Elite Power: Trent: (Dark Mafia Romance . . . HEA) The Elite power is supreme, but love brings them to their knees! (Supreme Legacy Book 1)

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Elite Power: Trent: (Dark Mafia Romance . . . HEA) The Elite power is supreme, but love brings them to their knees! (Supreme Legacy Book 1) Page 8

by P. T. Macias

  “No, around noon.”

  “See you then.”

  Trent swipes his cell to end the call. He walks to the bar to get a glass of whiskey.

  What the fuck!

  A few hours later Trent jumps out of Halo Blue, his bodyguards right behind him. They spread out around him, providing a protective barrier. He takes long, quick strides, towards Maximus residence, a Tuscan, old-world estate located in Northern California.

  Maximus has an impressive task force of his own that is ex-military from all the different Special Forces.

  Trent pulls out his cell to look at the screen. He smiles and presses the button.

  “Baby Girl.”

  “Where are you?”

  “Maximus wants to talk.”

  “Oh. . . . . are you going to be long? I really wanted to spend some time with you before the concert. You know that we wouldn’t have much time after.”

  Trent grins, closes his eyes for a minute, an image flashes, she’s naked on his bed.

  “My naughty Baby Girl, do you want some?”

  “Ohh. . . you’re always teasing.”

  “Tell me what you want.”

  Yvette bites her lip, walks out onto the balcony looking at the San Francisco Bay Bridge.

  “I really want your yummy cock fucking me.”

  “Fuck, you’re killing me.”

  “It’s your fault. You knew that I was coming over early to get some.”

  “I’ll be there shortly. I want you naked, wet, and ready for me.”

  “Ohhh. . . you’d better hurry!”


  Trent ends the call, signals to his guards to stay. He then walks into the house, stops to adjust his engorged cock. He grins, shaking his head, looking around the foyer.

  She’s going to be the death of me one of these days.

  Trent walks down the hall to the end, he knocks on the last door. The smile fades, and his gray eyes turn cold as steel.

  “Come in.”

  Trent opens the door and walks into Maximus’ office. He nods, walks over to him, and stands tall. His face is stoic, his gray eyes are hard, cold, and identical to his grandfather’s.

  Maximus looks up from the paper he was reading, he leans back into the black leather chair. He moves his hands up to adjust his eyeglasses, nodding.

  “Trent, have a seat.”

  Maximus is wearing a gray custom-made wool suit, with a black bowtie.

  Trent grinds his molars and takes a seat on the leather chair in front of his desk.

  “Maximus, I had a meetup with Lord William last night. I was callous. William ordered the demise of Lord Reyes and is attempting to seize Reyes’ territory, plus I demanded that he get me a name as to who is behind the harvesting.”

  “Son, I’ll pray that we get the information and for us to have closure.”

  Trent clenches his jaw, narrows his cold gray eyes, and inhales deeply.

  “It’s about fucking time!”

  “Son, I’m so proud of you. You’re ready to take over the throne.”

  “Yeah, but I feel that you’re still capable of presiding over the Elites.”

  Maximus nods, resting his arms on the desk, creating a temple with his hand. He looks at Trent, taking in his anger that he still holds.

  “Son, it’s your destiny, your duty to be King.”

  Trent grasps the armrest and shifts to cross his right leg over his left knee. He moves his hand to sweep off imaginary lint on his slacks.

  “I’m ready when you are ready to step down.”

  “I’m pleased to hear that. Son, I have a concern with the request from Slovak. I have received a marriage contract from him. He’s asking for you to marry his eldest daughter Jennifer.”



  Trent jumps up, walks over to the window, shaking his head.

  “I will not marry Jennifer! I don’t love her.”

  No way in hell will I accept the marriage arrangement that Slovak wants. Fuck that!

  Maximus pushes away from the desk and stands. He walks over to Trent and looks out into the vineyard.

  “She’s a lovely girl. Is there any possibility that you could love her?”

  Trent glares at him, clenches his hands, and walks away. He runs his hands through his hair, then turns.

  “Maximus, I did see her a couple of times, but I didn’t feel anything other than a good friend. I’m in love with Yvette Kaiser.”

  Maximus startles, slowly grins, nodding.

  “Kaiser’s daughter? Well, she is a beautiful girl.”

  Trent walks over to stand in front of Maximus, looking him square in the eye.

  “I’ve loved her for years. I waited for her, and now she’s mine.”

  Maximus gray eyes twinkle, nodding.

  “Are you thinking of marriage?”

  Trent walks over to the window, places his hands on the window frame to look out at the ocean.

  “Yes, she’s my light, she’s my everything. It’s time. She’s done with her studies.”

  “Excellent! I’m pleased with your choice. When do you plan on asking for her hand?”

  Trent relaxes, smiles, glances over at his grandfather. His eyes are warm, excited about his future with Yvette.

  “I’m going to ask her soon because I’ve waited long enough.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’ll talk to Slovak, and I’ll propose another option. His girl is lovely, I don’t see why he doesn’t wait to see if an Earl approaches her.”

  “He’s an ass. I’ve always seen his greed.”

  “Indeed. I’ll be waiting for your engagement announcement.”

  Trent nods grinning, looks at his cell.

  “I need to go, she’s waiting for me.”

  Maximus walks with him to the door, slapping his back, chuckling.

  “I’m so proud of you, and I know that she makes you happy.”

  “I’m not in a hurry for you to step down, but if you decide to, I’m ready Maximus.”

  “I’ll be waiting for news of your engagement.”

  Trent grins, walks to the door.

  “You’ll be the first to know.”

  The helo stops on the helipad at the Slovaks homestead.

  Jax jumps out, followed by his bodyguards. His cell vibrates, he pauses to look at the message.

  Son, where are you?

  Here, I’ll be there in a few.


  Jax strides down the walkway, his leather shoe heels pounds into the concrete, pushing off with the ball of his foot in a perfect synchronized elegant pace.

  He walks into the house, walks down the hall, and he stops at the end. He knocks on the door and enters the office. He walks over to stand in front of his father.



  “What is the plan? Are the Earls taking this seriously, the matchmaking?”

  “Yes, they are. Some have plans on approaching some of the girls.”

  “What about Trent?”

  “Trent has a girl and plans to propose.”

  Theodore Slovak growls, red-faced, with crazed eyes.

  “What the fuck! Who is it?”

  “Yvette Kaiser.”

  “How did this happen? What the fuck! I wanted Jennifer to marry Trent. I even sent the marriage contract to Maximus. I was waiting for their responses! Fuck this. I’m going to Maximus tonight. This can’t happen. I’ve worked too damn hard for this to fall apart now!”

  “Father, he’s in love with her. I don’t think you can change this.”

  Theodore texts Jennifer and turns to look out into the rolling hillside covered with grapevines.

  Sweetie, I need you in my office.


  The Slovaks live on fifteen thousand acres in Santa Rosa, CA. The wine produced on their estate is world-renowned.

  The knock at the door announces Jennifer, and she enters.

  “Father,” says Jennifer walking into the off
ice crossing her arms. She looks at her father and at her brother Jax, raising her eyebrows.

  “Jennifer, I have news that will affect your life. Trent is in love with Yvette Kaiser.”

  “What?” exclaims Jennifer, wide-eyed. She bites her lower lip.

  Is this good or bad? What should I say, do? I really want to see Carlos! OMG!

  “Jax, Jennifer, I’ll take care of Yvette Kaiser. She’ll be out of picture and Jennifer will marry Trent!”

  “Father? What are you planning,” Jennifer asks, holding on tight to her arms?

  “The less you know, the better sweetie,” replies Theodore, nodding.

  “Why is it so important for me to marry Trent? Father, it’s not a good idea.” Jennifer states emphatically. She stares at her father, standing tall.

  “I’m going to arrange for her to be abducted and auctioned off. Nobody will ever find her!”

  “Father, please don’t do this. It’s not worth it. The Konigs are in charge of the Lords. They will be informed of your plans even before it’s done,” says Jax.

  “Father, don’t do this. I can marry someone that I fall in love with. Trent, he’s more like a brother to me,” says Jennifer.

  “No, you will not marry anyone else! Forget about those foolish thoughts about love. I’ve trained you to be Queen,” growls Theodore.

  Jax shakes his head and turns away.

  “Father, please don’t do this,” Jennifer utters. Her complexion is white, her hazel eyes full of tears, and runs out of the office.

  “I’ll see if I can get Maximus to agree to the marriage contract. If not, then I have no choice but to eliminate Yvette.” Theodore says, nodding.

  “I’m not listening to this craziness. Don’t do it, Father. They’re Elites, they’re family, this won’t end the way you want it to.” Jax says, clenching his hands. He walks out of the office and out of the house.

  Maximus leans back into his leather chair, narrows his eyes, and stares at Theodore Slovak, trying to read him.

  “Theodore, the marriage contract is not acceptable.”

  “Maximus, the union of our families will only make us strong. What’s the objection to my lovely daughter Jennifer?”

  Maximus shakes his head, stone-faced he leans back into his black leather seat. His cold gray eyes contemplate his motives for a few minutes, thinking as he inhales deeply, and exhales.

  Theodore sits back into the chair, crossing his long legs, relaxing into his position. His shrewd eyes narrow, taking in Maximus’ posture.

  “Jennifer is lovely, but Trent is in love.”

  Theodore’s complexion reddens, furiously glaring at him, his eyes blaze, his nostrils flare as he leans forward.

  “Love? It’s absurd.”

  Maximus compresses his lips, slams his fist on the desk.

  “Theodore, don’t push it. I have a proposition. I’ll talk to my grandson Lennox, and I’ll ask him to consider your daughter Alexis. I don’t see why he would object, as far as I know, doesn’t have a girl. Are you agreeable to this new proposition?”

  Theodore sits back startled, he grabs the armrests of his chair tightly. He quickly thinks about the pros and cons, slowly grins. He nods, leaning forward.

  “That’s a magnificent proposition. I’ll accept that. I’ll speak with Alexis.”


  “Mr. Blackstone is here for his appointment,” says Mary, the receptionist.

  “Send him in at once.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Lord William looks up as his minion walks into his office. He pushes back into his chair, raising his eyebrow.

  “Did you get the information?”

  “Yes, Boss, we have her schedule.”

  “What about the imbecile that did that fucking idiotic transaction with Neil?!”

  “Yes, got that handled too.”


  “He’s dead.”

  “You don’t have more? Fucking incredible! Someone else did the deed, and I’m paying for it. That’s not going to happen. Get the girl a.s.a.p.!”


  The EGossip show on the television is talking about the celebrities, and the rich and famous weekend escapades, mentioning the annual fundraiser gala.

  “The Hearts For Children Gala was a huge success. The enigmatic billionaire Trent Konig was seen with this mysterious beauty.”

  Yvette bites her lower lip, and her huge green eyes shine. Her eyes tear up as she pushes up from the sofa and walks towards the balcony.

  I fucking hate this! Jennifer? Really? She’s everywhere that he’s at. She won’t stop chasing him. It’s so obvious, but Trent doesn’t believe it. I’m so tired of this! What should I do? I feel so stupid. I do love him, but enough is enough.

  “Oh. . . not good,” utters Jessica looking at Yvette.

  “Geeze, Trent, what are you thinking?” Brittany asks glaring at Trent.

  “Yvette,” says Trent looking at her walk towards the balcony.

  Trent walks over to her and takes her hand. He pulls her, taking her to his bedroom.

  Yvette stops and pulls back glaring at him, shaking her head.

  “Trent, I don’t want to talk to you right now! I’m so pissed off.”

  Trent picks her up, tosses her over his shoulder and opens the door of his room. He walks inside, kicking the door closed with his foot, and sets her down. He moves his hand to cup her cheek, gazing into her turbulent green eyes.

  “Baby Girl! That’s not what happened. I didn’t even arrive with Jennifer Slovak. I’ve only talked to her at the last charity event. She was falling, and I grabbed her arm to steady her. Then we were walking up the steps to the gala. I promise that I’m not messing around.”

  Yvette rolls her eyes, moves her head to look out the window, crossing her arms under her breasts, pushing them up. Her eyes are red, wild, and furious. She raises her chin up, shaking her head.

  “I want to believe you, but I’m so tired of seeing you with those hussies.”

  Trent looks at her breasts as they strain against her shirt, inhales deeply, feeling the raging lust rush straight to his cock.

  Fuck! I’m so pussy whipped. I can’t think straight when she’s near.

  He grinds his molars, takes a step to get closer to her before she turns away. He places his hands on her shoulders, pulling her close wrapping his arms around her small waist. He gazes into her anguished eyes.

  “Baby Girl, believe me.”

  “Yeah, but I’m so tired of this. I’m not a little girl, and we need to tell the world that you’re my man.”

  “Yes, Baby Girl, but you know it’s not time. I don’t want to risk you becoming a target. I’ll die if something happens to you! You’re my only weakness, my entire world.”

  Yvette looks at him, tears roll down her soft cheeks, she bites her lip.

  He looks vulnerable, his eyes are full of pain. I’m seeing another side of him. He’s always holding a tight rein on his feelings and always in control.

  Dierks Bentley –

  Come A Little Closer Baby


  Trent pushes her against the bed, pushing her legs apart to lean over her between her legs.

  Gosh, my body is always ready for his touch. I detonate instantly as he touches me, we’re like fire and gasoline.

  He sweeps in, takes her lips, slides his tongue inside, devouring her mouth. He slides his hand under her skirt, moving up her silky thigh, and up to touch her wet pussy. He slides his finger over her hot, swollen flesh.

  He then slides his finger inside her quivering pussy. His lips are raw, possessive, and hungry.

  Yvette wraps her arms around his neck, holding him close.

  “Oh, Baby Girl, you’re such a naughty girl. You’re not wearing any panties.”

  “No, I’m not wearing any when I’m around you because I want you to fuck me every time, we get a chance.”

  “Fuck, I’m always thinking of your little pussy and k
nowing that you’re not wearing any panties, is going to drive me insane. I’m hard all the fucking time. I want you in the worst way. I need you close.”

  Yvette gazes into his heated gray eyes, bites her lip, moving her hand to unzip his pants. She grabs his hard cock, rubs the crown at her swollen flesh, moaning.

  Trent leans down to take her mouth in a deep passionate kiss, devouring her mouth, as his finger works in a slow circle around drenched flesh.

  She’s driving me crazy, rubbing my cock against her pussy.

  Trent pulls back, moves down, pushing up her skirt. He looks at her little pink pussy, and moves his hands to spread the folds, growling. He leans down, taking her honey coated flesh in his hungry mouth.


  He sucks and licks her flesh, sliding in and out until he pushes her over the edge and her honey flows into his mouth. He buries his face into her pussy, holding onto her hips, pulling her closer, inhaling her scent, exploding into fiery lust.

  Trent pulls away, looks at her. He stands, slowly sucks his finger gazing into her passionate eyes. His eyes dilate, turning darker gray full of lust.

  “Baby Girl, you taste so damn sweet. Damn! You're so damn hot, wet, and ready for me.”

  He moves his hand to fist the base of his thick cock, stroking up to rub his crown and back down his shaft.

  “Look at how hard you have me. My cock is all yours, only yours. I need to sink deep inside your tight little pussy. Do you want some? I don’t hear you.”

  He looks at her, raising his eyebrow, stroking his cock.

  “Yes, I want some.”

  Trent growls, thrusting deep inside her, taking her hard, raw, and insatiably.

  “Trent, faster, deeper!”

  Trent growls, pulls out and flips her over onto her knees.

  “Baby Girl, I’m going to fuck your tight little pussy all night.”

  “Agg. . . . . hmmm!” she groans in response.

  Yvette goes over the edge, clutching her pussy walls around his cock as she orgasms.

  “Fuck! I love being inside your tight little pussy.”

  Trent thrusts one more time, coming deep inside her. He holds her close as he rolls onto his side, kissing her neck, purposely sucking leaving his mark.

  “Baby Girl, I love you.”

  “I love you. I want you to fuck me again and again.”


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