Lake's Reign

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Lake's Reign Page 17

by A. E. D

  I just want her.

  And I will have her.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Two weeks.

  Two weeks I’ve been watching this place like a hawk. One of the many luxury high rise that I don’t own, houses my queen. I thought about rushing straight over to her apartment but I thought not. So, I staked the place out. She rarely leaves but when she does, she’s either on a job or with that young kid, Keenan. She seems fond of him and he of her.

  On the fourth day of staking her place out, I watched as she stepped through the night air, dressed in a simple outfit of light faded jeans that clung to her womanly curves, a white crop top and a pair of black boots. But what interested me the most was Keenan. He followed her, walking behind her from a distance. He’s protective of her. Makes me like him more. I have to give the kid credit, to tail someone like that, it takes skill. Every turn of her head, he’d duck or walk a different way. He’d cross the street sometimes if he felt she was getting too close to figuring it out. I stayed back watching the scene unfold. On this particular night he followed her until she stopped at a bar. Looking through the window, he watched and waited in the shadows like a true criminal. After half an hour of waiting she came out with a full bottle of whiskey in hand, the good stuff.

  My type of woman.

  She seemed to have a buzz as her awareness of her surroundings were being dulled by the amber liquid. She wasn’t aware of the young man who followed her out. Rubbing his crotch while watching her sweet ass in those jeans. The beast within me rattled against its cage, not liking the attention this guy was giving her. Before I could step forward, Keenan walked up behind him. Like a lion waiting to pounce, he stalked behind the man before he came to a dark alley opening.

  Before I could move, he threw his hand around the guy's head and around his mouth, muffling his protests. Quickly skipping across the dead street, I come to the corner of the alley opening where Keenan dragged the man through. I could hear muffled screams before the sight before me had my mouth dropping open. Keenan was on top of the drunk man, beating the living shit out of him. Blood splattered all over his face as the drunk man fell unconscious. But the kid didn’t stop. He continued to beat him and just when I thought I should step in, he stopped, stood up, wiped his hands on his shirt before zipping up his hoodie, throwing the hood over his head and walking away.

  I quickly stepped back and jogged to the opposite side of the street before he could see me. Everything isn’t as it seems with these two. They have an unbreakable bond, a sibling bond.

  Like the one Monty and I have.

  But this one is different. I don’t think she’s aware of his nightly outings or his brotherly protection. She seems completely oblivious to the protective stances he takes and looks he shoots at other men when they’re out together. At first, I thought that he wanted her to himself, but that theory changed when I saw him hitting up multiple chicks, everywhere they went.

  But now it’s time I introduce myself properly.

  Making my way to her apartment, later than usual since there was a massive fuck up with one of my shipments. This is why you don’t rush the recruitment. They don’t know how to handle shit and then my shit gets ruined! They’re lucky I’m a lenient guy and have been in a phenomenal mood lately. Seeing my girl every day, even from afar, has done wonders to my health. Which is why I won’t let it bother me tonight. Because tonight is the night I pop in, so to speak. Giddily chuckling like a little school boy, I cross the street to the high-rise, stepping up to the door. Reaching for the brass door handles, an arm crosses my path, halting my movements. My eyes follow up the chocolate colored arm, to a man a few inches shorter than me, wearing what seems to be a doorman uniform. But he seems more than that.

  “I haven’t seen you here before, are you new?” He asks, suspicion lightly coating his tone. If I wasn’t so distracted tonight, I would’ve remembered the damn doorman. He seems like a nice guy so I really don’t want to kill him. He usually takes his break at midnight on the dot but I’m ten minutes early. Thinking up a quick excuse, words start spilling out of my mouth.

  “Ah, no. I’m here visiting my cousin, Katey. You know Katey, short little thing, big doe eyes and a little mischievous.” I laugh, making the bullshit coming out of my mouth sound believable. One eyebrow raises slowly, making me slightly worried he didn’t buy it. I hope he did, a broken jaw won’t look good on this guy and the longer he waits the more my fist starts itching. After a minute of straining to keep a fake, friendly smile on my face, he smiles, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Ye..yeah nice girl.” He says awkwardly as he steps aside. A smirk spreads across my face, loving when someone believes a lie and goes along with it.

  Stepping into the warm lobby, a young blonde sitting at the service desk to the left side of the marbled room types away at a computer. Once upon a time I would’ve fucked a girl like that. Now my body only craves a certain dark raven-haired beauty.

  The bronze elevators are located right at the end of the room, directly across from the entrance. Almost with a skip in my step, I make my way across the lobby to stop at the elevator, pressing the up button. The receptionist didn’t spare me a glance as I walked through, eyes now solely glued to her phone screen with earphones in her ears. The elevator dings and my excitement grows. Assuming my queen lives on the top level, I click the button that seems to scream to me.

  Nothing happens.

  Pressing it again, slightly harder, nothing happens. Now, usually I have a lot of patience, but everything tonight seems to be going wrong. Slamming the open-door button, I storm out the doors and head to the distracted blonde. Gun out, I tap her forehead with the muzzle of the gun, fear instantly clouds her eyes. With shaky hands she pulls the earphones out, placing them on the desk.

  “Hands flat on the desk. You scream you die, got it?” In no mood to play tonight, she nods and does as I ask, tears quickly brimming her dull brown eyes.

  “Top floor, how do I get there.” I demand, wanting to know more than anything. I hope she’s smart and answers me quick because my patience is straining.

  “ n..need a c..code.” She says trembling in fear.

  “What. Is. The. Code?” Impatience reeks from my voice, a darkness starts to take over my eyes. I can see it in the reflection of her wide and teary ones.

  “I..I don’t have it. The..the tenants on the top floor a..are the only ones who know.” I try to fight off a smirk but fail miserably. Of course her security is as tight as a virgin. Now the blonde starts shaking, given she is looking into the eyes of a psychopath with a gun pointed at her head who’s smirking. Probably thinks I’m going to shoot her.


  “Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to give me the master key which I know you will have and then you will put your earphones back in and forget you ever saw me. Okay?” I ask calmly, getting a shaky nod in return with tears streaming down her face. Her trembling hand reaches over, grabbing the master key card hanging up on the rack next to other management keys. I take it, thanking her along with a warning that I will be watching her and listening in case she feels the need to talk or do anything stupid. I can’t have her alerting my queen before I even get there. Waltzing back to the elevator, I happily swipe the key over the scanner pad and press the floor I need. A green light flashes and up I go, heart pumping with every floor I pass.

  Not long after I’m stepping out into a long dark hallway. Two doors sit side by side each other with one on the right side and one of the left. Taking a wild guess, I choose the furthest door, the right. I hope to God I chose the right one. With sure steps I make my way to her door. My hand reaches out to grab the handle, just as I swipe the master key a voice speaks behind me.

  “You just missed her.” Jumping slightly, I drop my hands and place them in my pockets before calmly turning around to meet the mystery voice. I didn't even hear the door open.


  “Did I?” I ask, slightly t
hrown that she’s not here. Now that spoils my plans. With a blank mask on his face, the kid gives nothing away as he leans against his door frame, arms crossed against his chest.

  “I wondered when you’d make an appearance. Figured you would sooner or later. What with you scoping the place out for the past two weeks.” Trying desperately to keep the shock hidden from my face, I stare at him. How the fuck did he know I was there? And the whole time?!

  “Shocked?” His cocky attitude shines through, along with a smirk. I find myself trying not to smirk in return. Kids got spunk; I like it.

  “Ever heard of windows, bro? Or moving from the same place each night. You stood out like a sore thumb.” Damn, was I sloppy or is he just immensely intuitive?

  “What did you think of my handy work?” He asks casually. But I hear the threat in his words. He’s referring to the drunk he nearly killed.

  “Expertly done.” I compliment. Almost wanting to recruit him for myself. He’s got skills that are rarely seen these days without being trained first. His come naturally. With a nod, he turns back towards his door, opening it but halting before stepping inside. He turns his head, looking over his shoulder at me.

  “I wouldn’t go in there if I were you.” With that, he walks inside, closing the door to his lightly placed threat.

  Not one for taking orders from anyone, I swipe the master key and walk through the doorway into darkness.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  I awoke from a terrified scream ripping through the room, coming from outside. Jumping out of bed I run towards the door with every cell in my body shaking in panic.

  Was that Keenan!?

  Quickly throwing on my pajama bottoms and a black crop top, I run outside only to stop short at the sight before me.


  Mason’s in my apartment.

  Mason’s on the floor of my apartment with Congo wrapped tightly around his body, arms pinned to his sides as Congo restricts more, making his face go blue. Finally snapping out of my daze, I step closer, alerting Congo to my presence. He unravels himself from a gasping Mason and slithers up my body to drape across my shoulders like fur scarf, but scaly. Unable to control my rapid beating heart, I just stand there frozen. After a couple of minutes, he finally stands up, dusting off his black button up shirt before squaring off his shoulders, standing straighter, taller. Muscles bulging, constrained underneath his shirt, I feel myself swallowing a building lump of desire in my throat. With each step he takes he appears bigger than I remember. Standing taller than six foot five, I find my small frame being devoured by his large one. Never having gotten a good look at him before, I can finally see him better now. His body is wide and filled with muscles that looks like it has three of me put together to make one of him.

  All I can seem to do is watch him in shock. I never expected him to be here, let alone in my living room standing in front of me. My heart has never beat so hard before. Never in my life, through all the shit I’ve been through has it ever felt like this. Too busy staring at his godly face and body, I only just now notice his erratic eyes trained on Congo.

  “What the fuck is that?!” He points to my neck where Congo lays intently with Mason watching his every move and slither. Smirking, finding some of my own strength again, I step closer to him.

  “What? You mean, Congo?” Another step closer as his posture goes rigid.

  “Don’t tell me you’re scared of my little baby.” I tease, but it’s like whatever cloud of fear that shrouded his mind clears as his dark eyes move back up to mine. I may seem calm and collected on the outside but on the inside, I’m completely freaking out. My demons are going haywire not knowing how to feel. Half of me is scared that he found me, yet the other half of me is excited that he’s finally caught me. My eyes widen at the realization that I actually wanted him to find me. Those eyes, staring back at me with such a want and need reflecting in those dark orbs. They feel like they’re penetrating straight through me seeing every dark corner of my mind. My hand defensively rises up, landing on Congo’s body. I feel him slither through my hand going down my body, wanting to get away. My hand tightens around his body, not wanting him to leave me. At that moment, Mason hasn’t made a move towards me since Congo had been coiled around me, but with him gone there’s nothing left to stop Mason. But what shocks me more is that Congo is leaving, meaning he doesn’t feel a threat. Usually he’s like a guard dog protecting me from anything and everything. As the last of his body slithers through my hand, I watch him slink away to his hidey hole before my eyes flick back up to Mason.

  I gasp.

  He’s a lot closer than what he was a second ago, moving as silently as Congo. My mouth slightly parted, eyes wide as his hand reaches up, lightly tracing my slightly swollen and bruised eye. He traces every colour before his eyes go back to mine. Grey eyes so dark they look almost black. The shine from the city lights from the window reflected in his eyes as they darkened with lust. Looking like a dark stormy sky, battling for darkness.

  I can see he’s falling for my eyes but he doesn’t know me yet.

  He can’t know me because I don’t even know myself. I just know what I was born to do. That’s all I’ve ever done. Even after being freed from my father I still live by his rules and teachings. Only difference is, I have a little more freedom. But I’m still trapped inside my mind. I don’t know who I am, just what I am. How can Mason want someone who doesn’t know who they are? I only need one thing to survive and that’s pain and control. I need to cause it to live. To survive my own mind, I need to fill my demons needs. They won’t rest unless they get what they want, what my father wanted.

  I’m pulled from my thoughts by a warm sensation on my cheek. His large rough hand softly cups my face delicately like he doesn’t quite believe I’m real. His thumb slowly slides down my cheek before resting on my bottom lip. Those eyes. I can feel them pulling me in, fusing us together. Unable to move from the trance he’s put me in, all I can do is pant from the rising adrenaline.

  I want him, badly.

  All the built-up rage and excitement from the moment we met in that room has come to this.

  “Lake.” A shiver runs down my spine as my name on his tongue sounds heavenly. His deep dark voice has my eyes moving from his eyes to his lips and back.

  How did he know my name?

  I can feel with what little control I have left, slipping. The need for him is becoming unbearable.

  “There isn’t one person in this world I want more than you.” He says speaking to my lips. As if someone just cut an invisible cord, my control snaps. I crash my lips against his with such a need and ferocity that he stumbles backwards, shocked at the impulsive move. Quickly snapping out of it, he kisses back with the same amount of force and need as his large hands grab the back of my thighs, swiftly pulling me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist, he slams me back into the wall before seeing my bedroom door open and walking us through. Both still trying to dominate the kiss, a hand combs through my loose hair before fisting it, pulling my head back sharply. Before I can speak, his mouth attacks my neck. Kissing, sucking, biting, he leaves his mark all over me as moan after moan leaves my throat. Standing at the foot of my bed, devouring each other's faces, my patience runs thin. I want, no, need more. My hands clamp behind his neck as I pull my body up and close to his large muscular chest before I swing with all my weight backwards. Mason loses his footing, surprised by the sudden movement as we fall back on the bed with Masons large frame above mine. His arm hooks behind my back, our mouths moving back to each other from the second too long break as he hauls me up further on my king size bed. The perfect size for the six five giant on top of me. Leaning on one elbow, his other hand trails up my waist, feeling every rib in his large hand before trailing it back down to my hip before slipping under and grabbing a handful of my plump ass. A moan leaves my mouth and into his as his hand travels back up my waist, sliding under my top to cup my full and needy breast. More moans leave m
y throat when he rolls a nipple between his long fingers. Not being able to wait anymore, I grab the top of his black button up dress shirt and pull hard. Buttons fly everywhere as his heavily tattooed chest comes into view. My hands run down his chest, nails digging in like a cat on a scratching post, leaving deep red marks in their track. His groans only spur me on to go harder. He’ll be bloody before the night is over.

  He pulls back with a swollen mouth to look at me. A smirk appears on his face before his hands grab the bottom of my top and literally ripping it in half. My heart pounds harder in my chest just from the sheer strength those hands hold. Hell, that body is the biggest I’ve ever seen. Mountains of muscle sit atop of me, just waiting for my touch. My hands slide back up his chest, snaking through his hair before pulling his head down and smashing our lips together again. I capture his bottom lip between my teeth, biting down hard enough to draw blood. He grunts, pulling back as a hand goes to his lip, coming away bloody. My tongue seductively comes out slowly licking his blood from my lips before biting my lip between my teeth, smirking at him. A darkness takes over his features like I’ve just let a beast out. Dominance reeks from him and I find myself completely naked beneath him only seconds later. He moved so quick in stripping my shorts and thong off, that I had no time to process it. His hand comes down to rest in the valley of my breasts, slowly moving down my stomach before dipping between my legs. Finding a pool of wetness, he smirks before leaning down and taking a nipple in his mouth. With the perfect amount of suction and biting, my back arches upwards, pushing my breast against his face. He switches to the other nipple before his large long fingers graze my wet folds. One finger slips in slowly as his mouth teases my nipple. A second finger enters as his thumb starts circling my clit slowly. Unable to contain the moans, I get needy. I find myself grinding against his fingers wanting more, needing it harder and deeper.


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