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Hunted Page 10

by Matt Mememaro

  “Who’s that for?” Lois asked.

  “It’s for Alex, looks like it’s from Lord Realla himself,” Abner said.

  “His father? But he hasn’t cared for Alex or bothered to reach out since he came to Hunters. This can’t be good,” Lois said.

  Abner frowned. He now had the note in his hand. “How many brothers did Alex have?”

  “Just the one, I thought?”

  Abner looked up from the letter. “Lord Realla has lost his heirs. He was summoning Alex to take their place. Looks like we’re going to have to go to Renor and deliver the bad news.”



  Abner hated the desert. It was full of sand. The most coarse, rough and irritating substance known to man. It didn’t help matters that it got everywhere too. And Lord Realla happened to live right in the middle of it. One of the spectacles of the Renori desert wasteland was the Realla family estate, also known as the Jewel of the Desert.

  It was a palace, it soared above the desert, surrounded by kilometers of lush green grass and farmland unseen for days on either side of the desert. Their secrets came from the underground Realla river that had been dug out around the township and castle respectively and it allowed them to farm the land that was otherwise inhabitable.

  Abner and Lois rode into the town, the hot sun beating down on their backs and horses, yet they remained unopposed. Farmers tilled the land, not even raising their head to notice the new arrivals to their town. Lois drained the last of her water as they drew level with the castle gate. A crocodile was visible in the water meters away, its eyes resting above the water.

  “Oh, look at that, Lois,” Abner said pointing out the creature. “Don’t fall in.”

  “I’d sooner push you in,” she said.

  Two pike wielding guards approached the Hunters. Both men kept heavy beards and both wore the blue river livery of the Realla house.

  “Hunters, what business do you have here? The castle is locked down in our days of mourning. Turn around and return in two days’ time!”

  “We bring an urgent message for the Lord of the castle,” Abner said. “His son is dead.”

  “Why do you think the castle is in lockdown? His son died last week.” One of the guards laughed. “Begone.”

  “Read this,” Abner said.

  He pulled the note out from his pocket and handed it to the closest guard. They read it between them, their eyes tracing over each individual letter, looking for any sign of fraud.

  “Well it’s in Lord Realla’s hand, what do you think Swanson?”

  “You can go through; however, we will escort you to his Lordship. Raise the gate!”

  The Hunters waited for the gate to clank open far enough for their horses to stride under. Already people had begun to cross the drawbridge in an attempt to reach the castle. After the horses were stabled, Swanson led the way into the castle, his pike tapping on the white marble tiles that ran all throughout the castle.

  Swanson led the Hunters into the upper levels of the towering structure, a tap with his pike for each step of the way. His partner began to whistle which was abruptly cut off by Lois turning around and glaring at them. They stood in front of a huge double mahogany door and Swanson rapped three times. The door creaked open and Swanson vanished inside.

  He remerged moments later. “His Lordship will see you now.”

  The door opened fully, revealing a cathedral, that seemed to stretch across the remainder of the castle. Its ceilings soared above the Hunters, supported by white stone pillars are thick as Abner was wide. On the steps underneath the stained glass instead of a throne, an open coffin rested, Lord Realla’s son. A crowd of more than twenty people sat on black rugs, cross legged, their eyes closed whilst they chanted in the native Renori tongue.

  “Lord Realla I bring news!” Abner said.

  The chanting stopped and everyone in attendance snapped around to glare at the Hunter. Lord Realla sat at the front, his resemblance to Alex, uncanny. Both had the same cropped hair and striking eyes, although Alex had been built more like a whip, Lord Realla showed signs of a man gone to seed.

  “Who dares interrupt our mourning!”

  “My name is Abner Toldar from the Tyrain Huntrey. You sent for your son, my Lord.”

  “I have no son, nor do I have any business with you!”

  “My Lord, don’t you remember the message that you sent to Alexander, only four days ago?” One of his advisors stood up from his rug and frowned. “Your son that you had sent to the Hunters. We haven’t seen or heard from him in years.”

  Lord Realla now stood. His face turned red with fury. “My last son died here, a week ago dammit! They’re all dead, and I have no heir to carry on my lineage!”

  “Yes, that’s what we came to-“

  “Silence! I won’t have you blasting in here, interrupting our morning of my beloved Prince, to tell me a son that I allegedly had is now dead! Guard I thought I told you to throw them out!”

  “You said to let them in, my Lord.” The guard also began to protest alongside the advisor.

  “Enough of this! Seize the Hunters!”

  “He’s mad,” Lois said. She rolled her eyes. “How do you want to play this?”

  “Just pissed off another powerful leader of the world. Don’t think we ought to kill him, but let’s get out of here,” Abner said.

  “No killing? Where’s the fun in that?” Lois asked.

  “Just this once.”

  The Hunters turned on their heels, shouldering past the two guards on the door. They were at the staircase before they heard Lord Realla let loose a shriek. “Assassin! Chase them down!”

  “Sending out the big guns after us.” Abner laughed. An arrow sailed over his head. He looked back and saw a red and black clad figure only meters behind them. “One of your friends?”

  “I’m not about to find out!” She pulled her crossbow off her back and fired a shot over her shoulder. The assassin grunted in pain and fell to the floor clutching his own shoulder. “Non-lethal, like you said.”

  The Hunters burst outside, to the sound of the alarm bell from the top of the castle blaring overhead. Their horses waited patiently for them in the stables. As the Hunters made for bridge arrows began to rain down on them from the ramparts. Lois fired more potshots over her shoulder, as the Hunters made it onto the drawbridge and made their bid for the safety of the Huntrey.



  As Lois and Abner approached the wall that kept the Huntrey safe from the outside world, they could tell something was different. Lois used her seeking to confirm no Hunters remained on the wall. They rode forward without a word, crossbows resting across their laps. Once they reached the wall, they dismounted, leaving the horses waiting for them. Abner leapt up the wall in a single bound and looked at what lay behind.

  Apart from the lack of Hunters, it remained completely the same, unlike West Anacore. There was no blood stains visible on the wall and no mangled bodies of any Hunters could be seen. He waved back down to Lois who waited holding both the horse’s reigns, giving her the all clear. He jumped down the other side of the wall and opened the gate from the inside.

  “Strange, where is everyone?” she asked.

  “Only time the wall watch can be away from their post is when there’s a direct threat to the Board’s life or lives. Something must have happened,” Abner said.

  Lois sniffed the air. “Only Vampire I can smell around here is you.”

  “You say that like an insult. I smell lovely, haven’t sweat all day.” He climbed off at Nagor and kicked the horse in the sides. “If it wasn’t Vampires it’d have to be someone on the inside.”

  “We’ve only been gone for a week. Surely Gunthos wouldn’t have had the temper to take it out on the Board?”

  Abner shrugged. “Anything is possible now days. Maybe Razal finally pushed him over the edge.”

  “Sure hope not,” Lois said. “I’ve missed our big bastard.”

  On the plateau it seemed as if every Hunter was gathered at the base of the Huntrey, Approximately half of them had a their crossbow drawn pointed at the door whilst the other half had their heads on a swivel. Some turned as the horses approached, their fingers ready to pull the trigger at any second.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Lois asked. “Why are there no guards on the wall!”

  “Ah the wolf hunter and his bitch are back,” Razal said. He pushed his way through the crowd to the back. “Your child is creating havoc in there. Listen.” Screams came from the Huntrey tower. “Why did you bring him here.”

  “Child, you mean Gareth?”

  “I’m not sending anyone else in to stop him. He stopped into the Board’s room and decimated it. Myself and other Board members were lucky to escape with our lives. He’s become effected by the Bloodrush,” Razal said.

  “And you want us to go in there and drag him out?” Lois said. She placed her hands on her hips looking unimpressed.

  “He’s your problem, go in and fish him out,” Razal said. Spittle flew from his mouth.

  The Huntrey door opened and the Hunters tensed with their crossbows, waiting to see who emerged. A figure much larger than Gareth stepped out into the light, revealing Gunthos. At his side he dragged an unconscious Gareth.

  “What’s the problem? I’ve got it under control.”

  The Hunters collectively lowered their crossbows and Razal gave the command for them to enter the building. Covered in blood and gore, Gunthos pushed through those entering the Huntrey until he reached his friends and Razal. His right eye was swollen shut. He presented Gareth’s unconscious body to the coin master.

  “Do I get a prize?”

  “Absolutely not. You bought him here so if there’s any damages inside the Huntrey that were caused by his actions you shall be held accountable!” Razal turned red. “I’ve never seen such a thing in all my life.”

  “No need to blow a gasket, Razal. I was just asking you a simple question,” Gunthos said.

  “How did you take him out,” Lois asked.

  “Caught up to him and punched him in the face. It’s not that hard.”

  “Such tact, Gunthos,” Razal said as he walked away.

  “What are we going to do with him?” Abner asked. “Wait until he wakes up and pretend this never happened?”

  “He’s going to not be able to forget. There’s bodies in there. Haven’t seen a Bloodrush that bad before, Ab.”

  “Alright so we hide him until this all blows over and then what? How many bodies did he leave in there, Gunner?” Lois asked.

  “I last counted six, there could be more,” Gunthos said. “Only way to be sure would be to go through the whole Huntrey. He tore it up.” Gareth emitted a groan from the ground. Gunthos turned to him and readied his crossbow. “Hope he’s come down off it now.”

  Gareth’s eyes snapped open and they were still blood red, full of the rush. Gunthos fired a near point blank shot, but Gareth leapt over the bolt and tried to wrestle the crossbow from Gunthos. He tore it away, from the Hunter and leapt after it.

  “Fucking shoot him!” Gunthos drew his sword and chased after Gareth,

  Lois shrugged, now reaching for her crossbow. “He needs to be stopped and we don’t owe him anything.”

  “I took him under my wing, I said he’d learn from me. Do we have any nets?”

  He was cut off by more Hunters that ran past him, there’d be no turning back for Gareth now. Bolts filled the air as quickly as Gareth would dodge each one headed in his direction. The infected Hunter shrieked at his brothers firing at him, then made for the cliff face. Without pausing he sailed over the edge and vanished from sight.

  “We need to get after him!” Lois said.

  “We’re not going to catch him,” Abner said. “Like that he’s too fast, and we’ll have a definite trail to follow.”

  “He’s a danger to anyone he comes across. Let me go out and you two can catch up!”

  “Lois! You know what happened last time we got separated and I want you to be safe,” Abner said.

  “What? Don’t look at me like that!” Gunthos said after Abner raised his eyebrow. “I don’t want to be involved in your domestic.”

  “We’re going after him,” Lois said again.

  “Alright it’s your call,” Abner said. Gunthos wasn’t going to back him in this case. “If you want to go off, go off, I’ll get more food and water and catch up to you soon.”

  Lois leant in on her horse and brushed her lips against his, for all but a second. She pulled back and smiled. “I knew you’d see things my way.”


  Spark of White

  Two days in and the hunt was not going well for the young Hunters. They had left Gunthos at the Huntrey and were now riding through the northern forests of Tyrain heading back towards Alilletia. Snow filled the linings of their boots and covered them from head to toe. Lois remained silent, her red eyes following the path left behind by Gareth, who judging from his movement still appeared out of control.

  The snow came down harder as the day quickly turned to night. With Lois’ seeking vision and Abner’s Vampire sight they could continue through the night without stopping. The horses continued to walk along, their heads down, the only protection against the snow.

  “His path is becoming faint,” Lois said. “I’m beginning to lose him.”

  “He’s not that far ahead of us though,” Abner said. “He’d be an hour or two at most.”

  “I don’t know what’s happening. I’ve never seen this happen before,” Lois said. “Vampire or man once I get the scent I’ve got it until I’ve found them.”

  “Well we’ve only got Etia to the north. That’s all I can think of that has any kind of relevance around here. It’d have to be where he’s going,” Abner said.

  “It’s a big place, Ab, lot of searching for the two of us to do if he’s there.”

  “Yeah, I know but -” An ear splitting howl rang over the forest. “Not now.”

  “Fuck,” Lois said. “That was close. We could have used Gunner.”

  “It’s alright,” Abner said. He put a hand on her thigh to comfort her. “We’ve killed them before and we’ll kill them again. It’s close.”

  “That wasn’t a hunting call,” Lois said. “It sounded like it was in pain.”

  “Maybe then we should take advantage.” Abner said. “It’d be nice to get some revenge for Alex.” The Ghost howled again. “It’s up ahead.

  The Hunters pushed their horses forward into the thickening tree line, crossbows on their laps as they maneuvered through the labyrinth of trees. It didn’t last long as the tree line receded and gave way to a small ice-covered lake. There was a break in the ice at the edge of the lake and a pile of clothes only meters away.

  “Someone’s gone in,” Lois said.

  “They must be mad,” Abner said.

  As they approached the lake, the water began to bubble and seconds later a man with white hair leapt out of the water, almost flying like an arrow. He landed on his feet and went to retrieve his clothes. The strange man looked up and saw the Hunters approaching. A red flash flickered through his eyes bright blue eyes.

  “Vampire!” Lois said.

  “No, he’s our wolf! Try not to hurt him, I want to speak to him!”

  The Ghost let out a howl, throwing his head back, his white hair standing on edge. His body began to shudder and grow, white fur sprouting all across his skin. He began to run at the Hunters as he dropped to all fours. Abner opened fire taking it head on, signaling for Lois to take the flank. Their bolts failing into its shoulders.

  Abner threw his crossbow to the ground and drew his sword, the runes on its blade hungry for blood. He steadied himself on Nagor and as the wolf leapt, so did Abner. The beast sailed over Nagor, its claws outstretched to grab Abner. It missed, Abner landing on its back with his sword now held at its throat. The Ghost landed, unable to shake Abner.

  “Submit beast,
I wish to talk to you.” The Ghost responded with a low grumble. “I’ll cut your head off. Change back.”

  Lois grabbed Nagor’s reigns and collected Abner’s crossbow from the ground as the wolf transformed back into the man. Abner held his sword inches from the Ghost’s throat. Lois remained mounted and trained her crossbow on the shift wolf. Seconds later the human was crouched underneath the Hunters weapons.

  “Are you content Hunter?” He glared up at them, his blue eyes as cold as the ice he’d swum under.

  “We want to ask you some questions, are you going to cooperate?” Abner asked.

  The Ghost bowed his head, his white hair fell just shy of his shoulders. “Of course, Hunter. You’ve destroyed my home and in time I will destroy you.”

  “How do you know we were there?” Lois asked. “We killed the only wolves that we found.”

  “Your scent is unforgettable, Lois. I’ve been there since the first time we made ourselves known to you, watching in the shadows as you killed my brother. Learning how to adapt to your style.”

  “What’s your name, Ghost?” Abner asked.

  He smiled and looked up into the Hunter’s eyes. Abner felt a chill come over him. “My name is Zarazenih. Zarazenih Toldar. Hello brother.”

  “My father didn’t have any other children. You’re a freak!”

  “That I am. However, I am still your brother bound by blood. Would you like me to show you?” Zarazenih asked.

  “Show you that you can transform back into your Ghost self and tear us to shreds? I think I’ll pass,” Abner said.

  “If you allow me to stand, I can show you I’m more alike you than you can imagine.”

  “One wrong move and you’re dead, dog,” Lois said.


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