Christmas All Around Us ; The Perfect Time for Love ; Playing for Keeps

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Christmas All Around Us ; The Perfect Time for Love ; Playing for Keeps Page 30

by Carla Kincaid

  She felt pretty good about her performance. Even if she wasn't able to hear the audience applause to confirm that she'd done well, Stacey knew she'd hit all her marks -- including nailing the tricky scene transition in Act Two where she did a quick change behind a moving platform. That move was like maneuvering through one of those American Ninja Warrior obstacle courses -- while singing and dancing in high heels. Anyone who ever doubted that actors weren't also athletes had never seen a Broadway musical.

  When the rehearsal was over, her castmates congratulated her and Melissa, the stage manager, gave her a thumbs up. Now all she had to do was keep all of it fresh in her mind for the next three weeks. Every Tuesday she'd have another put-in rehearsal but other than that it was up to her to practice the show enough to be ready at the drop of a hat.

  "So, what's she like?" Tony asked a few days later after listening to Stacey share news of her successful rehearsal.

  She couldn't be mad at her friend's fanboy question. Since Trish Warner burst onto the Broadway scene six years ago, Stacey had become one of her biggest fans. It was still hard for her to believe she was the woman's official standby for the next three weeks.

  Before answering Tony's question, Stacey reached out and fingered one of the roses in the bouquet that was waiting for her when she got to the theatre on Wednesday. The hand written card was still attached.

  It's nice to know, if I get hit by a bus, the show will still be GREAT! Welcome to the family! OXOXOXO, Trish.

  "She's wonderful," Stacey gushed. "I mean you know how it's always a little scary meeting someone you admire because they might turnout to be a jerk. Well, that's not the case with Trish. Not only is she super talented but she's also really nice."

  "Good," Tony said with a sigh of relief. "I don't think my heart could have taken it if she wasn't."

  The two of them laughed knowing from experience what it was like to meet someone you admired only to find out that the person was a jerk.

  "Stacey, I'm really happy that things are going so well. I told you you wouldn't miss me while I was gone," Tony joked.

  "Don't be ridiculous, Tony. I do miss you!" she protested.

  "Ha! Sure you do. From what you've told me things have gotten pretty comfortable downstairs. Am I going to have to fight for your attention when I get home?" he teased.

  "Oh, Tony, you know I'll always be there for you. But you might have an additional neighbor upstairs by the time you get back."

  "What?" Tony exclaimed. "Did you pop the question?"

  "Yes. The move in question," Stacey clarified with a laugh.

  "Well, that's the first step," Tony chuckled.

  Indeed it was, Stacey thought. It was a first step in a direction that she could easily imagine. Getting to know Megan over the past month had proven to Stacey that the two women were more than compatible. Megan was talented, smart, and beautiful and Stacey could easily see the relationship becoming permanent. That's why she didn't want Megan to go back to Oklahoma. She wanted them to have a chance to take things to the next level.


  "Are you sure you want to come to the show today?" Stacey asked on Sunday morning as she watched Megan hovering over her laptop.

  "Absolutely!" Megan said. "Just give me one second to send this email."

  Stacey watched as Megan tapped at her computer keys. She seemed a little less stressed than she had a few days ago. But Stacey knew the only reason Megan agreed to see the show today was because there was no mail delivered on Sundays. Had it been a regular mail day, Megan would be stationed at the front window waiting on that letter from the Philharmonic.

  "Done," Megan said as she closed her laptop. "I just emailed Mrs. Warner to tell her it was okay to release my teaching position to someone else."

  Megan walked over to Stacey. "Now you're stuck with me," she said softly.

  "Good," Stacey replied with a wink. "Stuck with you is just where I want to be!" Stacey kissed Megan tenderly and the two of them walked out of the apartment hand in hand.

  When they arrived at the theatre, Stacey took Megan on a quick tour backstage and then walked her out to the lobby.

  "Hey Stacey!" Chris, the house manager greeted as they passed his office door.

  Since there were still forty-five minutes before show time, Chris was enjoying a cup of coffee before opening the theatre doors for the audience.

  ""You must be Megan," he said extending his hand. "I've got a ticket with your name on it." He turned back inside the office and retrieved an envelope.

  "The house isn't open yet but since you're a friend of Stacey's I'm gonna let you go in early."

  "I'll come check on you during intermission," Stacey said giving Megan one last kiss before heading backstage.

  "Break a leg," Megan said with a wink. "Maybe I'll be your good luck charm and you'll get to go on today."

  Stacey shrugged knowing that was unlikely but she still appreciated Megan's well wishes.

  "Hey there!" Trish greeted Stacey when she and a few other cast members came back inside after signing post-show autographs. "A few of us are going for drinks to celebrate Danny's birthday. You wanna come with?"

  Stacey wanted to accept the invitation but she didn't know if Megan felt like hanging out or not.

  "I'm not sure, Trish. I brought someone to the show and I need to see what she wants to do."

  "She's welcome too," Trish said as she headed up the stairs to her dressing room. "Get the address of the restaurant from Melissa. If you can make it, cool. If not, there'll be another time. We tend to hang out a lot."

  Stacey was excited about the chance to go out with Trish and the cast. She'd heard so many horror stories about other standbys having trouble fitting in with a company but everyone had been so nice to her.

  "So, how'd you like the show?" Stacey asked when she found Megan in the lobby a few minutes later.

  "It was great," Megan said. "I can totally see you as Rachel," she whispered and squeezed Stacey's arm.

  Stacey was glad to know Megan liked the show. When she'd peered out at her from backstage during intermission she couldn't quite read whether she was enjoying herself or not.

  "Do you feel like going out for a little while?" Stacey asked hopefully. "It's one of the cast member's birthday and everyone is going for drinks to celebrate."

  "No. I'm kind of wiped out," Megan said. "But don't let me stop you. You go have fun with your co-workers."

  "Are you sure?" Stacey asked. She wanted to hang out with the cast but she also wanted to make sure Megan was okay.

  "I'm positive," Megan said taking Stacey's hand. "Have fun. I'll leave the back door key under the mat incase I'm asleep when you get back."

  "Okay," Stacey said as she leaned over and gave Megan a kiss. "Text me when you get home so I know you're safe."

  "Will do," Megan said with a smile.


  "And here's to the birthday boy!" Trish announced holding her glass in the air as she looked over at Danny.

  The rest of the room held up their glasses and cheered. Stacey was grinning as if it was her birthday. She couldn't help it. Even though her run with the show was only three weeks it was still Broadway and it was nice to feel a part of the action.

  "So, did you watch the show tonight?" Trish asked as she settled into a chair next to Stacey.

  "Yeah. It was great," Stacey replied.

  Trish tilted her head and rolled her eyes. "Come on, Stacey. You must have seen me screw up that quick change and cross in Act Two." Trish put her hand to her forehead and shook her head.

  "Yeah," Stacey admitted with a shrug. "I saw it. But you recovered so quickly I don't think anyone in the audience even noticed."

  "I hope not," Trish said with a laugh. "But if I keep messing up they might need to send you on just so I can see how it's done! I watched you in the put-in rehearsal last week. You nailed that move perfectly!"

  Stacey drew back with surprise. Trish Warner just complemented her performance! Stacey h
ad no idea Trish had even seen the rehearsal which was probably a good thing. If she'd known Trish was watching she probably would have been a lot more nervous.

  "It's such a relief to know that my standby is as talented as you are," Trish continued. "I can rest easy knowing that the show is in good hands if there's ever a time when I can't go on."

  Stacey just nodded. It was still a little surreal to be getting compliments like this from someone of Trish's stature.

  "Can you keep a secret?" Trish asked leaning even closer than before. She looked around to make sure no one else was listening to their conversation.

  "I've got an audition for a TV series next week and If I get it I might have to leave the show," Trish whispered.

  "Wow," Stacey said being sure to keep her voice low. "That's awesome, Trish."

  "Thanks," she said.

  It was clear from her grin that Trish was pretty excited about the potential opportunity.

  "I've never done TV before," she continued. "I have to admit I'm a little nervous."

  "Come on Trish," Stacey said unable to imagine someone like Trish being nervous. "I'm sure you'll be fine. With all the stage experience you've had you'll nail it."

  "I hope so," Trish said as if she still wasn't sure. "It's crazy how hard it is to break into Hollywood," she said sadly. "I mean, I've been nominated for four Tony Awards but it's like no one out there in Hollywood even knows who I am."

  It was interesting to hear that someone with a résumé like Trish's still found it difficult to move on to the next phase in her career. Hearing this made Stacey feel a little better about the struggles she'd been having.

  "It's just that acting for television is so much different than being on stage," Trish said shaking her head. "Everything is so small and contained. I'm never sure if my delivery is on point or not."

  Stacey nodded with understanding. She'd done a few web series with some friends in school and being in front of a camera was definitely a different style of acting compared to the big, broad presence required in the theatre.

  "If you're not busy, do you think you'd have time to go over a couple scenes with me on Wednesday between shows?" Trish asked. "I just want someone else to have a look at what I'm doing."

  "Sure. I'd be happy to," Stacey said more than flattered by the request.

  "Great!" Trish said with a wink. "Wednesday it is."


  As soon as the matinee was over on Wednesday, Trish headed out to the stage door to greet the autograph seeking fans. When she came back inside she had an arm full of flowers.

  "Hey Gina, can you please take care of these for me?"

  "Sure thing Trish," the assistant stage manager said as she took the bundle of flowers.

  "You must need a garbage dumpster with your name on it," Stacey joked knowing Trish got similar amounts of flowers from her fans after every show.

  "Oh, Gina doesn't throw them away," Trish said shaking her head. "When the show first opened I call the sisters over at St. Mary's Hospital and arranged for them to come get them. They stop by a few times a week, pick up the flowers from the fridge in the prop room and deliver them to patients who don't have any visitors. I know the fans mean well when they bring them to me but I'd rather see the bouquets enjoyed by someone who really needs them instead of just throwing them away."

  "Wow. That's really nice," Stacey said.

  It was clear that Trish's kindness extended far beyond the people she knew. It was so awesome to be working with a woman who was both talented and kind, Stacey thought.

  "Alright. Are you ready to help me tackle this TV role?" Trish asked with a smile.

  "Let's get started," Stacey replied although she was still pretty sure Trish would do just fine without her help.

  The two women walked out to the quiet stage and sat down on the set. Everyone else was on their dinner break so they didn't have to worry about anyone interrupting them. Stacey had to pinch herself when she looked across the stage at Trish. She was actually sitting on a Broadway stage with one of the most popular actresses on the Great White Way. It didn't get much better than this. At least not until there was an audience in the room and Stacey was actually in the show.

  "Maybe we could just run lines this time," Trish suggested. "I want to have the part memorized before I get into any real deep character work. That can wait 'til next time. That is if you're available to help me again another day," Trish said with a smile.

  "I'd be glad to!" Stacey said trying not to sound too much like a giddy fan.

  "I really appreciate this, Stacey," Trish said. "I'm usually so exhausted by the time I get home at night, these breaks in between shows are the only chance I have to pull this together."

  Stacey nodded. "I totally get it," she said. "People don't understand, doing eight shows a week is like running a marathon. When you get done all you want to do is crash."

  The two women shared a laugh over what was required to do the work they both loved and then spent the next forty-five minutes going over the lines in the script. Stacey was surprised that the writing wasn't all that great but Trish's acting ability made the words come to life. Stacey could definitely see her landing the role. She didn't know anyone who was a series regular on a television show and the thought that Trish might be the first such acquaintance was kind of exciting.

  When Stacey got home later that night, she wanted to tell Megan all about the time she'd spent with Trish but Megan was sound asleep. Oh well, no need to rush, she thought as she got undressed and slipped into bed beside Megan. She'd have plenty time to share the details of her adventure with Megan later. Especially since Trish had asked for her help again in a few days.


  "Hey!" Trish greeted as she stuck her head into the greenroom on Saturday. "I don't feel like thinking about the TV audition right now. Are you hungry? I know a great Italian place with the best pasta primavera you're ever had."

  Before Stacey could answer, Trish was already telling Gina they were going to lunch.

  "We probably won't be back until my half hour call. Is that cool?" Trish asked with her normally infectious smile.

  Technically, Gina could say no to the request. According to her contract, Stacey was supposed to check in a full hour before show time to make sure she was in place incase something happened to prevent Trish from going on.

  The assistant stage manager glanced at Stacey before answering. A strange expression washed over her face but it vanished before Stacey could read what it meant.

  "Sure Trish. But just make sure one of you is here by 7:30," Gina warned lightheartedly.

  "Thanks, Gina. You're the best!" Trish gave the woman a wink and then nodded for Stacey to follow her out the stage door. "Giorgio's," Trish instructed the driver when they got into the car that had been idling just outside.

  The interior of the vehicle was already cool and comfortable. I could get used to this kind of treatment, Stacey thought. Foregoing muggy subway rides was an enviable perk for the star of the show.

  When they got to the restaurant a friendly hostess walked them past a line of waiting customers to their table. All eyes were on them as they made their way to a booth in the corner but Trish didn't seem to notice the attention.

  "Ms. Warner!" a smiling waiter greeted.


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