Mouser (Reapers MC Book 9)

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Mouser (Reapers MC Book 9) Page 7

by Elizabeth Knox

  “You don’t have to worry. We’re going to handle this. We’re going to protect you.” He’s trying so hard to assure me, but he can’t save me from everything.

  “They tried to control every aspect of my life. I wasn’t living as Sakura. I was living as an extension of their power, like a puppet they could control whenever they deemed necessary. Mouser, I can’t live like that and I refuse to. I won’t ever go back and if I get taken, I’ll end my life before they can use me again.” I don’t think about what I’m saying as I say it, but, I realize the cruel darkness of my words when Mouser releases my hands and encloses his hands around my face, holding me like a precious gem.

  “Hear me loud and clear, Sakura Kobayashi. You are safe here. You are a Reaper, and we don’t give up on our own. On top of it all, I’m not gonna let shit happen to you. You hear me? I won’t let anything ever happen to you.”

  Shutting my eyes, I still don’t understand this. How a man I’ve only known for a few months is so quick to make these harsh promises. He’s swearing to protect me and I don’t grasp why. I don’t understand what his attachment is to me, or why it’s so strong. “Why do you say things like this to me?” I ask upon opening my eyes. For some odd reason a tear slides from the corner of my eye and Mouser wipes his thumb against my cheek.

  “Because, if I don’t protect you, Dove . . . you realize what’ll happen, right? I won’t be able to explore any of this shit with you. I won’t ever get another chance to have those legs of yours wrapped around my waist, or your soft velvety lips on mine, or even hear that adorable giggle you think I don’t notice when you think something is funny. I won’t have the opportunity to keep exploring the unknown land that is you. I won’t get to keep my promise, and I’m pretty sure I promised you that you’d be mine one day.”

  “You didn’t promise me. I’m pretty sure you were being cocky.” I gently remind him as I smile softly.

  He runs his finger along the curve of my lips, “I’ll continue to be an arrogant ass if it continues to make you smile like this. Just remember, if I don’t act a certain way, I won’t get the opportunity to experience certain things with you and let me be honest, I want to experience things with you.”

  “Are you about to tell me you’re in love with me?”

  Mouser throws his head back and laughs, “In your dreams, Dove. I’m not that insane.”

  Pressing my lips together, “You sure? I think you’re pretty crazy.”

  “You like it,” He chuckles, wrapping his hands around me, he pulls me up onto his lap. My legs are around his and for a moment we simply stare into each other’s eyes. I’m the one who makes the first move and goes in for the kiss, meeting my lips with his. His lips aren’t soft. They have a roughness to them just like every other part of him. Though, it’s what makes him so manly so it doesn’t bother me much. If anything, it makes him more attractive.

  We had hot, intense sex before and now I want slow and passionate. I want to know what it’s like to feel my body in a sweaty haze, glued against his. Pulling my lips from his I remove my off the shoulder shirt and sit topless on top of him, just in a g-string thong.

  He’s still in his cut and full attire but is quick to unbuckle his pants and release his cock. Placing my hand underneath me I palm his cock while pushing my thong over to the side and slowly settle down over him, adjusting slowly to his size.

  “Show me how gentle you can be, Mouser.” I whisper before placing my lips back down onto his. He lifts his hips slowly as I roll mine on top of him, riding his cock in a slow, yet increasingly pleasurable way. The head of his cock presses right against my g-spot, so whenever he rocks himself a bolt of bliss shoots through me.

  “I’ll be gentle with you all night long, Dove. Just you wait.” He hisses in a seductive tone, taking his lips from mine he kisses the bottom of my neck. All I can think about right now is how amazing I feel. How nothing in the world matters to me more than this moment, more than finding satisfaction in this man’s arms as he makes everything that troubles me wash away like seashells on the beach.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well deserved body, but rather a skid to the broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming “Wow! What a ride!”

  ~ Hunter S. Thompson


  We fell asleep on the couch late last night and Sakura must’ve slithered off back to her bed at some point. I woke up ten minutes ago from my phone vibrating against the glass coffee table. Upon opening it I saw Damon wanted all of us in church as soon as possible. I swiftly put my clothes back on, ran a comb through my hair and washed my face before I headed over to the clubhouse.

  I was amongst the first men who arrived, the only other two beating me were Widow and Damon. The rest of the brothers came in with Amara.

  “Cobra and Mouser brought some news to me yesterday. After giving it a lot of thought I think it’s time for me to tell the rest of you what they’ve learned, and the course of action I’ve chosen.” Damon states as the brothers take their assigned seats. I lean back up against the wall since I’m a prospect and haven’t rightfully earned my seat at the table yet. However, I hope when the time comes Damon will patch me in. Being a Reaper is in my blood, and just like bein’ a bounty hunter, it feels right.

  “You’ve been keeping secrets, brother?” Amara asks, cocking a brow, looking very unamused.

  “No, not secrets. I should make you all aware that Cobra’s birth father is the enforcer of the Lucifer’s Heretics MC.” Shit, he didn’t even give Cobra the option to tell us.

  “Your dad is Titan? Fuck.” Chaz questions, shocked beyond belief.

  “Let’s get one thing straight. I don’t have a dad. I have a piece of shit, sperm donor who didn’t mind beating on women or children. Everyone catch my drift?” Cobra snarls to the room, balling his fists up. I knew there had to have been some sort of problems with his family, but now it all makes more sense. No one else makes the same mistake Chaz just did. Instead, they’re quiet, looking to our Prez.

  “We had a tip come in that Titan was on his way to Vegas and was going to meet with someone. I was made aware of the time and place, and last night I sent Cobra and Mouser to observe and gather information. While on their run they made a discovery that Vinny was selling information to Titan regarding Sakura being under the club’s protection. Vinny wanted to get paid a finder’s fee for not only giving Titan and the Heretics a handsome payday, but I’m imagining for the potential alliance they’d be able to acquire from the Yakuza. However, if we’re lucky they won’t know what hit them. Mouser was swift and suggested we go in while they don’t know we’re aware of anything. I think he’s right,” Prez looks directly at me, giving me a nod of approval. For the first time since I’ve been here, I feel valued. My dad always told me it would take a long time for the Reapers to show me I was wanted here, and this was well worth the wait.

  “A little bloodshed? I’m game.” Widow cackles, rubbing his hands together. Amara rolls her eyes and the rest of the brothers wait for these two to start a bickering match. Amara and Widow had dated a while back, but they broke up and now he’s with Tania, his ol’ lady who’s in a gang type of thing called the Jackals.

  “Mouser, Widow, Cobra and Chaz. I want you four to ride out with me today. We’re going to go in slow and steady, takin’ this club out in the process.” Damon tells us.

  “What about the rest of us?” Amara barks at her brother, obviously showing her displeasure in having to stay back home.

  “You’ll be watching over the club and makin’ sure we don’t have any surprises. I need you to stay back and watch over the rest of the women and most importantly, the kids.”

  “Noted. Just makin’ sure this isn’t about me bein’ shot.” Amara responds.

  “No it isn’t, but even if it was you’d still follow my order.” Damon smugly replies to her. At the en
d of the day, none of us will ever question our Prez or his ability to lead us.

  Cobra clears his throat, causing Damon to focus on him just as we all know Amara’s about to erupt like a volcano. “When are we leavin’?”

  “In a couple hours. We have at least a seventeen-hour ride ahead of us. Pack the necessities, and for the love of God, make sure you’re packin’ heat in case we need it.” Damon tells us.

  “If we need it?” Widow laughs.

  “We’re gonna use the slow and steady method for once. It’s not my goal to alert them that we’re there. Make sure you pack extra ammo in case we need it, but it’s my goal to be using our boot knives.” We each have knives hidden in our boots. It’s a thing Damon recently integrated within the Las Vegas charter not too long ago.

  “Not even gonna lie. I’m gonna enjoy this,” Cobra smirks. “It’s been a minute since we’ve gone on a run like this, huh, Widow?”

  “Damn straight. Well overdue.” Widow replies.

  “We leave in two hours. Get yourselves ready.” Damon slams the gavel down on the table and we each start to part ways until Damon clears his throat. “Wait, Amara. I need you to handle something while I’m away.”

  The rest of us take our leave, each heading into our different houses. I go back to Sakura’s and check in on her as soon as I make my way through the door. She’s fast asleep under her knitted ivory blanket and I think about waking her, but I won’t. So, I head into the kitchen and grab the notepad and pen she always keeps next to the basket of fruit and decide to write her a note.


  I’m going out on a run with Damon, Widow, Chaz and Cobra. Should be back in three days. Stay at the club and for fuck’s sake, don’t get in any shit while I’m gone.



  Chapter Fifteen

  Your life isn’t yours if you always care what others think

  ~ Unknown


  I’ve never been the type of person to ever oversleep, but it seems like I’m learning a lot more about myself these days. I ended up sleeping in until eleven in the morning and drowsily walked into the kitchen to make my morning cup of tea. As my kettle was brewing I saw a note left for me by Mouser on the island. It said he was going out with a couple of the guys, that I shouldn’t get into trouble and he’d be back in a few days.

  This is the first time he’s gone on a run and I’m not sure what to expect. Part of me is worried, with a sick, gut-wrenching feeling in the pit of my stomach. Yet another part of me is trying to remind myself it isn’t my job to worry about him. We’re not dating. We’re just . . . whatever this is. I thought I’d be able to have this one-night stand and get the sex that oozes off him like cologne out of my system. Little did I know how hard it would be. Instead I’m falling more into this with him.

  I spend the next hour taking a long, hot bath, blow drying my hair and change. It’s kind of odd being here alone when I’ve had someone practically surrounding me the last few days. I head into the clubhouse and see Amara standing in the corner, staring down at her phone but the moment her eyes land on me she comes walking right up. “You and I need to have a chat, sweetie.”

  “Oh, we do?”

  “Yeah. Eduardo had mentioned you could handle Onyx’s girls and you haven’t done that yet so I’m gonna throw you in the trenches and you can fix everything you’ve been failing to do over the last few weeks.”

  “Wow. You’re not even easing me into it,” I chuckle, rolling my eyes. Amara is definitely an acquired taste, but I like her because she isn’t fake. She doesn’t pretend to be your friend and then pull a one-eighty. Instead, she’s blunt as can be. Others might not like that about her, but I’d rather have the truth.

  “Why should I have to? Your uncle said you could do this. Was he wrong?” Alright, now this is one of those moments where I’m not a fan because she can be a downright bitch.

  “No. I can,” I retort, walking away from her I head toward the door which I just came in a minute or so ago.

  The clicking of heels against the floor below us causes me to turn back, “What’s the matter?”

  “Where are you going?” Amara asks.

  “You wanted me to go handle it, yeah? I’m going to do my job.” I say, shooting her a glare. I’m not pissed that I have to do this but being a madame has never been something I wanted to add to my resume per se. Not waiting to hear whatever it is Amara is going to say I exit the clubhouse and walk towards the house that was built a few hundred feet away. It’s where the clubwhores and the prostitutes live. From what I can remember there were two main bitches Onyx loved, so I’m assuming they’ll be my problem. I need to expect anything, so I approach the house and walk in like I own the place. Confidence and order will ooze out of me like blood from a wound.

  “Anyone home?” I call out, not hearing a sound. I look across the joint from the oversized living room, to the dining room that seems like a laundry funnel and scan across the entire first floor. There’s absolutely no one here, so, I head upstairs. Rooms go to the right and the left of the foyer area so I go right first and the rooms are all empty. Although, they do look like they’ve been lived in at some point.

  Going to the rooms on the left I open the doors and see a man in one with two women. They’re currently pleasuring him, meaning the club’s getting a cut of their cash and so are the girls. I shut the door, not being seen by them and open the rest of the doors, only finding one other girl and she appears to be fast asleep.

  In total, there are three women here. This can’t be right. Where are the rest? I go down to the first floor and ask myself a million questions, when a pink haired chick comes walking down. She has big, bouncy tits, a bob type of hairstyle and a crazy dark smokey eye. “Can I help you with something, sweetheart?” Ah, she already thinks I’m a client.

  “Where are the rest of you?” I ask, demanding an answer.

  She won’t meet her eyes with mine for a minute but struggles to come up with an answer. “Um. They . . . they . . .”

  “They what?” I’m not in the mood for games. It’s evident Amara wants me to fix the things they have going on here, so if I’m going to do that I need to know what and who I’m working with.

  “They left after Onyx . . . you know.”

  Okay, looks like we’re starting from scratch. This should be interesting. “Alright, I’m Sakura, your newfound madame according to Amara.” I tell her. I think for a split second she’s not going to like having a new boss but the exact opposite happens. Her eyes light up like it’s Christmas Day.

  “I’m Mirage,” Is she serious, or is this a stage name? “Esme is still asleep because she was working late, but Cirque was in the room with me.” Okay, another oddball name.

  “It’s just the three of you?” I question, getting a nodding confirmation from Mirage.

  “Alright, it looks like I have a lot of work to do.” I mutter under my breath, looking around at the place. There are at least eight bedrooms in this joint, which means we should at least have that many girls working . . . and we have three. “How many clients do you have?” I ask as the question surfaces in my mind.

  “Um . . . about fifteen.”

  “And the three of you have been managing all of them?” Obviously, they must’ve . . . but that’s a lot of men for three women.

  “Yes. We haven’t had a choice.”

  “Well, you’re going to have a choice soon. I promise, I’ll work to get some more girls in here to work with you. You three won’t have to carry the brunt of the work for long.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  She’s battling things her smile will never tell you about

  ~ Jonny Cox


  Damon made sure instead of staying in Wichita that we were a couple towns over, in the hopes no one would spot us. We laid low at a shitty motel, one of those where you’d swear they’ve had a bed bug infestation. Not exactly my cup of tea.

  The ride ended up taking us
around eighteen hours with traffic to get our asses here. We all caught some catnaps and now it’s a little past midnight and we’re all ready to go cause some mayhem at the Lucifer’s Heretics clubhouse. Before we caught some sleep, Damon laid out the plan. We’re going to park a quarter of a mile or so away from the clubhouse, disguising our bikes in the woods and go in on foot.

  When we’re close to the clubhouse we’ll start on the outside of the perimeter and knock the prospects out first before going into the club and slitting some throats. We aren’t supposed to touch women or children, but we never would in the first place. Personally, I doubt there are even any kids around here.

  We’re all in the woods he wanted us to hide our bikes in now, and we’re splitting up in teams of two. I’m with Cobra, meanwhile Damon is with Widow. Chaz on the other hand is off doing what he does best. He’s the stealthiest fucker we have in the club, so no doubt he’s already going up through the woods taking out anyone he can and snooping around the joint. They’re taking the east side and we’re heading toward the west. From the looks of it there’s only one entrance to this place and they don’t even have a fence or any of that shit. Basically, their physical security is seriously lacking. I’m sure many people don’t come out this way, though. I imagine any run in with this group isn’t a positive one.

  Cobra and I walk through the fields until we’re right up against one of the back buildings. I follow his lead as he opens the door and we walk inside it. Not shocked it isn’t locked either, but I’ll refrain from making a sound or any smartass commentary until we’re out of here and are back on the road to Vegas.


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