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A Guardian's Touch

Page 17

by Stein Willard


  She jumped guiltily when she heard the voice echo in her mind. Tahlia didn’t sound happy at all. Her voice was calm but held an undertone of steel.


  Not waiting for Tahlia to object, she stepped into the lift and the doors shut behind her. She gasped softly and looked around the small steel cubicle to see where the draft came from. When she felt an oppressing wrenching in her gut, she knew instinctively it was Tahlia’s anger. If possible, Tahlia seemed to be even angrier at her now than on that night of the exhibition. Choosing to ignore Tahlia’s anger, Jemima squeezed her eyes shut for the short ride until the lift opened into the lobby.

  The sunlight, streaming through the big open doors, beckoned her. For a moment, she stopped and looked around the crowded foyer, remembering that the renegades were still hunting her. When she saw that nobody was paying any attention to her, she made a dash for the entrance. The minute she reached the rotating doors, a cold breeze swept passed her. Spooked, she spun around. Tahlia’s presence was overwhelming, her anger pulsing.


  Jemima was too close to her goal to turn back now. Tahlia already was angry with her, so why not go? She stepped out into the warm rays of the sun. Once on the pavement, she lifted her face toward the sun and smiled. The familiar, comforting heat of the sun made her feel alive.

  She looked around and took in the typical New York scenes. A few feet away, a hotdog vendor was serving a delicious-smelling chili and cheese dog to a young man with a guitar slung over his back. Two youngsters rushed by on their skateboards, and on the other side of the street, a stream of men and women in corporate wear walked briskly to work.

  Jemima suddenly thought about what she'd asked Tahlia the other night. She understood now why Tahlia never asked any of the others to convert. How can one live for centuries without feeling the heat of the sun on your face or the warm caress of the rays on your naked skin? She rubbed her forearms and was just about to cross the road when a black van came screeching around the corner. All her senses suddenly came to life and she immediately felt the oppressive presence of doom.


  For the first time since she’d known Tahlia, Jemima could hear panic in her voice. Not a good sign. But before she could turn and run, the van pulled up next to her and two men wearing balaclavas jumped out. One grabbed her around the waist and threw her into the van while the other man slammed the door behind them. In the distance, she heard her father cry out her name before a ham-like fist smashed into her face and everything went black.


  The earth around Tahlia vibrated with her rage. The brute who’d punched Jemima would pay for having laid his hand on her; he will die for having hurt her. For the second time that morning, her spirit lifted out of her paralyzed body and flashed through the hotel into the bright, bruising sunlight. She could feel her strength draining, but she pushed herself forward relentlessly. Drake had thought about everything. She wondered how long his minions had been staking out the hotel.

  With Jemima’s scent strong in her nostrils, she cut through traffic until she spotted the van and quickly trickled through an open window of the vehicle. A silent scream of hatred ripped from her when she saw Jemima lying in a small bundle on a dirty blanket. An ugly purple bruise was already forming on her cheek. She moved towards her and saw the men look around, puzzled by the sudden cool breeze.

  She lightly touched the bruise and felt the beast within her rising, its long fangs exposed, its claws gripping the earth, and the blood red eyes blazing with bloodlust. She turned her gaze on the man sitting closest to her and took a deep and long sniff. She wanted to memorize his foul scent. When she rose tonight she’d come calling for his blood.

  The van came to a stop. The doors were pulled open, and Tahlia saw they were in an underground parking lot. Even though it was only nine in the morning, the place was dark. The brute dragged Jemima out of the van and swung her over his shoulder like a potato sack. Tahlia bristled at the thought of his filthy hands touching her beloved.

  They entered a lift and took a short trip a few floors down. Tahlia grimaced when she sensed the presence of Drake. Bingo, she thought with grim satisfaction. This has to be his lair. I will be here as soon as the sun sets. With this vow, she rushed back to the safe house and into her body.


  Rafina clutched James in a tight embrace. After witnessing Jemima’s kidnapping, James had been strangely quiet, wandering through the house in daze. Rafina felt his body trembling against her, and she gently stroked his hair. Not having the right words to ease his worries, she’d taken the big man in her arms offering him the closeness of another. She, too, was worried. If Drake had Jemima, she was in great danger. He was a sadistic man and had proven it throughout the centuries.

  “She must be so scared right now.” James’ shoulders started to shake.

  Rafina gently stroked his back. “Tahlia will not let him hurt her.”

  “I know, but she can’t do anything now. She can’t do anything while the sun’s up.”

  “Says who?”

  Rafina turned when she heard the quiet voice. She and James saw Tahlia standing in the doorway of the lounge. The Vampire Queen was dressed in ancient battle gear, which enhanced her formidable presence. Her hand was resting on the hilt of her broadsword as she strode into the room. It was only when she was closer to them that Rafina saw how pale she was.

  “I will bring her back, James, I promise.”

  Rafina looked at Tahlia, and it was evident that being awake at this time of the day was very difficult for her. She was certain James understood Tahlia’s sacrifice reflected how much she truly loved his wayward daughter.

  James placed his hand on Tahlia’s shoulder. “Knowing that you are here at this moment is enough for me, Tahlia.”

  “I will be in the conference room with Joan and the slayers.”

  Rafina and James watched the tall woman walk to the door.


  Her head was pounding. With a groan, Jemima turned and opened her eyes. Immediately, she was aware of the evil aura that surrounded her. It was dark, but there were candles everywhere. She slowly turned her head and had to fight down the nausea. When she tried to sit up, she couldn’t and panicked before she realized that her body was tied in place. With wild eyes, she looked down her body, which her captors had spread out on a cold concrete slab. She was in trouble and she had only herself to blame. Tahlia will be absolutely furious with me.

  While keeping her head still, her eyes moved around the room until they settled on the shadows in the corner. The shadows moved and a figure stepped into the light. Drake! He could’ve been mistaken for an angel, if not for his eyes. His smile did not reach his cold and empty eyes, the eyes of a sadistic killer. He moved closer and stood next to the concrete slab she was lying on.

  “It is a pleasure to formally meet you at last. My name is Drake.” His voice was deep and soft.

  He reached out to touch her cheek, but she quickly moved her head away. She saw anger flare up in his eyes.

  “You are quite beautiful. I must say that Tahlia has good taste.” He took a step closer.

  Jemima saw the hatred blazing in his eyes.

  “Killing you will be a pleasure if only to see Tahlia finally break. What a waste it is to have all her power and not fully exploit it.”

  “You don’t deserve such power, Drake. You are simply too weak to control it.” Jemima was shocked to find those provocative words coming from her lips.

  Drake’s eyes widened in surprise before they narrowed to slits. “You think because you sl
eep with her that you are untouchable? Well, I have a surprise for you, you haughty bitch.” He leaned closer, his lips curled upwards to expose his fangs. “You are a few heartbeats away from a very painful death and Tahlia will not be able to save you. You see, my little human friend, Tahlia is of the very old generation of vampires who hold total disdain for the daylight hours.” He sneered. “Do not misunderstand. They are powerful enough to walk during the day, but prefer not to. I want you to remember this when you are lying here on my altar bleeding to death. Tahlia could have saved you, but her stupid Old World traditions will allow you to die.” He chuckled. “So much for love, my dear.”

  Jemima closed her eyes, letting what he said sink in. Yes, it might be too late for Tahlia to save me, but let it not be said that the Vampire Queen’s mate was a sniffling coward. “You might kill me before she gets here, but one thing I know for certain—you will be following me shortly. She will not allow you to live.” She prayed that her voice didn’t sound as shaky as it did to her ears. “Everything will have been in vain.”

  When she saw Drake’s eyes stare deep into her, she thought she saw a faint flicker of admiration. Tahlia would’ve been proud of her too. Drake’s dark head suddenly snapped up, and he sniffed the air. When he looked back at Jemima, she saw his blue eyes glowed with menace.

  “She is here. Quick, bring me the dagger. You fools must have led her here. Start shooting the moment she comes through the door.”

  One of the men stepped forward to hand Drake the knife. Just then, the double wooden doors flew open. The force was so strong the doors came unhinged and slammed to the hard concrete floor. The men lifted their weapons and gunfire erupted in the room—even though none of them could see what they were shooting at. The smell of gun powder was so heavy that Jemima gagged and her eyes watered.

  “Stop!” Drake bellowed and the shooting stopped immediately.

  Jemima could see through the dark cloud of gun smoke that Drake was scanning the room, looking at the ceiling and piercing the shadows with his eyes. The silence in the room was deafening. Drake’s eyes glowed red and his hand tightened around the hilt of the dagger. Still, no movement came from the door. Drake’s knife suddenly hit the floor. The loud clang made several of the men jump and wildly aim their weapons.

  Drake lunged for Jemima. She tried to escape his touch, but the ropes that held her didn’t budge. He grabbed her shoulder so hard that his elongated nails sunk deeply into her flesh. Not wanting him to see her distress, she gritted her teeth and absorbed the pain.

  “I know you are here, Tahlia. Show yourself, or has your love for mortals also made you a coward like them?” Drake’s fangs glinted as he lifted her closer to him, the ropes snapping one by one. Without preamble, he sank his teeth deep into her neck, and Jemima screamed at the sudden pain, her eyes wide in terror. She felt the sucking motion and knew he was draining her of her life force.

  A deep guttural roar sounded inside the room, and then the lips at her neck were gone. She weakly opened her eyes, and—though tears blurred her sight—she still could make out a dark shadow moving around the room with dazzling speed.

  Just the knowledge that Tahlia was there made Jemima relax and she closed her eyes.


  Tahlia couldn't remember ever being as terrified as when she saw Drake bend over Jemima’s limp form. All sense of humanity left her at that moment and she allowed the predator in her to explode. She threw herself at the renegade leader and flung him away like a worthless piece of trash. She had been moving toward him, cloaked in invisibility, after she’d kicked open the door. Never did she think he would move so quickly and bite Jemima. When she’d heard Jemima’s cry of pain, she jumped into action. But Drake had already begun draining Jemima at an alarming speed. She had taught him that technique herself. Its aim was to incapacitate the enemy quickly and quietly before decapitating them—vampire warfare was brutal.

  Drake leaped to his feet, and with preternatural speed, came at Tahlia. Without looking at him, she stuck out her hand. With cold satisfaction, she felt her hand burst into his chest cavity. Not wanting him to die too quickly, she flung him away and went in search of the man who’d earlier punched Jemima. She swiftly scanned the room for him, sniffing like a wild animal, until she picked up his scent. This time she smelled his fear, not the cockiness he’d radiated earlier. She walked toward him, her eyes glowing red and her fangs dripping with saliva. He turned his gun on her with terror clearly visible in his eyes. In her rage, Tahlia forgot to check her strength and she snapped his neck when she pulled him toward her.

  Cheated out of her chance to take revenge, she growled like a wild animal and sank her teeth deep in his throat not caring that she had ripped open his vein and blood was spurting over her. It took her only a few sips to drain him completely and then she turned back to Drake. The renegade leader was holding his hands against the gaping wound in his chest. He looked up at her and she saw the hatred and pain in his eyes. His lips curved into a cold, goading smile.

  “Even if you kill me, I want you to know that I killed your little slut. Either she dies tonight a mortal, or you convert her and make it easier for my successor to destroy you. Never again will she be reborn, and I hope the loneliness and your failure to protect her will drive you mad. I, Drake Calderoni, have bested you.”

  Tahlia stepped closer to him, her eyes stiff in their sockets as they bored into his. She made sure the inhuman side of her shown in her devil eyes. When she saw the fear in his eyes, she smiled. Using one hand, she effortlessly dragged him up from the floor where he was lying in a growing pool of his own blood and held him above her head.

  “You could have been one of the best, but because I sensed the darkness in you, I held back on your training. You were wrong to underestimate me, Drake. You left, thinking you had learned all you could, but you were not even close to reaching your true potential.” Tahlia’s eyes shaded to black, the irises disappearing completely. “I held back because I knew then that one day I would have to hunt you down myself. And I did.” She took his head in one hand, her elongated nails pressing into his skull, and wrenched it off before she flung his decapitated body to the ground. With their leader dead, the remaining gunmen fled the room. Tahlia let them go, knowing that the slayers would deal with them.

  With caution, she moved over to Jemima. Even before she reached her, Tahlia knew Jemima was dying. She gently scooped Jemima’s body up in her arms and sprinted out of the room. If Jemima was to die tonight, she wanted her to die in her arms in a safe place, surrounded by her family. Tears blurred her vision, but she ignored them.


  When she reached the safe house, James was sitting on the bed in Jemima’s room. He quickly came to his feet when he saw his daughter’s limp body in Tahlia’s arms. He also saw the red tear streaks on Tahlia’s pale face.

  “Is…is she dead?” he asked.

  Tahlia shook her head and gently laid her down in the bed. “She was bitten by Drake. She will slip into a coma soon and will die without regaining consciousness.” She gently touched Jemima’s cool cheek and moved away quickly toward the shadows to mourn her loss.

  James gently took his daughter’s hand in his. “Jemi, it’s Daddy. Please open your eyes.”

  Jemima stirred, and she slowly opened her eyes.

  “Daddy…where is…where is Tahlia? I need to…to talk to her…urgently.”

  Tahlia quickly moved closer and bent over her lover finding it was difficult to speak past the knot in her throat. “I am here, beloved. What do you want to tell me?”

  The slightly unfocussed blue eyes searched the Vampire Queen’s face intently. “You are crying. Why?”

  Jemima’s voice was so tender it brought fresh tears to Tahlia’s eyes.

  “Because I will have to bid you farewell soon, my love. Too soon.” Tahlia felt her throat constrict and
she looked away quickly. She felt James gently rubbing her back. Dependable James. His daughter is dying and he comforts me. She turned back to look at him and saw the tears streaming down his cheeks. “I failed you, my friend. I promised to look after her and I failed you.” She touched his cheek lightly. “Will you ever forgive me?”

  James grabbed her hand and placed a kiss in her palm. “You never failed me, because you can still save her.”

  His blue eyes, so like Jemima’s, stared at her. At first, the meaning of his words eluded her. When she understood, she pulled away from him.

  “No. I will not.” Tahlia rubbed her forearms and closed her eyes. “She will hate me for it and I will not be able to live with myself.”

  “Tahlia…” Jemima’s voice was fading, and Tahlia turned to her quickly. “Do it. I give you…my permission.”

  Tahlia leaned closer and touched Jemima’s cold cheek. We are losing her. “Are you sure, my love? You need to know that after this there is no turning back.”

  “I’m dying, Tahlia, and you…you are wasting time. It’s too early for me to leave you.”

  Tahlia turned to James, and he nodded, his anxiety apparent on his pale face.


  The impassioned plea from her friend made up her mind. Tahlia tenderly pulled Jemima into her arms. With a sharp tuck of her fang, she opened a vein on her wrist. She looked at James one last time for confirmation before she pushed her bleeding wrist against Jemima’s blue lips.


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