Riggs' Saviour (Kings Reapers MC)

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Riggs' Saviour (Kings Reapers MC) Page 7

by Nicola Jane

  “Shit, you have no idea how good that feels,” he pants, digging his fingers into my hip. He rolls on top of me, so I’m on my stomach, and begins to move, grabbing my ass hard as he thrusts inside me. “I never appreciated your pussy so much,” he groans.

  It takes just minutes for me to reach my orgasm. It’s been so long since he touched me, just hearing his pleasure sends me spiralling over the edge. He follows, pulling from me right before he comes, spilling his pleasure onto my back. His heavy pants fill the room as he rubs the evidence of his arousal into my skin. “Mine,” he whispers.

  “Yours,” I mutter.


  I feel lighter, either because I’ve finally told Anna everything or because I’ve managed to fuck her. I don’t care about the reason, all I know is it feels good. We lie together, her head against my chest. “What happens now?” she asks. If there’s one thing I've learned from Eleanor, it’s not to rush things.

  “I want us to see Eleanor together. We both have issues we gotta face.” I feel her nod. “No more running,” I add. “We have to try harder to make us work.”

  “What if you get bad news from your final test results?”

  I run my fingers along her back. “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. One day at a time.”

  “What about Reggie?” Anna asks.

  “What about him? Burn the letters. There’s nothing he’s gotta say that we need to hear. But we have to be cautious, cos he’s clearly got someone watching you or feeding back information. You need a brother on you all the time. You and Malia.”

  “I think I should stay living where I am for now,” she says quietly.

  “For now,” I agree. “But not forever. We’re gonna work this out. I need you in my life.”

  She snuggles tighter against me. “I have to get back. Eva is watching the girls.”

  I sigh. Everything in me wants to order her to move back here so I have access to her twenty-four-seven, but if we rush this, we’ll end up back here in a few months. We have to face our demons.

  “I can’t drive, I’ve had too much to drink. I’ll get a prospect to take you.”

  “Riggs, can we keep this between us?” she asks. I bristle at her words, but she gently strokes my arm. “I’m not ashamed. I just feel like when everyone gets involved, it becomes complicated. Let’s see how things go for a while before we make any big announcements.”

  I nod. Big announcements are what started all this.

  Chapter Ten


  Eva grins the second I walk through the door. “Well, look at the glow on you,” she says.

  I subconsciously rub my cheeks and blush. “We talked.”

  “Please,” she scoffs. “You did much more than talk. How did he worm his way out of it?”

  I shrug. “We talked. We cleared the air. We needed that. I’ve agreed to see the counsellor with him again.”

  “That sounds like a plan.”

  “He kept something from me, something huge,” I say and she eyes me suspiciously. “I can’t tell you, it isn’t my thing to tell. But he told someone else, confided in her, and it bothers me. Do I say something to her or leave it?”

  Eva purses her lips, thinking for a minute. “Is she a threat to your relationship?”

  I shrug again. “Honestly, I don’t know. In one way, I should thank her for spotting something I didn’t, but in another, I’m mad she didn’t tell me.”

  “Then say that. Speak from the heart and be honest. If you don’t get it off your chest, you’ll be eaten up with it.”

  I don’t sleep well. My mind is replaying everything Riggs told me. What if the treatment hasn’t worked? We’ve spent so long being apart and playing stupid games that we might have lost our chance.

  I toss and turn the entire night again, and when the sun rises, Willow wakes and I’m lost in baby stuff. When the rest of the population rises at a more reasonable hour, I send a text off to Raven asking her to meet me in the park.

  I like Raven. It’s hard not to like her. I know Leia has her issues, with Raven and Chains being close friends, but even she struggles to pick fault with the redheaded beauty. I smile as she walks towards me. “Hey,” she says, taking a seat and peering into Willow’s pushchair. “She’s getting so big,” she points out.

  “I know about Riggs,” I say, and she eyes me. “He told me everything last night.”

  “That’s good,” she says warily. “What did he tell you exactly?”

  “About the cancer,” I say, and she looks relieved. “I want to thank you,” I begin as she frowns. “You noticed enough to ask him to go and get checked. If you hadn’t,” I shrug, “well, maybe he still wouldn’t know.”

  “I’m glad he got checked and he’s having treatment.”

  “I also wanted to say something else.” I bite my lower lip, choosing my words carefully. “You must be watching him pretty closely to notice how often he goes to the bathroom,” I say, and she hangs her head, her cheeks turning crimson. “I get it,” I continue. “He’s the President, he’s charming, good looking. It’s hard not to fancy him.”

  “I’ve never once made a move,” she blurts out quickly. “I wouldn’t.”

  I nod. “Good. I just wanted you to know that I see it. I love him, despite what it might look like from the outside. We’re married and we have Willow. I’m asking you, woman to woman, stay away from my husband.”

  “I have, I promise. I respect you, Anna. I’d never go there, I swear. He doesn’t know how I feel, and I’ve not made a single move on him.”

  “Let’s keep it that way.”

  Riggs is in my office already when I arrive at Easy Riders later that day. He closes his laptop and looks at me. “I have a confession,” he says.

  I place my bag by the side of the desk. “Okay.”

  “I own this place. Well, the club does.”

  My mouth falls open. “I thought Vinn owned it?”

  “I had to tell Leia that because I knew you wouldn’t come and work here otherwise. I needed a manager and you were doing the course, it was an obvious choice, and if you’d have told me months ago how you felt about getting a job, I would have done it sooner.”

  “I wanted to get my independence,” I argue.

  “And you have that. You earn your money here, Anna. The figures look great,” he says. “And if you fuck up, I’ll fire you. No special treatment,” he adds, grinning.

  “Talking of doing a great job,” I say, taking a seat opposite him. “I’m thinking of making some changes to the staff.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “Raven, for example,” I say, casually. “Nothing against her, but I’d like some new faces around.”

  Riggs frowns. “The customers love Raven. She’s great behind the bar.”

  “I’m just not comfortable around her at the moment,” I admit.

  “Then change your shifts so you aren’t together, Anna. You can’t let personal shit get in the way.”

  “I thought you said I was the manager, therefore, I should make the decisions, right?”

  I watch him gather his things. He kisses me on the cheek. “Baby, you are, but it’s a stupid idea. Raven is good for this place.” He leaves the office. The truth is, I want to limit her time around Riggs as much as possible.


  I find Raven in the cellar changing a barrel. “Things okay with you and Anna?” I ask, and she jumps at the sound of my voice.

  “Yep,” she says, smiling awkwardly.

  I step closer and she takes a step back. “You’re lying.”

  “She warned me off you today, okay. She was marking her territory.”

  I smile. I like that she’s marking me as hers. It means we’re making progress. “We’re sorting our shit out. She knows there’s nothing between us but let her do her thing. Anna likes you, she’ll settle down.”

  I make my way back to the office and find Anna chatting away on her laptop. I move closer, her eyes fixed on the video c
all. “I like the first set of flyers better,” she says. “Hold those up again.”

  I place my hand on her knee and she smirks. “And the third set,” she says. I crouch down, nudging her skirt higher and higher until my hands reach her silk panties. She tries to discreetly bat my hands away. “No, it’s the first set. Let’s talk numbers,” she says. I place a kiss on her inner thigh and she parts her legs, allowing me more room. I grin, running my fingers over her panties. She gasps but covers it with a cough. The man on the video call is talking about prices as I slip a finger underneath the silk and find her wet. I suck my finger into my mouth and hum in approval—she tastes amazing.

  “I have to go. Can you email me those numbers?” she squeaks. I don’t wait for him to answer before I’m tugging down her panties. She cancels the call just as I bury my head between her legs. “Christ, Riggs, I thought you said it wasn’t working,” she mutters, burying her hands in my hair.

  “It wasn’t. You do things to me,” I say, opening my jeans and pushing them down my hips. I pull her down to the floor and she wraps her legs around me. “They said I might never get it working again, yet here we are. I’ve had some hormone shit pumped into me. The doc’ll be pleased when I tell him it’s working,” I smirk as she sinks down onto me. She feels fucking amazing. “I knew the office was a good idea,” I add and she laughs.

  Chapter Eleven


  I’ve never felt more thankful for having Anna than I do right now. I’m gripping her hand so tight, her fingers are white, but I can’t seem to let her go. The doctor breezes into his office and shakes hands with us both. “How are you feeling?” he asks.

  “Good. Best I’ve been in months,” I say.

  “Any concerns?”

  I shake my head. “Everything seems to be working,” I say, nodding down to my cock. The doc smirks and Anna gasps.

  “Well, that’s good news. I told you, younger patients tend to recover much quicker than older ones. I have to say, Finn, I’m impressed with how well you’ve fought this.” He pulls some papers from a file. “The tests show your levels are healthy, which indicates you’re in the clear.”

  I suck in a breath and Anna smiles wide. “That doesn’t mean we’re signing you off,” he adds quickly. “Your treatment is over, and provided your PSA levels remain low, we’ll be happy just to monitor you every few months. I’ve spoken to colleagues and we feel that at the moment, you won’t require another dose of hormone injections to reduce your testosterone levels. But, any signs, and you know what they are, you have to come straight back. No waiting.”

  I nod, hardly believing the relief I feel. “I don’t know what to say,” I mutter.

  “Congratulations, Finn. And well done.” He leans over the desk and shakes my hand again.

  We step outside and Anna throws her arms around me. “I can’t believe it!”

  “Me either,” I say. “I was convinced it’d be bad news. I gotta go back and tell Cree.”

  “Cree knows?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “I promised myself I’d tell him once I was clear. I need to explain why I haven’t been myself,” I explain, and she smiles, gently squeezing my arm.

  “I love you,” she says.

  I kiss her, gripping her perfect face in my hands. “I love you so much,” I whisper against her lips. “And I’m so sorry for everything I’ve put you through. I can’t take back what I did but I can try and make up for it. If you’ll let me.”

  “From now on, we talk. Your problems are my problems and vice versa. You pushed me away to try and save me from hurting and yet you made it ten times worse. I’m your wife. We face these things together.”

  I nod. Kissing her again. I’ve been an arse, there’s no doubting that. I pushed my wife away when I should have been confiding in her, letting her support me. I’ve missed out on months with my baby girl because I was too scared of dying and leaving her. I felt less of a man because cancer made me vulnerable and I hated that feeling.

  Getting the results today feels like I’ve been given a second chance at life, and now I have to put right all of my wrongs. I need to get my head back in the game and run my club like the leader I once was. With Anna back by my side, I know it’s possible. We’re not perfect, and we have a long way to go to get back to where we were, but I’m thankful she’s giving me another try. I can’t let her down again. She’s my queen, now, forever, always . . . because where there’s love, there’s hope.

  The End


  It’s been a long time coming, but I am so happy to finally bring you Riggs’ Saviour. I felt Riggs needed to explain himself to all the readers who were so mad at his behaviour towards Anna and just in general—let’s face it, he’s been an arse! I hope you forgive him.

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