in the shower and his mother, he allowed himself a moment of relaxation in the company of a novel he had given Aldo returned from his travels, the phone rang. Isa was to pick up the phone, making a crease at the corner of the page that had come not to miss the mark.

  "I am" a male voice announced expressionless and tone down the other end.

  "Keith?" Isa said, frowning and squinting behind the lens for reading. But it was not her husband, did not like him at all.

  "No, I "repeated the other.

  "Please do not make it sof ..." he began, lowering his voice to a whisper.

  "I'll do what I have to" cut her off abruptly. "Passamela."

  Sighing, Isa put the phone and looked over the stairs, shouting for her daughter.


  "Hello?" Simon said breathlessly. She had run out of the shower and had hastily tied a towel around the body to reach the phone in his room.

  "Simon?" It was the voice of Fabrizio. "So I've pulled a bin, the number was right."

  "Apparently," she agreed, amused and hearts pounding. It felt good, satisfied, like a fish that had finally found the water after terrible minute dry. Fabrizio was fresh air for her and wondered how he ever got to that level for so little and so little time. "But that means nothing."

  "It depends. Meanwhile, it gives me the opportunity to ask you if you have to do. "

  "When?" Simon said, more and more excited. The node that had melted and the towel slipped from the body, leaving her naked, but not even noticed it. His attention was devoted entirely to the invitation of Fabrizio.

  "Now," said Fabrizio. He liked to give short answers and unclear, as though they are in revealing his plans point by point, in response to questions intrigued by Simona.

  "I ..." Simon looked around, as if his commitments for the rest of the afternoon were written in mid-air. He realized he was standing in the middle of the room as the day she was and retrieved a towel from the ground to cover. "Not now, I'm free, but what ...?" It was Thursday afternoon and did not understand what he was intending Fabrizio. Nevertheless, it was pulled back, although he had promised his mother that she tidied the room and he would give her a hand for dinner.

  "Well, then I wait half an hour where we met the other day. I do not know the country well and I do not know where you live, there can go. "

  For a moment Simon was about to suggest they get home and explain how to get there, but did not. It was objectively too early for that, even though it was well aware of how rationality had taken a holiday and had given way to impulsivity and the impulse of passion. "It is better to see us one evening?" Suggested, a little 'embarrassed, because that sentence was passed by the courted to that of corteggiatrice, in which he had never found at home.

  "Hey, you want to start immediately on the fourth," Fabrizio said jokingly.

  "No, I did not mean ... it's just that today I have a very long time, I had to ... I thought that we could speak more quietly one evening, when we have a drink ... "

  "Quiet, I'm not going to steal a long time, I just have to give you something."

  "A ...? What? "

  "I'm not telling, but I'll wait in the country. Just ten minutes. A kiss. "And hung up.

  Simon was speechless. He was intrigued and loved to be pervaded by a sense of the genre, adored Fabrizio who had been the cause and decided not to waste a single second. He had to see it. A kiss, told her to say hello, and, taking off the towel and wearing panties, she thought she would do everything to give him a real one as soon as possible. A tingling between her legs suggested that if they create the appropriate conditions would not stop at that.

  Without realizing it, had become totally dependent on Fabrizio.


  The day had been sunny and the temperature was made comfortable by an abnormally warm wind. When Simon reached the tobacconist, his hair still damp despite the recommendations of his mother, there was no sign of Fabrizio. He looked around in search of his car, but did not see it parked anywhere. He put his hands in his coat pocket and waited, deciding that if he had agreed, after their meeting he would accompany her home in the car.

  After about ten minutes, from a side street where he was than the tobacco, Fabrizio sprang. Was holding a large bouquet of flowers and, as soon as he saw Simon, he dedicated one of his distinctive and hypnotic smile. He raised his free hand to greet her.

  Simon felt the adrenaline invade the body as soon as he saw it. He felt the irresistible urge to run to him, hug him and passionately kisses drown. It was not from her but it was not important. And then he was presented with flowers: nothing but jerk, as he had hastily called Erika disco, Fabrizio was proving to be a boy from another era, romantic, serious, with values.

  "Sorry I'm late," he began when he joined her. "I did not think that the florist was so crowded at this hour."

  "Valentine's Day is approaching," said she, unable to resist the temptation to peek at flowers in the deck, that Fabrizio was still holding so that they were almost completely hidden from view. "You do not mean that ...?"

  "Exactly," he confirmed, satisfied. "They're for you. But it's not about Valentine's Day, not yet. Consider them a gift of thanks. "

  "And for what?" Simon asked again, that was all eyes for Fabrizio and his flowers.

  "For me deigned for your interest. You're a wonderful girl, better than any girl has ever dreamed of meeting. Saturday night I came home destroyed by shame and disappointment, but when I saw you again here the other day and we chatted as if I were reborn. "He paused, then added:" I did not do is think about you every single moment in these two days, "assuming a serious expression and melodramatic. He handed her a bouquet of flowers.

  Simon took it as a tear of emotion ran down from the corner of the eye. She brought flowers to his nose, and their perfume intoxicated. There were ten beautiful red roses, the most beautiful and fragrant she had ever found in his life. He shook the deck against his chest and stared with eyes in love with Fabrizio. "Thanks," he said, his voice cracking.

  "Thank you," he said. "And now I let you go, you'll have plenty to do and do not want to steal any more time."

  "No, wait," Simon stopped him, at that point would have been too willing to drop everything and run away with him across the world.

  "No, really. I just wanted to take this moment to make you understand what you mean to me and what if you could be born among us something more. And now, if you like, I wanted to ask you out together on Tuesday evening. At dinner, maybe. "

  "Sure," Simon agreed, even before he had finished his sentence. Next Tuesday would be the Valentine's Day and certainly Fabrizio had planned everything to perfection. If he had been able to emozionarla like that with a simple gift like a bouquet of flowers, who knows what would have reserved the evening memorable.

  "Well. Great "exulted. "We put ourselves in agreement over the phone, I'll call the next day."


  "So ... hello. Thanks again, "he greeted, retreating back to the car that had parked in the side street.

  "Wait," Simon stopped him. She stepped toward him and, with the scent of roses that still pervaded the air around her, like soaking in a dimension beyond death only made of love, put an arm around his neck and pulled him. She put her lips to his gently. The felt warm and soft. She kissed him passionately for an unspecified time, barely controlling his body, who seemed attracted by Fabrizio to the point of wanting to merge with him.

  When detached, they were to settle in the eyes
for a few seconds. Fabrizio was serious, Simon still had his eyes shining with emotion. "I'm waiting for your call," he said.

  "Do not miss" he reassured her.

  "I love you," said Simon, as if in ecstasy, staring, his arm free from the flowers along the left side.

  "It's a great start," said Fabrizio, turning around and coming back from where he had arrived.

  Simon watched him walk away, thinking it was better to go home alone or he would have jumped on the car.


  "I've never seen her like this," said Erika. They sat in the kitchen of his house and drank hot tea and repassed history for the task of the next day. Simona had a hard time focusing right away, the more eager to tell his emotions to memorize facts that occurred decades earlier. And so, after trying in vain to bring the afternoon on the tracks of duty, Erika had surrendered and gave her rope.

  "Not even I have never felt so," confirmed Simon. From the first day, when Fabrizio had given her roses, she started to count the minutes that separated her from Tuesday evening. It was also felt stupid for not having asked for her phone number, to be able to contact first, without waiting for him should wish to call it yet.

  "But it all started as a joke ... And now, I swear, give me the impression of someone who has found the man of her life. You look like the princess that was saved by the prince who has broken the spell. "He smiled to shake off the strange feeling that the eyes of Simon, who reacted to his words as if they were the real truth and not a deliberate provocation, the aroused.

  "Did you use the right words" confided fact. "That's right, it's like I found my perfect half and something inside me had recognized instantly. Because it's as if my heart was traveling faster than my mind, as if he already knew to be my man before I am aware uscendoci and knowing him better. "

  "Capers" said Erika surprised. "If I did talk in questions of this beautiful half'd be the first class."

  "Stupid." He reflected a moment, undecided whether to outsource the new thinking that it was facing in the mind. Erika had the impression that he wanted to take advantage of the moment of silence to bring attention to the history books, so he decided to put a little 'pepper the conversation. "You know something else? I ... I just noticed that attracts ... physically. "

  "Yes, I've already said the" Erika reminded her, closing his book, resigned.

  "No, I mean ..." Simon explained, lowering his eyes and shrugging.

  "What the fuck ...? "Erika broke, unable to stop in front of externalization of the genre. "But what have you become? A nymphomaniac? "

  Simon blushed, embarrassed. "It's the first time I have. You're right, I feel un'assatanata, as if I were the boy and the girl himself. Why is it so, he seems very romantic and at the moment is not giving me the idea to think that just like everyone else. Too bad I have to think ... "he added, amused.

  Erika opened his mouth and shook his head. "I do not believe my ears," he said. "At this point it makes me think the worst for Tuesday evening."

  "No, not that" Simon assured her, returning more serious. "I have enough self control to remember what happened to me some years ago and did not allow me sooner than necessary." But he was not entirely certain.

  "I hope so" said Erika. "Listen, I'll go if we continue to go over? Although after what you told me I will struggle to find the thread ... Holy God! "

  Simon bit his lower lip, holding back a smile.


  Tuesday night, Fabrizio stood before the house at eight o'clock, right on schedule. In the days before, Simona had not spoken to him nor his mother of their appointment. When he was returned home with a bouquet of roses in his hands, Isa had seen her, but she had asked nothing, pretending to be too busy. Simona had interpreted the reaction as a disappointment and was no longer the speech went Fabrizio, indeed, even Isa, but seeing her happy and carefree in a suspicious way, had made no application.

  Only that afternoon Simon announced he would be out for dinner, asking his mother to go along with the excuse that he intended to tell his father that he was going to a restaurant with some friends on the day of St. Valentine, to exorcise their being "single". Isa had assured her that would hold up the game, if ever Aldo, who had forecast back in the late evening, he asked her something, often took most of his work to the point of take off any residual interest, including that for the life of his family.

  When Fabrizio parked in front of their gate, Simon was in his room and was completing preparations. Occurred while the eye shadow might bestow, he heard a car and ran to the window and discovered with horror that it was really him, he had reckoned that it would split the second and did not intend to keep him waiting in the car . But even the prospect of it into the living room was not the best.

  Heart pounding with excitement and haste, he gave an arranged her hair and ran down the stairs, intending to go out and assure him that he would have reached a moment, that the waiting car. But no sooner had he reached the landing she heard the front door open.

  A few more steps and stood in front of the scene that he wanted to avoid. Fabrizio on the threshold, elegant beyond belief, and so kept his face to give the impression to issue its own light, and Isa in front of him, strangely silent, his hand still firmly on the door handle. Both became aware of his presence but only Fabrizio looked in his direction.

  "Hello" she greeted him, embarrassed. He thought that coming face to face with the mother of his girlfriend was one of the most hated men and was sorry to be so stupid as to allocate Fabrizio due to the delay. "Sorry, I ..."

  "No problem, they are early," the calmed him, lying. "Beat well to prepare yourself if you do not mind waiting here." He looked at Isa waiting for a response.

  "No, please," she murmured, uneasy. Fabrizio took a step back and shut the door Isa.

  "I'll subitissimo, then," Simon assured him, turning back in the room. "If you take a seat across ..."

  "No thanks, I stay here, no problem" declined Fabrizio, assuming a posture of waiting with his hands in his pockets and hips slightly thrust forward. Simona holed himself in his room, while Isa returned quietly to the kitchen. Fabrizio followed her out of the corner of the eye.

  Ten minutes later they were ready to go. "Do not wait up" advised Simon to his mother in the kitchen. "Hello. Greet also the father. "

  He got no answers.


  "I have two surprises for you," Fabrizio announced as soon as they were in the privacy of his car.

  "I'm sorry if I embarrassed you with my mother," said Simon, following the line of thoughts in his head, and hardly realizing what had just heard.

  "How embarrassing, I do not bother. Rather, she seemed uncomfortable. "

  "Um, you're right. It was strange, it is usually more talkative. "

  "It will have some thoughts on his mind. It happens to the mothers ... "she smiled.

  Simona dedicated to him a sweet look. He seemed to remember something very important. "What you said about two surprises?"

  "There you are!" Said Fabrizio amused. "I have two. The first is that I'm not going to go to dinner at a restaurant. "Simon tried to remain unmoved by the news, even though her stomach growling for a while 'and had already imagined in front of a steaming risotto with seafood . "And the second is that I have in mind a special place to spend the evening, a place where I am sure that you have never been brought."

  "Do not take this for granted, I have seen many places here in the area ... not necessarily with other kids, I mean "specific Simona.

  "Anyway, since I realize that the first surprise might not be just fine for you, I prepared a little something to eat, but a simple dinner for a little 'particularly, by candlelight." Fabrizio looked at the expression of Who was going to drop the royal flush in front of the opponent's aces. With the hand pointed to a plastic container in the back seat.

  "I have no words," Simon said, genuinely surprised. Fabrizio was an endless source of excitement. "I'm sure will be an unforgettable evening."

  "Then I'll
do everything because the memories for a lifetime" he promised.

  And, for better or for worse, it went really well.


  Simon would never have been able to say how long traveled - had his watch and he did not pay attention to what was in the car, he was so rapt in conversation with Fabrizio - or that roads traveled. He got my license recently and knew just the usual routes that led to school and attended the local weekend. Moreover, it had never been good at orientation.

  Parma reached and crossed, then walked through a series of small towns that Simon could not remember ever having visited and finally found themselves coasting along cultivated fields for a time that would have seemed interminable, if the proximity of Fabrizio had not made ​​it so nice . At some point they began to rise and Simon realized that their goal was to be somewhere in the hills. The temperature was less cold than usual, and the sky was clear, so it was unlikely that Fabrizio had in mind a dinner under the stars. The idea was adorable, different .

  "Once," he announced at the end Fabrizio, parking the car on the side, behind a small hill covered with tall grass and bushes, including the moonlight showed off a gravel path that went up. "This is my secret place, and in a little 'know him too."

  "What an honor," said Simon, looking at the area and observing, not without some discomfort, they were far from any town and that there was no one, not even a car on the streets. From the opposite rim of the road began a forest of beech, which excluded the sight of the landscape of the plains in the distance.

  "Come on. We'll have to walk a bit ', but it's worth it. "Fabrizio got out, then opened the back door on his side and retrieved the container with the impromptu dinner. "What is it?" Simon asked, seeing her hesitate.

  "I put heels" she explained. "I did not know ..."

  "Oh, I ... excuse. However only a hundred meters up, nothing that ... than you take off your shoes and socks went in, it will be fun. Adventures to tell. "She smiled and that was enough to reassure Simon, who went down in turn.

  It was slightly colder than when they left the air and the pungent pinched, making her the goosebumps on her legs covered only by thin tights. Before closing the door, he decided he could do without her purse and left it on the seat. At the same time, he hoped that Fabrizio had planned to light a little fire to warm up in anticipation of a further drop in temperature that would have been inevitable, nearing night.


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