Lake's Reign

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Lake's Reign Page 2

by A. E. D

  Ignoring them as I stand back up, the group of men continue to talk about my body as Keenan becomes agitated. His hands fisted at his side and his face grows redder by the second. Before I can say anything to him, he barks out an insult, igniting the tension between our groups.

  “Hey dickhead! How about you get some respect.” He folds his arms across his chest as his face becomes masked in rage.

  “Hey kid. She don’t look like your Mumma and she don’t look like your sister and there’s no way your tapping that. So how about you mind your own business, little boy.” The man sneered back. Keenan growled as his knuckles turn white and proceeds to take a step forward. Quickly shooting my hand out, I grab his shoulder, halting him in place.

  “It’s okay. He’ll get what’s coming to him. They all will.” I hang my arm across his shoulders as I walk us towards the start line. As soon as we push our way through their group, Keenan’s hand slides down from its position on my lower back to rest against my ass. Tilting my head to the side, I see him smirk at the group of men who are now scowling at him. I repress the urge to laugh and let him have his fun. Because once this moment ends, he will never get another chance. Not in this lifetime.

  We get to the start line and wait for the rest of the players to join. The bachelor group chose to stand next to us, whispering degrading comments about me and giving Keenan shit.

  I turn to Keenan before the referee, as he called himself, gets ready to blow the start whistle.

  “Turn the power on full.” I whisper in his ear.

  “Why? The instructor said to set it on halfway.” He gives me a confused look, tilting his head to the side like a curious puppy.

  “Because I want it to hurt.” I flick my head in the direction of the group of men and an evil smile spreads across his face. He flicks the dial on full power before getting into a running stance.

  “As I said before. You all have five minutes to run and find a position before the second whistle blows. When you hear the second whistle that’s when the game begins. As soon as you’re hit, you return to the start line and wait for all the players to return before the game resets. Make sure to get back to the starting line quick because you will be live targets. Extra points are given for each hit you make against the retreaters. When there’s only one player left on the field, an air horn will be sounded to notify the last remaining player to come back to the starting point.”

  He finished off the rest of the instructions before he sounds the first whistle.

  “You ready?” I ask Keenan.

  “I was born ready.” He says and gives me his best heart melting smile. So this is the smile that sends girls weak at the knees and melts their hearts.


  The whistle blows.

  We all scatter out like ants when the first rain drops hits. I take off into the direction where the scrub and trees are denser. I look around at my surroundings before scaling the tree. They never said trees were out of bounds. I perch up high amongst the leaves, hiding my position from the unsuspecting victims below.

  Here I wait.

  Chapter Three

  A slow five minutes pass before I hear the sound of the second whistle being blown. My eyes zero in on Keenan in the distance, closing in on the jerk from before. I look through my sights as Keenan lines him up. Laughing when the guy doubles over in pain from a shot to the crotch, right in the family jewels. This boy knows how to play dirty, I like it. As the jerk's friends run to their mates rescue, they circle Keenan like when a shark circles the dangling legs of a surfer. The demon in me comes alive, wanting to see their blood spill out onto the dirt floor below their feet. They taunt Keenan, saying things that no doubt should not be said to him. His face grows red in anger more when they grab the front of his gun, pointing it up to the sky, he struggles to pull it out of the groom's grip. They just fucked with the wrong boy. I narrow my sights on the groom and fire off a shot to the crotch, taking a page out of Keenan’s book. While the groom doubles over in pain alongside said jerk, who was previously shot in the crotch, I use this distraction to shoot the other five men surrounding him. No more crotch shots, chest only. I think our points were made. The five other men are either cradled on the ground clutching their balls or crouching over on all fours heaving from being winded. Kennan looks around trying to find me, which I know he knows it was me. He’s got that infamous smirk on his face. When he takes too long gloating at the seven men on the ground, I fire off a warning shot to his feet, missing him by an inch. He jumps slightly before laughing and jogging off, but not before he fires off a shot into the groom's ass cheek. Laughing freely without being heard, I turn my attention back to the other awaiting victims. A couple come into view, obviously teamed up together. Two shots leave my gun and hit them square in the chest. They quickly make their way back to the finish line, trying unsuccessfully, to dodge more of my shots. They stand next to the bachelor party group with the majorly wounded egos. They don’t look so bad compared to Keenan and my victims. But if looks could kill, those men would be on a killing spree right now. Too bad they let their ego get in the way. As I turn my attention back to the game, I soon realize there is only one person left, besides me.


  It’s just him and I and the little shit knows it too. I lost track of him while shooting my last two victims. He’s gone into hiding. Smart. I scan the area before deciding on a new tactic. I find a pile of leaves that have been raked up together near a bunker. I fire two shots into the pile before searching the area through my scope that I had attached to my gun. If I know Keenan, I know he’ll follow the sound. So sure enough, not even a minute later he stands from his crouching position and slowly makes his way over to the bunker, gun at the ready. Just before he makes it, I shoot the pile a third time just to toy with him, letting him know he fell for my tricks. His jaw drops before he swings his gun around, firing madly like he’s just been hit with a concussion grenade like in that shooter game he plays. Hitting him square in the chest, the bright green paint splattered dead center on his body, again, making me laugh. I retreat down the tree making my way back to the start line with a skip in my step. Who knew paintball could be so fun? Just before I come into view, I hear the sound of an air horn being blown. I jog back the rest of the way, coming into view of a group of men who are pissed off but slightly intrigued by the sight of me being last. I jog over to Keenan as the instructor says we have a five-minute water break before the game restarts. I grab a bottle of water and drink half before Keenan snatches it out of my hands and drinks the rest.

  “That was a low blow you know.” Keenan says shaking the bottle above his head to get the last drop of water to hit his tongue.

  “What was?” I look at him feigning confusion. He points to his chest and the laugh slips out before I can catch it.

  “You’ll pay for that.” He threatens. Game on my inner demon replies.

  “You’ll have to find me first. Last I checked you didn’t know where I was, both times.”

  “I’ll find you, I always do..” He says cryptically, peaking my interest. What does that mean? I frown at him just as the whistle blows, watching him run off. I feel like there was more to that statement then what he let on.

  Shaking off the confusion, I run towards the same tree only this time finding it surrounded by the same annoying group of men. Irritated that they took my spot, hindering me from the best position in the game, I shoot the jerk first. Again, taking another page out of Keenan’s book and shooting him in the ass. He falls to his knees, hands holding his stinging ass as his friends scatter like pussies. He turns to look at me and I wink in reply. I don’t miss the pissed off look that plasters itself across his face. A bruised ego can hurt a man in places a physical wound never could.

  Suddenly a shot fires past my head and hits the tree beside me, missing my head by centimeters. My gaze whips around to see the groom take aim at me again. The darkness in me erupts like a volcano. He broke the rules. The only one fucking rule of
the game! No headshots. His smile pisses me off further as another shot misses my head. In my temporary paralysis he runs away. He’s lucky he’s a shit shot or else I would have lost control of my demon. The one that loves the taste of blood. The one that cherishes the kill. I breathe deeply before scanning the area. Once I’m satisfied the area is empty, I climb the tree once more. I search before my eyes land on my victim. The rule breaker. He’s going to learn a valuable lesson today. One in listening to the rules. I had the perfect side view of him. Looking through the sights I aim for the side of his unprotected neck, where it’ll be the most painful. This is going to hurt. My finger presses down on the trigger multiple times as an array of paint balls leaves the barrel of the gun. In slow motion I watch as the paint splatters across his neck with welts instantly forming. The scream of pain that leaves his mouth satisfies the demon in me for now. That’s going to leave a nasty bruise. If there’s not one there already. Because I’m feeling the need to punish, I shoot him in the face three times. The full face mask protects him from the damage but the recognition of who just shot him enters his face.

  He knows.


  The rest of the game follows a pattern. Keenan and I both target the group of men.

  Before long, it’s down to the two of us again. He’s getting much better at hiding and even better at calling out my tricks. But eventually I always get him. Now we’re on our last game. I changed trees to a different location because he was starting to figure out the trajectory of my paint bullets.

  Now it’s down to the final two again. I’ve spent the last five minutes looking for Keenan and I can’t for the life of me find him. Just as I think I’ve found him a shot fires through the air from my right and hits me square in the shoulder. I look down in disbelief at the fluro pink paint splattered across my right shoulder, just under my collar bone. I look in the direction of the shot and see Keenan standing there with a shit eating grin on his face. That little shit got me! I pull the gun up just in time to see his smile drop. He goes to run but he’s too late. The tiny little green paintball has already left my gun. I climb down the tree and jog over to him, seeing him sport the same battle wound as me. His eyes narrow at me and I lift an eyebrow up in return. He rolls his eyes before he laughs and walks alongside me.

  “How did you know where I was?” I ask. I’m unsettled knowing he knew where I was. No one should have been able to find me. I used all the skills and training I knew to hide myself from plain sight. My nerves are eating away at me.

  Am I slipping?

  Will my enemies be able to find me? So many possibilities run through my head before he answers.

  “I watched you. After the first game I studied your pattern. I waited until the last game to get you because I can’t have a girl beating me now can I.” He says as he runs a hand through his hair, flexing his bicep.

  “You sneaky little shit.” I can’t believe him. I scoured the area before scaling the tree each time. I saw no one every time.

  I couldn’t help but smile. He’s grown so much in the few short years I’ve known him.

  “You ever thought about becoming a private investigator? You’d make a killing.” He smiles.

  “Nah, I’m more into being a bodyguard.” He shrugs but his eyes flick down, covering an emotion that just flicked through his eyes.

  “Why a bodyguard? It’s not the best job out there you know.” I look over at him. At fifteen he’s nearly a head taller than me and every day it feels as though he grows another inch. Before long he’ll be towering over my five-foot four frame and looking down at me like I’M the child.

  “Because some people need protecting. Even if they don’t ask for it.” Again, that same emotion flickers through his eyes and something about that answer doesn’t feel right. The tone in his voice and the way his body tightened at his reply had me feeling curious. Who does he need to protect? Most of his friends are male. Besides the few girls he has over but they’re always gone the next day. It’s not his parents because he hates them.

  So who could it be?

  Chapter Four

  The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. Considering how much I loathe this day, I had fun. But with fun comes the darkness. The one that is never truly satisfied. But a different sort of hunger awaits tonight. The type of hunger my body craves. I need my fix of intimacy to sate this certain hunger inside. The hunger that always yearned to feel love. It used to be for my parents to hug me just like the kids that hugged their parents on TV, now, for a love I’ll never be able to have. I’m not a normal person and I could never be what a man or woman would need in a relationship. I could never return that love. All I can do now is take a night of passion from someone who will never get anything in return.

  “I’ll see you around, Keenan.” I say keeping my sight straight ahead at the movie playing on my 80-inch curved tv.

  “Am I being dismissed?!” He says clutching his chest, feigning hurt. I turn my head to give him my natural deadpan looking face. Void of all emotions, just how I was taught to be. No emotions lead to no weakness, thus becoming stronger. One of the many personal and painful lessons I was ever taught as a child.

  “Okay, okay I’m going. I guess you’ve had enough Keenan for one day.” He says holding his hands up in surrender before smirking. I get up and walk him to the front door.

  “See you around, birthday girl.” He throws over his shoulder as he walks away. I fight myself not to tackle the kid. He’s just trying to get a rise out of me and fuck he’s close to one. Letting out a forced breath as I close the door, I slowly make my way to the bedroom. Making a beeline for the shower, I drop every article of clothing in my wake as I get ready to prepare myself for the night.


  Twenty minutes later I find myself inside my walk-in closet that looks like a small bedroom. Black plush carpets match the black draws and shelves that lined each wall. The black walls made the modern style chandelier that hung from the ceiling pop. In the middle of the room a black polished counter with a glass top showed the first drawer's contents. An array of knives both hunting and collector's edition sit in the first shelf, followed by drawers of other necessary items. A full body mirror doubles as a door to an opened wardrobe that houses boots, heels, hidden guns, ammo and more knives. Knives are such an easily concealable weapon. I had knives hidden in the bottom of my boots, behind light switches, lighting fixtures, in the handles of hairbrushes, strapped under benchtops, stools in the kitchen, hidden shelves and hidey holes all throughout the apartment. No one knows they’re there, not even Keenan. Growing up in such a volatile environment tends to have its lasting effects on you.

  Finally deciding on a pair of black tights, lace up black boots and a spiked black bodice top, I turn my head, looking over my shoulder to look in the full-sized mirror. The boots cling to my toned legs as they travel upwards, making the transition from boot to tight almost seamless. The cotton material hugs my thighs as it comes to a stop along my shapely hips. Tan skin peaks out between the small gap between the top of the tights and bottom of the bodice top but not large enough to show reminders from my past. My waist is smaller than my hips and give my body a toned but curvy hourglass figure, perfect for drawing in the eyes of both sexes. The black spiked bodice sits tight around my breast and ribs. The strapless top finishes off with a dip between my breasts, showing ample amount of cleavage. Leaving more than enough to lure and trap my awaiting prey. Like fishing, my body is the bait that will reel in my next meal. But this particular meal will sate my hunger. My need to touch, to savor, to enjoy. No one shall die tonight but that always depends on them.

  I finish off my appearance with a ruby red lipstick and black Smokey eye makeup. My light blue, almost crystal-like eyes pop through the darkness that surrounds them. My sharp jawbone and angled eyebrows give off the appearance of what people call a resting bitch face. This gives me the advantage of moving through crowds uninterrupted. One look from me and people go running. The we
ak ones, the smart ones, are the ones that unknowingly sense danger before their mind comprehends it, giving them the advantage of clearing out of my way. The ones that seek the thrill of danger are the ones that seek me out.

  With one last quick brush through, my naturally straight hair lays straight against my back like a smooth waterfall, cover the secrets hidden behind it.

  My prey awaits.


  Half an hour later I pull up to Club Zero. One of the many luxurious clubs here in New York. One of the only high-class night clubs not run by someone from my world. I never enter those clubs. The less I’m around those people the safer I am. I don’t need the inconvenience of disposing someone who has found out my identity. It’s happened once before but the guy was sloppy and idiotic. He didn’t notify anyone of his findings, not even the man he worked for who desperately wanted my head. Instead he followed me, but what he didn’t know was that I knew. I was leading him straight to his death.

  The public found him the next day. The newspapers read ‘man commits suicide by train’. It was a quick death, one which if I had the time, would have extended until his body couldn’t handle the pain anymore. But we can’t always get what we want in life.

  I toss my keys to the valet at the club entrance and watch as he proceeds to take my baby away. In the secured underground parking lot for V.I.Ps only, I know my car is safe. But then again, I’ve already hacked the security cameras and added in a little motion detection program of my own. I have an assigned spot in the garage since I’m a wealthy regular customer. If anyone where to come near my car, the program will send my phone a notification.

  I pull out my phone and watch as the valet exits my car. As he walks around the front of the car, he runs his hand along the hood before walking away. I’ll let that slide. If I was in a different mood this valet would have lost fingers for that.


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