by Nella Tyler
“I will go to city hall and get a copy of the hotel plans. Perhaps they will show the tunnel on them,” Drake said. “Come on. Let’s go.”
They moved back through the hole and made their way up the stairs. This time the door was not closed.
“Do you think that Doug locked us in here yesterday?” Beni asked.
“I don’t doubt it. It was just too convenient that he knew where to find us,” Meg answered. “He wanted to scare us.”
“But why?” Ashlee questioned.
“That’s the million dollar question,” Kai said.
“He’s nothing but a roach!” Beni said tartly.
“Too true,” Meg said.
“I need to get a padlock,” Drake said. “Noah, will you guard the door while I go get the lock? I won’t be gone for more than ten minutes.”
“Sure,” Noah answered.
“I’ll stay with him,” Beni said.
“We all will stay until you get back,” Kai said. Ashlee and Meg nodded in agreement.
“Hurry back, sweetie, and I’ll go to the City Hall with you,” Meg said.
Drake smiled.
“Back in a bit.” He moved swiftly up the basement stairs.
Everyone took seats on various boxes and chatted quietly while they waited for his return.
Everyone poured over the plans that Drake had spread over his dining room table. They had been at it for over an hour but had not identified the tunnel on the schematics.
“And the previous property owner did not know anything about the tunnel?” Ashlee asked yet again.
“No. He suggested that the locals might be able to shed some light on it,” Drake said.
“I wonder if Peleke knows about the tunnel,” Beni pondered.
“That’s an idea. We could ask him,” Meg suggested.
“I haven’t seen him around in a while,” Drake murmured.
“He always pops up when you least expect him. Not necessarily when you want to see him,” Meg grimaced.
Kai stood up straight and stretched.
“Perhaps I can ask around for him. Someone is bound to see have seen him,” Kai said.
“Or maybe they can get a message to him,” Beni surmised.
“It’s worth a shot,” Noah chimed in.
“It’s getting late and I’m hungry,” Beni grumbled.
“I think we should stop for now and give Kai time to ask around,” Drake said.
“Good idea,” Noah said. He turned to Beni. ‘Why don’t we get some take out and we can eat it at my place.”
“Sounds great,” Beni smiled.
“I think Kai and I will hang out. We’ll see you guys tomorrow,” Ashlee announced.
“Okay. See you tomorrow,” Meg said.
Everyone said goodnight, and within a few moments, Meg and Drake were left alone in Drake’s suite.
“Are you hungry?” he asked.
She nodded.
“I could eat a horse,” she teased.
“I think I can do better than that for food. How about barbecue?”
“Sounds yummy,” she smiled as she walked toward the balcony.
He called the order in and Meg stood at the balcony railing and stared at the shimmering stars. They twinkled merrily as they circled the earth. She wished she felt as they looked. Bright. Cheerful. And carefree. But that was far from her state of being. She was nervous and on edge. Doug showing up had only opened up old wounds that were beginning to heal. Oh why did he have to come to the island? She felt Drake’s strong arms slip about her waist.
“What are you thinking?”
“I was wishing Doug to the lower regions of the universe,” she muttered. “His showing up is definitely a sour note.”
“Don’t let him ruin our time here,” Drake whispered.
She turned in his arms to look into his remarkably clear, grey eyes. She could see her reflection in them and wanted to slowly sink into them.
“Our time?”
“Yes. I can’t think of these moments as anything else. It’s our time together and I won’t allow anything or anyone to mess it up,” he said in a low voice. “We have a good thing going on. Don’t let Doug make you think of a past that was never supposed to be. I’m here. Put all of your energies into me.”
“I must have done something right to bring you into my life just when I needed you. The day you pulled me off of that conveyor belt was the luckiest one in my life. I am so glad I met you,” she whispered.
She pulled his head down and kissed him lovingly. He pushed his tongue into her mouth to let it roam freely. Meg sighed and melted into his body. He had just picked her up to hold her against the wall when a knock sounded on the door. He dragged his mouth away from her.
“Damn!” he groaned.
“Well, you did order room service,” she grinned. “And I’m still hungry.”
He gave her a peck on the lips then moved to open the door. She went into the kitchen to get utensils, glasses and a bottle of champagne from the fridge. He was setting the food on the table on the balcony when she returned.
“Ah! The bubbly.”
“Uh huh. I think we deserved a glass or two,” she quipped.
“Or three. Or four, Or more,” he grinned.
She giggled as she sat on the couch and he joined her. They ate and talked.
“What are you going to when your vacation is over?” he asked.
She suspected where his question was going. They’d had a similar conversation. But she still wasn’t yet able to give him an answer.
“I will return to home to teach.”
“Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”
“It’s what I do,” she answered.
“What if you had something else to do instead?”
“Like what?”
“Like work with me as a designer engineer. I can promise you exciting projects, excellent pay and the recognition you deserve,” he said softly. “I know I mentioned this before and I said I wouldn’t pressure you. But I wanted to remind you of the offer.”
“It’s a wonderful offer.”
Meg wondered if he was included in the proposal. She would jump on it if that were the case. But she needed to know if their friendship was on that kind of solid footing. She had just come out of a horrific relationship and didn’t want to go into another with the same results.
“Will you give me a little more time? It’s a lot to think about,” she asked.
“Of course I will. You don’t have to give me an answer now. I was just hoping that you would,” he smiled.
“You don’t have a lot of patience,” she remarked as she bit into a delicious rib.
“It depends on the situation. In this case, I am a little anxious.”
Meg was surprised by his answer.
He took a bite of salad and chewed deliberately. Drake wanted to be careful in how he answered. To admit that Doug had put him on his heels was humbling. He knew the man was an insufferable prick, but he still got under his skin. Doug had been engaged to Meg and even though it was over, he still had an effect on her. Mostly Doug made her angry. But Drake had seen the times when she was reflective about Doug. Was she wishing things had turned out differently between them? Was there a part of her that still longed for Doug? This was how he didn’t want to feel when he’d heard about her broken engagement. It was why he’d had reservations about getting involved with her. But he cast them aside and went in full throttle. Had it been a mistake?
“Doug’s arrival has made me second guess myself. It’s made me wonder about your feelings for him. I want to keep Doug in your past by pushing you into a new future,” he said slowly.
Meg saw his uncertainty floundering in the pool of his suddenly dark grey eyes. She wanted to ease his mind.
“I will never go back to the life I had with Doug. He and I are over. It was an experiment gone wrong for which I am grateful to see its end,”
she said gently. “There is no going back with him.”
He reached out to caress her cheek.
“I am very glad to hear it.”
“But in answer to your question, I need more time, though I am very tempted,” she smiled.
“Allow yourself to be persuaded by your creative nature. It will not steer you wrong.”
His tone, eyes, and words were very convincing. It was hard not to be swayed to his thinking. But Meg knew that if she accepted his offer she would be stepping into a world that was frankly alien to her. It would be completely outside of the safe confines of teaching. Could she really function at the high level of expertise that would be expected of her? It was daunting to say the least.
“I will give you an answer soon. I promise,” she sighed.
He looked at her intensely.
“There’s no pressure, babe. The right decision will come to you when you’re not even thinking about it,” he assured her.
“Thank you for understanding, Drake. It means so much to me that you do.”
He picked up her glass of champagne and gave it to her. Then he reached for his own and raised it.
“To making the correct decisions for all concerned,” he said solemnly.
“I can toast to that.”
They clicked their glasses and drank.
“Mmm, the bubbles tickle my nose,” she chuckled. She took another swallow. “It is so good.”
“So is the barbecue,” he added.
They talked and laughed as they ate their meal. And not once did they mention their mystery. It was nice to talk about other things; relevant or not. It didn’t matter. They were just being and it felt good. When they finished their meal Meg rose to clear the dishes away. As she was walking back into the living room he stood there with his shirt off. Wow! He looked good. His bare chest was muscled and his stomach boasted a rugged six-pack. Meg admired his frame as she approached him. Moving into his open arms, she slid her hands up his firm pecks then kissed his nipples. Cupping her buttocks he lifted her and she wrapped her legs about his waist. He moved to press her against the wall and suckled her neck.
“You always smell so good,” he murmured.
She smiled.
“You can thank Gorgio for that.”
“I’ll buy you twenty bottles of the stuff,” he panted.
He pressed his groin into her and gently pumped. Meg gasped as her desire began to grow. She wanted him so much; her core was beginning to ache with need.
“Take me,” she whispered.
“With pleasure,” he rasped.
He carried her into the bedroom and dropped her onto the bed. She laughed as he removed her blouse and he pulled her capris and panties from her. Soon they both were naked and lying in the other’s arms. It was a night of pure bliss as he kissed and tongued her most intimate places. He was wild and free and she responded to his aggression with a ferocity that she hadn’t known she possessed. Their tumultuous furor only intensified the power of their climax. Their eruption was the most beautiful explosion of fireworks she had ever experienced. She didn’t know if she would ever catch her breath again in life. She could only pray that she would live long enough to have this encounter with delight once again.
“You’re wonderful,” she mumbled once she could speak.
“So are you,” he panted. “You surpass any woman I’ve ever been with.”
She smiled and closed her eyes. Within seconds, she was asleep. He caressed her bare shoulder and realized he had never spoken truer words. She brought out a raw thirst in him that only she could quench. The uncontrollable need to explode inside of her was inexplicable. He couldn’t explain it. All he knew was that it had to happen and it could only be with her. No other woman would ever make him feel this way. He held her tightly and fell into a contented sleep.
Chapter Eighteen
Meg woke feeling amazingly happy and gratified. She recalled the night before and giggled softly. It was no wonder that she felt so satisfied. Never ever had sex been so pleasing for her. She turned her head to see Drake still fast asleep. He was responsible for how she was feeling and she was tempted to caress his flaccid penis to repeat the performance. But she decided to allow him his sleep.
She slipped out of bed, grabbed her robe, and went into the bathroom. She closed the door so as not to disturb him and went through her morning routine. She turned on the shower water then allowed her robe to slide to the floor. Stepping into the huge shower she allowed the rain head to pour warm water all over her. She soaped herself and was just rinsing off when she heard the door open.
Drake devoured her with his eyes as he stood there completely naked. She noticed that his thick, brown hair was wet. He must have taken a shower in the other bathroom. She couldn’t keep her eyes from traveling downward to his engorged cock. She caught her breath at the thought of what that organ had done last night. Drake approached the shower and yanked the door open. He stepped into it and pulled her roughly into his arms. She looked into his smoky-grey eyes and saw the passion in them. Words did not pass between them. There was no need. She stood on her toes and opened her mouth to him. His tongue rushed in and stroked her mouth as a brush would on a canvas. She sighed and pushed into him. Then she slowly trailed her tongue down his chest and his belly. She sank to her knees to capture his protruding penis with her hands. She brought his tip to her mouth and kissed him gently. He bucked and she opened her mouth to suckle him. He groaned as he caressed her head. She slid her tongue along the length of him then back to lick his head.
“Meg!” he yelled.
She chuckled and repeated the activity. When he could stand no more he pressed her to the floor and drove into her forcefully. His thrusts were powerful and deep. Meg opened to him and lifted her hips to better receive the thunderous plunges of pleasure. The water beating upon them only intensified their union. Meg moaned until she burst with a huge climax. He followed with a long shout of gratification. They slowly came back down to earth.
“It never stops getting better,” she smiled.
“I don’t think it ever will.”
“This feels so good. I could stay here like this forever,” she sighed.
“Well, we can certainly stay in bed all day.” He rolled away from her and stood up. He turned off the water then pulled her up too. They left the shower and wrapped fluffy blue towels around them. Then he scooped her up and tossed her into bed.
“Aww!” she exclaimed. She scrambled to her knees and placed her hands on her rounded hips. “I could really take exception to being tossed around like a bale of hay.”
“You could. But you won’t because you like it,” he teased.
“Who says I like it?” she retorted.
He flopped onto the bed to lie on his side with his elbow propped to hold his head.
“I do. And I’m always right.” He had barely gotten the words out when a pillow hit him in the face. He was shocked.
Meg roared with laughter and hit him twice again.
“Oh! You want a fight, do you?” he responded.
He took a pillow and whacked the side of her face. She retaliated and the pillow fight was on amid screams, grunts, and laughter. At some point her towel slipped to her waist and Drake stopped dead in his tracks. He tossed his pillow aside as she adjusted her towel. He grasped her hands to still them and allowed the towel to fall onto the bed.
“You’re so beautiful. The sight of you makes my blood sizzle,” he said hoarsely. He caught one of her dark-pink nipples in his mouth.
“You couldn’t possibly be horny again,” she breathed.
“I’m always horny when I’m around you.” He pulled back to show her his stiff penis. “This is what you do to me whenever I’m near you.”
“Oh, sweetie. You do the same to me,” she whispered.
“Then let’s get busy.” He pushed her onto her back then fell atop her. He wanted nothing more than to show her just how
her how much he desired her.
The sun was setting by the time they emerged from his suite. Meg was dressed in a sleeveless, sea-green maxi dress that complemented her eyes beautifully. She wore her hair loose with a flower tucked behind her right ear. Drake wore white shorts and a navy shirt with white canvas shoes. They were walking to the beach when he noticed the flower behind Meg’s ear. He frowned. He stopped her.
“That flower is behind the wrong ear,” he muttered. He shifted the flower to her left ear. “There. That’s better.”
She grinned.
“Are you saying that I am not available?”
“That’s precisely what I’m saying. I can’t stop the attention you will receive. But I can make sure the men know that you are taken,” he replied.
“Am I? I thought I was a free agent,” she teased.
He cupped her face with both hands.
“Make no mistake. You are my lady. And I can be very possessive when I want to be.”
“I rather like the sound of that.”
He grinned and kissed her briefly. They then resumed their walk. They arrived on the shore and Meg removed her sandals. They dangled on the fingers of her left hand as she and Drake strolled hand in hand on the shore.
“The sunset is gorgeous,” she sighed. “It’s so lovely here.”
“Not nearly as stunning as the woman I’m looking at,” he murmured.
“You give me so many compliments. I get a bit flustered at times.”
“Don’t. I’m simply speaking the truth.”
“There you go again. Inflating my head.” She playfully bumped him.
He chuckled and put his arm about her shoulders.
“Your head has grown to inordinate proportions. However will you get into the hotel suite?”
She punched him in earnest. He laughed.
“Stop it, you horrid man!” she cried indignantly. But she couldn’t maintain her outrage and laughed with him.
“Enjoying the evening sunset, I see.”
They spun around to see Peleke walking behind them.
“It is one of the best sunsets I’ve seen in quite some time. The colors are absolutely striking,” Peleke smiled.