Taste of Passion (The Starlight City Series Book 2)

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Taste of Passion (The Starlight City Series Book 2) Page 1

by Krysta Fox

  Taste of Passion

  Krysta Fox

  Copyright © 2020 by Krysta Fox

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  About the Author



  The attorney’s office feels claustrophobic, the heavy desk and matching bookshelves too large in the small room. The distinct scent of him fills the space, like burnt sugar mixed with the coppery tang of old blood. I swallow down my revulsion, my eyes searching for something else I can focus on. There isn’t even a window in here. I focus on the framed diplomas behind him. I methodically count them, then count the letters for each school he’d attended. Finally, I resort to marking the dates of graduation and subtracting the years between now and then.

  Before I was done, the attorney had finished his call and hung up the phone.

  “I’m sorry about that interruption. Unfortunately necessary.” He looks down at the papers on the desk in front of him. “So, Mr. and Mrs. Orman, what can I do to help you today?”

  I shake my head. “We’re not married.” I point to the large, hulking man seated next to me, his distaste and desire to leave markedly clear. “Brother. Twin brother.”

  He examines us both, his small, black eyes darting back and forth as he sizes us up. I can understand his hesitation. Alec is big and dark, his golden skin accented by dark hair. I’m lighter, with honey blonde hair and brown eyes. My brother is an almost exact copy of our father. I’m a direct reflection of our mother.

  The attorney clears his throat, a raspy dry cough that confirms my suspicions. A ghoul. Devourer of the dead. Supposedly, they’re incorruptible. “I’m sorry for the assumption. What is it you need me to do for you?”

  My brother folds his arms over his broad chest and levels his dark gaze on me. Clearly, he’s not saying anything. I lean forward in the uncomfortable chair. “I need to give up my rights, legally, as potential Alpha for our pack.”

  The ghoul is surprised. I can see it in the way he freezes for a bare second and the way his scent changes slightly, the burnt sugar smell turning sour for an instant.

  “Ah. I see.” He glances between me and the silent form of my brother. “This is not commonly done. May I ask why you wish to proceed with this course?”

  “My sister seems to think I’m incapable of finding a mate if she’s around.” Alec’s voice is low, the hurt and anger making each word sound like gravel.

  “I’ve been told pack dynamics are complex. Is it true, that to be named Alpha, one must have a confirmed mate?”

  I nod, pressing my hands together in my lap. “One of our oldest laws. To ensure that the pack will live on.”

  He nods, interest lighting like a spark in his gaze. “Interesting. I can’t say I’ve heard of any legal precedent that exists for this situation. But, give me some time. I want to make sure I do my research but I believe I can come up with something that will meet your needs. I will give you a call when the document is ready.”

  Relief washes through me. “Thank you.”

  I stand, forcing myself to reach across the desk and shake the ghoul’s hand. My brother just glowers and walks to the door, pulling it open and waiting for me to join him.

  As we walk into the hallway, my brother growls. Others would be intimidated by his size and the rumbling noise of his bark. But we’ve known each other all our lives. I turn to face him in the dimly lit hallway, proof this building’s visitors are frequently more comfortable in the shadows than they are in the light.

  I jab my fingers into his chest. “Listen to me. I’m doing this for you, for the pack. That’s the whole point. Just accept it and let’s get it over with.”

  He shows me his teeth. “I’m telling you, Devon. It’s not necessary. I can find a mate even if you stay.”

  I shake my head. “We both know that no respectable pack will offer up a good match if I’m still there. It’s too much potential competition. They won’t risk the safety of their own.”

  “You could be Alpha instead of me.”

  “We’ve talked about this before. You’re better suited to it. You’ve wanted it all your life. I haven’t.” I try to lighten the mood for us both. “My idea of diplomacy is knocking people’s teeth out when they act like idiots. You’re better at working with them, convincing them what you want is the right thing.”

  He nods, but the stubborn set to his jaw is still there. I press on. “We both know female Alphas are rare. And I’m not going to challenge you for the position. You won’t challenge me. This is the best option available. We need to take it. Uncle has held on as long as he can. We’re running out of time.”

  At the mention of our uncle, the tension in his jaw disappears and he runs his hands through his hair. “Damn it, Devon. I don’t want to lose you. You’re all I’ve got left.”

  My heart squeezes with compassion. Our parents died young. Uncle took us in, recognizing the Alpha drive in both of us. As the first born, watching over my four and half minutes younger brother has been a natural responsibility since our arrival into the world. I wish he could understand I’m still looking out for him by leaving.

  “You’re not losing me. I’ll always be just a phone call away. But this is the right thing to do. I know it is.”

  Alec sighs before finally giving in with a nod. He grabs me and pulls me in for a tight hug. I soak in the smell of him, the musky scent of family that’s always been a comfort. I don’t pull away, realizing this may be one of the last opportunities I have with him. I rest my head just under his chin and his grip tightens a fraction before he releases me.

  “Let’s go. We need to get home.”

  There’s a tightness in my chest that makes it hard to breathe as we walk out of the dark office building and onto the street. The nighttime hustle of Starlight City has begun, as those residents built for the darkness join with humans. The moon above isn’t full, not yet, but I can still feel the pull of it as it rises higher in the sky.

  Alec takes his phone from his pocket and glances at the screen. “Hang on, Devon. This could be important.” He walks back into the building, needing some quiet for the conversation. I linger outside, watching the crush of people as they move, a constant wave back and forth. Starlight never sleeps, they say. Tonight, I can believe it. An urge rises up in me, a need to explore this city while I still can. Soon enough, I’ll be far away from here. This could be my last chance.

  Alec joins me on the sidewalk, glancing around for a taxi he can wave over. “Uncle Nick was checking on us. Wanted to know if we were going to be home soon.”

  I watch the surging crowd pass us by as a cab glides to a stop in front of us. Alec opens the back door and waits for me to slip in. I touch his shoulder and he looks down at me, a question on his face.

  “I’m going to stay here tonight.” He opens his mouth but I keep speaking, not giving him an opportunity to talk me out of it. I’ve spent most of my life on pack land and loved it. Now, the wild streak I’ve always had is urging me on, pushing me to explore and see what waits for me here. “I’ll be f
ine. I just need a little time is all. Go home and we’ll talk again tomorrow.”

  He gives me one last look before he tugs me into his side and kisses the top of my head. “Have fun. And don’t get into too much trouble. I’m not coming back here to bail you out.”

  He slides into the back seat and I shut the door, giving him a grin and a wave as the cab glides away. I watch it disappear into the flood of cars on the street. Then I turn and walk away.



  The restaurant is busy tonight, a full list of reservations and groups of people lingering in the lobby and outside the door, hoping for a chance at a table. SKY has become the restaurant everyone wants to be seen at. Like the proud dad I am, I’m happy to see the restaurant I worked so hard to build is flourishing. My friend, and Dominar, Amelia Montero, trusted me to make this a success.

  The atmosphere changes, a minute shift in the air that has my predator senses rushing to full alertness. I turn to face the entrance, where the hostess at the front greets all our customers. She’s leaning in to listen to the woman who has just come in. A beautiful woman, with curves that instantly make my hands itch to trace them. Our hostess is only human, her hearing less keen than my vampire senses, and the crush of people in here right now is loud. I’m able to focus in, all the other noises fading away.

  “Any chance you have a table for one?” The mystery woman’s voice is like velvet, soft and silky, and my interest is instantly piqued. Why would such a gorgeous woman be dining alone?

  The hostess gives a regretful look, shaking her head. Curls the color of honey shift as my dream woman looks over her shoulder at the long line of people waiting and disappointment flits across her face. She turns to go, her hand on the door, and I’m moving before I can think. Vampire speed is useful for many things, but especially for stopping a beautiful woman from leaving before you can properly meet her.

  “Table for one, you said?” I ask, my hand light on her shoulder.

  She glances up at me, warm brown eyes framed by long dark lashes. Gold rays spread out from the darker center, and for a second, I feel as if I’m falling. Her voice breaks the spell. “Yes. I understand you’re busy. I was hoping, since it was just me, that there might be an opening. It’s all right, though. I’ll find somewhere else.”

  “We do have a table. Reserved for special situations.” I offer her my arm. “If you’ll come with me.”

  She smiles and my whole spirit lightens at the sight of her full red lips curving for me. My mind immediately imagines what it would feel like to crush those lips with mine, to taste her mouth. Her hand rests lightly against my skin, the warmth from her seeping into me. Heat rushes through my blood at her touch, hotter than even after a fresh feeding, chasing away the unnatural chill of my skin.

  I guide her through the maze of customers and tables, to the solitary table tucked into a private corner. I whisk the RESERVED sign away, placing a menu precisely on the pristine tablecloth and pull the chair out for my guest. She thanks me with a breathy whisper and my cock twitches in response.

  “Wine?” My voice is tightly leashed, my control firm as I rein in the physical hungers surging within me. My gums tingle, the prelude to the descent of fangs, a sign of exactly how much I want to taste this woman. In more ways than one.

  She cocks her head, nostrils flaring as if scenting the air around us. Her eyebrows raise in a graceful motion as her attention turns fully to me. “I’d love some,” she says, her voice gone husky. “I trust your judgment. You choose what I should try tonight.”

  I gesture to the menu. “What would the lady like to eat tonight?”

  She looks me up and down, my skin tingling in the wake of her examination. “What do you recommend?”

  “If you’ll trust my judgment a little further, I’ll ask the chef to create something special. Just for you.”

  Interest lights her eyes and she gives me a nod, handing her menu back to me without breaking eye contact.

  A thrill flares in my blood and I give her a wink in response.

  As I leave her table, I can feel her eyes tracking me. I stop one of the servers and whisper directions in his ear. He hurries away and I throw one last look back at the mystery woman seated at my private table. Her eyes still linger on me and when she realizes I've caught her looking, a pretty flush spreads across her face. That excites me but what amps up the tension inside even more is that she doesn't look away. Instead, she steels her shoulders and meets my gaze head on. Heat pools in my core and my gums itch again as my fangs start to peek out. I turn and walk away, the perfect meal created for this special woman in an instant in my mind, ready for me to give to the chef.



  He leaves me with that one last intense look. I watch him walk, examining the muscles of his legs as they shift under the fabric covering them. He’s strong but moves with a predatory grace that calls to me. My eyes follow him until I'm interrupted by the appearance of a waiter at my side, a bottle of red wine in his hand. He pours me a glass, offering it to me. I sample it, rolling the liquid over my tongue, the flavor of it exploding. Wine is normally a soothing experience for me, but tonight, it kindles a fire in my core. Maybe it's that the wine reminds me of him, makes me wonder if he would taste as amazing. Or better.

  The waiter steps away but another replaces him immediately, settling a small plate in front of me. "Amuse-bouche, prepared just for you."

  He doesn't say anything else, just leaves me to indulge in the exquisite bite of food before me. This is the perfect beginning to my final night in Starlight. And the food doesn't stop coming. As soon as one plate is clear, another magically appears. Every bit of it is delicious. I cut a small amount from the rare cut of meat, the scent of blood filling the air around me. It arouses all the animal instincts in me, and I fight back against the urge to cast aside my manners and give in to the wolf inside me.

  As if he can sense the change in me, he's suddenly there again, sliding into a chair across from me at this cozy, private table. His scent mingled with the blood on the air increases my wolf's urge to surge forward and I force her back, to settle down and let me lead. She'll get what she wants, I coax. What she needs. I've never let her down before.

  His eyes meet mine and there's an understanding in them, like he knows what I'm feeling. His lips twist up on one side, and he says, "Who are you?"

  His voice is low, pitched beneath the rumblings from all the other tables, but I can hear it clearly. "I'm Devon. And you are?"

  There's a catch in his eyes, a precursor that hints at surprise I heard his question. Then he tips his head to me. "I'm Carver." Concern lights his eyes as he notices I've stopped eating. "Is something wrong with the steak? I can have another made for you."

  I look down at my plate, the delicious meal spread out before me. The scent of it hits me all over again. But the difference now is I'd rather not eat alone.

  "It's amazing. Perfect, really. Except for one thing."

  His brow furrows as he examines it. "What is it?"

  I tip my head as I feel the wolf inside sneak forward, know that she's peering out of my eyes, examining this man she's so interested in. "I don't want to eat alone anymore. Will you join me?"

  Carver relaxes, the tightness in his shoulders and jaw easing, but changing into something new. A tension hangs in the air between us. His eyes take on a shine and the veins of silver in them spread out, streaking rays of brightness through the cobalt blue color. I catch a hint of something different on the air. My nostrils flare in response. Arousal.

  He raises a hand into the air, never breaking eye contact with me. A server appears almost directly, leaning down to hear Carver's whispered instructions before leaving to do as he was asked.

  "So it's your restaurant, then?"

  He quirks an eyebrow at me in response. "It is. And it isn't."

  This snags my attention, no doubt exactly as he intended, and I want to know more. "Interesting."

gives a quick look around the restaurant. "It was my idea. I got it up and running. But it truly belongs to my Family. They're the ones who made it happen. The ones I did it for."

  I nod. "Family responsibility I can understand."

  "The things we will do for them," he says, a small smile on his face. "Things we never imagined."

  "True. Sometimes we do things we don't want to do because it's the best for them." That bit of honesty is out before I can snatch it back. My heart stutters at the look of understanding and compassion that flits across his face.

  Anything he might've said is interrupted by the appearance of a plate in front of him. A plate that matches mine. We begin eating and he tells me a little more about SKY, about the menus he plans, how he trains the staff. It's clear he loves every bit of it.

  "What about your family? Tell me about them."

  Happiness lights his face. "Family," he corrects, the capitalization obvious in the way he stresses the beginning.

  "Ah," I say as understanding hits me. "Vampires. That explains a lot."

  He chuckles. "I'm sure it does. You'd like them, I think. My closest family members are strong women. Very much like you."

  The compliment makes me blush and I take a sip of wine to cover it. An exclamation of surprise pulls my attention to the people seated around us. They're staring up at the ceiling. I look up and can't keep myself from gasping as well. The ceiling has transformed into the night sky. Stars are bright in the darkness and the moon displayed is so real I can almost feel it calling to my wolf. I begin cataloging the constellations, noting the way each point of light pulses to its own rhythm, its own intensity. As we watch, a meteor shower begins, the falling stars blazing across the space above. Someone nearby cries out in delight, but I can't tear myself away from the sight. It's like I'm back on pack lands, staring up through the gaps in the trees, enjoying a peaceful moment surrounded by the beauty of the night.


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