A Guardian's Touch

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A Guardian's Touch Page 18

by Stein Willard

  “Drink, my love. Drink deep and long. It will make you feel better.” She used a strong compulsion to get Jemima to obey her request and sighed when Jemima latched onto her bleeding wrist. The eerie silence in the room broken only by Jemima’s soft sucking noises. When Tahlia felt slightly dizzy, she pulled her wrist away and gently laid Jemima back. Her potent blood went to work immediately and already the bluish taint on Jemima’s lips was gone and her pale cheeks were starting to flush again with color. She turned to James, who was sitting quietly. It was difficult to hold his gaze and she quickly looked away. Jemima would soon pass over, and she didn’t want James to experience his daughter’s mortal death.

  “I will have to take her to ground. The earth will rejuvenate her.”

  James took her hand and looked up into her eyes. “You’ve saved her. Please don’t regret this, because I don’t. As much as you love her, I know you can make her happy.” He came to his feet and did the unthinkable. He leaned closer and placed a soft kiss on her cheek. When he pulled back, he smiled. “You are my future daughter-in-law, so don’t be so shocked. C’mon now, take her to ground. I want to see her happy and smiling next time I see her.” After placing a gentle kiss on his daughter’s cool forehead, James left the room. Tahlia turned back from watching him leave to feel Jemima starting to convulse in her arms. It had started.

  “Come, my beloved. I need to get you well soon. Your father’s orders.” She gently picked up Jemima and carried her to the cupboard and stairs leading to her underground chamber. Once in the large chamber, Tahlia opened the earth with a sweep of her hand and lovingly placed Jemima into the rich dark earth. She kissed Jemima on her forehead before closing the earth cavity. She needed to see if Pierre and Jonas were okay after cleaning out Drake’s lair.


  Tahlia found Pierre and Jonas in the lounge. They‘d obviously finished off the rest of the renegades at the lair. “Where is Juan? Is he okay?” she asked sharply. No matter what, she didn’t want to lose Juan. She felt a familiar presence behind her. Without turning around, she smiled. “You should not scare me like that again, Juan.” When she turned she found him smiling broadly. It transformed his usually serious face into a very handsome one.

  “Your concern is a great honor, Your Highness.” He took her hand and placed a kissed on the back of it.

  She reached out and touched his cheek. “I am glad I have you to look after me, Juan. I do not always say it, but thank you, my friend.”

  Juan nodded and bowed low. Tahlia smiled at Juan, proud that he had come this far. He had been serving the Royal Vampires for the past 500 years since their Royal Guard disappeared. Taking over from Paloma had been a challenging task. Paloma’s legacy was unrivaled, and Tahlia feared that Juan would struggle to grow into the role.

  Tahlia turned to look at the other master vampires. “I am glad you are all unhurt. With Drake gone, we can take a short rest before we start hunting the rest of his army.” She turned to leave the room but stopped at the door and turned back to face them. “Jemima was bitten by Drake and she asked me to convert her.” She watched them carefully to gauge their reaction. “I did it, and I apologize for not consulting with you first. Time was against us.” She watched as their impassive faces slowly changed, reflecting broad smiles. She saw the twinkle in Pierre’s eyes and rolled her eyes.

  “Out with it, Pierre.”

  “Well, I was just thinking what a beautiful couple you make.” He folded his arms over his broad chest. “Imagine how much more alluring Jemima will be now, with all the supernatural enhancements of the Race. You will have your hands full keeping men and women alike away from her.”

  He winked at her and for the first time that night, she smiled. Jemima was safe and Pierre’s uncharacteristic good mood improved hers greatly. Oh, how wonderful it would be to wake up in Jemima’s arms every evening for the rest of eternity.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Three Days Later…

  Tahlia’s hands were shaking and she brought them up for closer inspection. She couldn’t remember ever being so nervous. She looked at her hands long and hard, willing them to cease their trembling and looked away only when they were steady again. Tahlia quietly returned to the task of cleaning up Jemima. After having brushed the blonde locks and sponge-bathed the pale body, she stood back and surveyed her work. Jemima looked gorgeous, and she was eager to see her bright blue eyes again after three days.

  This was another first for her and this time she was scared. What if Jemima’s attraction to me was simply because of the romanticized attraction humans have for my kind? Many men and women had succumbed to amorous attentions of vampires over the centuries mostly because they were attracted to the danger and enhanced sexual appeal vampires exude. What if, by being a vampire herself, Jemima does not feel the same about me? What if she chooses someone else? She felt her heart lurch at the thought, and her hands began to shake again. There was only one way of finding out.

  Tahlia steeled her nerves and awakened Jemima from the deep healing sleep. She heard Jemima’s heartbeat first; then she heard the air drawing into her lungs. Her knees almost buckled when Jemima’s eyelids flickered a few times before opening. She stared into the familiar bright blue eyes. Tahlia noticed how Jemima knew exactly where she was instead of looking around first. Already she was making use of her newfound powers to locate an object simply by listening to its heartbeat and picking up its scent. The blue gradually eyes softened the longer they stared into hers.

  “Tahlia,” Jemima whispered. “I realize that I am seeing you now for the first time. For who and what you are.” Tahlia stood frozen as Jemima’s blue eyes slowly moved over her. “I would never have guessed how powerful you really are. It is only now that I know the true power you yield.” She held out her hand. “Come to me. I missed you.”

  Tahlia stepped closer as Jemima swung her feet off the bed and almost immediately doubled over, clutching her stomach.

  “You need to feed. I went out earlier to make sure that I have enough for the both of us. You can take what you need from me.”

  Tahlia came to sit on the bed next to Jemima and lifted her hair, exposing her neck. When Jemima made no move, Tahlia looked at her. Jemima just sat there looking at her with a look of horror on her face.

  “You will get used to it. Just close your eyes and follow your instincts.” She took Jemima’s hand and shuddered slightly as a thrill of desire coursed through her. Embarrassed to feel desire at a time like this, she looked into Jemima’s eyes. She found them warm, a knowing smile curled up the corners of the beautiful full lips.

  “You leave me breathless, too,” Jemima said. Without warning, she flipped Tahlia on her back.

  The shock of Jemima taking her off guard made Tahlia hiss, her fangs bare, and her eyes glowing bright red.

  Jemima burst out laughing. “What now? I’m sure that my insubordination deserves punishment, Your Highness.”

  Tahlia relaxed against the cool sheets of the bed and smiled, too. She reached out a hand to push back a few loose strands of hair from Jemima’s face. “You are so beautiful, my love.” She moved so fast Jemima shrieked when she found herself lying underneath Tahlia and staring up into warm black eyes. Tahlia was grinning as she placed a gentle kiss on Jemima’s lips. “You have a lot of time ahead of you to learn how to counter an attack like that, little one. You are still so young, but after a few years, I am sure that getting you to submit will not be as easy.”

  Jemima reached under the loose white shirt that covered Tahlia’s breasts. With eager fingers, she started to knead them softly. “I demand my punishment now, my Queen.”

  Tahlia groaned, her dark head lowered, and she started to kiss Jemima. At first it was gentle and then, with so much hunger, she began to consume Jemima.

  When Jemima reached out to cradle her head in her hands, she saw her lover open her mouth wide. What ensued was a raw lustful kiss. Tahlia’s fingers reached for the hem of the white gown, but before she could lift
it, she quickly got off the bed.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Tahlia fumbled with her shirt, looking into the blue eyes with a wry smile. “Your father is on his way here.” She walked over to the door and pulled it open, smiling faintly at the shocked expression on James’ face.

  “You seem to forget that I am a vampire, my friend. I know where you are at all times.”

  James unconsciously touched his neck before looking up into the warm eyes. “If my memory of vampire lore serves me right, you can only have a link with me if you’d taken my blood before.”

  Tahlia nodded. “I did when Jane was about four months pregnant. I needed to make sure I could alert you when she needed you.” She looked into the blue eyes waiting for the horror and disgust. Instead, she saw James shrug and push past her into the room.

  “Interesting,” he mumbled

  He walked to where Jemima was sitting on the bed and stopped a few feet from his daughter. He turned to look at Tahlia.

  “Yes, she is still our Jemima.” Tahlia closed the door. “I was just about to feed her before you came.” There was a tiny bit of worry in her voice. Even though Jemima would not hurt her father, after three days without any sustenance, as a fledgling, Jemima’s bloodlust was very strong and not fully controllable. James nodded, walked over to his daughter and hugged her.

  “I’m so glad that you are okay, my baby.”

  His blue eyes were teary, and Tahlia saw that Jemima’s eyes were also filling up as she buried her face in her father’s neck. Alarm bells went up in her head the moment she sensed Jemima’s hunger peaking, and she quickly stepped closer, gently pulling James out of the embrace. Tahlia could feel Jemima’s horror when her eyes moved from the pulse in her father’s neck and she flew off the bed to stand on the other side.

  “I’m sorry, Daddy. I’m really sorry, but you will have to leave for now.” Her voice choked up.

  Tahlia quickly stepped in not wanting her to spook when she saw that her tears were made of blood.

  “No need to panic, my love. Let me quickly feed you and then you can visit with your father.” She walked over to Jemima and pulled her into a crushing embrace. She felt her heart flip when she sensed Jemima’s fear and the stark hunger that ravaged her body. With an elongated nail she made a small incision on her wrist and held it to Jemima’s lips. She knew if she let Jemima drink from her neck the act was so intimate that it could spark their passion quickly.

  Without preamble, Jemima latched onto the oozing cut and Tahlia sighed deeply. Who am I kidding; just having Jemima’s lips on any part of my body will arouse me to a fever point. She turned her head and looked at James who was staring at them, his blue eyes filled with alarm. She knew then that he too hadn’t really thought about the fact that his daughter will need to drink blood to survive. When he found her black eyes on him, he quickly closed his eyes.


  James nodded and turned away to give them privacy.

  After Jemima had taken a few pints of blood, Tahlia pulled her arm away and flicked her tongue over the wound. She looked into Jemima’s face and nodded her satisfaction. The pale grayish color of Jemima’s face was making way for a healthier and fuller complexion. She placed a fingertip under Jemima’s chin, looked deep into her eyes, and could still see faint traces of fear and horror.

  “You will be okay now, Jemima. Talk to your father for a while. I will be waiting outside.”

  When she took a step away from her, Jemima pulled her closer. “I’m scared of hurting him,” she whispered.

  Tahlia nodded and took her young lover’s hand, leading her to where her father stood. James took one look at his daughter and pulled her into his arms. “No matter what, you are still my baby.” For a few seconds, Jemima was rigid in his embrace, but the longer he stroked her back and arms, she gradually started to relax.

  “I’m sorry for earlier, Daddy,” she whispered

  “We will get through this, too, okay. We will make this work.” James looked at Tahlia. “She’s a baby again, Tahlia, and our job starts afresh.”

  Tahlia smiled and opened her arms when she saw Jemima walking toward her.


  With her head resting against Tahlia’s heart, Jemima sighed deeply. As long as she had Tahlia with her, she was going to survive this new way of living. The thought of drinking blood was disgusting, but she was surprised at how Tahlia’s blood had rejuvenated her. Before she had even opened her eyes, a wealth of sounds and smells assaulted her. She could smell the roast beef Rafina was cooking in the kitchen a floor above her, and she could hear her father’s voice while he played chess with Jonas. Then she heard a loud thudding close by and immediately recognized the sound—Tahlia’s heartbeat. She could sense her lover’s nervousness.

  When she opened her eyes it was another experience. She already had pinpointed Tahlia’s exact position using her senses, and the first thing she saw were those bottomless black eyes staring straight at her. Neither said anything. The longer she stared at Tahlia the more she sensed her fear and anticipation of some kind of retaliation. Yet, all she wanted to do was to hold this strong dangerous woman close to her heart. Not even the cleaving hunger could distract her for long from what she wanted to do to Tahlia once she had taken off her tight black jeans and the white shirt.

  What she’d said to Tahlia earlier was true. Now a vampire, herself, Jemima was acutely aware of Tahlia’s immense power. The Vampire Queen could have forced her into submission, but never once did she attempt to. She felt her heart melt at the thought.. Instead, she had waited patiently and allowed Jemima to fall in love with her at her own pace. If this wasn’t a sign of Tahlia’s love for her, then she didn’t know what was. Her arms crept around Tahlia’s waist and she held on tightly. She felt the pounding of Tahlia’s heart, and she smiled softly. This was where she belonged.

  James stayed a while to assure himself that Jemima was indeed feeling better before he left with the promise to see them again later. The second the door clicked shut behind her father, Jemima pushed Tahlia back toward the bed with burning urgency and undressed her.


  Three hours later Tahlia was lying on her stomach, her breathing erratic and her body buzzing from the multiple orgasms Jemima had wrung out of her. It seemed that Jemima’s new powers also increased her stamina and sex drive. Tahlia opened her eyes to find Jemima looking at her. She couldn’t help but notice that a smug smile had quickly been replaced by a gentle smile. Yes, she was thoroughly ravished and the blue-eyed seductress knew it, too. Jemima had undressed her quickly, so quickly she’d popped a few buttons on her shirt.

  After having paid homage to her breasts, Jemima licked all over her body, kissing and biting her at times. The most pleasurable moment was when she’d scraped her fangs over Tahlia’s hot, sensitive inner thighs before biting down and feeding again. Tahlia had exploded with a violent orgasm that had shaken the bed and almost unseated Jemima. After a few minutes to catch her breath, Jemima had started anew. She kissed and caressed Tahlia’s body until it became so sensitive that Tahlia didn’t dare to touch her sweaty skin for fear of erupting in another series of orgasms. She had hoped to return the lovemaking later, but Jemima had kept her drained for a bigger part of the night.

  She lifted a hand and cupped Jemima’s cheek. “I hope the demons you wanted to exorcise are gone now.” Her black eyes were moving over Jemima’s naked breasts.

  “I haven’t even started yet, baby.”

  At hearing the endearment, Tahlia cracked a toothy grin. She simply loved it when Jemima called her that. They spent the rest of the night in bed. When the long grey lights of dawn touched the horizon, Tahlia took the hand of her young lover and led her down the stairs to their hidden chamb
er. There she willed Jemima into a deep sleep before taking her to ground.

  Chapter Twenty

  For the next two weeks, Tahlia patiently taught Jemima how to harness her new powers. Tahlia was immensely proud of how her young lover took to her new body and the powers that came with it. The only hiccup they were experiencing was Jemima’s reluctance to hunt. The thought of stalking a human, enticing it, and taking blood from the victim, was too much for her to bear. That left Tahlia to hunt for the both of them, later sharing her blood in the privacy of their bedroom. Not wanting to pressure her, Tahlia bided her time, knowing that one day the bloodlust would get the upper hand. She only prayed that she was with Jemima to ensure that she didn’t hurt her victim in her haste to sate her hunger. That night came sooner than she could have predicted…

  One evening, Tahlia had taken Jemima to a shady neighborhood where a known gang was brutally spreading their reign of terror, raping, robbing, and killing at will. The idea behind this excursion was to show Jemima how she went about enticing her victims. But at that exact moment of their arrival, a brute of a man was busy robbing a young woman of items she’d bought at a nearby convenience store.

  Tahlia stood in the shadows next to Jemima. She could read the man’s mind and knew that the worse was still to come. He was thinking of raping her. The stench of violence that clung to him was nauseating, and her instinct to protect triggered immediately. Just as she was about to step in to rescue the woman, Jemima had placed her hand on her shoulder.

  “Let me.”

  Jemima slowly walked over to where the man was holding the woman against his body with one hand clamped over her mouth. Jemima was almost upon him when he’d become aware of her presence. Tahlia, standing by to protect Jemima, was ready to pounce on the man if he so much as touched her.


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