Knocked Up By The Boss: A Secret Baby Romance
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My good feelings pretty much evaporated when I got inside and found the proper floor for the interview. It was all the way up on the top and when I got off the elevator, I noticed there was about twenty other females there and at least ten guys. It wasn't hard to imagine what they were doing there. They were all there for the same job that I was applying for. Everyone had a resume in their hands and in my opinion, looked so much more professional than I did. I felt out of place, but that wasn't all that unusual. I felt out of place many times before in the city, every day really. My countryside came out here.
I checked in with the receptionist and asked her what kind of wait there was going to be. I think I was already thinking about leaving. There was no way that I was going to be chosen out of all of those people.
“Chris will be in to start the interviews in a few moments. They are only a couple of minutes long, so you'll be surprised how quickly he can get through everyone. Don’t worry, it won’t be much of a wait at all. There are also several positions that need to be filled.”
Quickly, huh. I am not sure if quickly was what I wanted to hear but at least I would know soon enough if I was hired or not. There was another interview or maybe two the next day. A lot was hanging on this interview and a man that I had never met before. He was the one that held my future in his hands, and he didn't even know it.
I was nervous as I waited, but even more so when they finally called my name for the interview. The secretary had been right about how quickly the interviewer would be going through people. Every few minutes somebody was entering one room and leaving out the other. I wanted to believe that it was good news for me, but now that I was the one in the hot seat, I wasn't for sure. It felt like maybe I needed a little bit more time. If they said no, my time in the city was over.
Walking towards the office, I couldn't help the feelings that came over me. It was a big deal what was going to happen next. It was going to change my life, one way or another and I don't know why, but it seemed so much more pressing in this interview. Why did I feel like this was the last chance I had?
When I got to the office, the door was slightly open, and I moved in. The interviewer was immaculately dressed in the three-piece suit, and he had a baby blue tie on that reminded me of a color I hadn't seen in a long time. When he looked at me, his eyes matched the brilliant color of his tie. I knew immediately that I knew who this was. It was Emily's father.
Why didn't I think of him when the secretary had said that the interviewer’s name was Chris? It was a long time and now he was just a few feet in front of me. I was standing there unsure what to do next. I tried to pull it together as quickly as possible, sure that my jaw was gaped wide, and I looked like an idiot because of it.
“Please sit down, Madeline.”
For a moment, I thought that he remembered who I was, but then I realized that he had just read my name from the piece of paper in front of him. It was obviously my application that I put in to work there. I was still so sure that he would remember me, as clearly as I remembered him. Chris was the one that changed my life after all, but there was no recognition in his eyes. Maybe for a moment, a flash really, but then it was gone.
“I know this must sound strange, but do we know each other?”
Part of me wanted to tell him that of course we knew each other. We had sex in a haunted house a couple of years ago and produced a child. That was definitely knowing somebody, but if he honestly didn't remember me, then how could I even bring it up? The most important interview of my life was going on right now and bringing that up would only make things more complicated.
I told him I didn't think we knew each other, and he nodded. He looked me in my eyes, taking in the features of my face for a moment longer and that part of me, still wanted him to recognize me. I couldn’t believe that he didn’t. I guess I hadn’t left enough of an impression on him.
None of that mattered at the moment though. I was just going to have to get over the fact that he did not even remember who I was. The interview was starting, and it was still the best option I had for staying in the city. Everything was relying on Chris and funny enough, he didn't even know who I was. This interview was going to be quick, so I had to pull myself together.
Then, he started to ask all kinds of questions that I found to be rather entertaining. He was being so professional and all I could think about was the left side of his chest and how he had been ticklish when I barely touched his neck. It wasn't going to help the interview, but it kept a smile on my face. I knew so many intimate details about him, so it was hard to be professional.
Him not recognizing me had really hit my ego, but I would get used to it. If only I could stop imagining how he felt when he’d been inside of me.
“Why do you think that you are the right one for the job. It looks like even though you graduated two years ago with your degree, you haven't used it very much. Are you not interested in public relations anymore?”
“Circumstances made me have to go back home for a little while and there was no need for my degree while I was there. I haven't forgotten anything that I learned. All the time that I've been back home, I kept up to date on the latest trends, so that I could immediately get to work.”
He smiled at her. “I think that might be the best answer I've ever heard before. I want to ask you where you've been but considering how well you just told me without telling me, I think I'm going to just let that be the answer.”
I asked what he meant by that, but he just waved me off.
“It's nothing, just a little humor that isn't very funny. Why don't I just cut to the chase.”
“Considering how many people you’ve gone through since I've been here, I imagine that's what you're going to do.”
“I am going to hire you on to my team. I don't usually do the hiring personally, but this matters to me. Our PR division is going to have some rough times ahead, especially explaining some of our latest work. I need people that are going to be on board and can talk their way out of it. I think you would be perfect for the job.”
I felt my face getting a little heated and I knew that I was smiling, because my jaw and cheeks were starting to hurt. How long had I been waiting for just those words and now that I’d heard them, I could finally relax. My plan to come back to the city wasn’t a complete bust, and I didn't have to go back with my tail between my legs.
The fact that I had a secret baby with my boss was just something that I was going to have to live with. I had gone this long without him being in the picture, so I wanted to believe that I could keep going in the same ilk. I had to.
“Thank you, sir. I promise that I won't let you down.”
“I know that you won’t, Madeline.”
I stood up, ready to leave before he changed his mind. I’d gotten the answer that I’d been looking for. I needed to leave before that wasn’t true anymore.
“Are you sure that we don't know each other? I feel like we do, but I can't seem to place you.”
I told him that we hadn’t. I was lying, but what else was I supposed to say? It had been so long since I had seen him, so there was no point in being mad because of something that happened so long ago. I just needed to carry on like nothing happened. In his mind nothing had happened, so it was easy enough to believe it for myself.
I shook his hand and thanked him again for the job opportunity. I was sent to talk to somebody in HR that would give me my hiring packet that I could fill out, and I was going to start tomorrow. For the first time in a long time, it felt like everything was finally going the way it was supposed to. I was still a little concerned about the fact that my new beginning was tied to a man from my past, but I was just going to have to take the win.
“I see you're done with interviews already. How did it go?”
I told my father that it went as well as could be expected. I didn’t want to talk about the new hires. I had other things on my mind.
“Do you think
that it will be enough?”
“They all seem to have a little bit of promise, but I don't think they quite realize this shitstorm we’re about to unleash on them.”
Father sat down and told me not to worry about it.
“It’s just liked your marriage. On that Wednesday, they will see that this was the greatest deal of all time. It might take some time for the realization to come, but trust me, Chris. It will be worth it.”
When my father first roped me into the idea of a fake marriage to get the company that he had been trying to acquire for years, I thought that he was finally losing his mind. It wouldn't be the first time that he had done something out of the ordinary. It was the first time that he expected me to do it as well though. I can't say that I was so happy about it, considering the woman that I had to marry. Even if it was only temporary, Cynthia was starting to grind on my nerves.
Father and I talked for a little bit longer about the interviews. Dad was good at delegating things and since he only wanted to hear about progress in the meetings that we had together, that was all he got. He didn't want to hear about problems, only solutions, even if I didn't have any. To keep him satisfied, I made it all seem far brighter than it was.
After he left, I thought about the day. Not just the meeting with Wellington, but the interviews as well. I had hired four out of about fifty-two people that applied for the job. Three women and one man.
It was the blonde, though, that I kept thinking about. There was something so familiar about her, but I couldn't think where I knew her from. I was pretty good with faces, but I had a tendency to drink a bit too much.
I was a little surprised when she said that she didn't recognize me, because I could have sworn there was recognition in her face. She had said that we were strangers, and it didn't make sense for her to lie about it.
After a few moments, Steven came in and reminded me that I had another meeting to attend. I didn't have time to think about Madeline. She was a new hire and a mystery, but one that I would have to work on figuring out a little later.
The next morning, I found myself outside the PR department. While I had a whole list of things that I wanted to talk to the new recruits about, that wasn't really why I was there. I was there because I was interested in talking to Madeline again. The fact that I couldn't place her in my past really bothered me. I kept looking at her face in my mind, but I just couldn't place her. I had a feeling that something big happened between us.
“Good morning, Madeline.”
“Good morning, sir. It is good to see you.”
“Please, Madeline, call me Chris. I don’t like to be so formal, and sir makes me feel old.”
“Well, I can understand how you might feel that way, but trust me. I doubt anybody thinks that you are old.”
That had me wondering what she was talking about. She had the sweetest smile on her face, but there was something in her eyes that was unfathomable. I don't know why, but the feeling that there was something between us was strong. I just didn’t understand what it was or where it was coming from.
“I guess that is good to hear, but I certainly feel old. New hires just keep getting younger and younger.”
She was not even smiling anymore, and I’m pretty sure I lost her at some point. I didn’t usually feel strange around people, especially not women. I felt like I was falling all over myself when I was around Madeline. I wasn’t used to being the one that wasn’t in charge. What was different with her?
Ignoring the emotional rollercoaster I was on, I tried not to worry about how I was feeling about it all. I needed to talk to the new recruits and that would get my mind off of Madeline, at least for a little while. I had too many eyes on me to act that way.
“Thank you, guys, for applying to the PR position with my company. We have a full public relations staff at the moment; however, there are some activities that are going to be happening soon, and I want to make sure that we have enough people on staff to take care of it. You guys are literally the best and brightest of your class. Our company is about to go through some very difficult times, and you will be the face of Keaton Enterprises. I need them to get used to your face and to trust it. That is how we are going to save the company from a major stock run, and it is all going to start with you. No pressure.”
There was a slick chuckle that ran through the room, but even I could see how nervous everyone was.
I was getting ahead of myself, because mostly I was getting blank stares coming back to me. They had no idea what I was talking about. The only one that didn’t seem to be confused was Madeline. She just nodded her head, like she knew what damage control was. With the least amount of experience, her response intrigued me. What was it about this blonde that was drawing me in? She was pretty and that wasn’t uncommon. There was something else about her though. Something I still couldn’t put a finger on.
The rest of the meeting was spent with half my mind on Madeline and the other half on what I was even supposed to be there for. I would be the first to admit that the ratio was a little off, but it felt like something that I couldn’t help. By the time I’d wrapped it up, everyone had asked questions but Madeline. She just gathered up her things and went to her desk without saying another word.
I tried to keep my distance for the rest of the day. I was a bit put-off by how I reacted to Madeline. I was even more distressed by how Madeline reacted to me. She seemed less worried about me than most women. I had seen all the looks that were sent my way, but none from the woman I wanted to send them.
“Off in your own world again, huh?”
I straightened up to my father’s voice. I knew better than to get caught daydreaming. That was definitely not allowed.
“No, sir. I just have a lot on my mind. What is it?”
“I am worried about the new hires. Are you sure they are going to be able to handle it?”
I shrugged and tried not to show my frustrations. The day before, he didn’t want to talk about it. Now he was worried?
“It won’t be that bad. It will be a few weeks before the sale and then another few weeks before the divorce. That will be plenty of time to come up with a plan. I am not going to get into it with them just yet.”
“What about non-disclosures?”
“Already filled out and signed. I have this under control. This is what you wanted, and I told you that I was going to make it happen. I meant it.”
He nodded and left. I knew what he wanted to hear. He wanted to hear that everything was going to plan. That’s all he wanted to hear, nothing else about it. Dad hated excuses and none were given today. I wasn’t that stupid. I knew better and my mind was too busy to verbally spar with him right now.
Later in the day, I was passing the PR department and I looked in to see if I could find Madeline. I knew that I shouldn’t even be down there. I had lots to do after all, but I wasn’t thinking about that. I was thinking about her again, still unsure why I was so drawn to the woman. She was my type, blonde, well-endowed, and long legs. She was dressed more conservatively than I would have liked, but that may have been what was so alluring about her. She wore a long skirt and her blouse had been practically to the bottom of her chin.
“Excuse me.”
Her voice was right behind me and I was caught staring into the tiny window in the door. It didn’t look good and I wasn’t thinking as fast. What was I supposed to tell her I was doing?
“Sorry, I was just looking for you. I didn’t see you in there.”
“Yeah, I had to grab some copy paper. You know, new girl is the gopher.”
“Why don’t you drop that off with whomever needs it, and then me and you will have lunch.”
She sounded suspicious and I was trying my best to come up with a good excuse to make sense. I couldn’t very well tell her that I wanted to talk to her and try to figure out where I knew her from. Or that she was hot, and I just wanted to get to know her a little bit better. None of that was going to fly.r />
“I like to get to know the people that work for me. I do it with all of the new recruits.”
That wouldn’t have even been plausible and when she suggested that all of the new ones in the PR department should go, I was roped into agreeing with that idea. It wasn’t a good one, not that I could see anyway, but I had to go with it. I didn’t have a choice.
A half an hour later, I was at a table with four new people, and I didn’t even want to be there. My assistant called twice and when I finally told him where I was, he just kind of scoffed.
“You have a lunch meeting that you are already late for.”
“I know, pay for it all and tell them I will be there as soon as I can.”
“Fine, but I don’t know what is going on. Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I am fine. Really.”
“Okay, see you soon.”
I got off the phone, and Madeline was looking at me. “You okay?”
I agreed and tried to push the feeling out of my head. What was I even doing here, really? It made no sense and was completely out of character. This woman had me doing all sorts of things that I wasn’t supposed to. After a few more minutes, I excused myself and said that I had to go. I wasn’t even supposed to be here.
I called my mom as soon as I got home from work. I had called her briefly the night before to tell her about the new job, but I'd been late, and I hadn't even gotten to talk to Emily. She was only saying a few words, but I liked to think that if she heard my voice every day, she wouldn't forget it.
I think that was my biggest fear, that my daughter would forget me while I was gone trying to make a life for us. The plan would be that she would stay with my mother for a few months until I had a decent apartment and a steady job. Now that I had a job, I was hoping to shorten that time even more. I still hadn’t figured out the logistics of it all, except that I was going to ask my recently widowed mother to move to the city with me.