Tangled: A Curvy Girl and Dragon Shifter Romance (Black Dragon Brotherhood Book 2)

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Tangled: A Curvy Girl and Dragon Shifter Romance (Black Dragon Brotherhood Book 2) Page 7

by Aidy Award

  “I don't want you to stop,” she mewled.

  Kurjerkwad followed suit, slipping his hands under her shirt and cupped her breasts, stroking and teasing them.

  She gasped and the bubble of magic she’d surrounded them in glittered with power when Ace pushed deeper and swiped his thumb across her clit. He couldn’t wait to have her screaming with his head between her legs sucking on that hard bud, wetting his mouth with her juices.

  “Will you let me mark you, Ash? Here and now?” Fuck, he hadn't meant to ask her. It wasn't fair to make her choose between them yet. He stamped down the fear that she wouldn't pick him. Whether this was his only moment with her or the first time, he would make it good for her and not all about himself and the claiming, dammit.

  Ace circled her clit and her breathing ratcheted up with every pass. The power of her magic matched, pulsing around them all, calling to his soul to join in the dance.

  Not yet. This was for her. He and Jerkwad would not take from this moment by pressuring her or the light inside of her to join with either of theirs.

  “What does that mean?” She swallowed and groaned, pressing her hips forward to ride his thumb.

  Hell, that was so fucking sexy. Her face and cheeks were flushed giving them a beautiful rosy color that was his new favorite shade. “Your true mate will bite your neck, but I promise it won’t hurt. The dragon gives you a small part of his soul when we do, and it will remain as a mark on your skin as a sign to the world that you belong to your mate.”

  He was fighting his dragon now not to do it until you said. Even if he didn't give her a mating mark tonight, everyone would know she'd been well pleasured, by the mars his suckling and small bites he'd already giving her. But they weren’t the same as a soul mate mark.

  Kurjerkwad lifted his lips to Ash’s ear, rubbing his stubble across her skin. “I need you like the dark needs the light, love. Let me mark you with my bite, make you mine.”

  Not if Ace could help it. He took that as his cue to lower his lips to the other side of her neck. He nibbled his way across her throat and down to her collarbone. It was damned hard not to sink his teeth into that sweet spot. If there wasn't this question of who her true mate was, he would have already.

  Ash thrust her hips against his hand again, needing more. He wouldn’t give it to her until she asked for it. He needed to know she wanted this from him.

  “I don’t have enough data to make this decision. I don't even know your damn names.” Her voice trembled, and she pierced Aces own fears with her own. He couldn’t know that taking her, giving her his souls wouldn’t result in tragedy.

  Jerkwad said exactly the right thing. “Then don’t use your head to make your choice. Use your heart.”

  “I need you. I don’t understand how or why, but I need you both.”

  Ash’s body stiffened, and a new bolt of magic shook him like thunder all around them as she climaxed, crying out, shaking in their arms as the orgasm wracked her body. The pure sensuality of the moment had Ace close to coming too. Instead, he took long deep breaths to hold himself back, reveling only in the taste of her in his mouth.

  A moment later her legs gave out under her and her head lolled back onto Ace’s shoulder. He and Jerkwad lifted their mouths from where they teased her with the hint of what it would be like to give her a mark, to claim her. They exchanged looks and a deeper understanding that Ash's choice came first. Neither of them would try to claim her until she decided who she wanted.

  She felt so perfect in his arms. Her lush body fit to his hard one like they were made for each other.

  They were.

  That tore him apart with fear. Being mated scared the ever-loving shit out of him. He was man enough to admit it. He never believed he’d have a mate, or that he was worthy of one. By bonding with her, giving her their souls, it was likely they would take hers over and destroyed her.

  He needed her with every part of his soul. But his head said to wait a damned minute. His carefully controlled emotions and had been taken over by the pure sensual need he had to mark her and claim her for his own.

  He couldn’t risk mating her.

  He absolutely had to mate her.

  Everyone Needs a Cat


  Ash had never had an orgasm like that in her life. Not even her vibrator had come close. There was something visceral to what had just happened between her, and these two men. Whose names she needed to learn immediately if not sooner.

  She knew in a way that went beyond intellectual, that had been more than sex.

  She was still breathing hard and had her eyes clamped shut, not ready to open them and face the men who had just claimed a small part of her soul. That was not a term she normally used. Soul was an abstract, nonscientific, uncomfortable thing for her to think about. So, she didn't.

  Until now.

  The one behind her slipped his hand out of her Batman panties and the other's fingers released their tight grip on her nipples. She was pretty sure she turned twelve shades of crimson. If it hadn't been for this strange place they called the shadow, she would have done all of that in full view of anyone who might want to be a voyeur. She didn't consider herself a prude but being fingered and felt up by two men was hell of a lot kinkier than anything else she had ever done.

  The one who'd had his hands down her pants moved from out behind her, leaving her feeling exposed and missing the touch of his body to hers. “Little flame, look at me.”

  She shook her head.

  “Ashmiza, open your eyes. We need to know that you are okay.”

  She still didn't want to but felt compelled. She blinked a few times and then looked up into the faces of her mates.

  Was she really ready to own that? Seemed like she needed to be.

  “I'm Ace.” Sparkly McSparkle eyes was staring back at her, studying her face with concern. She hadn't seen that from him before. Even when he had been kidnapping her, he'd always had a grin on his face.

  Grumpybutt on the other hand, was licking his lips and staring right at her boobs and he didn't look worried even one bit.

  “How do you feel, little flame?” Ace asked.

  “A little embarrassed. I don't normally let my fantasy life out in public.”

  Ace's face relaxed and his normal smile returned. “No one would blame us for indulging in a little taste.”

  “You're delicious.” Grumpy ran his thumb across her mouth and licked his lips. “I'm not Kur-Jara. Have we convinced you that we are the good guys yet?”

  “You're not who? Wait. What?”

  Ace shook his head. “We were not given names at birth. When Jett and Yvaine rescued us from Hell, they told us to choose our own. That's proven harder than expected. My name isn't actually Ace. I was just the first one to emerge from Hell after Jett and Neo and since no one knew what to call each other we started off with numbers. But Yvaine didn't like that so she gave us nicknames that corresponded. Ace, Deuce, Trip, etc.”

  She looked to Kurjerkwad. “So, that makes you dragon zero? Since you're called Naught?”

  “It's complicated.” Jerkwad grumbled. “Are we good?”

  Good in bed maybe.

  Oh, wait. He meant something different entirely. She knew that. He hadn't meant it as an innuendo. She was getting better at figuring it out. “The answer is, mostly. I still don't understand why or how the Organization would be using, or possibly working with the non-photonic beings. But I understand that you and your people have been hurt by them and are trying to keep other safe.”

  “Yes, we have.” A little bit of the sparkle from Ace's eyes faded.

  Ash didn't like that. Just like she didn’t like when he hadn't been smiling at her. When she got back to a computer or a lab, she was spending some quality time in the scientific journals to research more about hormones and the brain's chemicals involvement in animal mating rituals. Because she definitely felt like an animal right now.

  “Now, will you help us with your knowledge to find a way to
defeat the scourge?” Was Naught really focusing on her scientific abilities right now and not what just happened between the three of them?

  Okay, fine. She could change gears if that's what was more important here. “I'd like to, but without my lab I don't know if I can be of any help.”

  “I'm not sure you'll need a lab. Your powers may be of more use to us. Come, let's go and talk with Kady and Neo.” Ace took her hand and dragged her through the sparkling shadow around them and into the early evening lit only by the shops and the full moon.

  She hadn't expected that they'd want to get to work. After the sexy times session, they'd all shared, she thought they would want to take her to bed or something. Instead, he was dragging her back toward the garden and the tiny houses. Didn't they know her heart and body were still on fire for them?

  The one time in her life that she wasn't retreating from love and they only wanted her for her brains. That stung like an angry murder hornet.

  Hold the bat phone. Love? Who said anything about love?

  Before she could dig into that part of her subconscious that tingled and tickled her insides, they were joined by a young man who also had to be a dragon shifter, with the way his eyes glowed to match the grey and gold amulet that hung around his neck. He was being led by a gorgeous young woman toward one of the tiny houses. “Oh, you must be the scientist. Ellie, she's here.”

  The young lady took her hand and shook it like she was meeting a celebrity. “Hi, it's so nice to meet you. I've so been looking forward to talking with you. Oh, and I've got something to show you. Come on.”

  Ellie waved them into the tiny house they'd been about to enter, and Ash was aghast at what she found inside. First off, someone should explain the law of conservation of mass to these people. The inside of the tiny house was ten times bigger than what it appeared on the outside. On second thought, maybe she should keep that one to herself. This was so cool.

  The main room had been converted into an experimental physics lab with guest appearance by Flerken the cat who was lounging in a bit of sunshine that didn't seem to be coming from anywhere in particular. Ash rushed over and snuggled Flerkie, mentally apologizing for not even realizing she was missing for the last hour. “How in the world, where in the world, what in the world?”

  Ellie blushed adorably. “My Aunt Zara told me you were coming and what you could do. So, I started putting this together for you. I hope I got you the right equipment. It's a gift for you, to welcome you to Rogue and to the society of mates of the Brotherhood.”

  “It's perfect. Where did you get the money for all of this? Is this operation government backed or something?” At least she wasn't worried anymore that the Organization had better funding than this small band of warriors. Ash set Flerken’s squirmy body back down and got shown her kitty butt.

  “I, uh, have connections.” Ellie shot a sideways look at Apollo. “He's the Gold Dragon Wyvern which means he's basically a katrillionaire and totally into techie stuff. His hoard is mostly spy gear, but he said we could get whatever we wanted if it would help you develop a defense against the shadow demons and the Cult.”

  “I only understand about half of what you people say, but I'll catch up later. Is that the data acquisition and control interface for computer simulations? Ooh. Where's the digital oscilloscope? I need to take a reading on the output of my magic.” Ash slipped out of the jacket and dropped it on the nearest chair, ready to get to work right away.

  A terrible growling sound came from behind her and Ash spun to see Naught grabbing up the jacket and sniffing it like a drug dog looking for crack-cocaine laced with meth. “What is this trick you are playing, witch?”

  Scales rippled across his skin and fangs dropped from his mouth. He ripped the jacket apart, turning it to shreds until he held only a single cord of material with a shiny red jeweled charm dangling from it. He turned on Ash with fire in his eyes and smoke coming out of his mouth and nostrils. “Where is she, what have you done with my mate?”

  All the affection, longing, and desire she'd felt for this guy drained out of her like she'd been clogged up and his vehemence was magic liquid drain-o. A bitterness rose in the back of her throat and even the thought of kissing him made her want to brush her teeth. She already didn't understand how she could have had feelings for him and seeing this raging monster of a man in front of her freaked her the hell out.

  “I--I don't understand. I haven't done anything.” Ash stumbled backward tripping over herself until Ace grabbed her and shoved her behind him. “I just took off the jacket and suggested we get to work.”

  “Jerkwad, stop. Ash is not your enemy.” Ace held out his hand and his own scales rippled. While Ash was pretty sure she could fight her own battles, she was really happy to have Ace on her side right about now.

  “The woman who wears this is my mate. Not this imposter.” Naught or Jerko or whoever he was stalked closer, pointing at her, and hulking the hell out. “She's working for the Cult, trying to trick us.”

  The red jewel sparkled and reflected flaming prisms of light around the room. Ash had seen it before. Today. “Wait. No. That belongs to, uh, my boss. She was in my lab earlier today and must have accidentally left it behind. When we were escaping you put the jacket on me. I didn't even know her necklace was in there. I swear.”

  “Who is this boss? She works with the Cult too? Don't lie to me, witch. Where is she?” He roared and sparkles of black and red magic swirled around him. He reached out to lash at Ace and Ash, but before he could get to them a black cat flew at his head and landed on his shoulders. The both of them screeched and yowled as Flerken climbed on top of the hulking warrior’s head.

  “Flerken, be careful, you crazy, beautiful kitty,” Ash cried.

  She wrapped her tail across his face, blocking his vision and he froze. “What is this thing? It's vibrating. Is this another of your tricks, witch?”

  Ash wasn't the only one whose jaw dropped open while staring at her cat and Jerko. Flerken’s nails were clearly stuck into the side of his head, but she had her eyes closed and she purred loud enough for them all to hear. The warrior's shoulders slumped and Flerken began kneading his hair like he was her long-lost mama.

  “I think Flerkie likes you?” That shouldn't have come out as a question, but this was a questionable situation.

  Flerken rubbed her face on Jerko's forehead and licked him. “Make it stop. Your animal's calming spell won't work on me for long. Let me go so I can search for my true mate.”

  “I'm not doing anything. But if you promise not to go ballistic again, I'll see if Flerken wants a treat.” Ash made soft pss-pss-pss sounds trying to call her cat, but Flerken ignored her completely.

  “I will get to the bottom of your trickery. You are not my mate and I will...” His voice trailed off as Flerken’s purring got louder. “Please make it stop.”

  Ace looked back at her like he believed she was the one who'd stopped his brother guy's freak out with the power of the pussy. Ash shrugged and stepped out from behind him. She slowly approached Jerko and Flerken and held her arms out to grab her cat. Flerken batted her hand away, then she turned her head toward the necklace Jerko still held aloft and hissed at it.

  Jerko twitched but didn't move to or try to get Flerken off. “What does it want?”

  “I think she wants to you to take the necklace out of her sight. She doesn't like it. Maybe it smells bad to her?”

  Jerkwad slowly laced the cord around his own neck. When it hit his own amulet hanging there, a shockwave and an explosion of red sparks burst from his chest. He dropped down to his knees and Flerken jumped off. He panted and hung his head.

  “Are you okay there, big guy?” Ash wasn't ready to touch him but reached her hand out to him the same.

  “No. I am sorry I ever thought you were my mate. I forsake my claim on your soul.” He touched the new necklace and his form wavered and disappeared into that same sparkling shadow where he'd taken them before. Only this time it was very cle
ar, she wasn't invited.

  Flerken did a couple of circles and curled up in the spot where Jerko had been only a moment before. The rest of them all stared at her for a good long minute, not saying anything.

  Ellie recovered first. “I need to get a cat.”

  Marked by the Dragon


  Okay, for having been one of the weirdest days ever, that was one of the more bizarre things that had ever happened in her life. She glanced over at Ace and the expression on his face mirrored what she was feeling. So, this wasn't a normal occurrence in supernatural land. Noted.

  Okay then, back to work, she guessed. Except right then, Ace grabbed her around the waist, picked her up and spun her around in a circle. When he set her back down, he slid his hands into her hair and kissed her like they'd just won World War Two. Fireworks exploded, volcanoes erupted, the sun went supernova, and a fire inside of her she didn't even know she had banked burned in all the best ways.

  He broke their kiss long before she was ready, but he kept her held tight in his arms. “You really are mine.”

  “I am?” Ooh, she liked hearing those words from him. “I think I am. Does that mean we can do the marking thing now?”

  “Fuck, yes.” He groaned the words like she was his favorite flavor of ice cream and he had her all to himself.

  “We’ll, uh, just go get Kady and Neo,” Ellie said, and dragged her dragon out the door.

  The door barely slammed shut before Neo was on her again, scraping his teeth across her throat. She grabbed the back of his head, holding his mouth to her. She was operating entirely on instinct now and while that was unusual for her, it felt entirely right.

  Ace growled and sunk his teeth into the soft skin between her neck and shoulder. What should have been painful was the most intense pleasure she'd ever felt in her entire life. Was it possible to have a shoulder orgasm?

  Heat from Ace's bite poured into her like he was filling her up with fire that was laced with the most powerful of aphrodisiacs. She wrapped her leg around the back of his calf and held onto him, never wanting to let go.


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