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Transfixed (Witches of Jackson Square Book 1)

Page 10

by A Lonergan

  She rolled her eyes before she cocked her hip, annoyed. “Your father has the office spelled. There are too many witches in this compound to trust all of them. He has his protective measures that you don’t need to worry with.”

  It sounded like Father. He liked his control. “Okay, so what do you want me to do?”

  She bit the inside of her lip. “I want you to leave it alone. You can check on her for danger, you can watch to see if she changes her mind, but it isn’t fair to her and her privacy to watch her every move.”

  I was offended. I could feel myself starting to get defensive, but I honed it in. “I don’t watch her every move. There was a time she went to take a bath, I walked away. I’m genuinely surprised and offended that you would consider me in such a light.” I could feel my magic starting to bubble under my skin. My magic warmed against my chest, and I patted my breast pocket gently. I didn’t need any help fueling my magic today.

  My mother’s face fell, and tears welled up in her eyes, guilt immediately taking over where her anger had been. “That’s not what I was saying. I don’t think you're creepy, but you are not honoring her privacy. Those conversations and moments with the prince are her own. You are taking that from her. Someday, if she comes back, and she wants to share those moments with you, that will be one thing. You are stealing these precious moments away from her. It’s not fair to anyone.”

  She was right. I rocked back on my heels and nodded, nothing else needs to be said. She finally let me through, content with her mission. I walked around her quickly and pushed through the masses of people in the courtyard, no longer caring why they did what they did.

  I shoved open the large doors at the end of the masses and was met with stagnant air and cigarette smoke. I ignored the humans making out at the other end of the alley and fled to the streets of the city I loved to loathe.

  There were massive crowds everywhere, like a typical weekend. I wanted so badly to push them out of my town like it had been done just days prior. But as much as it was appealing, it made me sick to think of the dark magic that had been conjured in order to move all of those people. After what had happened to Sariah, my mother banned the teaching of dark magic in any context in the local Witchery Classes. Dark magic appealed to too many, even when it was barely spoken of. My mother preached that it wasn’t supposed to be discussed at all.

  We couldn’t afford to lose any more witches to Sariah’s crusade. Witches were coming up missing left and right, and we weren’t sure if it was because Sariah was taking their power or they were willingly going to her to help her. I stumbled into a corner store and grabbed a bottled soda and Zapp's chips before going back out to the chaos of New Orleans.

  Jazz surrounded me. The rich smells of Jambalaya and fried goods assaulted my nose. I inhaled deeply before crunching on my Voodoo chips. The spices always took me by surprise, even though it was my favorite flavor.

  I took a sip from my coke and cringed. The flavors didn't go well together at all. People waved their hurricanes and daiquiris around as they made their way to Bourbon Street. Everyone seemed so carefree and happy today, not knowing that a dictator was about to cause more chaos than they could ever imagine. I shook my head at their ignorance. They did say ignorance is bliss.

  I wondered, for a brief moment, what it would be like to be like them. No magic, far fewer problems. Like the fate of their city resting on one's shoulders. How glorious to drink their days and nights away, unknowing of what was to come.

  My magi warmed up against my chest reminding me, that as much as this was my city,

  I didn't belong here. I tossed my soda into the garbage and made my way toward the building that was steadily growing in the business district. I whistled at one of the taxis waiting on the side of the street and let him speed us to where

  I needed to be. I would have transported myself there, but I had no idea what was waiting for me. Sariah was probably five steps ahead of me, if not more. I needed my strength if

  I was going to go head to head with her, not that I wanted to. I threw a bunch of bills at the driver and hopped out. I had no idea what The human world saw before me, but what I was looking at was monstrous. I swallowed hard and popped my knuckles preparing myself for what was about to go down. The building was slowly stitching its self back together. It was possibly the crudest structure I had ever seen. Vines filled every crack and crevice. I hadn't learned much about Sariah, but I was almost sure she didn't have an affinity for earth magic.

  Some witches were able to master many forms, especially the High Priestess.. but my mother hadn't mentioned anything of this magnitude. A building of this caliber took more power than one woman could muster alone. The front doors slammed open, and a short man with ebony skin walked down the steps.

  “Mr. Masters, we have been expecting you," his voice choked out.

  “Mr. Masters is my father, my name is Sterling. "I replied, cooly, even though my hands were sweating.

  “We have formalities around here, young witch." He shook his head and pointed toward the doors. "This way, we shan't keep our High Priestess waiting."

  It took us no time to get to the top of the growing building. From the inside, you couldn't even tell it was a building. Vines and flowers had overgrown on the walls and floors like a thick carpet.

  Dread and unease filled my chest. My breathing felt constricted. The little man walked quicker than what I thought possible, and it was almost exhausting trying to keep up.

  We walked up the stairs at an ungodly pace, I bent over wondering how I had gotten so out of shape. I considered myself healthy. I considered myself fit. I worked out and trained regularly with different types of weapons.

  Why couldn’t I keep up with the little man?

  The man turned back to me and checked his tongue. "You are keeping our mistress waiting."

  "That trek was tiring, for whatever reason.” I panted.

  He let out an exasperated found and continued on, but right before we made it to Sariah, I had an idol feeling that my magi needed to stay hidden. I let out a curse and tripped. The small man tapped his foot, irritated.

  I grumbled, loudly while bending over. "I just need to tie these damned shoes."

  He put his hands on his hips in a sassy manner. "Very well.” When he turned away from me, I shoved my magi, that now was the size of a dime, under the sole of one of my shoes and quickly retied them.

  "Let's get this show on the road!" I swung my fist in a mock jubilant swing.

  He scurried forward and pushed open a door that had black roses covering it.

  How fitting.

  As we entered the room, I realized that the walls were covered in the same dark flowers and that was when I noticed Sariah standing against a huge cut out in the wall. Even with the opening, the room was still morbidly dark.

  When Sariah turned around, I was taken back with just how much Freya resembled her. She didn’t look a day over 26. Her red hair fell in heavy curls down her back. Her lips were painted a deep burgundy, and her curves were barely concealed in a tight green dress. The front dipped low, and her cleavage was pressed snuggly at the deep V there. I averted my eyes, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "Really, sterling? I thought you would have preferred this." Sariah purred as she spun around provocatively.

  "I don’t know why you would think such a thing," I muttered.

  "Word on the streets travels quickly, you are the womanizer of these parts, are you not?" She crossed her arms, causing her cleavage to spill forward even more.

  "That may be so, but it has been some time." I cleared my throat. "Cut the theatrics, you aren't here to seduce your old friend's son."

  "You are correct." She said as she turned back to the gaping hole in the wall. "You wish to get my daughter back, too."

  I folded my arms across my chest and didn't say anything.

  "I am not stupid, I know I am not the only one that watches her." She turned back to me and materialized a new dress on her body. "I know she is
fond of you. She sacrificed herself for your life. How touching.” She ran her hands down the front of her new dress. I preferred this one more. It had a high neckline, and the bottom of it sat right above her knees.

  "I was lucky. Nothing is going on between us." I shrugged my shoulders indifferently.

  "Hm," She walked away from the broken up wall, toward a chair in the middle of the room. Then I realized it was a throne made out of roots. "That Cal is quite the character, don't you agree?" A picture of Cal and Freya holding hands appeared in my mind. I felt my hands clenching in response, playing right into her game. "For someone that hasn't been watching her, you sure react rather jealous.”

  "What do you want from me?" I was done playing her game.

  "I want your help." She flicked her wrist forward, and a mirror floated from the opposite side of the room. It was identical to the one she had pulled Freya into. Its dark frame mocking me.

  She moved her hands in front of the glass, and an image appeared on it. Freya running through a field full of flowers, Cal close on her heels. She let out a shriek as he got closer. It hadn't been that long since I had watched them interacting. How much time had they spent together for her to be this comfortable already?

  I could have punched the glass when he finally caught up to her and threw her down to the soft looking field. The mirror flew away from me before I got the chance. “Ah, ah, ah! None of that. We need this mirror if we are going to get her back."

  I pressed my palms into my eyes and groaned. "How is this possible?"

  "Let me tell you a story.” Roots sprung from the floor and created a seat beneath me. The amount of power in the room unnerved me. "I knew the magic I was messing with was tricky business. I had always known what dark magic did. I watched it destroy my father. I always said I would never do it. I would never jeopardize my children and our standing in the coven. Do you think I planned for my son to die? Do you think I planned to go so mad that I tried to bring him back and lost my other child in the process?" She closed her dark purple eyes. "I didn't plan on being banished, but when I was, I took the necessary precautions to protect myself in case I got out. When I knew Freya was back, and I could get out, I did my plotting, and then I made the necessary arrangements to get her back."

  I nodded my head processing what she was saying. “So, what do you need me for?"

  "I never in my wildest dreams imagined that she wouldn't want to come back." She shook her head like she was disappointed in herself. "You are a means to an end."

  How lovely.

  Chapter Twenty


  Cal stared at me across the dinner table and lifted his water goblet in the solute.

  Armia was pouting. “Ugh!” She grumbled as she shoveled food into her mouth. “I thought I was going to get a friend.”

  I was just about to say something when she continued on. "Cal, how many lovers do you need?” I spewed my water onto the table in a very unladylike fashion. I then went on a downward spiral of not being able to stop coughing.

  Armia just smiled sweetly and pretended like she hadn't just dumped out her brother's dirty secrets. Cal was now glaring at her and sending me sympathetic looks. I didn't mind. I knew what Armia was trying to do. I had met many girls like her in the many foster homes I had frequented. She was trying to be slick and drive a wedge between us so she could get more girl time. I didn't mind her wanting to spend more time with me. What I did mind were the games. Neither I or her brother deserved that.

  I chose to ignore them both for the rest of the dinner. There was no point in getting in the middle of sibling rivalry. Wyna sat across from me and a woman I hadn't met yet perched on the other side of me. On the other side of me sat Armia. Wyna gave me a nervous glance before finishing up her meal. We hadn't had much time to talk or anything because of how much Cal whisked me away but at Armia's admission. I knew I needed a break from him.

  I wasn't jealous or upset about what his sister revealed. I was okay with it and knew he needed to explore his options. He was, after all, the next in line for the throne. Many women would have been dying over the chance I had, but as I sat there and thought on it, I lost my appetite.

  Cal and Armia were still bickering, and the woman beside me had stopped eating, as well. There were others dining in the room with us, but their faces all blurred together as I pushed away from the table.

  "I think I'm going to retire for the night. Dinner was delicious." Cal opened his mouth, but I was already walking away.

  Walking around the castle was like second nature now. I knew just about every room, though I hadn't been inside of the rooms. Cal had made sure I had the royal tour. He wanted to make sure I felt comfortable in my new home, but I secretly wondered if he had wanted me to know where his bedrooms were.

  Once I was back in my room, I slid to the floor and spotted my long forgotten backpack under the chair beside me. I pulled it to me and yanked out all the contents. I dragged my clothes to my face and inhaled the scent of home. Homesickness hit me full force. I hadn't experienced it at all since arriving here. It was a foreign feeling. I conjured up the picture of Ayre in my mind and both of her parents.

  I thought about how great they had been until; eventually, my mind dragged me to Sterling. I squeezed my eyes closed, not ready to relive how nasty he had been. I still wanted to kick him in his family jewels, but there had been a look of remorse when he saw me with my mother in the mirror. As if, deep down, he was a good person.

  I shook my head.

  Yeah, right.

  The next day I donned clothes from back home, not understanding the deep ache in my chest. I pulled my backpack to me and seemed to hold on for dear life. I didn't think homesickness would attack me, especially after weeks had gone by. When someone knocked on the door, I ignored it. I wasn't in the mood to entertain. I felt like that was all I was. I cuddled the backpack closer to my chest and pulled the covers over my face. The knocking became more persistent until finally, the person went away. I had my suspicions it was Cal. I felt somewhat bad for ignoring him. I didn't want him to think it was because I was jealous or mad or even possessive. I just needed time to process my new feelings.

  I must have dozed off because when I woke up someone was pounding on the door. My heart rate picked up, and my palms got sweaty. I stretched before I launched myself from the bed and yanked the door open.

  Armia stood there shocked with her fist poised to knock. Her eyes grew wide, and her smile turned awkward. "Oh, hello."

  I raised my eyebrows at her. "Hi, what's up?"

  "Have you seen my brother?" She gave me a funny look, peering around me into my bedroom.

  I frowned at her as she pushed past me and pulled the covers up, searching.

  "No, why? Is something wrong?" I asked.

  "You have spent the majority of your time here with him. No one saw you both leave the castle, so I assumed..." She trailed off, patting my hair.

  I made a confused face and pushed her from my bedroom. She narrowed her eyes at me. I shouldered my backpack and closed the doors behind me.

  "Are you sure my brother isn't in there?"She asked again as we walked away from my room.

  I stopped. "Do you want to go look? What do you think you'll find?" She rolled her eyes. "I do not want to see my brother naked."

  Blood flushed my face, and I shook my head.

  I let out a sigh, no wonder she had made a comment about my hair. "After your comments, last night, do you really think I would just jump into bed with him?"

  She shrugged her shoulders, causing her sleeves to fall on her small frame. She pushed them back up. "I've heard lover's quarrels can make you want them more."

  "Well, I don't want him more. I have just been homesick." We passed a few guards, and they gawked at my clothes.

  "So, you’re ignoring my brother?"Armia paused and looked me in the eyes.

  "No, I was taking a nap. You are certainly inquisitive this morning."

  Her face went serious. "It's
the afternoon. "

  Of course, it was...

  The gawking hadn't stopped with the guards, it had followed us out to the common folk. I didn't know why I was surprised, in almost all the time spent here, I had worn clothes of royalty unless Sterling snuck us out of the castle.

  Armia ignored it, like everything about the situation at hand, Like my entire existence in this realm wasn't a huge thing. We passed a food cart, and Armia grabbed some fruit for us before paying the merchant heavily. She tossed a green orb my way and took a bite out of the thick shining skin of her wild-looking fruit.

  Juice dripped down her chin, and she reached up and wiped it on the edge of her silk sleeve. My mouth fell open. There was no way she would be able to get that out of the fabric.

  Wait... Magic.

  We continued walking through the square until we heard a commotion up ahead. I dropped my fruit to the ground and watched out the corner of my eye as it rolled away. Armia looked behind us for her guards before she pulled her skirts up in her hands and took off running. She was a quick little thing, that was for sure.

  I kept up easily, proud of myself for not wearing their constrictive clothing. My magi warmed against my wrist, reminding me of its presence.

  My converse slapped the light purple dirt as I tried to keep up with her quick pace. She didn't look back as she continued forward. Finally, she stopped and didn't look out of breath at all, me on the other hand? I had broken out in a full on sweat and was resting my hands on my knees trying my hardest to breathe. Shouting was the only reason I looked up. There was a crowd, at What I assumed to be, the border.

  Armia's hands were flailing around wildly, and I didn't notice the men staring me down on the other side until Armia turned back to me with a scowl.

  Then I noticed them. The men were from the neighboring Kingdom, the Elves.

  “You know it is protocol to inform all kingdoms of an outsider's entrance outside of the barren lands. How is this even possible?” The elf in front shouted in Armia's Face. I didn't know how she was standing there so calmly, I would have lost it.


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