Warfare's Ultimate Frontier 1

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Warfare's Ultimate Frontier 1 Page 25

by Quasar Magellan

  Baron sighed, then stretched. After being so busy the last few days, it was almost time to relax — but not quite. “Now that that’s taken care of, why don't we go and see Wu San Gui?”

  “You sure they wouldn't just leave?” Han Xin was rather suspicious of the Vespers.

  “It should be fine. They’re a bunch of thugs, but even they can’t just renege on a deal made at the Sun Coalition’s special event.”

  The moment Baron finished speaking, he saw a group of familiar faces approaching him.

  “Have you come to pay your debt, Wu San Gui?”

  “Here it is. I’ll give the rest to you in time.” Wu San Gui tossed a coin pouch to Baron.

  “Good, good. Is there anything else before I take my leave?” Baron absentmindedly asked as he inspected the contents of the pouch.

  “You better watch your back. When you least expect it, I’ll come for everything you own and care about.”

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  Wu San Gui continued. “Ha, you’re a gutsy strategist. It’s almost impressive how you haven’t been targeted yet. Count your blessings, that you’ve slipped under the radar. There are people who even the Sun Coalition fears — and the day they go after you, I’ll be there to fan the flames.”

  “Oh? Who might you be talking about?”

  “I have no reason to tell you.”

  “Not even a name?”

  Wu San Gui grinned. “Why would I tell you? I’ll tell you something else, though. The Chinese community is large and powerful, but there’s always a bigger fish. And that saying is true on so many levels, you will never be able to comprehend.” He whispered into Baron’s ear.

  Baron deftly stepped back, then looked into Wu San Gui’s eyes. “You’re an unusual one, Wu San Gui. Alright then, come on guys. I think we're done here.”

  The members of Under One Banner left under the gazes of the Vesper faction, all of whom stared at their backs with ill intent.


  Home sweet home, everyone celebrated by drinking wine and ordering food. They didn’t need to drink or eat, but it was still enjoyable to do so. And there was cause for celebration. They’d earned a great deal of money from the event, despite their purchases, and gained two powerful blueprints.

  One was the DeepStrike, a technologically advanced missile that could be shot from land-based platforms. A devastating instrument of war.

  The other was an airplane they would be utilizing in the upcoming Faction Selection tournament. The date was fast approaching, and the airplane would be a key chess piece in their efforts.

  After becoming an official faction, though, they weren’t sure what fate would have in store for them. They knew they’d have to ally with larger factions. They also knew that Meng Tian and Meng Yi would probably leave, once their end of the deal was accomplished.

  But, those were thoughts for the future. Tonight, they would celebrate by partying with their fine brothers, and even finer wine and food.

  Chapter 57

  Return of Li Xin

  They partied all night, but once morning arrived, they all returned to their normal states, preparing for the faction tournament. Due to their successful sales at the auction, they wouldn’t have money issues for a hundred years.

  They split into two groups and all entered a single simulation. They did this because they wanted to test their new blueprints, the DeepStrike missile and the B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber. Both had been pricey, but Baron had assured the others that they were well worth the price.

  Baron was confused about one thing, though. Even if these weapons were on planet four, how had the Sun Coalition gotten their hands on them? Even if the United States community wasn’t quite as powerful as the Chinese community yet, they wouldn’t have given something so valuable over.

  But for now, he shoved that thought to the back of his mind. For now, he focused on learning how to use the faction’s new toys. The eight worked tirelessly for several months, until they were confident in their grasp of the new weapons.

  They were discussing potential improvements when knocking on the door drew their attention. Upon opening the door, Baron was surprised to see that it was Li Xin.

  “Li Xin? What brings you here to our HQ?”

  “Ah, Baron. I have some rather unfortunate news for you. It's about my control over suppressing the Forever Pirates.”

  “What happened? Actually, why don't you come in first.”

  “Thank you.” Li Xin continued to speak as they made their way inside and sat down. “The thing is that I no longer have any control over the situation. One of the senior elders of the main faction has taken me out of this matter and replaced me with someone else.”

  “Who might this new person be?”

  “Some vengeful young upstart that was rejected by Madam Zheng, I believe.”

  “That’s interesting, to say the least. How long ago was this?”

  “They notified me last week, but I was busy with other matters so I didn't hear the news until just yesterday.”

  “It's fine, I'll give the news to Madam Zheng. Is your relationship with me exposed?”

  “No need to worry about that. They wouldn’t care even if they found out.”

  Baron sighed. “Thanks for the heads up. You have really done quite a lot for me.”

  Li Xin shrugged. “Don't expect me to help you anytime soon. I'm heading out to another community soon. Seeing you grow all these years has seriously impressed me. I realize now that there’s no point in playing the fool any longer. I will venture out of this safety net that I have been in ever since I got to planet 4.”

  “Will you be going alone?”

  “Yes, I feel that going alone will be the best course of action.”

  “Have you thought about which communities you’ll be visiting?” Yue Fei suddenly piped up.

  “Eh, I think I’ll just go to whichever one I stumble across first.”

  Yue Fei frowned. “Best not to do that. The outside world is very dangerous. Even if you’re from the Sun Coalition, that won’t protect you out there. I suggest you visit either the Korean or Greek community first. Those two are the least hostile to us.”

  Li Xin nodded. “Thank you for your advice. I’ll be taking my leave now, as that’s all I had to say.”

  Guan Yu spoke up. “One more thing. I believe your faction leader, Sun Tzu, is currently at the United States community. If you get the chance to, please ask him when he plans on returning.” Guan Yu said just as Li Xin was about to leave.

  “Of course, elder.” With that, Li Xin left.

  Baron sighed. “Alright, everyone. I’ll make a trip to the Forever Pirates and let them know of the situation.”

  “Don't be gone too long, or we’ll have left you in the dust.” Xu Da boasted.

  Baron laughed. “Nothing would make me happier.”

  As he arrived at the Forever Pirates headquarters, he knocked on the door. In an instant, the door opened to reveal Zheng I’s face.

  “What do you want, Baron? We are rather preoccupied at the moment.”

  “This is about the people suppressing you guys. My person there has been replaced by someone who is much less friendly.”

  Craning her head, Madam Zheng spotted Baron in the doorway. “Come in, Baron. The Vesper faction is making moves, some of which concern you. I was actually just about to call someone over.” Madam Zheng called out.

  Zheng I looked exasperated, but stood to the side. “Alright, come in.”

  As Baron entered, he was again hit by the aroma of seawater.

  “What news is there that concerns my Under One Banner?”

  Madam Zheng replied. “It seems that due to your little display during the Grand Auction the Vesper faction is placing more resources into preventing you from creating an official faction.

  “Oh dear. That sounds quite serious.”

  “Yes, quite so. They have enlisted the help of three true aerial strategists to face off against you in the tour
nament. The five from before can’t even begin to compare to the ones they invited this time. Only one of them is even Chinese, and the trio has been practicing with each other for a great deal of time. They’re at the point where they seem to know each others’ moves without even communication. Their tactics and maneuvers complement each other extremely well.”

  “Those damned Vespers sure do love to make trouble for us. This might be troublesome. I’ll have to research them thoroughly.”

  “Yes, you should. I have some basic information that will help you. The Chinese strategist is Wang Yi, of the Yellow Wang faction. Another is Eumenes of Greece, and the last is William Bridges of Australia.”

  Baron frowned. “Wang Yi of China, Eumenes of Greece, and William Bridges of Australia. Experience, intelligence, and foresight. That’s what those three represent. This will definitely be a tough battle.”

  Madam Zheng nodded. “Yes, now let's talk about their suppression efforts.”

  “I was told that the new person in charge is some fellow you or your faction rejected.”

  Madam Zheng sighed. “I bet it's that sassy little child who’s with me. I don't even know his name.”

  “Will you be alright then? My friend did quite a bit to make sure you suffered as little as possible when he was in charge of this operation.”

  Zheng I snorted. “Of course we will be. We aren't so weak that a subsidiary faction can tip the scales against us.”

  Baron nodded. “That's good. How is the development of the sea mine coming along?”

  Zheng Po responded. “Not too great. Many researchers aren’t willing to work for us, no matter how much we’re willing to pay.”

  “I see. Have you guys thought further about forming an alliance with the Men of Meng?

  Madam Zheng shook her head “We don't really have a need to forge an alliance this early.”

  “I see, well if that is all, I will be heading back now. No need to see me out.” Baron said as he quietly left to the others.

  They weren’t going to like the news.

  Chapter 58


  “What? The Vespers have actually decided to contract those three? That’s quite a hurdle to surpass.” Xu Da commented.

  “Unfortunately, this is our situation. The only thing we can do is to research them for some kind of weakness we can exploit.

  “These three are fairly well known within the Chinese community so getting information about them shouldn't be too difficult. What I'm more concerned about is whether we can even beat them.” Yue Fei said with a stern face.

  “No need to worry about that just yet. I think I may just have something we can use to destabilize their relationship. But, we’ll need some help from another community.” Han Xin said wickedly.

  Baron raised an eyebrow. “What’s this plan of yours?”

  “It’ll involve a few tactics that are considered unsavory, but it’ll also give us the highest chance of winning the tournament.”

  “Just skip to the part where you tell us your plan, please.” Ban Chao said a bit impatiently.

  Han Xin side-eyed Ban Chao but continued. “Well, during my travels I happened to stop by the Australian community.”

  “William Bridges?” Baron asked. “He should be the one that has been here on planet four for the shortest amount of time. What are you planning on doing?”

  “If I bring a few fairly high ranking members of our community then I believe that I can make this Australian fellow unable to participate in the upcoming tournament. Though, I must admit that I am not too confident in my chances.”

  “Manipulating things from the shadows? Isn't that what got you and your clan killed when you were back on Earth? I'm surprised that you would even consider this type of action.”

  “It's because our chances are low that I would even consider such a cowardly move. Though, this sort of tactic is quite common.”

  Meng Tian raised his hand. “If I may interject, I think that this is the best solution. Meng Yi and I may be considered to be close to the master level in aerial warfare, we’re completely outclassed by true masters. In both blueprints and tactics, mind you. It’s not a gap we can easily cross.”

  “My brother is correct.” Said Meng Yi. “These are the measures we must resort to if we are to have a chance at winning the tournament now. We’ve shrunk the gap between us and aerial masters with our new blueprints, but we’re nowhere close to bridging it. We’ll need to do this, and also practice to the best of our ability in order to win.”

  Baron stayed quiet for a few moments before asking Meng Yi, “Have you ever faced any of these three?”

  “No, but my brother and I have seen them do battle before. They’re incredibly amazing in their execution and these three specifically but we have seen them battle before. They are no less amazing in their incredible execution and timing of attacks in conjunction with each other. Perhaps even better than me and my brother.”

  “That is quite distressing to hear. Han Xin, you said you needed to bring a few people with you?”

  “Yes, I can influence the Australian community a bit, as overall they are rather new and weak. I’m thinking of bringing Xu Da and Ban Chao — the three of us are rather unlikely to end up participating in the tournament, after all. You only need five for the tournament, and the three of us are the least adept in aerial warfare.”

  “I see... so you’d already thought that far ahead. Are the two of you alright with this?” Baron looked toward Xu Da and Ban Chao.

  Xu Da sighed. “Well, I’m not happy about it, but I can tell this is for the best.”

  Ban Chao slowly nodded “As much as I would like to think that I’d be able to surpass one of you, I know it’s not very possible. I’ll follow Han Xin.”

  Baron still wasn't quite convinced. “Are you sure? You would have to go to the Australian community for an unknown period of time.”

  “As long as we win the tournament, it’ll have been worth it.” Said Ban Chao.

  Han Xin nodded with satisfaction. “As long as the two of you understand what this trip entails, I’m confident. We leave in three days. Steel your hearts for the outside — it’s not a friendly place. Make sure you don’t talk to anyone for any reason. It’s an uncivilized world out there, more than you could ever imagine.”

  Yue Fei sighed. “We really have it easy within the community borders.”

  Han Xin shrugged. “It's best to not think about such depressing matters. I'll be going to pack my things first. Xu Da, Ban Chao. Take care of any unfinished business before we leave.”

  Ban Chao groaned. “Ah, right. That reminds me. I have to get a few things done before we leave. I’ll have to get to it.” Ban Chao left the headquarters after Han Xin.

  Xu Da shrugged. “I don’t really have anything I need to do. I think I’d rather spend the day in simulations.”

  “Of course you would.” Guan Yu said while stifling a laugh.

  “Come on, come on. Let’s all get into a simulation — I call being on the Meng brothers’ team!”

  And so, Xu Da partnered with Meng Yi and Meng Tian to do battle against Baron, Yue Fei, and Guan Yu. The sim they chose was an aerial scenario that wouldn’t take long to complete. After all, even with the difference in simulation time and real time, Xu Da didn’t have all that much time to spare.

  So, the six of them fought over Guadalcanal, an island in the pacific that had seen much action in World War II. After they finished, Xu Da left to pack his things, while the others entered another simulation. By the time they finished, Xu Da, Ban Chao, and Han Xin had already departed.

  They decided to switch to a scenario that would be more conducive to team battles, and ended up settling on the Battle of Kursk.

  The battle of Kursk involved aerial warfare, but it was also known as one of the largest tank battles in history. Germany and Russia had gone toe to toe in this battle, with over four thousand planes and six thousand tanks in combat. Ultimately, the defending Russians h
ad emerged victorious, as the Germans had allowed them too much time to prepare their defenses.

  For the simulations, the teams were divided as such: Meng Tian and Baron, against Meng Yi, Yue Fei, and Guan Yu. Meng Tian and Baron were chosen to be on the smaller team because Meng Tian was considered the more skilled of the two Meng brothers — and therefore couldn’t be the one with three members on his team.

  As for why they’d chosen this particular scenario, it was because they’d realized that although they were now rather skilled in aerial battles, they were also lacking when it came to combining aerial warfare with land warfare. And of course, it was a great map to work on teamwork and communication. Each side’s land and air forces would have to work together in sync.

  The preparation time for this sim was revealed to be four months, as this battle involved a great deal of intricacies. One needed to carefully set up supply lines, organize troops and defenses, and build blueprints. As such, four months was really not a lot of time. Still though, they did their best to prepare, and as soon as the four months passed, the German army, led by Meng Tian and Baron, immediately advanced upon the Russians.

  Chapter 59

  Battle of Kursk

  In terms of military might, the Russians had the advantage. Guan Yu, Meng Yi, and Han Xin controlled about two million men, ten thousand tanks, twenty-five thousand machine guns and mortars, and about three thousand aircraft.

  Most importantly, they had the advantage in terrain, as they were defending their home country. About 2 million men, over 10,000 tanks, 25,000 guns and mortars, around 3,000 aircraft, and most importantly the home advantage.

  But as always, Baron and Meng Tian were not without their own advantages. The attacking German side had highly trained officers and almost eight hundred thousand well-seasoned soldiers and hundreds of panzer tanks. They also had about ten thousand machine guns and mortars, as well as thousands of aircraft.

  In World War II, the German forces had attempted to pincer the Russians along the northern and southern faces of their territory. Many German divisions had attempted to break through these two faces to meet at Kursk. They would then deal the finishing blow to the Russian army. The many divisions had experienced varying levels of success, but the Russian’s counterattack successfully pushed them all back.


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